Knowledge Builders

how long should a steam cleaner last

by Briana Morissette III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

We have had some customers who have had their steam cleaners for 5-8 years and are still going strong. For less expensive models like the steam mops or handhelds, you should probably expect more like 3-6 years of consistent use.

Full Answer

What is steam cleaning and how does it work?

Steam cleaning can make quick work of stubborn stains, stuck on grime, and off-putting smells. Learn How to Use a Steam Cleaner the Right Way. How to Use a Steam Cleaner the Right Way

Are steam cleaners safe for your home?

Steam cleaners are the ultimate tool for cleaning and disinfecting a multitude of spaces inside and outside your home. Steam cleaning kills 99.99 percent of bacteria, molds and viruses upon contact. It also eliminates dust mites and other allergens. A big plus for steam cleaners is that they’re safer for your family and for the environment.

Can you use a steam cleaner to clean upholstery?

Upholstery, Mattresses, Curtains and Carpets. Steam kills dust mites and removes stains from these surfaces. Use a dry steam cleaning machine and an upholstery attachment for these surfaces. For carpets, you should use a steam cleaner only for spot cleaning – use a carpet cleaning machine for large surfaces.

What type of steam cleaner should I buy?

There are two types of steam cleaners on the market that you can use for steam cleaning: A cool steam cleaning machine (handheld or upright) makes steam without boiling the water. The steam contains more water A dry steam cleaning machine (handheld or upright) makes steam from boiling water.


Are steam cleaners really worth it?

Steam cleaners are a wonderful way to deep-clean many types of surfaces since they don't' use harsh chemicals. Hard surfaces easily cleanable with a steam cleaner include countertops, kitchen & bathroom fixtures, some types of flooring, as well as other impervious surfaces.

Where does the dirt go when steam cleaning?

So, where does the dirt go when you steam clean? Actually, it doesn't go anywhere. Instead, the heat and vapour of steam cleaning ensure that all the unwanted substances or stains are fully broken down and easy to get rid of.

How do you maintain a steam cleaner?

Maintaining Your Steam CleanerWash any cloths or towels used by our steam cleaner, in hot water only and avoid using fabric softener. ... Wipe down your steam cleaner before and after each use with a damp cloth.More items...

Is steaming floors better than mopping?

The Steam Mop Advantage Unlike traditional mops, the mop head absorbs the dirt, and the heat of the steam is able to kill most of the bacteria and dust mites on the floor. It is not only a faster means of cleaning but also a more sanitary one.

What should you not steam clean?

What NOT to Clean with Steam CleanersAnything that can be damaged due to heat exposure, such as water-based paint and cardboard.Porous surfaces, such as stucco, brick, and marble.Large industrial spaces and food plants.Large areas of carpet.Delicate items, such as silks, thin plastics, and velour upholstery.

Can I put vinegar in my steam cleaner?

To kill offensive odors present in your carpet, upholstery, and other furnishings quickly, fill your steam cleaner's solution reservoir with a 1/2 cup of white distilled vinegar and the remainder with hot water. Do not add a soup solution. The vinegar and hot water solution will neutralize the odor and remove it.

Can you use tap water in a steamer?

The mineral deposits in tap water wear down and corrode the metal inside your steamer over time. Some may also cause build up inside the steamer, known as calcification. This causes your steamer to become blocked, produce less steam or spit water. Using tap water will shorten the life of your steamer.

Can I descale my steam cleaner?

Just like kettles, steam mops can be kept running at full efficiency be periodically descaling them. This can normally done by flushing through with a mild acid. The Vileda steam mop for example recommends white vinegar.

Do you need to descale a steam cleaner?

Just as you'd regularly descale a kettle or iron, you need to descale your steam mop. A few times a year, you'll need to use a mild acid to get rid of the limescale. Always check the instructions for your steam mop before you clean it.

Why is my floor sticky after I steam mop?

Sticky floors after steam mopping are often the result of residue from cleaning products that had been used on the floor. Using a dirty mop pad also can cause sticky floors.

Does steam cleaning damage grout?

Does steam cleaning tiles damage grout? No, steam cleaning doesn't damage tiles or grout that has been properly sealed. If not fully sealed, the grout may crumble slightly from the steam and moisture thus needing to be resealed, although this should be done anyway.

