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how much creeping phlox do i need

by Ari O'Reilly Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How much water does creeping phlox need?

In average garden soil you should not have to water your newly planted Creeping Phlox every day. More often than not, this causes soggy soil conditions that can lead to root rot and other plant diseases. In the absence of sufficient rainfall, water only as needed to keep the rootball and surrounding soil damp to moist.

How do you plant creeping phlox?

Almost any soil is suitable for growing creeping phlox as long as it is in full sun to partial shade. For best results, however, plant it in a sunny location where soils are moist but well drained. Dig in some organic soil amendments to enrich the soil and water the plant until it is established.

How often do you shear creeping phlox?

Here are 3 tips to properly shear your creeping phlox: 1 Time: Generally, this task will be completed from late May (after bloom) to no later than mid-August. ... 2 Amount: Using garden shears, cut back the plant by a third or half. ... 3 How often: Make sure to repeat this gardening task annually after each spring blooming season.

Should I Deadhead creeping phlox?

Proper light conditions and a regular fertilization schedule will encourage the best blooming on creeping phlox year after year. You do not need to deadhead these plants (remove the spent blooms), though in some cases this can extend the blooming period. Don't do any pruning on your phlox until it's done blooming to avoid removing the flower buds.


How far apart do you plant phlox?

Spacing: Garden phlox should be planted about 18 inches apart, while Creeping phlox should be planted about 2 feet apart.

How far will one creeping phlox spread?

2 feetGrowing only 3-8 inches tall (7-20 centimeters), but spreading as wide as 9 inches up to 2 feet (22-60 centimeters), creeping phlox is an ideal ground cover and companion plant.

How fast does creeping phlox spread?

This ground cover takes about two years to reach full maturity, but when it does, each plant will cover an area of about 2 feet and grows about 6 inches tall. As if the vibrant colors weren't enough of an incentive to purchase creeping phlox for your landscape, it also has many other benefits.

When should I plant creeping phlox?

The best time to plant creeping phlox is either in the spring or the fall. The bright, tiny blooms will appear in the spring but the rest of the year the plant will keep its bright green foliage. Creeping phlox needs well-aerated soil so that its roots can move about and spread.

Will creeping phlox choke out weeds?

Creeping Phlox This hardy perennial groundcover plant will cover your garden in a pastel-hued carpet of star-shaped flowers in the springtime, and its semi-evergreen foliage will continue to help choke out weeds throughout the remainder of the growing season.

How do you encourage creeping phlox to spread?

Creeping Phlox Propagation Cut through the center of the plant and through the roots with a sharp soil knife or even a spade. Replant one-half of the phlox in the original hole and plant the other anywhere you want more of the colorful ground cover. The process can be done every few years to create healthier plants.

Will creeping phlox crowd out other plants?

Also known as Creeping Phlox, or Moss Phlox, this plant forms fluffy purple or white flowers in a thick mat. It creates an enchanting look on any yard with cloud-like formations of purple flowers. The dense carpet of flowers chokes out weeds by preventing sunlight from reaching beyond its bushy growth.

Does creeping phlox last all summer?

Creeping phlox will start blooming in the late spring to early summer, depending on its climate. And it will stay in bloom for several weeks with profuse clusters of sweetly fragrant flowers.

Can you walk on creeping phlox?

Creeping Phlox Phlox preferes direct sunlight and well-drained soil, and it's durable enough to walk on throughout the year.

How long does creeping phlox last?

3-4 weeksBlooming profusely for 3-4 weeks in mid to late spring, Creeping Phlox boasts bright, fragrant flowers in shades of blue-purple, pink, red or white. Each flower is adorned with five, flat, petal-like, rounded lobes that are distinctively notched.

Will phlox take over grass?

The phlox will creep. It won't spread into your lawn like creeping Charlie or other weeds. If you keep mowing to the edge of the lawn (and over any phlow that crept in) you won't have a problem. The phlox will not survive mowing and the grass will take over.

What goes well with creeping phlox?

Aubrieta deltoidea (Rock Cress) Easy care, Aubrieta is perfectly suited as a rock garden plant where it will reward you with a long-lasting carpet of delicate flowers. Native to the Mediterranean region, Aubrieta is a very cold hardy alpine plant that deserves a spot in sunny gardens.

Will creeping phlox spread?

Also known as star rock or moss phlox (P. Subulata) the plant can achieve a spread of between 9 and 18 inches. Depending on the variety it can grow to a height of between 6 and 12 inches. If you want to add creeping phlox to your garden, this is everything you need to know.

Will creeping phlox crowd out other plants?

