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how long can i take horse chestnut

by Davin Treutel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Dosing. Horse chestnut extract has most often been used by adults in doses of 300-600 mg by mouth daily for 8-12 weeks.

Full Answer

How to take horse chestnut capsules?

The usual dose of horse chestnut in capsule form is 1 capsule every 12 hours before a meal. Take the capsule with a full glass of water. Do not crush, chew, break, or open a horse chestnut capsule. Swallow it whole.

What is a horse chestnut tree?

Aesculus hippocastanum. Also known as buckeye and Spanish chestnut, the seeds, leaves, bark and flowers of horse chestnut trees have long been used medicinally. The trees are native to Eastern Europe but can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

How much horse chestnut oil should you take?

In supplement form, horse chestnut is generally suggested at doses between 400–600 milligrams per day, divided into two dosage times, 12 hours apart. Much more important is the escin component (the active compound), which should be between 100–150 milligrams per day.

When should I prune my horse chestnut tree?

Red Horse Chestnut: Possibly native to Germany, shorter than the common horse chestnut The trees should be pruned either in the early spring before the sap starts to flow or in the fall after the leaves have dropped. Low branches should be removed, as well as crowded or crossing branches.


How long does it take for horse chestnut to start working?

It may take up to 4 weeks before your symptoms improve. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve, or if they get worse while using horse chestnut.

Can you take too much horse chestnut?

Although not all side effects are known, horse chestnut is thought to be possibly safe when taken for a short period of time. Stop using horse chestnut and call your healthcare provider at once if you have: severe skin redness, swelling, itching, or rash.

Is horse chestnut hard on kidneys?

Side Effects Based on reports of worsening kidney function in people with kidney disease who received intravenous aescin, horse chestnut should be avoided by anyone with kidney disease. People with liver disease should also avoid the use of horse chestnut.

Is horse chestnut supplements safe?

The raw seeds, bark, flowers, and leaves of horse chestnut are unsafe because they contain a toxic component. Standardized horse chestnut seed extracts, from which this component has been removed, appear to be safe for short-term use.

How much horse chestnut should I take daily?

Horse chestnut extract has most often been used by adults in doses of 300-600 mg by mouth daily for 8-12 weeks. Most horse chestnut extract products contain 16% to 20% triterpene glycosides (saponins), which is referred to as "aescin" on product labels.

Does horse chestnut increase blood pressure?

On the one hand, horse chestnut seed extract relaxes the endothelial lining of capillaries3, enhancing friendly nitric oxide production, and reducing inflammation4. This generally supports appropriate pressure or push coming from the arteries (healthy blood pressure).

What is horse chestnut pills good for?

Horse chestnut extract has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and may help relieve pain and inflammation caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). It may also benefit other health conditions like hemorrhoids and male infertility caused by swollen veins.

Is horse chestnut good for veins?

People can extract the active compounds of horse chestnut from its seeds and leaves. Proponents suggest that horse chestnut extract may protect veins and promote blood flow. Therefore, it may be beneficial for treating symptoms of CVI, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

Does horse chestnut help prevent blood clots?

Unprocessed horse chestnut seeds contain a toxin called esculin (also spelled aesculin). This toxin may increase the risk of bleeding due to its ability to prevent blood clots from forming.

Is horse chestnut good for hair growth?

Horse Chestnut strengthens the hair roots and accelerates hair growth. Thus, it is a strong ally to have if you want to get rid of hair loss. It does this by boosting the scalp's circulation.

How toxic are horse chestnuts?

Sweet chestnuts are edible, but horse chestnuts are poisonous. If eaten, they can cause digestive problems such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and throat irritation.

Is horse chestnut good for hemorrhoids?

Horse chestnut extracts have been reported from a double-blind trial to reduce symptoms of hemorrhoids. Some doctors recommend taking horse chestnut seed extracts standardized for aescin (also known as escin) content (16–21%), or an isolated aescin preparation, providing 90 to 150 mg of aescin per day. Less.

What does horse chestnut do for the body?

