Knowledge Builders

how is jenkins used with selenium

by Mrs. Chaya Luettgen Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

As a part of Selenium, we use it to build and test our software continuously. It is used for automatic test executions and scheduled builds. Using Jenkins we could also publish results and send email notifications to all the team members. Jenkins provides continuous integration and continuous delivery service for software development.

Integration of Jenkins with selenium provides you to run your script each time there is any change in software code and deploy the code in a new environment. With Jenkins, you can save execution history and test reports.Sep 24, 2022

Full Answer

How to integrate your Selenium project with Jenkins?


  1. The first and foremost step would be to create a new project by choosing the ‘New Item’ option from the Jenkins dashboard.
  2. Obviously, the next step would be to give the new project that we have created a name. ...
  3. The created project file can be seen in the Jenkins dashboard, and so we would have to select the project from the list to proceed further.

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Is Jenkins still popular for continuous integration?

Why is Jenkins considered best for continuous integration? Jenkins is a great CI tool: it has a correct graphical interface, lots of plugins, is highly configurable and free. That made him King for quite some time.

How to use Jenkins for continuous integration?

  • Go to Jenkins home page using the Jenkins URL on your system
  • Use Jenkins menu and opt the 'new job' option
  • Specify the Job name here
  • Choose the Job type from given options as per your project requirement. ...
  • You can also create the new job by copying any existing job. ...
  • Submit the request and Jenkins will present you with a page to configure the new job.

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How to integrate Jenkins with JMeter?

Using JMeter with Jenkins

  • The Apache JMeter. Apache JMeter may be used to test performance of static sites, dynamic sites, and complete web applications.
  • Jenkins Installation. The Jenkins docs already have a page to help us with the Jenkins installation process. ...
  • Install the performance plugin. ...
  • JMeter Installation. ...
  • Jenkins and JMeter running together. ...


How does Jenkins test Selenium?

Step 1: Start the Jenkins server. Step 2: Open the browser and navigate to the localhost and the port in which Jenkins is running. Step 3: Click New Item in the dashboard. Step 4: Enter the project name and select the project type as Maven project.

How does Jenkins integrate test automation?

Practical Guide to JenkinsStep 1 − Go to Manage Plugins.Step 2 − Find the Hudson Selenium Plugin and choose to install. ... Step 3 − Go to Configure system.Step 4 − Configure the selenium server jar and click on the Save button.Note − The selenium jar file can be downloaded from the location SeleniumHQ.More items...

How does Jenkins integrate Selenium Grid?

Install the selenium grid plugins in jenkins by navigating to Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins->Available search “Selenium” install and restart your jenkins. The plugin adds a “Selenium Grid” option to the sidebar of the Jenkins dashboard. Click on Selenium Grid .

What is the use of Jenkins in automation?

Jenkins is a popular CI orchestration tool. It provides numerous plugins for integration with multiple test automation tools and frameworks into the test pipeline. When it comes to Test Automation, Jenkins provides plugins that help run test suites, gather dashboard results, and provide details on failures.

How do I run a selenium script in Jenkins?

Jenkins Integration With Selenium – Method 1 Click Ok. Step 2: In the General section, enter the project description in the Description box. Step 3: In the Source Code Management section, select None. Step 4: To schedule the jobs, we can select the required option from the list given.

How do I automate with Jenkins?

To use this follow the steps given below.Step 1 − Go to Manage Jenkins → Manage Plugins. ... Step 2 − Go to your Build project and click the Configure option. ... Step 3 − In the Deploy war/ear to a container section, enter the required details of the server on which the files need to be deployed and click on the Save button.

What is Jenkins selenium plugin?

This plugin turns your Jenkins cluster into a Selenium3 Grid cluster, so that you can utilize your heterogeneous Jenkins clusters to carry out Selenium tests. It now has configurations to really specify the capabilities of each node so it won't fail your tests when a node is started with incompatible capabilities.

What is the difference between selenium grid and Jenkins?

Jenkins has the ability (via the Selenium Plugin) to run a local standalone Selenium server. You can use multiple Jenkins slaves to parallelize testing (on a per-job basis.) Selenium Grid allows you to separate Selenium execution from Jenkins and you can have parallel execution of tests in a single Jenkins job.

What is the difference between selenium WebDriver and selenium grid?

Unlike Selenium WebDriver which allows you automated browser testing in a sequential manner, a Selenium Grid setup will allow you to run test cases in different browsers/ browser versions, simultaneously. One of the reasons behind the huge popularity of Selenium is its capability to automate cross browser testing.

What are the 3 types of pipelines in Jenkins?

