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how long can a cat take metronidazole

by Dr. Allen Schaefer Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How Long Can a Cat Take Metronidazole? Most courses of metronidazole are shorter, for 1-2 weeks duration. Veterinarians may sometimes use it for longer, especially for cases of refractory diarrhea that appears to respond to metronidazole treatment.Sep 8, 2022

Full Answer

Is metronidazole benzoate safe to give a cat?

Verified. Rachael,Metronidazole benzoate is just the ester form of metronidazole. The benzoate form is frequently used when metronidazole is made into a suspension because it is less bitter tasting than the straight metronidazole. As long as the dose is correct, it is as safe to give your cat as the other. Dr.Z.

What is dose of amoxicillin for cats?

The usual dose of amoxicillin in dogs and cats is 5-10 mg/lb every 12-24 hours. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your pet develops severe or bloody diarrhea. Give all of the amoxicillin that is prescribed for your pet, since symptoms may begin to improve before the infection is completely treated.

Does metronidazole stop diarrhea in cats?

Metronidazole is a very commonly used medication in veterinary medicine. With antibiotic and antiprotozoal properties, it is often used to treat various causes of diarrhea in cats, but can be used for other types of infections. Side effects can occur, but are usually seen much more with higher doses or prolonged courses of the medication.

Can I take 2 metronidazole at once?

Never take 2 doses at the same time. Never take an extra dose to make up for a forgotten one. If you often forget doses, it may help to set an alarm to remind you. You could also ask your pharmacist for advice on other ways to remember your medicines. What if I take too much? Accidentally taking an extra dose of metronidazole is unlikely to harm you or your child.


Does metronidazole make cats tired?

As mentioned, metronidazole toxicity can cause central nervous signs, that can include dullness, so if your cat seems tired when on this medication...

How much metronidazole do I give my cat?

This is a decision for your veterinarian, but generally the dose rates recommended above will be used.

What is Metronidazole Used for in Cats?

Generally, metronidazole is most often used in cats to treat for a variety of causes of diarrhea. Specific causes may include targeting overgrowth...

How Long Can a Cat Take Metronidazole?

Most courses of metronidazole are shorter, for 1-2 weeks duration. Veterinarians may sometimes use it for longer, especially for cases of refractor...

Why Do Vets Prescribe Metronidazole?

Vets often prescribe metronidazole as an empirical treatment for diarrhea in cats. While determining the cause of diarrhea with fecal and/or blood...

Can You Mix Metronidazole with Wet Cat Food?

Metronidazole is a very bitter-tasting tablet medication, meaning that it may be difficult to give to your cat without somehow hiding the taste.  G...

How is metronidazole given to cats?

Your vet’s office may have an injectable form of metronidazole, but this is typically only used if your pet is too sick to take any medications by mouth. Metronidazole is readily available as an oral tablet and capsule. However, cats have an easier time tolerating a more palatable liquid version. Your vet may send you to a compounding pharmacy where they are able to make this suspension.

What are the side effects of metronidazole in cats?

Since metronidazole is an antibiotic, it can lower the amount of healthy gut bacteria. This can cause more diarrhea for your cat.

Are there any alternatives to metronidazole for diarrhea in cats?

Since treating diarrhea depends on what’s causing it, there are many choices to treat diarrhea in cats. Poisonous plants, eating bad food, infections, IBD, or intestinal tumors are all possible causes of diarrhea in cats. If your cat was recently on another antibiotic, their diarrhea could also be a leftover side effect from the previous medication.

How long does it take for a cat to get rid of diarrhea after taking metronidazole?

After the first dose, it takes 1 to 2 hours for your cat’s body to absorb the medication. Your cat’s diarrhea should start to get better in a few days. Make sure your cat finishes the entire course of metronidazole ordered by the vet, even if their diarrhea has totally cleared up. Your cat’s symptoms could return and be harder to treat if they don’t finish all of the medication.

What is metronidazole used for?