Do you need to vacuum before steam mop?

Steam mops essentially employ steam to loosen grime, which the mop head then clears away, but there's no suction element in this appliance. This means that surface dirt will need to be vacuumed or swept up before you begin or you'll only succeed in pushing dirt across the house.

Do steam cleaners get rid of dirt?

Steam cleaners can remove dirt, debris, and germs like bacteria, plus sanitize and freshen fabrics. They do all this without the potentially damaging effects of chemical cleansers.

Do steam cleaners pick up dirt?

Used correctly, steam cleaning is a natural and effective way to remove stubborn dirt and stains.

Does steam mop clean dirt?

The vapor loosens dirt and kills dust mites, mold, staph, and other allergens and harmful bacteria. No suction is required, since the high-heat moisture dries quickly. For heavily soiled surfaces, some manufacturers suggest steam-cleaning first, then wiping away dirt with a cloth before the moisture dries.

How does steam cleaning a carpet work?

Steam cleaning machines are used to shoot extremely hot water into the carpets and suck back those jets of water along with dirt and grime. The technique is called 'hot water extraction' method. The high temperature of the water and the pressure removes bacteria and toxins from your carpets.

How Do Steam Cleaners Work?

All steam cleaners function pretty much the same. Once turned on, water is heated beyond the boiling point and the heated vapor comes out of an attachment. This pressurized water vapor not only loosens dirt, it also removes allergens and bacteria, kills mold, dust mites and even bed bugs. Because steam has such small vapor molecules, it’s able to penetrate a surface’s pores for a deep-down clean.

What is steam cleaning?

Steam cleaners are the ultimate tool for cleaning and disinfecting a multitude of spaces inside and outside your home. Steam cleaning kills 99.99 percent of bacteria, molds and viruses upon contact.

Why do you need steam cleaners?

A big plus for steam cleaners is that they’re safer for your family and for the environment. Because steam cleaners require only water and heat for a naturally clean home, you can say goodbye to buying and storing chemicals in your home.

What surfaces should not be used with steam cleaners?

Surfaces and items on which you should not use your steam cleaner: Porous floors and surfaces such as cork, bamboo, marble, limestone, concrete, unsealed hardwood, unglazed tile or paving stones. Also, any flooring that has gaps or cracks can be vulnerable to damage from the high-temperature and pressure, and may warp.

What is a steam mops?

Steam Mops: These look similar to a stick vacuum, but are intended primarily for mopping floors.

Can you steam clean linoleum?

These surfaces (usually) can be steam cleaned: Mattresses ( Steam is an effective method for removing bed bugs! ); Floors ( Steam cleaners are generally okay on most types of linoleum and tile floors, but not recommended on hardwood or laminate floors.

Can you clean with a steam cleaner?

Things You Can (and Can’t) Clean With a Steam Cleaner. More surfaces than you’d think benefit from steam cleaning. As always, remember to test an inconspicuous area first to make sure the surface can be safely steam cleaned.

How long does a Sargent steam cleaner last?

The two quarts of water in your Sargent Steam cleaner will last from one to two hours.

What is steam cleaner?

Before we go any further with how to choose a steam cleaner, I want to clarify what a true steam cleaner is and what it is not. It IS a power tool a powerful replacement for harsh consumable/disposable chemicals and manual-labor-intensive gadgets. It cleans and disinfects nearly every surface in your home from floor to ceiling. It has several attachments that go beyond just floors.

What temperature does a dryer steam?

Heating capabilities – the hotter the temperature the dryer the steam. On this issue BEWARE! Every seller makes claims as to temperature inside the tank verses at the tip and almost no one can prove their numbers. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius) and produces steam a bit below that point. Don’t stress over 290 vs 298 vs 305 degrees. Machines that produce a higher temperature will perform better and cost more.

How does steam dust work?

Dust is trapped in the steam molecules and drops to the next horizontal surface, so start at the top and work your way down.

What is the best way to control steam pressure?

Switches – an instantly-on and instantly-off switch on the hose puts you safely in control. High quality multi-setting switches that adjust steam pressure output (letting you choose high, medium or low) is even better. Heating units – mounted inside the tank work best and last longer.

How hot is sargent steam?