Declarative versus Scripted Pipeline syntax Declarative and Scripted Pipelines are constructed fundamentally differently. Declarative Pipeline is a more recent feature of Jenkins Pipeline which: provides richer syntactical features over Scripted Pipeline syntax, and.

Is Jenkins used for automation testing?

Jenkins is a popular open source automation server. It's used to implement Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) for any development project. CI/CD, a key component of a DevOps strategy, allows you to shorten the development lifecycle while maintaining quality by automating tasks like testing.

How do you execute test scripts in Jenkins?

Go to Jenkins dashboard. Click on manage Jenkins. Click on configure Jenkins. Click on JDK installation – In JDK name section enter the name, under Java Home section – give your java path.

How does Jenkins Trigger test cases?

Job ConfigurationFrom the Jenkins dashboard, click Build > Add build step and click Run a product name test.Provide details about the test run as described below. ... Click Save to save the build step configuration.To run multiple test under the same job, click Add build step again and provide details for the next test.

How does junit integrate with Jenkins?

Simple solution (step by step) is here !Add xUnit Plugin to Jenkins.Add these below sample code Execute Windows Batch Command under build section (Command) of Jenkins. javac //compile your test class java xyzTest // run your test class. Add "Publish Junit test result report"

Can functional testing be automated using Jenkins?

This is Expert Verified Answer. "The correct option is 'True. ' Jenkins is an automation tool or software in easy words, used for continuous integration and delivery to build, test and deploy software projects.

Which tool can we use to automate build test and deployment in Jenkins?

Comparison of the Best Automated Build Deployment SoftwareAutomation ToolsBest ForFree TrialJenkinsSmall to Large BusinessesNoMavenSmall to Large BusinessesNoGradleSmall to Large Businesses30 daysTravis CISmall to Large BusinessesFor 100 builds1 more row•Aug 7, 2022

How does Jenkins integrate with Selenium?

* Step 1: In the Jenkins dashboard, click New Item to create a new project. Specify the name of the project and click the Freestyle Project option....

Why do we use Jenkins with Selenium?

Jenkins can be used to perform automation testing using test frameworks such as Nose2, PyTest, Robot, Selenium, and more. With Selenium, it can exe...

Is Selenium a DevOps tool?

Selenium is one of the most renowned open-source test automation frameworks. Selenium allows test automation of web-apps or websites across differe...

When to use Jenkins?

In short, Jenkins is very useful when you have test cases ready and you want them to run using a single click. We can create or schedule a build to run the test cases using a batch file.

What are the advantages of using Jenkins?

Advantages of using Jenkins are: It is a cross-platform and can be used on Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and Solaris environments. It is a free and open source tool. Widely used and well documented. Integration with a wide variety of tool and technologies.

How to add batch file to Jenkins?

For adding the batch file follow the below steps: 1) Go to the Jenkins dashboard, create a new job in Jenkins. 2) Click on a new item and enter the item name and check the freestyle project radio button. 3) Click Advanced options.

What port is Jenkins using?

3) Now check whether your Jenkins is ready to use; by default, it uses port 8080.

How often can you run a Jenkins job?

For example, when you want to base the execution on time you can run a job every 20 minutes or if you want to base it on an event you can do so after a new commit in a Git repository.

What is Jenkins software?

Jenkins is an open source tool written in Java. It provides continuous delivery and continuous integration service for software development. It automates your manual task of code deployment process from development box – QA – Stage – Production.

How to execute testng.xml?

Execute your testng.xml file by typing the command – java org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

What is Jenkins in testing?

Jenkins is a job scheduler. You can use jenkins to configure your tests to run on a schedule (eg: every hour, every day at noon, etc), or every time you check in code. Jenkins also has features to allow you to run jobs on multiple machines, set dependencies between jobs, and many other features.

What is webdriver API?

WebDriver is an web automation API that helps to mimic user navigation. Lets say you want to test search in google. You can use WebDriver to write a code which performs the below

Does Jenkins automate applications?

Jenkins won't help you anything in automating Applications. Its continues integration tools which helps in running bunch of automated test case by scheduling different jobs.

Can you run functional test cases in Jenkins?

Also you can configure to run your functional test cases through Jenkins automatically after code is deployed and build successfully.

Can Jenkins run WebDriver tests?

You can use jenkins to run your WebDriver-based tests if you want your tests to run automatically. If you run your tests by hand, jenkins doesn't help you at all.

Why Use Jenkins With Selenium?

