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how long does it take to recover from gum surgery

by Shaylee Beier MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The list below includes important information that every dental patient needs to know about the recovery process after undergoing a gum graft
gum graft
Gingival grafting, also called gum grafting or periodontal plastic surgery, is a generic term for the performance of any of a number of periodontal surgical procedures in which the gum tissue is grafted. The aim may be to cover exposed root surfaces or merely to augment the band of keratinized tissue. › wiki › Gingival_grafting
ing procedure. The average amount of time it takes to heal after a gum grafting procedure is somewhere between 10 and 14 days.

What is the "average" recovery time after surgery?

  • For pneumatic retinopexy, the recovery time is approximately three weeks.
  • For scleral buckling, the recovery time is approximately two to four weeks.
  • For vitrectomy, the recovery time is approximately four to six weeks.

How long to recover from gum graft surgery?

There are different types of gum graft surgery available. All are relatively straightforward procedures with minimal risk of any complications. People may feel some discomfort after surgery but should make a full recovery within 2 weeks.

What to expect after gum surgery?

  • Bleeding that continues past 24 hours after surgery
  • Fever
  • Significant pain that isn’t made better by prescribed medications
  • Pus or oozing out of the wound
  • Hard time swallowing or breathing
  • Blood or pus when you blow your nose
  • Swelling that doesn’t reduce after the first few days
  • Continuing numbness or loss of feeling

How long does it take for a gum graft to heal?

You should be fully healed from a gum graft in one to two weeks. You’ll need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your periodontist a week or so after the procedure so that they can make sure you’re healing properly and the graft is successful. After about two weeks, you should be able to brush and floss again.

What is gum surgery?

How to prepare for gum surgery?

Why does gingivitis occur?

What is a guide tissue regeneration?

What kind of surgery is done to remove tartar from teeth?

What is gum recession?

How to reduce the risk of gum disease?

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How long does gum take to heal after surgery?

7 to 21 days after surgery Your tooth hole will start to visibly close as gum tissues repair and regenerate. If you had stitches, they will be removed or start to dissolve. Large tooth extractions, molars, and any impacted teeth will take the longest amount of time to heal.

How long does gum surgery pain last?

Mild pain was most common, being reported 70.3 percent of the time. Moderate to severe pain was reported 29.7 percent of the time. The average duration of pain for gum grafting surgery was 2 days. Periodontal plastic surgery, which includes gum grafting, was associated with more pain than other procedures.

How long does gum graft surgery take?

How long does the procedure take? When arriving at our dental office for a gum grafting procedure, you can expect the entire process to take about 1-1.5 hours. While the surgery itself should take no longer than one hour, it is best to allow for extra time to ensure you are comfortable.

What can I expect after gum surgery?

You can expect your gums to take up to two weeks to heal fully, so during this time it's crucial that you follow your doctor's directions. You'll be able to go home after the procedure, but depending on the type of anesthetic your periodontist uses, you may need to have someone drive you home.

Do gums grow back after surgery?

Any excess gum tissue that is removed to reposition the gum line and reveal more of the teeth will not grow back. This longevity is a relief for patients, particularly those who are self-conscious about the appearance of their gums and don't want to worry about excess gum tissue returning in the future.

Is gum graft surgery worth it?

Gum grafting is a highly safe and effective procedure; it has been tested and proven successful in treating countless cases of receding and thinning gums due to aggressive brushing and gum disease. Still, complications and infections may occur, especially without proper post-op care.

When can I eat normally after gum graft?

When can I eat my regular diet after a gum graft? Typically, your gum graft should heal within 14 days. After that, you can resume eating as you wish. However, the only away to know for certain is by consulting with your periodontist.

Can I talk after gum graft surgery?

Avoid Talking (As Much As Possible) Talking causes your mouth's muscles to stretch, which, in turn, can loosen up the gauze and increase the chances of bleeding. Refraining from speaking is hard, but try to remain silent as much as possible for the first two to three days after gum grafting surgery.

