Knowledge Builders

how long is a drip edge

by Katherine Brown Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Our sketch shows the most-common or "standard" dimensions of roof drip edge used in North America:

  • Drip edge length: 10 ft.
  • Drip edge width: 2 3/4"
  • Drip edge height: 1 5/8"
  • Drip edge lip extension: 1/2"
  • Recommended drainage gap: 1/4" (approx) spaced off of the fascia board
  • Minimum extension of drip edge up the roof decking: 2" [IRC R905]
  • Minimum dripe edge end laps: 4", offset by at least 6 ft.
  • Drip edge fastening interval: 12"


Full Answer

How to install drip edge properly?

To install drip edge properly, start on the eaves. Begin at the corner of an eave where it meets the next eave or a gable rake. Measure how far the top of the drip extends past the front face (usually 3/4″ or somewhere thereabouts), and allow the first piece to extend that far past the corner of the eave.

How to install drip edge over window easy?

How to Install a Window Trim Drip Cap

  1. Measuring Window. Since the window trim drip cap will serve as a sort of awning over the top of your window, the main measure that must be taken ...
  2. Prepare Window and Begin Installation. Clear away any obstructions from the top of the window sill. ...
  3. Secure Cap to Siding. ...
  4. Cut Drip Cap To Secure Sides. ...
  5. Apply Finishing Touches. ...

How important is a drip edge?

Some of the biggest benefits of having a properly installed drip edge include:

  • Preventing damage to the fascia and soffit
  • Closing gaps to keep water and pests out
  • Guarding against ice dams
  • Funnels water away from a home's foundation
  • Prevents water damage on ceilings and in basements
  • Keeps water from seeping under roof shingles

Should the shingles extend over the drip edge?

Yes. Shingles should not extend more than 3/4” (19 mm) past the drip edge. If shingles overhang the edge of the roof by more than 3/4” (19 mm), then they are not supported and may crack and break off. In addition, the wind resistance at the roof edge may be compromised.


How far does drip edge hang down?

Drip edges shall extend not less than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) below the roof sheathing and extend up back onto the roof deck not less than 2 inches (51 mm).

Should shingles extend past drip edge?

Shingles should not extend more than 3/4” (19 mm) past the drip edge. If shingles overhang the edge of the roof by more than 3/4” (19 mm), then they are not supported and may crack and break off. In addition, the wind resistance at the roof edge may be compromised.

What are the 2 types of drip edge?

A drip edge is a type of angled roof flashing typically made with a metal like aluminum, copper, or steel. If installed properly, the drip edge is on the edges of a roof around the entire house. There are three main types of drip edges—L, C, and T—all differentiated by their relative shapes.

How much does a piece of drip edge cost?

The cost of drip edge Drip edge is always going to be included in your roof replacement. Because of this, it's going to have an impact on the price you'll pay for your new roof. The standard drip edge used (aluminum) is going to be around $2.00 a linear foot, including labor to install.

How big should drip edge be?

Metal Edge Drip: A drip edge has to be resistant to possible corrosion and should be 36 gauge or larger.

Does drip edge go all the way around the roof?

Drip edge is installed around the whole perimeter of the roof. It is used to hold the underlayments down and create a watertight seal around the edge of the roof. Only the face of the metal is seen and is usually just white one to one and half inch stripe located right under the shingles and above the fascia.

Should gutters go under drip edge?

It is recommended that gutters are placed under or 'behind' the drip edge of your roof. A drip edge refers to a component that hangs over the roof and has an outward projecting lower edge.

Does ice guard go over or under drip edge?

Ice and water protector needs to be installed directly onto the roof deck after you have placed the drip edge at the eave. (The drip edge will be installed over the ice and water protector and other underlayments at roof rake edges.)

Does drip edge go over or under underlayment?

If the drip edge is along the eaves of the roof, it goes underneath the felt underlayment. When the drip edge is along the rake edges, it is placed over the felt paper underlayment.

How should drip edge be installed?

2:306:49How To Install Drip Edge On A Roof - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWhen you're nailing your drip edge. Make sure you're holding it tight onto the roof line that way itMoreWhen you're nailing your drip edge. Make sure you're holding it tight onto the roof line that way it stays nice and tight but not too tight.

What is the difference between drip edge and rake edge?