As a pair, Selenium and Jenkins make it difficult to overlook your test routines. Every time a build is executed, the next step is to execute the testing—and it starts regardless of how many branches of the build need to be deployed. Alone, Selenium logs can be tedious to comb through. However, when you have tests run under Jenkins, you can access builds and their tests through links. This method reduces the amount of time a developer would spend trying to figure out why a test failed.

Why is Selenium Jenkins useful?

Especially given how continuous integration / continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines need frequent tests. Achieving such a configuration is desirable as it automates even the automated tests themselves.

Why is Testim used in Jenkins?

Because Testim uses AI-powered smart locators to identify and lock-in visual elements in the DOM, it makes the tests much more stable, so you spend less time maintaining them . Testim and Jenkins’s Configuration is simple; you copy a script that Testim autogenerates into your Jenkins server.

What is Selenium testing framework?

Selenium Key Features. The Selenium testing framework is packed with testing tools. You can use Selenium to conduct tests on your applications before deployment. Here are a few features of Selenium: You can set up Selenium to run tests for different browsers (one at a time).

How to add Selenium to Jenkins?

The easiest way to add Selenium tools to such an instance would be through the GUI. Use the “Manage Jenkins” menu to access the “Plugin Manager” options. Quickly search for “Selenium” under the available plugins tab. You should get results as displayed below:

Can you access Selenium logs in Jenkins?

Alone, Selenium logs can be tedious to comb through. However, when you have tests run under Jenkins, you can access builds and their tests through links. This method reduces the amount of time a developer would spend trying to figure out why a test failed.

Does Selenium work with Chrome?

When you hit a snag during tests, modifying the test script requires more than just domain-specific language proficiency. While Selenium works smoothly with Chrome and Safari, you may encounter hardships setting up and conducting tests in Firefox.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is the leading open-source continuous integration tool developed by Hudson lab. It is cross-platform and can be used on Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Solaris environments. Jenkins is written in Java. Jenkin’s chief usage is to monitor any job which can be SVN checkout, cron or any application states. It fires pre-configured actions when a particular step occurs in jobs.

What is Jenkins project build?

Project build: Jenkins documents the details of jar, version of jar and mapping of build and jar numbers.

What is Maven?

Maven is a powerful project / build management tool, based on the concept of a POM (Project Object Model) that includes project information and configuration information for Maven such as construction directory, source directory, dependency, test source directory, Goals, plugins, etc.

What is Jenkins change support?

Change Support: Jenkins generates the list of all changes done in repositories like SVN.

What is Maven used for?

Maven is used to define project structure, dependencies, build, and test management. Using pom.xml (Maven) you can configure dependencies needed for building testing and running code. Maven automatically downloads the necessary files from the repository while building the project.

How to create a new project in Eclipse?

Step 1) In Eclipse IDE, create a new project by selecting File | New | Other from Eclipse menu. Step 2) On the New dialog, select Maven | Maven Project and click Next. Step 3) On the New Maven Project dialog select the Create a simple project and click Next.

What is scheduling build in Jenkins?

Scheduling builds (Selenium Tests) is one of the important features of Jenkins where it automatically triggers the build, based on defined criteria. Jenkins provides multiple ways to trigger the build process under the Build Trigger configuration.

When to use Jenkins Pipeline?

Jenkins Pipeline should be used when you want to define the deployment Pipeline as code. The parallel directive in Jenkins Pipeline should be used to leverage the parallel execution of Stages in Jenkins. Jenkins Pipeline can be integrated with a cloud-based Selenium Grid like LambdaTest, which also lets you integrate Maven and Jenkins with Selenium in a more efficient manner.

What is Jenkins integration?

Jenkins is one of the popular tools for continuous integration, build management, and automation testing. Maven is a popular build automation tool that is widely used for Java projects. The combination of Selenium, Maven, Jenkins integration is the pinnacle of continuous integration and deployment.

How to integrate Maven with Jenkins?

To integrate Maven and Selenium with the Jenkins Pipeline, you have to perform the steps mentioned below: Step 1: Create a new item titled ‘LambdaTest – Selenium Maven Jenkins integration (Pipeline Project)’ of type ‘Pipeline’. Step 2: In Pipeline definition, paste the contents of Jenkinsfile as shown below.

How to create a Maven project in Jenkins?

Step 1: In the ‘Jenkins UI’, click on ‘New Item’. Step 2: Enter the job name as ‘LambdaTest – Selenium Maven Jenkins integration (Maven Project)’ and select ‘FreeStyle’ project. Jenkins also provides an option to create a ‘Maven’ project where the configuration settings required for setting up the project are minimal.

Why use Maven in Jenkins?