How to Reverse Periodontal Disease at Home Without Surgery

Periodontitis Treatments You Can Do at Home Gum disease affects more than half of all Americans over 30 years old. Even with a daily oral hygiene routine in place, gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, can find its way into your busy lives. Periodontal disease is the resu

Promising new treatment could regenerate gum tissue and prevent tooth ...

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What is gum surgery?

Preventing gum disease. Outlook. Sometimes, periodontal surgery may be needed to treat certain gum diseases and conditions, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. This type of surgery is commonly known as gum surgery. The procedure aims to treat the gum disease and any damage it may have caused by:

How to prepare for gum surgery?

Preparing for gum surgery. Before a person has a gum surgery, a dentist will perform a pre-operative exam to make sure it is safe to have surgery. During this exam, the dentist will likely: take a medical history review and do an exam. examine the teeth, mouth, and jaw to check for stability and health.

Why does gingivitis occur?

Most often, gingivitis occurs due to poor oral hygiene, plaque, and tartar buildup. Professional treatment can reverse the condition. Periodontitis is a more severe form of gum disease in which gingivitis has worsened and advanced, leading to an inflammatory response that destroys bone and tissues.

What is a guide tissue regeneration?

Guided tissue regeneration. During this procedure, a dental surgeon will place a small piece of mesh-like material between a person’s bone and gum tissue. The material prevents the gum from growing into space where bone should be, allowing the bone and connective tissue to regrow.

What kind of surgery is done to remove tartar from teeth?

Before surgery, a dental surgeon might give the gums a deep clean. One procedure known as deep scaling can remove tartar and bacteria from teeth and gums.

What is gum recession?

Tissue grafting. The type of surgery performed will be based on several factors, such as the condition of the gums. A lowered gum line , known as gum line recession, is caused by the loss of gum tissue and may require soft tissue grafting to reduce the risk of further damage.

How to reduce the risk of gum disease?

This may require extensive surgery to repair and treat the condition. Reducing risk factors, maintaining a good oral hygiene, and keeping routine dental appointments can reduce the risk and severity of gum disease. Last medically reviewed on March 10, 2018. Dentistry.

How to treat gum recession?

Unlike gum grafting, the pinhole surgical technique starts by making a tiny hole in the gum tissue that is withdrawing. The dentist will place a device into the small opening once he created a pinhole. Using the device, the dentist will peel and stretch the gum into a better and more suitable position on the tooth.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissues. Usually, it occurs because of poor brushing and flossing habits. In its serious phase, gum disease can lead to bleeding gums, excruciating biting issues, and even losing a tooth.

How long does it take for a periodontist to heal?

If they remove the tissue from the roof of the mouth a person may feel pain for a few days. The healing process is often quick, taking 1 to 2 weeks for the mouth to heal fully but may take longer.

What is gum graft surgery?

Gum graft surgery is a procedure that helps to restore gums that have worn down, can help protect teeth, and improve the appearance of a person’s smile. There are different types of gum graft surgery available. All are relatively straightforward procedures with minimal risk of any complications.

What is gum graft?

Takeaway. A gum graft is a type of dental surgery performed to correct the effects of gum recession. It is a quick and relatively simple surgery in which a periodontist removes healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and uses it to build the gum back up where it has receded. Gum recession occurs when gum tissue wears away, ...

What is the procedure to remove gum tissue from the gum around the tooth?

Pedicle (lateral) grafts. This is the preferred method for people who have lots of gum tissue growing near the exposed tooth. In this procedure the periodontist: grafts tissue from the gum around or near the tooth requiring treatment. only partially cuts away this tissue, keeping one edge attached.

How to remove tissue from the roof of the mouth?

removes tissue from the roof of the mouth by making a flap and taking tissue from underneath the top layer. stitches the tissue onto the existing gum tissue to cover the exposed tooth root. stitches the flap on the roof of the mouth from where they took the tissue.