So, the drip edge attracts the rain droplets, snow, all types of precipitation into the eavestroughs, and away from the rest of the roof. Rake edges, on the other hand, are placed along the ends of the gables of a house's roof.

Is drip edge flashing necessary?

It helps direct rainwater off of the roof, either into a gutter or onto the ground. Without the flashing, rainwater could adhere to the edges of the roof and saturate important structural components. Drip edge flashing helps protect the roof decking, wood soffits, and wood trim from rot.

How do you install shingles over drip edge?

2:576:49How To Install Drip Edge On A Roof - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOver this drip edge right to the corner. And as you can see it sticks out a little bit. So what you'MoreOver this drip edge right to the corner. And as you can see it sticks out a little bit. So what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to cut this end back and tuck it around the corner.

Should roof shingles overhang the gutter?

Most shingle manufacturers recommend a 1/4 to 3/8 inch overhang over your eave, which is where your roof ends by your gutter. In many cases, and particularly as the home ages and settles, the roof edge at the eave edge can wave in and out by more than this amount.

How do you fix shingles that don't overhang enough?

To fix an overhang that's too short, buy some aluminum drip edge (aka drip-cap flashing). It's typically sold in 8-ft. lengths, and can be cut with tin snips or even poultry shears. Slide the wide, flat flange of the flashing under the first course of shingles and adjust it to extend over the gutter.

How much overhang should a roof have?

Two feet is the general maximum length for a typical roof overhang. This will protect a roof from most types of damage. Roof overhangs can extend farther than 2 feet, but beyond this length, they begin to lose structural integrity and require external support.

What Is Drip Edge Flashing?

A drip edge is simply a metal flashing installed under the roofing materials to help regulate water flow from the fascia and protect any underlying...

Why Do You Need A Drip Edge?

You should install a drip edge if you want to prolong the lifespan of your roof. Drip edging helps prevent capillary action, which occurs when rain...

Is Drip Edge Flashing Required?

The IRC now requires drip edge flashing, especially for shingle roofs. An advantage of drip edge is also included in the building code involving do...

What Does Drip Edge Flashing Do?

The drip edge directs water away from the fascia boards and protects against wind-driven rain.

Who can Install a Drip Edge?

Any homeowner can install a drip edge. Roofing contractors now install drip edge flashings after removing old roof coverings and before installing...

Is Drip Edge Mandatory?

The IRC now requires a drip edge on all new asphalt roof installations, and it provides instructions on how to do so. At the eaves, the underlaymen...

Can You put Drip Edge on After Shingles?

Most homeowners choose to install a drip edge when their new shingles are installed. On the other hand, the drip edge can be installed at any time....

Can You Add Drip Edge to an Existing Roof?

Adding a drip edge along the rake edges is more challenging than the fascia. Often you may need to remove a couple of rows of shingles if a membran...

Does the Gutter go Behind the Drip Edge?

The back wall of the gutter should be located either directly underneath or behind your roof's drip edge. A drip edge is a component that hangs ove...

Should Drip Edge be Tight to the Fascia?

t's best to install the drip edge along the eaves first. You then add a 6-mil ice-and-water barrier (where required) or felt paper (underlayment) o...

What Is a Drip Edge?

A drip edge is a non-staining and non-corroding material applied on a roof’s edge to give water the ability to filter out of the roof system. In other words, it is the metal flashing located at the edge of a roof. A drip edge is installed with an intended tilt, which is specifically meant to direct water away from a roof while assuring the foundation of your roof is not exhausted prematurely by holes or fissures.

Why Is a Drip Edge Important?

Drip edges not only act to preserve the appearance of your roof, but they help shield your property from potential damages:

Where Should Drip Edges Be Placed?

The correct placement of a roof drip edge is on top of the roof’s exterior cover directly between the sheathing and the fasci a board , which forms a drainage gap between the drip edge and the fascia board. As a result, the drainage improves water flow and protects the roof from potential water damage.

What is hemmed drip edge?

Hemmed Drip Edge: Applied with metal and standing seam roofing, an open hemmed drip edge will deter water from going upward as a result of capillary action and passing the drip-edge metal.

Why do we need drip edge on roof?

In addition, drip-edges are sometimes excluded from a project in order to save money. While lacking a drip edge on your roof may save you money in the short-term, it can cause costly damage that will be expensive to fix. As a homeowner, it is important to fully understand how and why a drip edge is used. Here are some of the most common drip edge related questions and answers to be aware of as a homeowner.