Maven is used in Java projects, as it eases the task of managing dependencies through the pom.xml file.

Why use pom.xml in Maven?

As Maven uses pom.xml, it reduces the overall dependency of the manual download of jar files. Also, the ‘Maven Project’ type in Jenkins helps in getting started with Selenium Maven, Jenkins integration with a few configuration settings.

What is Maven used for?

Maven is a popular build automation tool that is primarily used for Java projects. The advantage of using Maven is that Java libraries and plugins are downloaded on a dynamic basis from the Maven 2 Central Repository.

Why use Jenkins?

And for something a bit larger I prefer to use Jenkins because it is possible to make serious system configuration thereby different plugins. In Jenkins, I can change almost anything. But if you want to start the CI chain as soon as possible, Jenkins may not be the right choice.

What is Jenkins CI?

Jenkins: An extendable open source continuous integration server. In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project; Selenium: Web Browser Automation. Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well.

What does Selenium do?

Selenium automates browsers. That's it! What you do with that power is entirely up to you. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that.

Is Jenkins a Selenium?

Jenkins can be classified as a tool in the "Continuous Integration" category, while Selenium is grouped under "Browser Testing". "Hosted internally", "Free open source" and "Great to build, deploy or launch anything async" are the key factors why developers consider Jenkins; whereas "Automates browsers", "Testing" and "Essential tool ...

Is Jenkins a good tool?

You are probably looking at another hosted solution: Jenkins is a good tool but it way too work intensive to be used as just a backup solution.

Is Concourse better than Jenkins?

I would definetly recommend Concourse to you, as it is one of the most advanced modern methods of making CI/CD while Jenkins is an old monolithic dinosaur. Concourse itself is cloudnative and containerbased which helps you to build simple, high-performance and scalable CI/CD pipelines. In my opinion, the only lack of skills you have with Concourse is your own knowledge of how to build pipelines and automate things. Technincally there is no lack, i would even say you can extend it way more easily. But as a Con it is more easy to interact with Jenkins if you are only used to UIs. Concourse needs someone which is capable of using CLIs.

Is Jenkins self hosted?

If you are considering Jenkins I would recommend at least checking out Buildkite. The agents are self-hosted (like Jenkins) but the interface is hosted for you. It meshes up some of the things I like about hosted services (pipeline definitions in YAML, managed interface and authentication) with things I like about Jenkins (local customizable agent images, secrets only on own instances, custom agent level scripts, sizing instances to your needs).

What is Jenkins used for?

It is used to build and test software projects continuously making it easier to integrate changes to the project. It provides 985 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project.

What are the advantages of Jenkins?

Below are the advantages of Jenkins : 1. Its an open source tool with great community support. 2. Easy to install and It has a simple configuration through a web-based GUI, which speeds up the Job. 3. It has around 900+ plugins to ease your work. If a plugin does not exist, just code it up and share with the community. 4.

What is a test only project?

Specifically for a test only project, it is used to schedule jobs for regression testing without manual intervention and hence monitor infrastructural and functional health of a application.

Can Selenium run Jenkins?

If you are looking to integrate Selenium WebDriver with Jenkins, in order to run automation tests as part of build process, it is relatively easy to run Selenium tests as part of the Jenkins build, with testing frameworks like TestNG or JUnit is in place. We will look into these articles soon.


1.How To Integrate Jenkins With Selenium WebDriver?


7 hours ago  · Once you have written above code, you may want to run it everyday, or every 5 hours. Instead of you going and manually running it. You can use Jenkins to schedule …

2.Videos of How Is Jenkins Used with Selenium


18 hours ago  · As one of the best QA companies, we have used Jenkins as it helps to check the latest build that can be deployed to the production environment. It also makes the process of …

3.What is the use of jenkins with Selenium WebDriver?


34 hours ago  · Jenkins – Automated Testing. Step 1 − Go to Manage Plugins. Step 2 − Find the Hudson Selenium Plugin and choose to install. Step 3 − Go to Configure system. Step 4 − …

4.How to Configure and Run Selenium in Jenkins - Testim


35 hours ago Jenkins can be classified as a tool in the "Continuous Integration" category, while Selenium is grouped under "Browser Testing". "Hosted internally" , "Free open source" and "Great to build, …

5.Maven & Jenkins Integration with Selenium: Complete …


6 hours ago It can be used like a scheduler for integration testing and also can be used to validate new deployments/environments on a single click on a Build now button . The below are some …

6.How To Integrate Jenkins & Maven With Selenium?


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7.Jenkins vs Selenium | What are the differences?


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8.What is Jenkins and Use of it? | Selenium Easy


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