Why do people get gum grafts?

Some people choose to have a gum graft for cosmetic reasons, such as to have a better smile; while for others, a gum graft is necessary to protect the exposed tooth from damage and repair any damage already done .

What is the procedure to enlarge gums?

Free gingival grafts. This is the preferred method for people with thin gums who require extra tissue to enlarge the gums. In this procedure the periodontist: removes tissue directly from the top layer of tissue on the roof of the mouth. stitches this tissue to the existing gum area.

How long does it take to recover from oral surgery?

As for how long it takes to recover from oral surgery, you typically should be back to normal within a week. Some treatments do take longer to heal.

How to get nutrients after oral surgery?

4. Take all the medications prescribed by your dentist and follow the set dosage. 5. Avoid using mouthwash or toothpaste the first few days after getting oral surgery.

Why do you need oral surgery?

Oral surgery is sometimes required to address a variety of oral health issues . Surgery can remove a poorly-positioned tooth or an impacted tooth that's trapped in your jawbone. Oral surgery can also remove wisdom teeth since these are the most likely to causes problems, yet you do not really need them. Some gum disease treatments and the ...

How long after a syringe surgery can you drink alcohol?

Do not consume alcohol for up to 24 hours after the procedure. It increases the time it takes for you to heal, and it can interfere with the medication you're prescribed. 9. Take things easy after the surgery. You should be resting for most of the day, not overexerting yourself with strenuous activities.

How to reduce swelling after a syringe?

2. Use ice packs to minimize swelling after the procedure. Apply it for 15 minutes, then take a break for the same amount of time. Repeat as necessary. 3. Eat soft foods while you eat after the surgery. Consume a liquid diet if you are having a hard time with even soft food items.

How to speed up recovery after a syringe?

Here are a few things you can do to speed up your recovery period: 1. Make sure you get enough rest the night before the surgery. When you go to bed the night after the surgery, make sure you have enough pillows to keep your face properly cushioned and prevent swelling and bleeding while you sleep. 2.

Can a dentist treat TMJ?

It can also make it difficult to eat and makes chewing painful. If you believe you have this disorder, you should visit your dentist and seek treatment. Your dentist will have a few…

During Gum Grafting Surgery

Your doctor will apply a topical numbing agent to the area or areas to be worked on. They will then administer a local anesthetic before proceeding with the surgery. Once you are sufficiently numb, your doctor will either harvest tissue from the roof of your mouth or use a donor tissue to cover the affected area.

Recovery From Gum Grafting Surgery

You will need to make a few modifications to your daily habits as you heal from gum graft surgery. For starters, you will need to stick to soft foods for a few weeks and your oral hygiene routine will need to be tweaked to accommodate your new surgery site.

Complications After Gum Graft

On a rare occasion, a patient may develop an infection. If you notice unusual bleeding or any fluid using from your surgery site, contact your doctor right away. Another possible complication is the failure of the graft. If the new tissue fails to integrate, you may require a second surgery. This is also rare.

How long after surgery can you talk?

It is therefore a good idea to keep talking to a minimum, especially the frist two to three days after surgery. It is not advised that you go into the office, though I was told it's fine to work from home (which is what I opted to do). NOT talking is surprisingly hard. You have no idea.

Where is the dissolvable dressing placed after a dental procedure?

A dissolvable dressing was placed over a stitched-closed wound at the roof of my mouth after the procedure, and I was told to leave it alone (many patients are tempted to mess with it with their tongues).

Can you brush your mouth after grafting?

It is, however, okay for you to brush the rest of your mouth. After two days, I was told it is okay to brush the chewing side of the teeth that have had grafting work done around them, and after one day, it's OK to use the rinse they give you. That said, you're supposed to GENTLY slosh it around your mouth.

What happens if you have advanced gum disease?

If your advanced gum disease has spread to other sections of your mouth, it's possible that you'll need to have osseous surgery again for another tooth, or you may require a dental implant. 5 

Why is it important to treat advanced gum disease?