The antibiotic metronidazole is used to treat a variety of infections caused by bacteria or parasites in humans. Metronidazole prevents bacteria from growing and reproducing. The most common use for this medication is to treat intestinal infections, but it can be used for a variety of illnesses, including ear infections and meningitis (brain and spinal cord infection).

What is the best medicine for cats stomach?

Antibiotics can be an option to treat your cat when an infection is causing these tummy troubles. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is a common antibiotic used for cats with diarrhea and other digestive problems. Because this medication is most often used for humans, you may worry about its effects on your pet.

Why does my cat have diarrhea?

Most diarrhea involves infections or intestinal worms that cause inflammation (swelling) of the digestive tract. However, something non-infectious like an allergy or food intolerance can also cause an upset stomach.

How long does it take for a cat to return to normal after taking a med?

She'll likely tell you to stop giving your cat the medication, and you'll probably have to wait it out. It can take up to two weeks for the cat to return to normal, and there's a chance he could succumb to the neurological issues caused by the medication.

What are the side effects of a cat's long term use of a syringe?

These include seizures, disorientation, staggering, head tilting, rapid back-and-forth eye movements and constantly dilated pupils. If your cat exhibits these behaviors, call your vet.

What is the best medication for cat diarrhea?

If your cat suffers from colitis, a vet might prescribe metronidazole benzoate for long-term use. Short-term, it's also prescribed for clearing up other diarrhea-causing ...

Can metronidazole benzoate cause seizures in cats?

If given for short periods, as it might be to combat giardias in your cat, metro nidazole benzoate has few side effects. However, if you're giving it to your cat long-term or in high doses, that's another story. Many side effects of long-term use are neurological in nature. These include seizures, disorientation, staggering, head tilting, rapid back-and-forth eye movements and constantly dilated pupils. If your cat exhibits these behaviors, call your vet. She'll likely tell you to stop giving your cat the medication, and you'll probably have to wait it out. It can take up to two weeks for the cat to return to normal, and there's a chance he could succumb to the neurological issues caused by the medication. Your vet will advise you about ways to keep Kitty safe during this ordeal.

Can phenobarbital affect cat seizures?

If Kitty suffers from epilepsy and also takes phenobarbital for seizure control, metronidazole benzoate will lose effectiveness in combination with that drug. If your cat receives cimetidine, better known as Tagamet, for gastrointestinal ailments, any potential side effects of metronidazole benzoate might increase.

Does a cat's syringe help with anaerobic infections?

It effectively rids cats of anaerobic infections, the type that don't require oxygen to flourish. It has useful properties that many other antibiotics can't claim: it penetrates bone so it can be used to treat dental disease. It also penetrates the blood/brain barrier, the membrane protecting the brain from foreign substances, ...

Can a cat take flagyl for diarrhea?

If your cat suffers from chronic diarrhea, your vet might prescribe metronidazole ben zoate, marketed under the brand name Flagyl. Kitty would take this drug long-term only for diarrhea; for other conditions that metronidazole benzoate treats, the medication would probably be given short-term.

What Is Metronidazole Used for in Cats?

The most common reason a veterinarian might prescribe metronidazole for your cat is to treat issues in the gut, such as bacterial imbalance or parasites.

What is Metronidazole?

Metronidazole was created in a laboratory in France in 1959, where it was originally intended to be used to kill certain parasites known as protozoa. But it was soon discovered to be effective in killing bacteria, as well, making it one of the few medications with both antibiotic and antiprotozal properties.

How does metronidazole work for cats?

The drug works by targeting the bacteria that’s at the root cause of the condition being treated. It comes in tablet form and requires a veterinarian’s prescription to purchase it. You can easily order metronidazole for your cat online from Chewy’s pharmacy with your vet’s prescription.

When to stop giving medication to a cat?

Even if symptoms clear up early, it is imperative that you finish administering the full course of medication to your cat until your vet tells you to stop.

What is the best medication for cats to treat diarrhea?