The water is heated to 300 degrees, which is past boiling and more than hot enough to dissolve even the most burnt on messes and completely sanitize anything it touches. A study done by Dr. Richard A. Robison, Ph.D. Director of Microbiology at Brigham Young University says “Sargent Steam represents extremely rapid kill rate which cannot be duplicated by chemical disinfectants.”

What is the best way to keep water heat in a tank?

Insulation type and amount – Heavy insulation surrounding the tank helps the water heat faster and keeps the heat in the tank, rather than transferring to the housing (you don’t want to get burned if you touch the housing. Attachments – high quality, well-designed, durable attachments make a HUGE difference.

Why isn't my carpet steam cleaning?

They are really not “steam cleaning” because the heat delivered at their nozzle is not hot enough after traveling through their long hose. Nozzle heat needs to be at least 130 degrees to kill dust-mites. If it’s chemical extraction, you’re adding chemicals not removing them. The carpet may remain wet for hours allowing mold to breed and more dust-mites.

How to clean brass brushes?

Use either the brass brush or the stainless pad, both can become very hot and retain the heat by trapping the steam. Move the brush fairly quickly over the metal letting the heat do the work. A little scrubbing will help. If the brushes seem to stop cleaning, move them away from the area you are working on and allow that area to cool off.

Can you use a steam cleaner on silicone grout?

A. Yes , in most instances. Move the brass or nylon brush back and forth slowly in a small area around 12 inches max. First with the bristles straight ahead and then from the center toward the edges at an angle, should do the trick. Unfortunately a steam cleaner won’t clean silicone grout if the grime is not on the surface, because some stains could have come through the backside and have chemically permeated through the grout.

Can you use hot water to clean carpet?

A. Yes. The spot removal and general carpet revitalization is excellent but it is a lengthy process and you may want to use a regular hot water extraction cleaning unit first to get up major dirt.

Is it bad to use a steam cleaner?

A. No! Absolutely not, it is a very bad idea. At the very least you’ll hurt the steam cleaner and invalidate the warranty but you also have the potential of wrecking the machine.

How hot does a steam cleaner get?

Steam cleaners can reach heats of over 245 °F ( 118 °C ), which not only will neutralize bacteria and mold, but is also hot enough to kill the flu virus too.

What Not To Clean With a Steamer?

Steam cleaners are one of the most versatile tools out there and, while they can almost clean anything, there are some things which you should not tackle with them. Stay away from these areas:

How to clean curtains after shaking them?

Remove lint with a lint brush. These particles can stick the curtain even as you vacuum them. Use your steam cleaner to steam clean the curtains as they hang in place.

How to clean a couch that is too old?

Clean your couch using your steam cleaner’s directions, cleaning the cushions too, after removing the covers and machine-washing them. Repeat the clean if the couch is not clean enough. Allow to dry for at least 4 hours.

How long does it take to clean a mattress?

Cleaning a mattress is a labor-intensive job unless you have a steam cleaner. With a steam cleaner, you can clean your mattress in only a few minutes. Here’s how: Prepare your mattress by removing everything. That includes sheets, pillows, mattress covers, and everything else.

Can you use a steam cleaner on leather seats?

Steam cleaners can be used to clean almost any seat material, including leather and suede. Most steam cleaners leave little moisture, and what moisture is left usually evaporates quickly. Related: How To Clean Your Car Seats – The Complete DIY Guide. Use a microfiber or soft brush attachment for the best results.

Is a steam cleaner an appliance?

Steam cleaners are an appliance, and with all appliances, there are steps you can take to use the machine safely and effectively. Follow these simple tips to get the best out of your steam cleaner.

When to use steam sterilizer?

Steam sterilization should be used whenever possible on all critical and semicritical items that are heat and moisture resistant (e.g., steam sterilizable respiratory therapy and anesthesia equipment), even when not essential to prevent pathogen transmission. Steam sterilizers also are used in healthcare facilities to decontaminate microbiological waste and sharps containers 831, 832, 842 but additional exposure time is required in the gravity displacement sterilizer for these items.

What are the parameters of steam sterilization?

Thus, there are four parameters of steam sterilization: steam, pressure, temperature, and time.

What is a portable sterilizer?

Portable (table-top) steam sterilizers are used in outpatient, dental, and rural clinics. 840 These sterilizers are designed for small instruments, such as hypodermic syringes and needles and dental instruments. The ability of the sterilizer to reach physical parameters necessary to achieve sterilization should be monitored by mechanical, chemical, and biological indicators.

