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how many english died at the battle of agincourt

by Prof. Jessica Kreiger Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago


Were the English outnumbered at the Battle of Agincourt?

Common estimates place the English army at about 6,000, while the French army probably consisted of 20,000 to 30,000 men. This suggests that the French could have outnumbered the English 5 to 1. At least one scholar puts the French army at no more than 12,000, indicating that the English were outnumbered 2 to 1.

How many French nobles died at Agincourt?

Battle of AgincourtCasualties and lossesUp to 600 killed (112 identified)• 6,000 killed (most of whom were of the French nobility) • 700–2,200 captured9 more rows

How many English archers were at Agincourt?

The French commanders may not have been fully aware that of the 6000 English, over 5000 were longbow men.

Did the French ever beat the English?

While the French were initially unable to break the string of British victories, the combined actions of American and French forces, and a key victory by a French fleet over a British rescue fleet, forced the British into a decisive surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781.

Why did the French lose at Agincourt?

The French moved too many men en mass, the result was that in the narrowness of the front the men were packed too closely together, unable to load and fire their crossbows and bows and swing their arms carrying swords and axes.

Were guns used at Agincourt?

There were few cannons used at Agincourt, still then a relatively new and unreliable weapon. The English had none (even if they had used them in the siege of Harfleur) while the French likely had only a few small handheld ones.

How accurate was the English longbow?

Accuracy. For its day the longbow possessed both long range and accuracy, though seldom both at once. Scholars estimate the longbow's range at between 180 to 270 yards. It is unlikely however, that accuracy could be ensured beyond 75-80 yards.

Why was the English longbow so effective?

The best bows contained a combination of outer wood and heartwood, to give them both strength and flexibility. Given their size, unstrung longbows were heavy enough to be effective bludgeoning weapons on their own.

Did the English have the best archers?

Unlike other countries english Bowman were trained form young making their bodies adapted to the strength of the bow. Their range and power were immense. Not as immense as a crossbow but one cross now could fire one bolt and reload in the same time a long now man could fire 6–10 arrows.

Who has a stronger military UK or France?

The Royal Navy is made up of 32,450 regular, trained personnel (including Royal Marines); compared with the French Navy's 35,000. :: Combat and Support Ships – 69 French (excluding training vessels and tugs) vs 73 British. :: Nuclear-capable ballistic missile submarines – 4 each.

Has Britain lost a war?

In 1942, around 100,000 British and Australian troops surrendered to Japan in Singapore despite having a much larger army. Japanese forces took advantage of good intel and poor command on the British side, securing an easy win in what would be remembered as one of the most humiliating defeats in British military ...

What country won the most wars?

Which countries have won the most battles?RankCountryWon battles1France11152The United Kingdom / England11053United States8334Russia4916 more rows•Jan 10, 2019

Was the Dauphin killed at Agincourt?

But whereas the fictionalized Louis takes part in the Battle of Agincourt, the dauphin sat the pivotal skirmish out and, in fact, died of dysentery several months later, leaving his younger brother Charles (later Charles VII) heir to the French throne.

What protected the English archers from the French knights?

French cavalrymen tried and failed to overwhelm the English positions, but the archers were protected by a line of pointed stakes.

How old was Henry the 5th at Agincourt?

He was 35 years old and had reigned for nine years. Shortly before his death, Henry V named his brother, John, Duke of Bedford, regent of France in the name of his son, Henry VI of England, then only a few months old.

How accurate is the king?

While it's safe to say The King is loosely based on true events, those events have gone through a number of process to reach the shape they're in today. The film itself is an adaptation of Shakespeare's group of historical plays called The Henriad, which dramatised the real British monarchs of the 15th century.

Why did the French lose the Battle of Agincourt?

The French lost the Battle of Agincourt due to the English forces using longbows. The longbow was a bow made from the English yew that could hit a...

How old was Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt?

Henry V was only 28 when he invaded France during the Battle of Agincourt. The young king was 35 when he died of dysentery while battling in the Hu...

Why is the Battle of Agincourt so famous?

The Battle of Agincourt is considered one of the most famous battles in European history due to following reasons: The use of the English longbow....

How many died at Agincourt?

The estimated number of soldiers killed during the battle of Agincourt is 400 Englishmen. Meanwhile, 6,000 Frenchmen met their end at the battle of...

When was the Battle of Agincourt?

Battle of Agincourt, October 25, 1415, during the Hundred Years' War. Fighting commenced at 11:00 am, as the English brought their longbows within killing range and the first line of French knights advanced, led by cavalry.

What was the significance of the Battle of Agincourt?

Battle of Agincourt, (October 25, 1415), decisive battle in the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453) that resulted in the victory of the English over the French. The English army, led by King Henry V, famously achieved victory in spite of the numerical superiority of its opponent. The battle repeated other English successes in the Hundred Years’ War, ...

What was the name of the battle that made England conquer Normandy?