Treating advanced gum disease is essential to prevent more dangerous issues from arising. If a patient is pregnant or has allergies to certain medications, additional precautions will need to be taken during oral surgery. Always let your doctor know about your full medical history to ensure your safety.

How to clean a tooth with a periodontal numbing?

A periodontal specialist will numb the infected area with a local anesthetic and begin cutting around the teeth. Once the bone and roots are accessible, the area will be cleaned through scaling. 3  Using hand tools and a drill, your doctor will cut into the bones around the teeth to perform osseous surgery to create a smoother and more uniform shape.

What is osseous surgery?

Osseous surgery is part of an effective treatment plan against periodontal disease. Beyond removing cavities and pulling damaged teeth, gum pocket reduction surgery removes debris from the crevices that form as a result of gum disease. Cutting out the infected tissue keeps the rest of your mouth and body healthy.

How does root planing help teeth?

Root planing helps the tooth and gum reattach by smoothing the root. 4 . The sooner you're able to treat the infected area, the less tissue will need to be removed. Taking good care of your oral hygiene going forward will help prevent you from having the same surgery done again for other teeth.

What is the procedure to remove tartar from the mouth?

If you have gum disease, gum pocket reduction surgery can clear tartar from your mouth and prevent infection from spreading throughout your body. As part of the procedure, your doctor will perform osseous surgery to smooth irregularities in the jaw bone. 1  Here's what to expect from this oral surgery.

How long after osseous surgery can you drink alcohol?

Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for at least the first seven days after osseous surgery to give your mouth the best chance at recovery. 6  If you wear dentures, talk to your doctor about when you should place them back in.

What is gum surgery?

Preventing gum disease. Outlook. Sometimes, periodontal surgery may be needed to treat certain gum diseases and conditions, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. This type of surgery is commonly known as gum surgery. The procedure aims to treat the gum disease and any damage it may have caused by:

How to prepare for gum surgery?

Preparing for gum surgery. Before a person has a gum surgery, a dentist will perform a pre-operative exam to make sure it is safe to have surgery. During this exam, the dentist will likely: take a medical history review and do an exam. examine the teeth, mouth, and jaw to check for stability and health.

Why does gingivitis occur?

Most often, gingivitis occurs due to poor oral hygiene, plaque, and tartar buildup. Professional treatment can reverse the condition. Periodontitis is a more severe form of gum disease in which gingivitis has worsened and advanced, leading to an inflammatory response that destroys bone and tissues.

What is a guide tissue regeneration?

Guided tissue regeneration. During this procedure, a dental surgeon will place a small piece of mesh-like material between a person’s bone and gum tissue. The material prevents the gum from growing into space where bone should be, allowing the bone and connective tissue to regrow.

What kind of surgery is done to remove tartar from teeth?

Before surgery, a dental surgeon might give the gums a deep clean. One procedure known as deep scaling can remove tartar and bacteria from teeth and gums.

What is gum recession?

Tissue grafting. The type of surgery performed will be based on several factors, such as the condition of the gums. A lowered gum line , known as gum line recession, is caused by the loss of gum tissue and may require soft tissue grafting to reduce the risk of further damage.

How to reduce the risk of gum disease?

This may require extensive surgery to repair and treat the condition. Reducing risk factors, maintaining a good oral hygiene, and keeping routine dental appointments can reduce the risk and severity of gum disease. Last medically reviewed on March 10, 2018. Dentistry.


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14 hours ago Your recovery time will rely upon several factors, including how many teeth were treated, where the gum graft came from, and what kind of grafting procedure was done. Generally speaking, people who go through gum recession surgery feel back to the ordinary in about two weeks.

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20 hours ago Avoid the surgery site until your doctor says that you are healed enough to clean the area normally, this may take a couple of months. Brushing or flossing the area before it is ready could lead to the reopening of the site and prolong your healing time.

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