Horse chestnut extract has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and may help relieve pain and inflammation caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). It may also benefit other health conditions like hemorrhoids and male infertility caused by swollen veins.

How toxic are horse chestnuts?

Sweet chestnuts are edible, but horse chestnuts are poisonous. If eaten, they can cause digestive problems such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and throat irritation.

Is horse chestnut good for veins?

People can extract the active compounds of horse chestnut from its seeds and leaves. Proponents suggest that horse chestnut extract may protect veins and promote blood flow. Therefore, it may be beneficial for treating symptoms of CVI, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

Does horse chestnut help prevent blood clots?

Unprocessed horse chestnut seeds contain a toxin called esculin (also spelled aesculin). This toxin may increase the risk of bleeding due to its ability to prevent blood clots from forming.

How long can you take horse chestnut extract?

Horse chestnut extract has most often been used by adults in doses of 300-600 mg by mouth daily for 8-12 weeks. Most horse chestnut extract products contain 16% to 20% triterpene glycosides (saponins), which is referred to as "aescin" on product labels. Only use horse chestnut products which have had esculin, a poisonous chemical, removed. Speak with a healthcare provider to find out what dose might be best for a specific condition.

What is horse chestnut?

Horse chestnut is a tree. Its seed, bark, flower, and leaves are used to make medicine. Horse chestnut contains significant amounts of a poison called esculin and can cause death if eaten raw. Be careful not to confuse Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse chestnut) with Aesculus californica (California buckeye) or Aesculus glabra (Ohio buckeye).

Why do people take horse chestnuts?

This information applies to Aesculus hippocastanum only. Horse chestnut seed extracts are most commonly taken by mouth to treat poor circulation that can cause the legs to swell (chronic venous insufficiency or CVI).

How long does horse chestnut extract take to get pregnant?

Early research shows that taking horse chestnut seed extract twice daily for 2 months increases sperm density, but does not improve sperm movement, in men with fertility problems.

Is horse chestnut leaf safe for pregnancy?

Pregnancy and breast -feeding: Taking the raw seed, bark, flower, or leaf is unsafe and can lead to death. There isn't enough reliable information to know if horse chestnut se ed extract products are safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding, even if they have had the poisonous chemical esculin removed. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Is horse chestnut safe to take?

When given as a shot: There isn't enough reliable information to know if horse chestnut is safe. It might cause side effects such as liver and kidney problems. Special Precautions and Warnings. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Taking the raw seed, bark, flower or leaf is UNSAFE and can lead to death.

Does chestnut slow blood clotting?

Bleeding disorders: Horse chestnut might slow blood clotting. Taking horse chestnut might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.

What is horse chestnut extract used for?

Historically, horse chestnut seed extract was used for joint pain, bladder and gastrointestinal problems, fever, leg cramps, and other conditions.

Is horse chestnut oil safe?

Standardized horse chestnut seed extracts, from which this component has been removed, appear to be safe for short-term use. Horse chestnut seed extracts are generally well tolerated but may cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and digestive upsets in some people.

Can you use horse chestnut extract while pregnant?

No one—including women who are pregnant or breastfeeding —should consume raw horse chestnut.

What Are Horse Chestnuts?

First of all, horse chestnuts aren’t related to chestnuts at all; they’re a totally different family of trees and shrubs known as Hippocastanaceae. While 15 recognized species exist, the European horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is most commonly the one you’ll find used in supplemental and herbal medicine.

Why do people take horse chestnuts?

Traditionally, horse chestnut was taken by people hoping to naturally cure joint pain, bladder and digestive issues, fever and leg cramps. While several of these issues have not been tested scientifically, there are some benefits to taking horse chestnut, most notably its ability to combat chronic venous insufficiency (a vascular condition), hemorrhoids and swelling after surgery. (1)

Why is a horse chestnut called a horse chestnut?

Although the origin of the name “horse chestnut” is usually based on their use with horses, another potential contributing factor is the fact that the leaf stalk leaves a “scar” on the tree after falling that resembles an inverted horseshoe with nail holes.

