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how many types of privet hedges are there

by Moriah Orn Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

There are around 50 species and even more varieties of privet, including: Korean privet/California privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium): This shrub is hardy in zones 5 to 8, and it grows around 10 to 15 feet tall.Apr 26, 2022

Full Answer

How much does a privet hedge generally cost?

How much does planting a hedge cost? A landscape service charges $1,075 to plant 50 feet of hedging, but a home gardener can do the job for $670 and save 43 percent. Create a living barrier and plant a hedge for privacy from neighbors or to muffle noisy traffic. And a thick dense hedge can provide security and deter intruders.

What is the best fertilizer for privet hedge?

  • Cut away the terminal bud, located at the tip of each branch of the shrub, with a pair of pruning shears.
  • Select two or three branches with heavy top growth that blocks sunlight from reaching the middle of the shrub.
  • Wait a few weeks until the shrub produces new shoots from the pruning cuts.

How to get rid of a privet hedge?

  • Pull the privet as early as possible to prevent it from producing seeds. Spring or early summer is ideal. ...
  • Grab the privet stem at its base. Firmly pull it straight up and without twisting it. ...
  • If the plant refuses to budge, it might be a sprout from a lateral root instead of a new plant. ...

What are the best hedge plants?

Top 10 Best Plants for Hedges and How to Plant Them

  • Forsythia. If you are looking for a fast-growing plant that makes an excellent hedge, consider opting for the beautiful forsythia.
  • Boxwood. This broadleaf, evergreen upright shrubs can grow both in shady and sunny locations. ...
  • Photinia. ...
  • Oleander. ...
  • Juniper. ...
  • Common Laurel. ...
  • Yew. ...
  • Winter Jasmine. ...
  • Beech. ...

See more


How many varieties of privet are there?

There are two species of privet that we can easily garden without, and be happier for the experience. If you live in the north-east, then European privet (Ligustrum vulgare) also called common privet, is the main bad-guy.

What are the different types of privet?

ShrubPrivetgenus nameLigustrumplant typeShrubheight8 to 20 feetwidth6 to 8 feet wideflower colorWhite7 more rows

What is the best privet hedge?

The Golden Vicary privet hedge (Ligustrum x vicaryi) is best in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 5 to 7. They can grow 6 to 12 feet tall, with a spread of 7 to 10 feet. The Border privet hedge (Ligustrum obtusifolium) is best in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 3 to 7.

How do I know what privet I have?

1:354:05Privet: Accurate Identification - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWhen you look straight down the middle of the main stem the differently angled branch pairs comingMoreWhen you look straight down the middle of the main stem the differently angled branch pairs coming off the central stem appear to form an x shape.

What is the fastest growing privet hedge?

Fast-growing hedges provide privacy. One of the more popular and fastest-growing hedge plants is the California privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium Hassk.) It will grow at the rate of more than three feet a year and will reach heights of up to 10 feet tall within three years after planting.

Is Ligustrum the same as privet?

Privets, also known as Ligustrum are fast growing evergreen shrubs that are easy to grow. Enjoy petite fragrant white flowers in late spring or summer.

What is the best time to plant privet hedges?

When to plant a hedgeEvergreen and semi-evergreen hedges: Early autumn is ideal for hedging plants such as box, privet (semi-evergreen) and yew. However, they can be planted at any time from late autumn until late winter.Deciduous hedges: Plant beech, hawthorn and hornbeam any time from leaf fall.

How long will a privet hedge last?

The leaves of the privet hedge are turning yellow at first, then purple or even black. The decay has started from one side and it is now slowly spreading across the entire length of the hedge… Ligustrum spp. or privet is thought to be really hardy and often survive for years on end without much maintenance.

How do you grow a thick privet hedge?

The privet hedge is one of the faster-growing hedge available, so it's important you prune and trim regularly to keep it looking fresh and attractive. Trimming at the right time, trimming the top and pruning the buds at the right time will help it become denser quickly.

Are all privet invasive?

All nine species of privet currently in the southeast U.S. are invasive. The first species of privet was introduced into the United States in the 1700s as an ornamental plant used as a hedge or foliage for gardens.

Is common privet invasive?

Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) is one of the worst invasive plants in the South. It dominates the shrub layer and often becomes the only shrub underneath trees, especially in streamside areas.