The battle repeated other English successes in the Hundred Years’ War, such as the Battle of Crécy (1346) and the Battle of Poitiers (1356), and made possible England’s subsequent conquest of Normandy and the Treaty of Troyes (1420), which named Henry V heir to the French crown. Battle of Agincourt (1415).

Why was Boucicaut unable to cross the Somme River?

Unable to cross the Somme River because of French defenses, he was forced to take a detour inland and cross farther upstream. The delay allowed a large French force, led by the constable Charles d’Albret and the marshal Jean II le Meingre (called Boucicaut), to intercept him near the village of Agincourt on October 24.

How many miles did the French march?

They had been weakened by the siege at Harfleur and had marched over 200 miles (more than 320 km), and many among them were suffering from dysentery. By most contemporary accounts, the French army was also significantly larger than the English, though the exact degree of their numerical superiority is disputed.

What was the political discord between England and the royal house?

England had been fraught with political discord since Henry IV of the house of Lancaster (father of Henry V) had usurped the throne from Richard II in 1399. Since then there had been tension between the nobility and the royal house, widespread lawlessness throughout the kingdom, and several attempts on Henry V’s life.

How many French soldiers were outnumbered by English?

This suggests that the French could have outnumbered the English 5 to 1. At least one scholar puts the French army at no more than 12,000, indicating that the English were outnumbered 2 to 1. It seems clear, however, that the English were at a decided numerical disadvantage.

How many Frenchmen died in the Battle of Agincourt?

Casualties at the Battle of Agincourt: It is believed that some 8,000 Frenchmen died in the battle, including many of the most senior nobles of France. English losses are thought to have been in the hundreds.

When was the Battle of Agincourt?

Battle of Agincourt on 25th October 1415 in the Hundred Years War: map by John Fawkes. Account of the Battle of Agincourt: On his accession to the throne of England in April 1413 Henry V resolved to revive the war against France and press his claim to the French throne.

What was the name of the battle that Henry V won?

The English victory over the French king’s army on 25th October 1415 immortalized in Williams Shakespeare’s play “Henry V”. King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt on 25th October 1415 in the Hundred Years War: picture by Harry Payne. The previous battle of the Hundred Years War is the Battle of Poitiers. The next battle in the British Battles ...

How many men were in the French army at Agincourt?

Estimates of the size of the French army vary widely, from 30,000 to as high as 100,000 .

Why did the French cut off the first and second fingers of every captured archer?

It was believed among the English archers during the Hundred Years War that the French intended to cut off the first and second right hand fingers of every captured archer to prevent him from again using a bow. The archers raised those two fingers to the advancing French as a gesture of defiance.

What weapons did the knights wear at Agincourt?

Uniforms, arms and equipment at the Battle of Agincourt: Knights wore steel plate armour of greater thickness and sophistication than at Creçy with visored helmets. Two-handed swords were coming into vogue as the battle weapon of the gentry. Otherwise weapons remained the lance, shield, sword, various forms of mace or club and dagger. Each knight wore his coat of arms on his surcoat and shield.

Which archers carried a more powerful bow than their fathers and grandfathers under Edward III and the Black Prince?

The English and Welsh archers carried a more powerful bow than their fathers and grandfathers under Edward III and the Black Prince. Armour piercing arrow heads made this weapon more deadly than its predecessor, stocks of thousands of arrows being built up in the Tower of London in preparation for war.

What happened at Agincourt?

Not all of the army went on to fight at Agincourt. Dysentery developed in the damp and crowded conditions of the siege, and was no respecter of persons. Richard Courtenay, bishop of Norwich, one of the king's closest friends, died on 15 September, and the earl of Suffolk died three days later. Permission was given for 2 men-at-arms and 4 archers on 4 October to accompany the earl's body home for burial at Wingfield (Suffolk). Deaths are seen in at least fourteen other retinues, affecting men-at-arms and archers alike. Many more were invalided home. Within Suffolk's retinue these included his son William, John Fastolf, William Bedingfeld, 7 other men-at-arms, and 3 archers. Five high-ranking nobles were forced to return home: the duke of Clarence, his stepson the earl of Somerset, the earl marshal, the earl of March, and Thomas Fitzalan, fifth earl of Arundel. Arundel returned to England on 28 September, made his will at his castle of Arundel on 10 October, and was dead three days later. Nineteen men-at-arms and 68 of his archers out of a total company of 400 had to be invalided home, implying that they had served in his company in the king's siege camp, but it was possible to find replacements for two-thirds of the men-at-arms and all of the archers, suggesting that reinforcements had crossed from England and that there were supernumeraries at the siege ready to enter into royal wages.

How many men did Sir William Bourchier bring to Agincourt?

Sir William Bourchier, a wealthy and well-connected knight (his wife Anne of Woodstock was the king's cousin) contracted to bring 90 mounted archers and 29 men-at-arms, and in fact led a force of 102 men at Agincourt. Sir Thomas Chaworth (d. 1459) [ see under Chaworth family ], ...

How many men were in the army at Harfleur?