What happens if you have a gap in your gutter?

If there is a gap resulting from an unsuccessful overlay, it may result in water flowing behind the edge instead of into the gutter . This is known as back flowing gutters, which can cause water damage to your home and roof system. If you run into issues with the overlap and need to resolve the gap, review the following tips:

How long is a drip edge?

The length of the overhang itself commonly ranges from 2 to 5 inches. You may find other styles and sizes of drip edges in the store, including “J-channel” drip edges, but these are intended for windows, doors and other applications. You may also find vented drip edges, but the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) does not recommend using them on roofs.

How many ounces of drip edge?

When used as a drip edge, it should be a minimum of 0.69 mm or 20 ounces. While plastic, vinyl and fiberglass drip edges may also be available in your area, these materials are best suited for use in nonroofing applications, such as above doors and windows.

What happens if you don't have a drip edge?

Without a drip edge, water may end up beneath the shingles and may cause damage to various parts of the home. Though your home may not have originally had a drip edge installed, drip edges are now required by most building codes across North America to protect homes from damage.

What is drip edge?

Drip edges are metal sheets, usually shaped like an “L,” installed at the edge of the roof. Also called drip edge flashing or D-metal, they serve a vital function by directing water away from the fascia and into the gutter. Without a drip edge, water may end up beneath the shingles and may cause damage to various parts of the home.

What is the best material for drip edges?

Aluminum: A common material for drip edges, aluminum isn’t as strong as steel. It doesn’t corrode and is often sold in colors that match the rest of the home exactly.

How many profiles of drip edge flashing?

There are three basic profiles of drip edge flashing, but each goes by more than one name, which can be confusing.

Do you need drip edges on a roof?

In years past, many building codes did not require drip edges; but the roofing community realized that these relatively inexpensive products make a big difference in the performance of the roof. By installing drip edges properly, you’ll be giving your customers a better roofing system.

What is drip edge?

The first thing to know about drip edge is what it actually is and where it’s located on your roof.

How far should drip edge be from roof deck?

Drip edge shall extend a minimum of a ¼ of an inch below roof decking and extend up a minimum of 2 inches. Underlayment must be installed over the drip edge along the eaves and under the underlayment on gables.

When getting a roof replacement, must your drip edge be replaced?

When getting a roof replacement, your drip edge must be replaced. Be aware, some roofing contractors leave it off your estimate to lower their prices to beat out the competition.

Do you need drip edge on aluminum fascia?

Just like normal drip edge, aluminum fascia and rake molding goes along the eaves and covers the edge of your roof’s deck to prevent water from going where it’s not supposed to. If your home has either one, you don't need drip edge.

Is drip edge included in roof replacement?

Drip edge is always going to be included in your roof replacement . Because of this, it’s going to have an impact on the price you’ll pay for your new roof .


Drip Edge is arguably the most under rated component of the gutter system. Without it your roofing eave and fascia board WILL be destroyed by water damage. Eventually the gutters will fall off of the home. It’s hard to believe that this little strip of vinyl or aluminum could be so important, but it’s true.

How to check drip edge?

If you can safely use a ladder and don’t mind climbing up there, a visual inspection of your drip edge is the best way to check. All you have to do is get high enough that you can see into the gutter. The drip edge should be visible without having to lift the shingles. It will look like a thin strip of trim across the top of the gutter.


There are a few hiccups that can occur with drip edge. The main one is when somebody installs the gutter over top and it becomes tucked behind. When this happens water goes directly behind the gutters.


Gutter companies and Roofing companies are the two types of service providers that specialize in Drip Edge Installation. That’s because it is such an integral part of both the roofing and the gutter system. You may also find some handyman that are able to install or service it as well. It’s not a very difficult part to install after all.

What does it mean when water is dripping behind the gutter?

Whenever we see water dripping behind the gutter we automatically think of two things. Loose gutters or missing drip edge . Loose gutters for the most part are easy to identify. You can usually see them without having to climb a ladder.

How to tell if drip edge is missing?

It will look like a thin strip of trim across the top of the gutter. If you can’t see any drip edge hanging from under the shingles then it is probably missing. However somebody may have installed it wrong or cut it wrong to where you can’t see it.