Is privet an evergreen?

Privet hedges are considered to be semi-evergreen, rather than fully evergreen hedging because in very cold winters it can lose some of its foliage which comes back afresh in the spring.

How big does a common privet hedge get?

Common privet, or ligustrum vulgare is a type of privet hedge. Common privet is a dark green, bushy, hedge that can grow to 15 feet tall and 12 feet wide.

What is a privet hedge?

A privet hedge is commonly used as a boundary line, or fence, a border plant or just for general landscaping. Privet hedges are tall, fast-growing hedges that aside from pruning and trimming, require little maintenance.

What is a golden privet?

Golden privet or ligustrum vicaryi, is a type of privet hedge. Golden privet can grow to be 10 feet tall and 10 wide. This privet hedge is characterized by it's yellow-green to gold colored oval shaped leaves. Golden privet blooms in early to mid summer with small, fragrant white flowers that attract bees. All parts of a golden privet are poisonous to human beings if ingested, so be sure to keep small children away from the plant. Golden privet is best planted in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 8, and can be planted in full sun to full shade conditions.

How tall is a green privet?

Green Privet. Green privet, or ligustrum ovalifolium, is a fast-growing dense hedge that grows to be 8 to 12 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet wide. The hedge has medium-sized, smooth-textured, oval, evergreen leaves and when in bloom in summer it has creamy white flowers that attract insets.

Is privet poisonous?

It should be noted that all parts of most species of privet hedge, such as the leaves, berries and flowers, are poisonous if ingested by human beings. If any of these are ingested, you should contact your local poison control department as soon as possible. Advertisement. Video of the Day.

What is a privet hedge?

A privet hedge ( Ligustrum spp.) running along a property border is a classic look. The plant's common name even seems to say "privacy," and these bushes can form a natural privacy fence for those seeking a secluded setting in their yard. Many privet species are not especially ornamental plants when considered in isolation.

What are the different types of privets?

There are around 50 species and even more varieties of privet, including: 1 Korean privet/California privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium): This shrub is hardy in zones 5 to 8, and it grows around 10 to 15 feet tall. 2 Golden privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium 'Aureum'): This variety grows roughly 8 to 10 feet tall and features golden leaf margins. 3 Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare): This species is known for having good cold tolerance and can form a fast-growing, dense hedge. 4 Border privet (Ligustrum obtusifolium): This species has very good cold tolerance and can sometimes survive in USDA zone 3. 5 Amur privet (Ligustrum amurense): This species also can survive in USDA zone 3 and tops out at around 12 to 15 feet tall.

How big do prunets get?

Botanical Name. Ligustrum spp. Common Name. Privet. Plant Type. Shrub. Mature Size. 4–15 feet tall, 4–10 feet wide.

What is the best cold tolerance hedge?

Common privet (Ligustrum vulgare): This species is known for having good cold tolerance and can form a fast-growing, dense hedge. Border privet (Ligustrum obtusifolium): This species has very good cold tolerance and can sometimes survive in USDA zone 3. Amur privet (Ligustrum amurense): This species also can survive in USDA zone 3 ...

Is privet a deciduous plant?

Many privet species are not especially ornamental plants when considered in isolation. They ’re either evergreen or deciduous (dropping their leaves over winter) with dense, oval or lance-shaped, glossy green leaves, though some varieties have different leaf shades.

Is privet a invasive plant?

But their planting site must have good drainage. Moreover, some privet species are considered invasive plants, depending on where you live. So make sure the species you plan to use is appropriate for your area.

What is a privet hedge?

Privet Hedges. Privet hedges tolerate windy, exposed sites and heavy pruning, performing well in urban settings where there is pollution. Privet hedge is suitable for shaded areas, but will not do well in heavy, wet soils. There are several species of privet hedge.

When do Chinese privets bloom?

Chinese privet hedges do very well in southern climatic zones and keep leaves all year around (Zones 6-9). Privet shrubs bear white flowers in late spring to early summer, and produce berries after they have flowered. The berries are coveted by wildlife. Pruning a privet hedge is easy.

Do privet hedges tolerate wet soil?

Privet hedge is suitable for shaded areas, but will not do well in heavy, wet soils. There are several species of privet hedge.

Can you cut back a privet hedge?