The king was keen to avoid desertion and therefore ordered lists to be made of those returning home. These total at least 1400 men but include servants, priests, and support staff as well as paid troops. A more significant drain on the army was the need to install a garrison of 300 men-at-arms and 900 archers at Harfleur under the command of Thomas Beaufort, earl of Dorset, half-brother of Henry IV. His retinue, as well as those of Sir Edward Hastings and William, Baron Clinton, was transferred wholesale into the garrison, and boosted by men drawn from around 20 other companies, for instance the one led by Sir Thomas Carew, who had recently been engaged in keeping the channel safe for the army's crossing.

How many archers did the Earl of Nottingham have?

The steward of his household served as a man-at-arms, bringing along three archers, while the master of the earl's horses, who also served as a man-at-arms, was accompanied by 2 archers. The earl's two chaplains also crossed with him, as did his heralds Nottingham and Cornwall, each accompanied by an archer.

How many peers were there in England in 1415?

The king's brothers, Thomas, duke of Clarence, and Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, had the largest, at 960 and 800 men respectively. There were 43 peers in England in 1415.

Where was Earl of Suffolk buried?

Permission was given for 2 men-at-arms and 4 archers on 4 October to accompany the earl's body home for burial at Wingfield (Suffolk). Deaths are seen in at least fourteen other retinues, affecting men-at-arms and archers alike. Many more were invalided home.

Who were the archers in the Earl Marshal?

The receiver-general's account of the earl marshal, John (V) Mowbray, shows that among his archers were two yeomen of his chamber, his baker, his armourer, his minstrel, his havenar (responsible for gathering supplies), and the yeoman of his robes, who purchased a new bed for the earl's use on the campaign.

How many men were in the Battle of Agincourt?

The English numbered roughly 5,000 knights, men-at-arms, and archers. Meanwhile, the French forces included anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000 men depending on the source, ...

What was the significance of the Battle of Agincourt?

Immortalized in Shakespeare’s Henry V, the battle provided the English with a crushing victory against the French . The battle clearly demonstrated a new advancement in English and European warfare.

How far did the French archers shoot in the mud?

This allowed the highly trained English archers to get within 330 yards (300 meters) and shoot the slow moving French forces.

What did the English combine tactics and superior training to turn what could have been disaster into a resounding and?

Despite the numbers discrepancy, the English combined tactics and superior training to turn what could have been disaster into a resounding and humiliating victory.

What were the key elements of the English victory?

The keys to their success were the muddy terrain and the infamous English longbow.

What was the English longbow?

The English longbow proved itself to be the height of bow technology. The arrows fielded a carefully crafted design with the specific purpose of piercing plate. Combined with the devastating poundage of the longbow, the weapon could easily fell an armored knight. Such accuracy and discipline would not have been possible without careful training.

How many archers were on the English side?

Between 5000 and 7500 archers were on the English side with an unknown number of French archers who are said not to have partaken in the battle.

How many arrows do you need to shoot Agincourt?

If you take the maximum amount of archers, allow them all to have 72 arrows remaining for Agincourt and have them all shoot each and everyone of those you end up with a figure of 540.000 arrows.

How many rounds did muskets carry?

It is worth mentioning that musket armed soldiers in later eras were sent into combat with 60 rounds, a load out that would last them only 20 minutes of sustained firing at maximum rate but actually enabled them to fight multi hour battles.


1.Battle of Agincourt - Wikipedia


7 hours ago  · Almost 6,000 Frenchmen lost their lives during the Battle of Agincourt, while English deaths amounted to just over 400. With odds greater than three to one, Henry had won …

2.Videos of How Many English Died At The Battle of Agincourt


18 hours ago  · The estimated number of soldiers killed during the battle of Agincourt is 400 Englishmen. Meanwhile, 6,000 Frenchmen met their end at the battle of Agincourt.

3.Battle of Agincourt - British Battles


12 hours ago  · Agincourt. The remainder of the army, about 8600 strong, left Harfleur between 6 and 8 October. After a circuitous 250 mile route it arrived at Agincourt on Thursday 24 October. …

4.Henry V and The Battle of Agincourt -


31 hours ago  · On 16 July 1356 Edward’s eldest son, Edward of Woodstock (the Black Prince) captured Philip VI’s successor John II at the battle of Poitiers. How many English died at …

5.Participants in the battle of Agincourt - Oxford Dictionary …


3 hours ago Between 7000 and 10000. How many English soldier were killed. Less than 30. Sets found in the same folder. Joan of Arc. 12 terms. m19mukasam. The Battle of Crécy, 1346. 10 terms.

6.When 5,000 British Archers Defeated Over 30,000 French …


20 hours ago Answer (1 of 2): Arrows were typically issued/bought in sheaves of 24 arrows, though I have seen references to sheaves containing only 12 arrows. For an entire campaign two or three sheaves …

7.Battle of Agincourt Flashcards | Quizlet


4 hours ago

8.How many arrows were fired at the Battle of Agincourt?


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