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how late can you plant fescue in kansas

by Bernardo Moore Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The best time to plant new tall fescue and bluegrass seed is in early to mid September. Although September is the best time to seed, often conditions are right for planting grass seed up to October 15 with good results.

Full Answer

When should I plant fescue grass seed in Kansas?

The best time for planting tall fescue seed in Kansas is between Aug. 25 and Oct. 10. Keep in mind that lawns seeded within a week of Labor Day are more likely to fill in completely for winter and produce a thicker, denser turf appearance for the following spring compared to lawns seeded in October.

Is it too late to plant Fescue seed in October?

The best time to plant new tall fescue and bluegrass seed is in early to mid September. When it's October, people often wonder if it is too late to plant new seed. The good news is if you hurry, seed can still be planted in October with the hope that it will survive the upcoming winter. Although...

Where can I get help planting grass seed in Kansas?

For more tips and tricks on when to plant grass seed in Kansas, visit us online or get in touch with your nearest independent retail store for valuable lawn and garden advice.

What is the best fertilizer for fescue in Kansas?

Phosphorus and potassium can be applied in September and May. For more information, see Fertilizing Kansas Lawns. A healthy tall fescue lawn is fairly resistant to weed infestation. Fall fertilizing, proper watering (especially avoiding overwatering in the spring) and proper mowing reduce weed infestations.


Can you plant grass in October on Kansas?

In Kansas, the new seed should actually go down in early fall, but the prep work can take several weeks. Planting in the early fall gives the seeds plenty of time to germinate, allowing roots to establish themselves before winter arrives.

Can you plant grass seed in November in Kansas?

You can plant new grass in the spring or fall, but the fall is the time of year we recommend because the cooler weather is easier on the new grass plants and keeping the new plants moist is less challenging as well.

Can you plant fescue seed in November?

Keep in mind that fall seeding in September is the ideal time to establish a bluegrass or tall fescue lawn. Dormant seeding is done during the winter when low temperatures prevent the seed from germinating until spring. This is generally during mid-November or on.

How cold is too cold for fescue seed?

50°FIf the daytime temperature is below 60°F then soil temperature is below 50°F, making it too cold; if there is frost or still a danger of frost, then it's too cold. If it's too cold, the grass seeds will likely rot.

How late can I plant grass seed in Kansas?

The best window for seeding a Kansas City lawn Although September is the best time to seed, often conditions are right for planting grass seed up to October 15 with good results. The problem with late-season seeding is that Mother Nature sometimes works against ensuring the production of a new stand of grass by winter.

What happens if you plant grass seed too late?

Grass that is seeded late can die as a result of the cold harsh conditions, or due to drying out. Freezing and thawing of the soil, coupled with a lack of moisture, leaves the tender roots and crowns susceptible to desiccation. Seeding late into the season still requires the same steps.

Is November too late for grass seed?

Through dormant seeding, grass seed can be planted in November when the weather is cold enough to keep it dormant until the weather warms up in the spring. Once spring arrives, the seeds will sprout and grow normally.

Can I put grass seed down in December?

Grass seed can survive the winter, and planting during the winter season is known as dormant seeding. If you put down grass seed in November or December, the seed will just lay dormant until the soil starts to warm in spring. While this comes with risks, it can also be beneficial and save you time on seeding in spring.

What temp does fescue go dormant?

Dormancy can occur in Tall Fescue affecting growth when temperatures drop below 50°. In other words, Tall Fescue will stop growing when dormancy occurs. Also be aware frost, snow and the recent sub-freezing temperatures can damage your Tall Fescue grass.

Can I plant grass seed if it freezes at night?

If temperatures reach freezing at night, do not spread grass seed. Warm days and cold nights are deadly conditions for grass seedlings. Track soil temperatures in your area to make sure they are well above freezing before you plant grass seed.

Does fescue germinate in 50 degree weather?

Fescue has its preferred temperature range for germination. It germinates best when the soil temperatures are between 50 and 65 degrees.

Does fescue seed germinate in cold weather?

Tall fescue seed needs soil temperatures near 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit for thorough germination and strong root development. These soil temperatures roughly correspond to fall and spring air temperatures in the range of 68 to 77 F.

What is the best grass seed for Kansas?

Not surprisingly, three of the best grasses to grow in southern Kansas are warm-season grasses: Bermuda, buffalograss, and zoysia, and the other is a cool-season grass: tall fescue.

When can you overseed in Wichita KS?