Privet hedges can also be cut back severely and recover quickly. Privet is ideal for topiary and you can use electric shears to create informal or other shapes. Pruning makes privet vigorous and the regrowth is denser after each trimming. Privet will create new growth in former leafless areas when the sun hits it.

What is a privet?

Ligustrum. L. Species. See text. Wild privet, also sometimes known as common privet or European privet ( Ligustrum vulgare) A privet is a flowering plant in the genus Ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of erect, deciduous or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees, native to Europe, north Africa, Asia, ...

What is a Chinese privet tree?

The tree species, especially Chinese privet is frequently used as a street tree in Europe, while other species including Ligustrum japonicum and Ligustrum quihoui are among the others also sometimes used as ornamental plants in gardens.

Is privet fruit toxic to humans?

Some species produce a fruit, which is mildly toxic to humans. Symptoms from eating privet fruit include nausea, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, low blood pressure, and low body temperature. At least some privet species are known to be toxic to horses.

Is Privet an invasive species?

Privet is a successful invasive species because of its ability to outcompete and therefore displace native vegetation, due to its adaptability. Various species are now a problem in North America, Australia and New Zealand.

What are the threats to a privet hedge?

What Are The Main Threats For A Privet Hedge? Although privet hedge is notoriously hardy, it can succumb to wilt and honey fungus. Signs of infection include discoloured leaves or leaves falling off, and honey fungus can prevent new growth from occurring in spring.

Why is privet flower banned in New Zealand?

It is banned from sale in New Zealand because of invasive nature and it’s allergy-causing pollen. Privet flowers have both sets of reproductive organs, but require the help of bees and other insects to pollinate. It is very tolerant to pollution, making it an ideal inhabitant of urban areas.

When do prunet hedges bloom?

Privet hedge usually flowers in mid-summer (July in the UK) with small white flowers which do not have a particular pleasant smell. The Fragrant Cloud variety is chosen for it’s scented blooms. It is noted as an allergy-producing plant.

Can prunets produce berries?

Privet produces pois onous berries after flowering, however the common use as a pruned hedge usually prevents fruition. The shiny black berries are most common, but some varieties have been cultivated to produce green/white and yellow berries.

Is Privet a good hedge?

Privet is one of the best all round hedge plants, happy to grow in most soils, hardy enough to survive in most weathers and a great choice for topiary. Let’s dig into this perennially popular plant in a bit more detail.

What is a curved leaf privet?

Similar in size is the curved-leaf privet, a variety of Japanese privet called ‘Recurvifolium’. It has twisted leaves that give an elegant air to this very easily grown evergreen, that can also be planted as an easily-maintained hedge.

When does a privet bloom?

Usually bloom in early to mid summer, but it can depend on trimming, since trimmed plants will bloom later, or not at all. August 4, 2018 by nate . PLEASE do not plant ANY species of privet, and when removing it, be thorough in either removing the root or spraying it with herbicide to ensure that it will not return.

What zone do boxwoods grow in?

Most will grow in zone 7. A very different beast from boxwood, needing lots of trimming, because they grow so fast. A variety listed as growing smaller will of course take longer to reach that height than a tall variety will, if you are willing to keep trimming it regularly. April 24, 2020by ROGER J ROELLE .

How long do sage leaves last?

The leaves are supple, not waxy and are teardrop shaped. When it blooms it is Very fragrant and last for nearly 3 weeks but there are no types of berries/seeds.

Is privet invasive?

It is a horrendously invasive species. I do work in National Parks and Forests, and privet is running rampant and is destroying all of the native trees that feed the animals. Along with many other invasive plant species like wisteria and kudzu, it is fast growing and can be very destructive to an entire ecosystem.

Is Chinese privet cold hardy?

This plant is not especially cold-hardy, but it thrives in the warmth and humidity of the south-east, again seeding and spreading into natural forests and crowding out native species. The variegated from of Chinese privet is much tamer, and has attractive leaves edged in white.

Is myrtle a good hedge?

Wax myrtle, Myrica cerifera, would be a good choice for a hedge if you are in the southern part of NJ, south of Atlantic City, because wax myrtle does need zone 7. The bay berry, Myrica pennsylvanica, is a lot hardier, and just as salt resistant, but shorter and probably slower growing too.

What kind of hedges are good for privacy?

