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how long does it take for ketchup to clean a penny

by Miss Marquise Bauch Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

You don't need a lot of ketchup into the cup, just enough to cover the pennies. Next, push the penny into the ketchup so it's fully covered. Now, set your timer for 2 full minutes. When the timer goes off, take your penny out of the ketchup.Apr 19, 2010

Full Answer

How to clean a penny with ketchup?

1 Gather up a few dirty pennies. 2 Set one penny aside to act as your control. 3 Put a dollop of ketchup on a plate. Place a penny in it and cover the penny with ketchup. 4 Wait for about 5-10 minutes. 5 Wipe the penny off with a paper towel and rinse off. 6 Compare the penny from the ketchup to the control penny. Look how much cleaner it is!

How long do you soak pennies before cleaning?

After all the pennies have soaked for about five minutes, it is time to pull them out. Carefully remove each penny from its solution. Gently wipe off any excess solution with a paper towel. Once they are clean place them on the towels you laid out in front of the cups.

How can I teach my child to use copper pennies?

Take the dirty copper pennies (the ones from the bottom of your purse are best) and have your child place one into each cup. Be sure the penny is coated in whatever solution is in that cup. This is easy for the water and other thin liquids, but for ketchup or mustard, you need to flip the penny around to be sure it is coated.

How do you turn a penny into a copper color?

Pick up a little ketchup on an old toothbrush by dipping it in the ketchup. While holding the penny on a flat surface with one hand, use the old toothbrush to work the tomato ketchup into the surface of the penny using small circular motions. In about a minute, your penny will turn from dull brown into bright copper color.


How long does it take ketchup to clean pennies?

about 5-10 minutesPlace a penny in it and cover the penny with ketchup. Wait for about 5-10 minutes.

Can ketchup clean pennies?

Soak your pennies in ketchup to clean them like new. Well, after you wash the ketchup off, that is. The salt and acetic acid in vinegar do the trick. Hot sauce, like Tabasco or taco sauce, also will remove the oxides off pennies.

How long do you leave ketchup on copper to clean it?

Polish Copper Kitchenware Copper pots, pans, and kettles are beautiful and preferred by many chefs. However, they can easily tarnish. Spread a layer of ketchup over the copper and let it work for 10 minutes. Rub with a soft cloth and rinse well.

What is the fastest way to clean a penny?

0:111:18Clean pennies with Vinegar and Salt - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAlmost nothing so we add salt to the vinegar add. As much salt as you can with lots of mixing toMoreAlmost nothing so we add salt to the vinegar add. As much salt as you can with lots of mixing to make a saturated. Solution. Once again we get tarnished penny and dip it in and there.

What cleans a penny the best?

Vinegar (or Lemon Juice) and Salt This method is the best way to clean your pennies, and it will produce a very bright orangey-copper color on your pennies. It does this by using the low levels of acids that are contained naturally in vinegar and lemon juice to remove the patina (brown oxidation) on the penny.

What does ketchup do to a penny?

Ketchup contains vinegar, a weak acid, which breaks down the copper oxide on the surface of the penny. The salt in the ketchup goes on to add dissolved chloride ions to the mix. These ions bond with the copper, forming copper chloride. The copper chloride helps the vinegar further break down the copper oxide.

Does ketchup really clean copper?

Copper reacts to air by developing a layer of copper oxide, which causes it to look tarnished. Copper oxide dissolves in a mixture of weak acid and table salt, both of which are found in ketchup. Slather the ketchup onto your copper-bottomed pots and leave it on for as long as you can. Then wipe and rinse.

Does tomato ketchup clean copper?

Try vinegar or ketchup. If so, "use ketchup and spread it all around the copper. The acid in the tomatoes will remove the tarnish," notes Reichert. "After rubbing it all around the item, make sure to thoroughly rinse."

Can Coca Cola clean copper?

Copper Cleaner Restore that bright sheen by soaking the copper bottom in a pan filled with Coke for about an hour. The acid in the Coke makes the copper look shiny and new—without scrubbing. This cleaning trick works on plenty of other household copper accents as well.

How do guys clean their private area?

Gently wash your penis each day. Carefully pull back and clean underneath the foreskin, as well as the tip of your penis (the glans) using only water and a very gentle soap. Don't scrub this sensitive area. It is fine to use soap, but using too much could irritate your penis.

How do professionals clean pennies?

Baking soda and vinegar have proven to be one of the most effective ways to clean tarnished coins. Submerge the coins in a shallow bath of vinegar and let them soak for at least an hour. If you don't have vinegar on hand, filtered tap or distilled water can be used as a substitute.

Why do pennies turn black?

When oxygen binds with copper, they form a new molecule known as copper oxide. Copper oxide is brownish or sometimes black in color (depending on other things in the penny's environment). This is why most pennies you see look dirty or tarnished—it's not actually dirt but copper oxide that makes them look so dull.

How do you clean old pennies without damaging them?

Baking soda and vinegar have proven to be one of the most effective ways to clean tarnished coins. Submerge the coins in a shallow bath of vinegar and let them soak for at least an hour. If you don't have vinegar on hand, filtered tap or distilled water can be used as a substitute.

Why does Coke clean a penny?

The soda cleans the pennies because it contains phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid breaks down the copper oxygen compound and causes a new layer of the copper to be exposed.

Can you clean coins with toothpaste?

After all, they're made of metal. But these cleaners are often made with caustic chemicals that can do serious, and permanent, damage to a coin. Don't use toothpaste – Toothpaste is extremely abrasive. It can make your coins appear shiny, but cause significant damage to the surface.

How do you clean coins without vinegar?

In a plastic container or bowl, mix 1/2 - 1 cup of warm water and a teaspoon of liquid dish soap. Hold the coin between your thumb and index finger and rub it as you hold in under running water for about 10 seconds.

Vinegar (or Lemon Juice) and Salt

This method is the best way to clean your pennies, and it will produce a very bright orangey-copper color on your pennies. It does this by using the low levels of acids that are contained naturally in vinegar and lemon juice to remove the patina (brown oxidation) on the penny.


Be patient. Although this is using acid to clean your coins, it is a very low-level acid that is safe to use. The trade-off is that the process may take a while for this low-level acid to work. The dirtier and deeper brown color your pennies are, the longer it will take to bring out the orange-red color.

Pencil Eraser

This technique is extremely easy and involves no liquids that can spill and make a mess.

Materials Needed

One or more new pencils with soft erasers. Alternatively, you can use a large pink eraser purchased at an office supply store.


Small, physical, and repetitive motions (may be difficult for grandma or grandpa to help)

Tomato Ketchup

This technique is very similar to the pencil eraser technique except that we add a little bit of ketchup to the process to help remove the oxidation.

Materials Needed

A quarter cup of tomato ketchup (or three ketchup packets from your favorite fast food place)


1.At Home Chemistry: Cleaning Pennies with Ketchup


16 hours ago  · How long does it take to clean a penny with ketchup? Gently swirl the cup so the penny is completely covered with ketchup. Start a one-minute timer. Put on your dishwashing …

2.5 Ways to Clean Your Pennies - The Spruce Crafts


2 hours ago  · To begin, pour ketchup into your cup or serving plate. A small amount of ketchup will suffice in the cup, just enough to cover the pennies. After that, gently press the penny into …

3.Videos of How Long Does It Take For Ketchup to Clean a Penny


28 hours ago Hold a penny halfway into the liquid for about 15 seconds and remove it. Make some observations. Put the rest of the pennies into the vinegar/salt solution and wait 10-15 minutes.

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