What is the chemical indicator used in steam sterilization?

The effectiveness of steam sterilization is monitored with a biological indicator containing spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus (formerly Bacillus stearothermophilus).

How is steam sterilization monitored?

Steam sterilizers usually are monitored using a printout (or graphically) by measuring temperature, the time at the temperature, and pressure.

What temperature is used for sterilization?

Typical sterilization temperatures and times are 132°C to 135°C with 3 to 4 minutes exposure time for porous loads and instruments. 827, 837

What is the oldest agent for inactivation of microorganisms?

The oldest and most recognized agent for inactivation of microorganisms is heat. D-values (time to reduce the surviving population by 90% or 1 log 10) allow a direct comparison of the heat resistance of microorganisms. Because a D-value can be determined at various temperatures, a subscript is used to designate the exposure temperature (i.e., D 121C ). D 121C -values for Geobacillus stearothermophilus used to monitor the steam sterilization process range from 1 to 2 minutes. Heat-resistant nonspore-forming bacteria, yeasts, and fungi have such low D 121C values that they cannot be experimentally measured. 841

What to look for when buying a steam cleaner?

Below are some items to consider when purchasing a steam cleaner: If you are steam cleaner large areas, look for a system with a suitably sized water reservoir. Battery-powered cleaners make cleaning car upholstery easy. Look for a steam cleaner that has interchangeable nozzles.

What to do before steam cleaning?

Before steam cleaning these delicate fabrics, dust the materials.

Why do drapes need to be steam cleaned?

Steaming drapes can help keep it wrinkle-free. Because they only need water to clean, running a steam cleaner is cheap. Insects like dust mites and bed bugs, including their larva, are killed when steaming. Steam can lift stains from carpets, furniture, and other household upholstery.

How to steam clean a carpet?

Vacuum whatever carpet or piece of furniture you wish to steam clean. Hold the steamer six inches above the carpet or item of furniture. Start steaming in sweeping motions, left-to-right, or up-and-down. Move quickly, making sure not to rest the steamer on one spot for too long. Allow the area to completely dry.

Why is dry steam better than cold steam?

A dry steam system makes steam from boiling water at incredibly high temperatures. Because of how hot these cleaners run , the steam they produce contains less water than cold steamers. Also, they’re better at eliminating odors and disinfecting surfaces.

Does steam remove stains?

Steam can lift stains from carpets, furniture, and other household upholstery.

Is steaming a good idea?

Even though steaming has many benefits, it’s not always the best nor perfect solution. Below are a few things to keep in mind when deciding to steam or not:

What Can You Steam Clean?

Most household surfaces can benefit from steam cleaning, but you should always pay attention to the material you’re cleaning and think about how it will react to direct water and heat. Always remember to test a small area of the surface first to see how it will react to the process.

Why do we use steam cleaners?

There are several reasons why steam cleaning might be good for you to use in your home: It is eco-friendly – no chemicals are involved. Uses heat to disinfect or sanitise nearly all household surfaces. Steam evaporates quickly, so surfaces dry faster than when cleaned with water.

What to keep in mind when steam cleaning?

Here are some things you need to remember when steam cleaning: Steam cleaned surfaces will still need to be wiped with a cloth – the steam loosens the dirt, but doesn’t remove it.

What is the difference between a steam cleaner and a dry steam cleaner?

There are two types of steam cleaners on the market that you can use for steam cleaning: A cool steam cleaning machine (handheld or upright) makes steam without boiling the water. The steam contains more water. A dry steam cleaning machine (handheld or upright) makes steam from boiling water. The steam contains less water, but is very hot.

What is a dry steam cleaning machine?

A dry steam cleaning machine (handheld or upright) makes steam from boiling water. The steam contains less water, but is very hot.

What is the best way to clean dust mites?

Steam kills dust mites and removes stains from these surfaces. Use a dry steam cleaning machine and an upholstery attachment for these surfaces. For carpets, you should use a steam cleaner only for spot cleaning – use a carpet cleaning machine for large surfaces.

Can you use a handheld steam cleaner to clean a fridge?

You can also use a handheld dry steam cleaner to clean the fridge and defrost the freezer.


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