Many types of evergreen hedge shrubs create natural living privacy screens that block out noise, wind, and prying eyes. Other types of deciduous flowering hedge plants can line backyards with beautiful colors and scents when the hedge blooms. You can also grow hedge plants along walls, fences, or even in the front of house to create striking curb ...

How tall do privet bushes grow?

These tall hedge plants can grow to between 10 and 15 ft. (3 – 4.5 m).

What is a holly plant?

Holly plants are big hedge bushes that create effective privacy screens that also add some security. Most species of holly plants have jagged, stiff leaves that deter animals and intruders. Holly shrubs have a neat, compact growth that is ideal for narrow hedgerows.

What are some good hedges for a garden?

Some of the best plants for hedges are: 1 Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) —These bushy shrubs are beautiful hedging plants with dramatic, showy flowers when they bloom. An excellent plant for summer privacy screens. 2 American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’) —This arborvitae cultivar is a popular evergreen conifer for dense privacy hedging. The soft foliage and upright, compact growth make Thujas common in residential gardens. 3 Common Holly (Ilex aquifolium) —This plant is a popular security and privacy hedge. Holly plants have shiny, evergreen foliage made of spiky leaves. Flowering in the summer before producing red berries in the winter adds color to yards throughout most of the year. 4 European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) — Beech trees are fast-growing deciduous trees that can be clipped into formal hedges. The green foliage gives way to beautiful copper and red colors in the fall. 5 Hedge Maple (Acer campestre) —This flowering maple plant is a trendy hedging tree with rapid growth. This species can grow together with other hedge bushes to create dramatic informal box-shaped hedges.

What is the best evergreen hedge?

American Arborvitae ( Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’) — Evergreen Hedge. Pictures of thuja ’emerald green’ (‘Smaragd’) – it’s considered as one of the best evergreen trees for privacy. It’s also one of the most beautiful types of columnar trees. Species of arborvitae create some of the best privacy hedges for garden landscapes.

What is the best hedging plant for privacy screens?

This small shrub is another hedging plant that is excellent for creating summer privacy screens. One of the best arrowwood cultivars is the ‘Blue Muffin.’ The shiny green foliage contrasts with clusters of white flowers in the summer, and then blue berries appear in late summer and fall.

How tall does a boxwood hedge grow?

Depending on the boxwood cultivar, hedges can grow to between 3 and 30 ft. (1 – 9 m) The cultivar Buxus sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’ is a dwarf hedging plant. The slow-growing, evergreen shrub is ideal for a low hedge that is between 2 and 3 ft. (0.6 – 1 m) tall.

Different Varieties Of Privet

Privet is a flowering plant from the genus Ligustrum. There are fifty species within this genus, many of which are shrubs, and some are also trees.

Benefits Of Growing A Privet Hedge

It offers a great noise border, absorbing noise from the street or a neighbouring yard.

Benefits Of Growing A Privet Hedge From Cuttings

Saving money is the biggest factor on growing a privet hedge from cuttings.

Drawbacks Of Growing Privet

In some growing locations, in particular the south, privet can have unwanted spread.

Can You Grow Privet From A Cutting?

Privet can be easily grown from a cutting. Cut the stems from the privet plant up to a foot in length. Stems should be slim and no wider than pencil width. Strip the lower leaves from the stems, dip in rooting hormone, and place the stems in a good soilless medium until rooted. Transplant into the garden and keep well watered until established.

Can You Take Cuttings Any Time Of Year?

We actually got our cuttings from privet plants that were trimmed back at the first of August.

How Do You Take Cuttings From Privet?

Start by cutting stems from the plant, no larger than pencil size in width, and up to a foot in length. This size is the best for successful rooting.

1. Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush is appropriately named for the insects that it attracts with its fragrant blooms. It’s an excellent choice if you don’t have a green thumb. This plant is highly adaptable — as long as it gets full sun. There are many cultivars available to give you plenty of colors from which to choose.

2. Hibiscus

A row of Hibiscus shrubs planted in your yard is sure to make a statement. An array of its big, brilliant flowers will make a stunning focal point. They bloom later in the season and last a relatively long time too, which only adds to their beauty.

