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how fast do english walnut trees grow

by Joe Schmitt Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The trees need an area with deep, well-drained soil of clay, loam or sand, in full sun or partial shade. They grow fast, as much as 36 inches per season, and reproduce via self-pollination and wind-pollination. Select varieties suited to your area and that are resistant to common diseases.

How do you grow a walnut tree from a nut?

Part 2 Part 2 of 3: Planting the Walnuts Download Article

  1. Remove sprouting seeds a week before sprouting, but keep them moist. ...
  2. Select a planting site. All walnut species require high quality soil, and this step is especially important if you are starting a walnut orchard.
  3. Clear the site. ...
  4. Plant the walnuts in small holes. ...
  5. Care for the growing seedlings. ...

How big does a walnut tree get?

How big do walnut trees get? In spite of this, black walnuts make great shade trees for larger properties. They commonly grow to 50 feet or taller and about as wide, and specimens of more than 100 feet have been recorded.

What is the growth rate of a walnut tree?

White Walnut The white walnut (Juglans cinerea) also reaches a maximum height of 40 to 60 feet, but has a slower growth rate of 12 inches per year. This tree grows in hardiness zones 3 to 7. Slightly bitter and slightly sweet, walnuts lend their distinct flavor to muffins, breads, salads, mezze and other dishes.

How to grow walnut trees by planting walnuts?


  • Space your black walnut trees 40’ to 80’ apart, and English walnuts 20' to 40' apart.
  • NOTE: Plant black walnut trees 50’ from fruit trees. ...
  • Dig a hole wide and deep enough to accommodate the root system.
  • Wet the roots thoroughly before planting.
  • Many nut trees have just one main root, almost like a giant skinny carrot. ...

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How long does it take for an English walnut tree to produce?

Tree Growth Trees grown from seed will begin producing walnuts between the ages of four and eight years old. Early production will be significantly less than when trees reach maturity. Grafted trees reach maximum production at about 14 to 16 years old while seed-grown trees reach full production at 14 to 18 years old.

What is the fastest growing walnut tree?

The Carpathian English walnut (Juglans regia 'Carpathian') grows in hardiness zones 5 to 9. It has a faster annual growth rate of 25 inches per year, but only reaches 40 to 60 feet in height.

How far do English walnut tree roots spread?

General Root Zone Characteristics Roots do not all penetrate deeply into the soil, as that isn't where warmth, rainfall and organic nutrients lie. Expect the vast majority of the tree roots to be no deeper than 3 to 7 feet in the soil.

How far apart do you plant English walnut trees?

Space your black walnut trees 40' to 80' apart, and English walnuts 20' to 40' apart. NOTE: Plant black walnut trees 50' from fruit trees. The root of a black walnut trees are toxic to many plants. Dig a hole wide and deep enough to accommodate the root system.

How tall is an English walnut tree?

40 to 60 feet tallEnglish walnut (also called “Persian” or “common” walnut), is a large, deciduous tree attaining heights of 40 to 60 feet tall with a 40 to 60-foot spread. Bark is smooth and olive-brown when young, and silvery-grey on older branches.

What is the easiest nut tree to grow?

Hazelnuts are the easiest nut to grow throughout the region. Hazelnuts are small, shrubby trees that usually stay under 15′ in height. At least 2 different varieties must be planted for pollination, with a spacing of 15′-20′.

Are walnut trees good for your yard?

Ultimately, black walnut trees aren't necessarily bad for gardens but they can be problematic if trying to grow certain plants nearby. As long as you plan your garden carefully and thoughtfully, a black walnut tree can be great addition to the yard.

How much space do walnut trees need?

Recommended spacing for walnut plantations is 12 x 12 feet (300 trees per acre). This allows for mortality and thinning of undesirable trees during the course of the rotation.

What is the difference between black walnut and English walnut trees?

Did you know? Black Walnuts are the only all-wild tree nut in the United States. Nearly all Black Walnuts come from trees growing in the wild, while English walnuts come from orchards. The main difference between Black Walnuts and English walnuts are the rich, bold, distinctive flavor of the Black Walnut.

Do walnut trees need a lot of water?

Existing data indicates walnuts are capable of using between 42 and 58 inches of water per season depending on orchard floor management, soil type, and weather.

Where is the best place to plant a walnut tree?

Your tree would love a sunny place with well-drained, fertile soil. But it will be quite satisfied with six to eight hours of sunlight. Good drainage is required to keep your trees “happy.” If your soil has high clay content, use our Coco-Fiber Potting Medium or add one-third peat to the soil at planting time.

Do English walnuts need a pollinator?

Walnut Tree Pollination All walnut varieties are self-fertile, meaning that the pollen can travel from the male parts to the female parts of the same tree and under this procedure the tree can produce nuts. Thus, a single tree can theoretically produce nuts without needing other walnut trees around.