Metronidazole for cats is an antibiotic medication that veterinarians usually prescribe to treat diarrhea-related conditions, inflammatory bowel disease, and periodontal issues. It’s the generic drug name for a medicine that’s also sold under the brand names Metrogel, Flagyl, and Protostat.

Can cats take metronidazole?

Veterinarians normally prescribe metronidazole for cats to treat a range of conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, issues related to diarrhea, and periodontal disease. The medicine’s ability to penetrate through bone makes it a good choice for dental conditions. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits.

How is metronidazole given?

Metronidazole is available as a capsule, tablet, and liquid suspension. It may also be compounded (made) into a formulation (called metronidazole benzoate) that tastes less bitter and is easier to administer to cats. An injectable form is also available that your veterinarian will administer at your veterinary hospital.

What is metronidazole?

Metronidazole (brand name Flagyl®) is an antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent used in the treatment of certain anaerobic bacterial and protozoal infections , such as those caused by Giardia and Trichomonas. It is often used to treat diarrhea and other intestinal problems.

How long does it take for a dog to stop taking a sulfate supplement?

Contact your veterinarian if you notice any of these signs. This short-acting medication should stop working within 24 hours, although effects can be longer in pets with liver or kidney disease.

Can metronidazole be used on a dog?

The use of metronidazole to treat Giardia infections and most other infections in dogs and cats is off label or extra-label. Many drugs are commonly prescribed for off label use in veterinary medicine. In these instances, follow your veterinarian’s directions and cautions very carefully.

Can you give a dog a second shot of a syringe?

If you miss a dose, give it when you remember, but if it is close to the time for the next dose, skip the dose you missed and give the medication at the next scheduled time and continue with the regular dosing schedule. Never give your pet two doses at once or give extra doses.

Can you crush metronidazole?

Metronidazole should be given by mouth with food. Liquid forms must be shaken well before use. Metronidazole is very bitter, so take care not to crush these tablets as it will be difficult to administer to your pet. Follow the dosing instructions provided by your veterinarian.

Can a veterinarian weigh metronidazole?

Your veterinarian will weigh the potential risks of metronidazole if your pet is taking these medications. It is important to tell your veterinarian about any medications ( including vitamins, supplements, or herbal therapies) that your pet is taking.

What are the side effects of metronidazole on dogs?

Depression and disorientation. Unsteadiness when standing or walking. Unusual eye movements. Head tilt. Tremors. Seizures. Stiffness. Other possible side effects of metronidazole use in dogs and cats include: Allergic reaction (labored breathing, hives, etc.)

How does metronidazole work?

Metronidazole’s mechanism of action is not fully understood. It may disrupt the ability of some microorganisms to make new genetic material. Its anti-inflammatory action within the gastrointestinal tract may be related to suppression of some parts of the immune system.

What Is Metronidazole?

Metronidazole (also known as Flagyl) is used primarily as an anti-diarrheal medication for dogs and cats. It is effective against certain protozoal infections including Giardia, Trichomonas, and Balantidium coli as well as anaerobic bacterial pathogens. Metronidazole may also be prescribed to relieve inflammation of the intestinal tract. Because the drug can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and bone, it is sometimes used to treat infections of the central nervous system, bones, and teeth.

Why is metronidazole prescribed?

Metronidazole may also be prescribed to relieve inflammation of the intestinal tract. Because the drug can penetrate the blood-brain barrier and bone, it is sometimes used to treat infections of the central nervous system, bones, and teeth.

Can metronidazole affect dogs?

Signs of neurologic side effects from metronidazole include: Other possible side effects of metronidazole use in dogs and cats include:

Can PetMD answer pet health questions?

Note: PetMD isn’t able to respond to pet health questions or to offer veterinary advice.

Does metronidazole cause neurologic problems?

Because metronidazole crosses the blood-brain barrier, neurologic side effects are possible with the use of this drug . Typically these occur when pets ingest more than the recommended dose or when they are on long-term therapy, particularly if they are debilitated or suffer from liver dysfunction. Signs of neurologic side effects from metronidazole include:

Why is my cat pooping 4 times a day?