3. Hydrangea

The Hydrangea is a striking shrub that will make an excellent hedge when planted in groups. There are many cultivars of varying sizes and colors. One of the best things about Hydrangeas is that they grow fast. You can fill that bare spot in your yard quickly, with an attractive focal point to boot.

4. Barberry

Barberry is a tough customer when it comes to hedges. This plant handles trying conditions that other species may find hard to endure. It comes in several cultivars, with flowerings and foliage of varying colors. It has red berries protected by sharp thorns.

5. Spirea

Spirea is a classic choice for a row of hedges. Its white flowers are small yet beautiful. It’s not a large shrub and isn’t invasive, which makes it an excellent choice if space is an issue. This plant has a wide range of acceptable hardiness zones, making it an option if you live in a colder area.

6. Lilac

Lilacs are an excellent choice for hedges on many scores. The flowers are beautiful and bouquet-worthy. The scent is incredible too—even if the bees like it. Some varieties are quite large, but you’ll find many smaller ones if you need something different. It is fast-growing and unfortunately, invasive, so it’s a restricted species in some states.

7. Viburnum

Viburnum is a dense shrub that will make an excellent hedge. It’s not that tall, which is another point in its favor. While it is deciduous, its burgundy leaves in the fall give it an eye-catching look. It’s an early blooming plant that grows slowly into its place. It is a picky species when it comes to the soil type, though.



A privet is a flowering plant in the genus Ligustrum. The genus contains about 50 species of erect, deciduous or evergreen shrubs, sometimes forming small or medium-sized trees, native to Europe, north Africa, Asia, many introduced and naturalised in Australasia, where only one species, Ligustrum australianum, extends as a native into Queensland. Some species have become widely natur…


Privet is a group of shrubs and small trees of southern and eastern Asia, from the Himalayas extending into Australia. They may be evergreen or deciduous, and are tolerant of different soil types. They often have conspicuous heads of white flowers followed by black berries.

Uses and cultivation

In addition to being cultivated to create ornamental hedges and foliage, privet is also widely used in horticulture and flower arrangements. The oval leaf privet Ligustrum ovalifolium is used for hedges, while its flexible twigs are sometimes used as cords for lashing. The tree species, especially Chinese privet is frequently used as a street tree in Europe, while other species including Ligustrum japonicum and Ligustrum quihoui are among the others also sometimes used as orna…


A plant may produce thousands of fruits, most of which are eaten by birds. Privet is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the common emerald, common marbled carpet, copper underwing, engrailed, mottled beauty, scalloped hazel, small angle shades, v-pug, privet hawk moth and willow beauty.
Privet is a successful invasive species because of its ability to outcompete and therefore displac…

Additional information

Privet (translated into German as Liguster) is a core part of Michael Frayn's novel Spies, which was published in 2002. In the Harry Potter novels by J. K. Rowling, the Dursley family lives at #4 Privet Drive. In the German translation, they live on Ligusterweg.

Selected species

The Integrated Taxonomic Information System lists eleven "accepted" species of Ligustrum. Additional species are listed in other references.
• Ligustrum amamianum (China)
• Ligustrum amurense (Northern China) – Amur privet
• Ligustrum angustum (China)

1.Garden Guides | Types of Privet Hedges


8 hours ago  · Ligustrum vulgare Chinese Privet. Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense variegata) is a semi-evergreen large shrub or small tree that grows to... Border Privet. Border privet (Ligustrum obtusifolium) is a deciduous shrub that grows to 10 to 12 feet in height. It is... Japanese Privet. Japanese privet ...

2.Types of Privet Hedges | eHow


3 hours ago Privet Hedge Varieties Sort By 12 Items Show Golden Vicary Privet Zones: 5-8 As low as $64.79 Amur North River Privet Zones: 4-7 As low as $44.39 Cheyenne Privet Zones: 4-8 As low as …

3.How to Grow and Care for Privet - The Spruce


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4.Many Privet Hedge Varieties Online | Nature Hills Nursery


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5.Privet - Wikipedia


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6.Privet Hedge Guide (Your Questions Answered)


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7.Privet Shrubs | Pros & Cons of Privets | Buy Privets


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8.The Best Plants for Hedges: 23 Types of Hedges (With …


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9.How To Grow A Privet Hedge From Cuttings - Farmhouse …


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10.20 Types of Hedges Compared: Pros & Cons (With Pictures)


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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9