I'm am planting or overseeding my fescue lawn this fall. When is the best time? What do I need to know to get my grass growing well? We recommend seeding or sodding fescue in the fall, from September 1st to October 15th.

When should I plant grass seed in Kansas City?

Best Time to Overseed Kansas City Lawns The ideal time to seed bluegrass and tall fescue lawns in the Kansas City area is early to mid-September. At this time of the year, the soil temperatures are still high, nighttime temperatures start to fall, and more rainfall is usually received.

When can I plant grass in western Kansas?

Best time to attempt spring grass seeding The best time to seed in the spring is mid-March through early April. Like fall seeding, the soil must first be prepared. The recommended method is verticutting. A verticut slices grooves in the soil that allows for the necessary seed and soil contact for germination.

What is the best grass to plant in Kansas?

The Best Time to Plant Grass in Kansas. Common grasses in Kansas include bermuda, buffalo, zoysia and fescue, according to Kansas State University. The best time to plant grass depends on whether you are using seed, sod or plugs and the type of grass you plant.

When should I plant grass in Missouri?

Planting. Seeding works best when done in spring or fall, according to the University of Missouri Extension. Planting grass by sod or plugs can be done later in the season as these methods allow grass to develop a strong root system more quickly, before colder weather sets in.

How long does it take to plant grass in Kansas?

Preparing to plant grass takes several months, according to Kansas State University. Depending on the type of grass you plant, you must start preparing the site two to three months in advance, getting rid of weeds and grass, tilling the land and amending the soil.

Do seedlings need irrigation?

Seedlings require more care and consideration than sod and have a longer time from planting to germination, which means the cooler temperatures throughout fall and winter are thoroughly utilized. Sod requires an initial irrigation of the sod strip and an inch of soil below.

How to seed late into the season?

Proper soil preparation is a must. This is best accomplished by either verticutting the lawn or through core aeration. These machines open the surface and allow the seed to come in contact with the soil. Timely irrigation is also very important.

Why is late season grass seeding bad?

The problem with late season seeding is that Mother Nature is working against us. Shorter days and cooler temperatures prolong the germination of the seed and its establishment. Establishment of the tender grass is a must for it to survive the winter.

How to increase winter hardiness of grass?

This will help nourish not only the new seedlings, but will give the existing turf a much needed boost. Supplying the establishing grass with ample nutrients will also help speed up the process and increase winter hardiness.

How to contact Johnson County Extension?

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Johnson County Extension at (913)715-7000. Notify staff of accommodation needs as early as possible.

Can you apply herbicide to new grass?

No chemical applications can be applied during this process. As a general rule of thumb, no herbicides should be applied until the new grass has been mowed at least twice. Check the product label for specific information. Late season seeding can still be done, but do not waste time. Today is better than tomorrow.

Is late season seeding better than tomorrow?

Late season seeding can still be done, but do not waste time. Today is better than tomorrow. By following a few simple steps, and with the grace of nature, your lawn should be in tip-top shape come summer.

When to Plant Fescue

Fescue is a cool-season grass that is best planted when soil and air temperatures are cool. It’s best to plant a fescue lawn, overseed your yard, or lay sod in the late summer or early fall when the weather is starting to cool down. You can also plant a fescue lawn in the early Spring.

Planting a Fescue Lawn in the Fall

The best time to plant fescue seeds is in the late summer to early fall, as it’s a cool-season grass. Fall planting will provide your seeds with several advantages that can’t be achieved at other times of the year.

Planting a Fescue Lawn in the Spring

The second-best time to plant fescue seeds is in the early Spring. After the winter, soil and air temperatures will start to warm up, creating the perfect conditions for fescue. Soil temperatures in Spring are likely to be about 60 degrees Fahrenheit which is ideal for fescue.

How to get fescue to germinate faster?

Priming can be accomplished by soaking the seed in warm water for 24 hours then partially drying it on a layer of newspapers in your garage. Be gentle as you scatter the seed and water them immediately, just after spreading wheat straw. Expect fifty percent faster germination with this method.

When should I plant tall fescue in Atlanta?

If a homeowner in the Atlanta area procrastinated and did not get tall fescue seed down in the early fall, I would suggest waiting until mid- to late-February and seeding by conventional practices. At this time, seed would be present as soil and air temperatures rise. For most homeowners, I think this is a less risky and cumbersome proposition with a better chance of success.

Can you scatter seed over thin areas?