English Walnut Care

For being such an amazing tree, the English walnut is incredibly low maintenance. Providing sufficient care will ensure that your tree is healthy and supplies you with the most amount of nuts to harvest when the time comes.

Types of English Walnut Trees

There are many cultivars of English walnut trees currently available, and more are being developed yearly. Each cultivar is specifically selected for a unique trait that makes it superior to the straight species.


Pruning your English walnut should be done annually in the winter to at first establish a strong single leader and rounded crown structure with good lateral branching that will allow for plenty of room for your walnuts to grow. When doing these cuts, it is important to look for any weak, dead, or damaged branches and remove them.


It is easy to grow English walnuts from seed if you follow a few simple steps, but the easiest way to grow a walnut tree and fastest way to produce a harvest is by buying a young tree. If you still want to try the seed method here it is in five easy steps:

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Walnut husk fly is the pest that is of most concern in regards to English walnuts. Fly larvae feed on walnut hulls and make their removal difficult. The walnuts will still be edible but less desirable as a food crop. To combat this pest, place landscape fabric under the tree canopy in late summer to prevent larvae from entering the soil.

How long does it take for walnuts to bear?

A light brown, woody inner shell is slightly corrugated and holds the walnut kernel. Begins to bear nuts as early as 4–8 years after planting.

Where is Carpathian walnut native to?

This variety of walnut is native to the Carpathian Mountains eastward to Korea, but was brought to Europe through Persia in early history. Carpathian walnut is a more cold hardy strain of English walnut ( Juglans regia) and can be grown further north than English walnut and in climates with more variable winters.

Why is Carpathian walnut important?

It is primarily important to squirrels but also appreciated by deer and a variety of rodents.

How long does it take for a walnut tree to grow?

However, the may or may not have the characteristics of the parent trees. Walnuts planted from seed take between 8-12 years before they begin to produce nuts. The seeds need cold stratification to grow, in most cases, so it’s easier to put the seeds in the ground in the fall. Put them 2-inches deep.

How long do walnut trees live?

The trunks can be six feet around. Walnuts live up to 200 years, making them quite a good investment for generations to come. The leaves of walnut trees have a lemon/lime scent. The nut is encased in a fleshy green drupe, or a hull, which protects the nuts as they develop.

What is the effect of juglone on walnut trees?

Walnuts produce an inhibitor called juglone. Juglone can have a detrimental effect on other plants by inhibiting their respiration.

What trees produce Juglone?

Despite the inhibitor issue (see below) the walnut has many plant friends including hickory, which also produces juglone. Other forest trees such as elm, beech, cedar, sweetgum, and birch do well in a mixed forest setting.

How big is a walnut tree?

Not quite as tall as black walnuts, the English walnut gets to be around 40 feet tall and 40 feet wide. Grows well in zones 4-9.

How big does a surprise walnut tree get?

Surprise! This variety is native to northern California. It gets up to 60 feet tall and 40 feet wide. This tree is endangered, partially because it hybridizes with other walnuts.

What causes a tree to grow stunted?

Crown gall, as the name implies, causes tumor-like galls on the trunk, crown, and roots of the plant. The galls are soft, often with a decayed center. It can cause trees to become stunted.


1.Videos of How Fast Do English Walnut Trees Grow


5 hours ago How fast do English walnut trees grow? They grow fast, as much as 36 inches per season, and reproduce via self-pollination and wind-pollination. Click to see full answer. In this way, how fast do walnut trees grow? According to timber experts, black walnut trees, when planted to maximize tree growth, can grow as much as 3′ to 4′ per year in good soil, reaching a mature height of over …

2.Garden Guides | How Fast Do Walnut Trees Grow?


14 hours ago  · If you have the room and the sun, it requires you may want to put the English Walnut on your list of trees to consider growing. Common Name: English Walnut: Botanical Name: Juglans regia: Family Name: Juglandaceae: Plant Type: Deciduous Tree: Mature Size: 40-60 ft. tall, 40-60 ft. wide: ... The English walnut does not demand much, but full sun ...

3.How to Grow and Care for English Walnut - The Spruce


13 hours ago  · Best offers for your Garden - Fast Do Walnut Trees Grow?. Slightly bitter and slightly sweet, walnuts lend their d...

4.How Fast Do Walnut Trees Grow? - YouTube


29 hours ago The Carpathian English walnut grows to a height of 40–60' and a spread of 40–60' at maturity. Growth Rate This tree grows at a fast rate, with height increases of more than 24" per year.

5.Carpathian English Walnut Tree on the Tree Guide at …


24 hours ago Not quite as tall as black walnuts, the English walnut gets to be around 40 feet tall and 40 feet wide. Grows well in zones 4-9. This type does better in the heat than the black walnut. Franquette (Juglans regia v. ‘Franquette‘) This variety is a type of English walnut that is popular on the West Coast and is good in areas with late spring ...

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