Where did horse chestnuts originate?

History & Interesting Facts about Horse Chestnut. The most common form of horse chestnut originated in the Balkans but is now found in all temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. You may hear this referred to by various names, though; for example, horse chestnuts native to the U.S. are called “buckeyes.”.

What are the side effects of horse chestnut?

People with the following conditions should not take horse chestnut: (19) 1 Pregnant or nursing mothers (not enough evidence about safety) 2 Bleeding disorders (can cause slow clotting) 3 Diabetes (may lower blood sugar) 4 Digestive problems (could irritate GI tract) 5 Latex allergy (those with this allergy may also be allergic to horse chestnut) 6 Liver disease (may exacerbate symptoms) 7 Kidney disease (may exacerbate symptoms) 8 Surgery (may interfere with proper blood flow and clotting before or after surgery)

When was the first horse chestnut tree discovered?

The first recorded horse chestnut tree was mentioned in a 1557 letter, but it wasn’t widely known or appreciated until the 1800s. These trees don’t live an extremely long life and do not have wood useful for building, which may be one reason they were often under-appreciated. (16)

Is horse chestnut good for you?

While many of these folk uses remain unproven, there are some little-known, but major, researched benefits of horse chestnut for health. These include a powerful antioxidant load; a potential male fertility aid; and preliminary evidence that horse chestnut extract may be able to kill some types of cancer cells.

How long does it take for horse chestnut to work?

Check the label to be sure your product does not contain a toxic substance called "esculin.". It may take up to 4 weeks before your symptoms improve. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not improve, or if they get worse while using horse chestnut. Store at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light.

How do you know if you have horse chestnut poisoning?

Signs of horse chestnut poisoning may include weakness, depressed mood, loss of coordination, dilated pupils, vomiting, diarrhea, little or no urinating, muscle twitching, or loss of movement in any part of the body.

What to do if you overdose on Venastat?

If you think you or someone else may have overdosed on: Horse Chestnut (Venastat) , call your doctor or the Poison Control center. (800) 222-1222. If someone collapses or isn't breathing after taking Horse Chestnut (Venastat), call 911. 911.

Can you use horse chestnuts in place of medicine?

Medicinal use of this product has not been approved by the FDA. Horse chestnut should not be used in place of medication prescribed for you by your doctor. Horse chestnut is often sold as an herbal supplement.

Can you take horse chestnuts by mouth?

These items are not safe to take by mouth and may cause fatal side effects. Avoid using horse chestnut together with other herbal/health supplements that can lower blood sugar, such as alpha-lipoic acid, chromium, devil's claw, fenugreek, garlic, guar gum, Panax ginseng, psyllium, Siberian ginseng, and others.

Can horse chestnuts be used in breast milk?

Horse chestnut may pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this product if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without medical advice.

Can you use horse chestnut if you are pregnant?

It is not known whether horse chestnut will harm an unborn baby. Do not use this product if you are pregnant . Horse chestnut may pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby.

What is horse chestnut extract used for?

Used for: Horse chestnut seed extract has been extensively studied for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a circulation problem in which the veins do not efficiently return blood from the legs to the heart. This condition is associated with varicose veins, pain, ankle swelling, itching, and nighttime leg cramping.

Where do horse chestnuts grow?

The trees are native to Eastern Europe but can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Though it is sometimes referred to as buckeye, it is not the same species as that of buckeye trees that grow in Ohio and California.

Is horse chestnut oil poisonous?

Raw or unprocessed horse chestnut seeds, leaves, bark, or flowers contain aesculin, a compound that is poisonous if consumed in teas or remedies made with raw or unprocessed seeds, leaves, bark or flowers. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, headache, break down of red blood cells, convulsions, and circulatory and respiratory failure possibly leading to death. (Properly processed horse chestnut seed extract contains little or no aesculin and is considered safe for short-term use.)

Is horse chestnut oil good for hemorrhoids?