As you can imagine, this can be quite a mess. Dr. Gil Landry, Extension turf expert, suggests that you could scatter unprimed seed over thin areas, then cover the spots with clear plastic. You can buy clear plastic in ten foot wide rolls. Anchor it to the ground with stones and wait a few days.

What is black beauty grass seed?

The next step is to spread out a high-quality grass seed. Our Black Beauty grass seed is the result of over 100 years of experimenting with turf grass varietals. With improved disease resistance and drought tolerance, Black Beauty redefines what a “green lawn” is supposed to look like! The leaves have an invisible waxy coating, very similar to what you’d find on an apple, that helps preserve moisture in the leaf and wards off stress from heat, cold, wind and disease.

Why do we love our soil?

Love your Soil is designed to allow roots, air and water to move deeply into the soil, while also unlocking trapped nutrients. The new grass roots will grow much deeper when you spread Love Your Soil.

What pH should I use for acidic soil?

Once you have an idea of your soil’s pH, you can either raise the soil pH with Mag-I-Cal Plus for Acidic Soil or lower it Mag-I-Cal Plus for Alkaline Soil. You want the pH to be in the range of 6.2 to 7.0.

Who is Jonathan Green?

Jonathan Green has been specializing in beautiful lawns since 1881. Six generations of the family have worked to perfect our genetically superior grass seed and our family of lawn and soil care products. Our products will transform every aspect of your lawn to help it thrive like never before and, with our New American Lawn Care Plan, caring for your lawn will be easier than ever.

Can I use mag I cal before seeding?

Our MAG-I-CAL Soil Foods will help to rapidly balance the soil’s pH and, at the same time, help the lawn grow greener and healthier. It can be used immediately before seeding, but keep checking your soil because it can take more than one application to reach the ideal pH for lawn establishment or maintenance.

Why is it important to plant tall fescue in spring?

Spring planting gives tall fescue less time to get established before summer heat replaces favorable growing temperatures.

What temperature does fescue need to grow?

Tall fescue seed needs soil temperatures near 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit for thorough germination and strong root development. These soil temperatures roughly correspond to fall and spring air temperatures in the range of 68 to 77 F. 1

How to get the most from grass seed?

To get the most from your grass seed and your seeding efforts, time your planting to build on tall fescue's strengths and meet its needs.

What is the best time to plant fescue?

As air temperatures drop in autumn, soil still retains some summer warmth. Cool nights, moderate days and warm soil are ideal ingredients for fast, thorough germination and sturdy establishment of tall fescue seed. Fall planting offers other benefits, too.

When does fescue seed need to be wet?

Fall rains typically arrive about the same time that favorable air and soil conditions align. Tall fescue seed requires consistent moisture during germination, and gentle fall rains meet that need. Unlike spring, when soil often becomes overly wet, fall soil is more likely to maintain healthy moisture levels. Many aggressive lawn weeds go dormant as temperatures fall, so new grass faces less weed competition. Insect pests become less active, so you have fewer fall problems on the pest front, too.

Is tall fescue good for seeding?

Planting turf-type tall fescue under the best possible conditions gives your seeding project a distinct advantage. Whether seeding a new lawn or overseeding existing turf with The Rebels ® Brand premium grass seed products, proper timing supports high germination rates and thorough establishment. To get the most from your grass seed and your seeding efforts, time your planting to build on tall fescue's strengths and meet its needs.

Who owns the Rebels?

The Rebels is a trademark of Pennington Seed, Inc.

How to prepare soil for dormant seedlings?

Good soil contact with the seed is important for proper germination. Verticutting or core aeration is the common method of soil preparation during September. Dormant seeding relies more on Mother Nature. Ideally, plant the seed following a snowfall of at least one-half inch, or when there is ample soil moisture. The freezing and thawing of the soil help work the seed into the soil.

When to do dormant grass seeding?

Dormant seeding is done during the winter when low temperatures prevent the seed from germinating until spring. This is generally during mid-November or on. One advantage of this procedure is to be able to seed during a less busy time of the year. Spring weather can be wet, which delays seeding. Late spring planted grass is prone to weed invasion and less able to withstand the stresses of summer.

How to contact Johnson County Extension?

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting Johnson County Extension at (913)715-7000. Notify staff of accommodation needs as early as possible.


1.Tall Fescue - Kansas State University


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2.Garden Guides | The Best Time to Plant Grass in Kansas


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6.When to Plant Grass Seed in Kansas | Jonathan Green


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7.When to Plant Tall Fescue Grass Seed -


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8.Dormant Lawn Seeding - Kansas State University


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