How long does a fascia board last?

Over time all wood rots, especially fascia board. The average fascia board should last 10-20 years with proper drip edge configuration.

What is the benefit of drip edge?

Another benefit that wasn’t intended but has been a useful outcome from installing a drip edge is that it prevents rodents, squirrels, and birds from being able to access the attic space via the builder’s gap. If you have ever had a family of squirrels living in your attic, you can appreciate this extra bonus.

What happens if you don't have a drip edge?

In worse cases, a leak will develop in the ceiling or along the walls.

How far should shingles hang over a drip edge?

However, when permitted it is best to have the roof shingles hang over the drip edge by a minimum of 1/4” and a maximum of 3/4”. When combined with the drip edge spacing, the shingles will clear the fascia by 3/4″ – 1 1/4″ total. Remember that every region, city, or local may have slightly different requirements.

How far away should drip edge be from fascia board?

The vertical leg would extend down into the gutters and not have any face nails or screws. It would be spaced 1/2” away from the fascia board and be supported by 1/2” furring strips.

What does a drip edge do on a roof?

When placed on the eaves side of a roof, the drip edge will prevent capillary action water damage caused by surface tension. When placed on the rakes’ side, it protects the sheathing from wind driven (or forced) rain blowing back into the sheathing.

What is the first line of defense for a roof?

Of all of them, the first line of defense is to install drip edge flashing. Unfortunately, many contractors tend to neglect this step. The elimination of this installation can end up being your future nightmare.

How to make an inside corner turn?

Inside Corner Cuts. To make the inside corner turns, you will need to create an overlap that meets at the interior of the corner. That means that you will make cuts at the ends of two sections of drip edging and overlap the two at the juncture.

What is drip edge?

A drip edge is a type of angled roof flashing typically made with a metal like aluminum, copper, or steel. If installed properly, the drip edge is on the edges of a roof around the entire house.

Why is a Drip Edge Important?

The most important purpose of a drip edge is to protect your roof and house from water damage by directing water away from your roof and fascia. A drip edge is now required in most states for a roof to meet code.

What is a T style drip edge?

A t-style drip edge is a popular choice for many homeowners, especially for those that live in cold, snowy regions. Compared to the other two styles, t-style drip edges are arguably the most effective at moving water flow off the roof and into the gutter.

Why do you need a drip edge?

The most important purpose of a drip edge is to protect your roof and house from water damage by directing water away from your roof and fascia. A drip edge is now required in most states for a roof to meet code.

Do drip edges come in different shapes?

While all drip edges have the same end goal, they do come in different shapes depending on the type and style of the roof.

Can you add drip edges to a roof?

Yes, you can add drip edges to an existing roof.


1.Drip Edge On A Roof (Fully Explained!) Must Know!


28 hours ago  · If you want to install a drip edge, you should comply with the standards below: Adjacent pieces should overlap at a minimum of 51 mm (2 inches). The metal should extend up the roof deck for a minimum of 51 mm (2 inches) and extend beyond the roof sheathing for a minimum of 6.4 mm (0.25 inches).

2.Guide to Drip Edges for Shingle Roofs - Is a Drip Edge …


12 hours ago  · Since metal drip edge is made of a stronger material than the wood fascia or roof decking, the ice likely won’t harm the roof’s integrity. Metal is more likely to withstand the weight of the ice. When you don’t need a drip edge. While drip edge flashing is essential for most homes, some roof designs achieve the same function in other ways.

3.What is Drip Edge on Your Roof? (Why You Need It, Cost, …


15 hours ago What sizes does drip edge come in? Roof drip edges occasionally come in 8 foot lengths, but are more often available in 10.5 foot length. Although drip edge previously came with a 1 inch face, it is more common now to have a slightly larger 1.5 inch face.

4.Drip Edge : Save Your Fascia From Water Damage - My …


27 hours ago  · C-Style Drip Edge. A c-style drip edge is a “C” shaped metal used on the edges of roofs without fascia boards, moving water away from the roof. L-Style Drip Edge. An l-style drip edge is an “L” shaped metal bent at a 90-degree angle. One side of the metal is placed underneath the roof while the other side protects the fascia.

5.How To Install Drip Edge the Proper Way - Queen Bee of …


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6.Roof Drip Edge - What Is It, Types & Why You Need It - Angi


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