One study actually found it as effective as compression stockings. Horse chestnut seed extract is also used to treat hemorrhoids. One small study showed that horse chestnut extract providing 120 mg of horse chestnut seed extract per day significantly improved symptoms of pain, itching, burning, and swelling.

Is horse chestnut safe for breastfeeding?

The safety of using horse chestnut for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding hasn’t been established. Horse chestnut has been widely used in Germany for decades, and in all that time, there have been no reports of serious harmful effects from properly prepared products.

Does horse chestnut help with bipolar?

Horse chestnut may slow the process by which the body eliminates lithium, a drug used to treat the manic side of bipolar disorder. This effect could lead to serious side effects. Horse chestnut may lower blood sugar, which could amplify the effects of drugs that lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Can you take horse chestnuts while pregnant?

Because horse chestnut can lower blood sugar, use it with caution if you have diabetes and are taking drugs to lower blood sugar (watch for signs of low blood sugar and monitor your blood sugar carefully). The safety of using horse chestnut for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding hasn’t been established.

How long does it take for a baby horse to grow?

Baby horses normally take 20 minutes to grow into adults, but you can speed up the process by feeding them. Which horse is fastest in Minecraft? 1. Black Pegasus. The Black Pegasus is a fireproof variant of the Pegasus and one of the fastest horses in all of Minecraft!

How long does it take a horse to walk a mile?

The length of time it takes a horse to walk a mile depends on the horse, but the average horse can walk a mile in about fifteen minutes. Of course, some horses, like the aforementioned Tennessee Walking Horse, can complete the distance much faster. Do horses walk faster than humans?

When do horses stop growing in size?

When does a horse stop growing? Many horse breeds grow close to their final height by the age of 4 or 5 years old, then fill out more over the next 2 or 3 years. Large horse breeds like draft horses don’t stop growing until they are 8 years old. The final size of a horse can be impacted by a variety of factors, like genetics and breed.

How long does it take for a horse to grow tall?

By around 12 months old, the horse will have reached roughly 90 percent of their height. After this rapid growth period, the growth rate slows down substantially, typically taking another 4 to 6 years for them to finally reach their maximum height and weight.

How to make a baby horse grow up faster?

Baby horses (foals) can grow up faster if the player uses golden apples or wheat on them. Horses will heal over time while a player rides them, and only will heal while near hay bales when a player is not riding them. Feeding horses golden apples or golden carrots will not heal them.

How fast does a horse travel?

How Fast Does a Horse Travel? Horse breeds and sizes affect how fast they travel. But generally, horses walk a little less than four miles per hour. They trot between five miles an hour and up to eleven miles an hour. They can travel at a gallop between fifteen and twenty-five miles an hour. Notable Horse Travel: Long-distance Fastest 100 miles

How long does it take a horse to trot?

The average horse trots about 8 miles per hour. At a trot, it would take about 7.5 minutes. The average horse canters about 10 – 17 miles per hour. At a canter, it would take about 4.444 minutes.

What is the fruit of a horse chestnut tree?

The fruit of the tree is a moderately poisonous seed (the horse chestnut), and can be found inside a prickly husk. The seed is a spiny fruit that's about two inches in diameter and contains one or two blackish, nut-like seeds. The oblong flower clusters feature a blotch of color at the base which starts yellow and ends as more of a reddish color.

Where is the horse chestnut tree native to?

A large tree known for its cone-like, showy flowers that bloom in May, the horse chestnut tree is native to mixed forests in South Eastern Europe, and is widely cultivated along streets and in parks ...

What type of soil do horse chestnuts like?

Soil. Tolerant to an array of soils, the horse chestnut will grow in acidic, moist, loamy, sandy, and silty loam soils--however, the soil should always be kept moist and well-drained.

Is a horse chestnut a native tree?

The non-native tree can be a bit messy and offers little in the way of vibrant fall foliage, but it makes an excellent choice to line streets or provide some shade from the sun. Considered both a shade and an ornamental tree, the horse chestnut features a lush, spreading canopy that's more than capable of blocking sunlight while adding both visual interest and beauty to landscaping.