I would recommend against feeding him taste of the wild because it has fish in it (possible allergen), tomatoes (possible allergen), and blueberries.

Does T-Foetus take antibiotics?

No, T-Foetus takes a very special antibiotic, one that you have to be careful with yourself when administering.

Can IBD cats use slippery elm bark?

Maybe some slippery elm bark? I've heard good things about it but never tried it myself. Many with IBD kitties use it.

Is Feral Minou on Metronidazole?

Feral Minou is on day 4 of 7 of his treatment of Metronidazole. The vet prescribed it without seeing him (after a negative stool test) because he was still having watery smelly stools regardless of the Revolution, fenbendazole, and bland diet i gave him for a couple days. The vet, on instinct, went for Metro thinking he might have giardia ...

What happens when you put a pill in a cat's mouth?

That way, when you insert the pill, its taste buds are shielded a bit from the vile and hated medicine.

How to give Metro to cats?

I've had some mean cats, but never had any problem giving pills. Secure cat, hold firmly sides of jaw, open mouth, put pill in pouch on either side of jaw. Breath into cat's nostril.

How to get cat food to go down?

Cutting the pill and placing it in an empty #2 gelatin capsule is the way to go! Shmear a bit of canned cat food on the gelcap and it goes down easily. Your vet should have some gelcaps or buy online.

How to get a cat to eat Cheez Wiz?

Try putting the pill in a small glob of Cheez Wiz. My cat gobbles it off my finger so fast she doesn't even know there is anything there besides the cheese.

How to give a kitty a pill?

Let kitty lick a little dab first, this coats their tongue with the butter fats and makes it less likely they will taste the pill going by. Have a second dab ready after the pill and put it on their lips. They lick and swallow numerous times to get all that yummy butter.

How to give a dog meds?

There is one thing that will make a difference, for dog or cat, when giving them meds. Hold the jaw gently and don't force it into a totally closed position, ie, leave a little room for movement . If you hold the mouth completely closed it's difficult for a pet to swallow anything when the tongue can't be used for swallowing. Plus, it's more likely the pill will stick to the tongue.

What to do if your cat is drooling?

First, if your Vet has given you liquid, and your cat is just drooling it all over the place, or ejecting it, go back and get pills. While you are out, get a couple jars of meat baby food. The mushy kind, and NOT the kind with veggies added. Just plain mushed meat, chicken, beef, whatever.


1.Metronidazole For Cats: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects


10 hours ago  · The dosage for metronidazole is based on how much your cat weighs. A typical dose for most cases of diarrhea is 7.5 mg to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight twice daily. If …

2.Metronidazole for Cats: Dosage, Side Effects, and More


19 hours ago It can take up to two weeks for the cat to return to normal, and there's a chance he could succumb to the neurological issues caused by the medication. Your vet will advise you about ways to …

3.Long-Term Metronidazole Benzoate Use in Cats - The Nest


26 hours ago 9 rows · Metronidazole for cats length of Treatment. A veterinarian can better decide the duration of ...

4.Metronidazole for Cats | Great Pet Care


12 hours ago  · Typically, metronidazole is administered to cats orally (by mouth) or intravenously (injected into the bloodstream). Doses range from 10 mg/kg (or 4.5 mg/lb) to 25 mg/kg (or 11.4 …

5.Metronidazole For Cats: Uses, Dosage, & Side Effects


21 hours ago  · Metronidazole is an antibiotic and antiprotozoal medication that kills certain types of bacteria and protozoa parasites. In dogs and cats, it is most commonly used to treat …

6.Metronidazole | VCA Animal Hospital


6 hours ago  · Jul 18, 2015. Messages. 291. Purraise. 17. Location. Montreal. Feral Minou is on day 4 of 7 of his treatment of Metronidazole. The vet prescribed it without seeing him (after a …

7.Metronidazole | PetMD


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