So How Many Kinds of Horse Chestnut Trees Are There?

There are between 13 and 19 species in the Aesculus genus. Also, all the shrubs and trees produce flowers. The North American continent claims seven of the species, while Europe and Asia claim the remaining six to twelve species. The Aesculus genus is part of the Sapindaceae family.

How Large Do Horse Chestnut Trees Grow?

The horse chestnut tree grows to medium height, reaching between 50 to 75 feet. Additionally, the canopy and branches grow to a spread of 40 to 70 feet. It grows at an average rate between one and two feet a year.

What Does a Horse Chestnut Tree Look Like?

A horse chestnut tree is medium in size with a gorgeous, full canopy of leaves. All in all, the leaves grow with a toothed-edge and are dark green.

Where Can I Find a Horse Chestnut Tree?

The Aesculus genus grows across the Northern Hemisphere. Altogether, you will find horse chestnut trees growing in the mild regions of North America. The horse chestnut grows from the southern portions of the United States, across the prairies, and up to the snowy north. Even western Canada supports some horse chestnut varieties.

How Long Can a Horse Chestnut Tree Live?

Many fungal diseases destroy the population of the horse chestnut tree. If you can protect your horse chestnut from any health conditions, your tree will live over 300 years. Although, there are some in England currently estimated at 400 years old.

Can I Grow a Horse Chestnut Tree?

Growing a horse chestnut is easy if you consider a few key items. Your tree will need full sun and moist soil. However, the soil cannot be water-logged. Horse chestnuts grow expansive roots, so it is best to plant them away from your home.

It is Time to BRANCH out into some fun tree facts

The oldest horse chestnut tree is estimated between 2000 and 400 years old.


1.Horse chestnut Uses, Side Effects & Warnings -


36 hours ago  · The usual dose of horse chestnut in capsule form is 1 capsule every 12 hours before a meal. Take the capsule with a full glass of water. Do not crush, chew, break, or open a …

2.Videos of How Long Can I Take Horse Chestnut


19 hours ago  · Likely Effective for… Taking horse chestnut seed extract containing 16% to 20% of the chemical aescin can reduce some symptoms of poor blood circulation, such as varicose …

3.HORSE CHESTNUT - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD


25 hours ago Overview. Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a tree. Horse chestnut contains significant amounts of a poison called esculin and can cause death if eaten raw. Horse …

4.Horse Chestnut | NCCIH


20 hours ago Horse chestnut is a tree native to parts of southeastern Europe. Its fruits contain seeds that resemble sweet chestnuts but have a bitter taste. Historically, horse chestnut seed extract was …

5.Horse Chestnut Supplement Uses & Health Benefits - Dr.


21 hours ago How to Use Horse Chestnut Extract In supplement form, horse chestnut is generally suggested at doses between 400–600 milligrams per day, divided into two dosage times, 12 hours apart. …

6.Horse Chestnut (Venastat) - Side Effects ... - Everyday …


21 hours ago  · The usual dose of horse chestnut in capsule form is 1 capsule every 12 hours before a meal. Take the capsule with a full glass of water. Do not crush, chew, break, or open a …

7.Horse Chestnut -


4 hours ago Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Horse chestnut, also known as buckeye and Spanish chestnut, the seeds, leaves, bark and flowers of horse chestnut trees have long been used …

8.How long does it take for horse chestnut to work? - DIY …


7 hours ago By around 12 months old, the horse will have reached roughly 90 percent of their height. After this rapid growth period, the growth rate slows down substantially, typically taking another 4 to 6 …

9.Horse Chestnut Tree: Care and Growing Guide - The Spruce


25 hours ago  · The horse chestnut tree will bloom between April and June. Young trees can be protected in winter with a commercial-grade tree wrap, which is recommended for at least the …

10.Horse Chestnut Trees – All the Facts That You Need to …


36 hours ago How Long Can a Horse Chestnut Tree Live? Many fungal diseases destroy the population of the horse chestnut tree. If you can protect your horse chestnut from any health conditions, your …

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