Also known as Creeping Phlox, or Moss Phlox, this plant forms fluffy purple or white flowers in a thick mat. It creates an enchanting look on any yard with cloud-like formations of purple flowers. The dense carpet of flowers chokes out weeds by preventing sunlight from reaching beyond its bushy growth.

Can phlox spread through a mulched area?

The plant will spread and take root in the mulch, gradually expanding the clump until it covers a wide area. In order to establish Creeping Phlox as a groundcover for suppressing weeds, you need to mulch generously for the first few years, or weeds and grass will get established and will be very hard to control.

Where is the best place to plant creeping phlox?

full sunPhlox subulata is best grown in well-drained soils in full sun. Though it can do well in areas with dappled light like a sunny area in a woodland garden or in especially hot, humid climates, the best flowering is typically found in full sun. With a little care, creeping phlox will thrive in your landscape.

How to propagate creeping phlox?

Simply dig the plant up, preserving the root ball. Cut through the center of the plant and through the roots with a sharp soil knife or even a spade. Re plant one-half of the phlox in the original hole and plant the other anywhere you want more ...

What is creeping phlox?

About Creeping Phlox. A perennial nature and semi-evergreen habit are important facts about creeping phlox. These plants have needle-like foliage with small starry, five-pointed flowers in red, lavender, pink, white or bluish-purple. Creeping phlox blooms in spring and produces long, spreading stems, which become woody with age.

How to make a plant grow faster?

Dig in some organic soil amendments to enrich the soil and water the plant until it is established.

How tall does a sage plant get?

In addition, the plant has a moderate growth rate and can get 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm.) high with a 2 foot (.6 m.) spread.

Can creeping phlox grow in full sun?

The plant has an easy going nature and thrives in a variety of conditions. Almost any soil is suitable for growing creeping phlox as long as it is in full sun to partial shade. For best results, however, plant it in a sunny location where soils are moist but well drained.

When to take stem cuttings for rooting?

You can also take stem cuttings for rooting in summer or fall. Dip these in a plant hormone and plant in a soil-less medium to take root.

Do rockeries need supplemental water?

Even established plants should have supplemental watering in hot summer periods and plants along rockeries may show signs of scorching due to the hot surroundings.

What type of soil does creeping phlox like?

Creeping Phlox will grow in a variety of soils. It prefers a moist but well-drained soil however grows well in sandy or gravely soils and tolerates hot, dry exposures better than most other phlox species. As with so many other perennial plants, constantly soggy soils can be problematic. So make sure to plant in a well-draining site.

How to remove creeping phosphlox from container?

To remove your Creeping Phlox plant from the container it was growing in first squeeze the sides of the container to loosen the root ball. Then try to gentlyremove the plant from its container. If the root ball is stuck in the container use snips to cut the container away.

How big does a phlox grow?

Growing 2 to 5 inches tall and 24 inches wide, these delightful carpet-forming plants are ideal for use as a low edger or mass planting in landscape and perennial borders, ...

What to do with soggy soil?

Constantly soggy soil can and often will cause root rot or other harmful or deadly plant diseases. Therefore, plant in a container that has a drainage hole(s) and use a quality potting soil or potting mix, or a 50/50 combination thereof. You can add 10% pumice or Perlite to the soil mixture to enhance drainage.

What is the pH of phlox?

Creeping phlox grows well in a moderately acid to slightly alkaline soil ranging from 6.0 to 8.0 on the pH scale. Most average garden soils fall between a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. Testing Soil pH . Soil pH is a measurement of the alkalinity or acidity of soil and is measured on a scale of 1-14, with 7 as the neutral mark.

How to plant a sage plant in a hole?

Start planting by using a shovel or trowel to dig your planting hole two to three times as wide and as deep or not much deeper than the root ball of your plant. Place native soil removed from planting hole around the perimeter of the hole, in a wheel barrow, or on a tarp. Step 3.

How to get rid of a stuck root ball?

If the root ball is stuck in the container use snips to cut the container away. After having removed the plant from the container, use your fingers to gently loosen some feeder roots around the surface of the root ball. Step 3. Pour a small amount of your soil mixture in the bottom of the container.

When do creeping phlox bloom?

Creeping phlox, Phlox subulata, is a stunning low-growing perennial that creates a striking carpet full of 5-petaled blooms in radiant hues of reds, purples, blues, pinks and whites in late April and May.

Do creeping phlox need pruning?

However, this eccentric plant can require some specific pruning. These perennials should be pruned back some time after they stop blooming, to help maintain the form you prefer, encourage lush growth and also to reduce the chances of pest problems. Here are 3 tips to properly shear your creeping phlox:

How to grow creeping phlox in a container?

Dig and mix the organic material into the soil. Use a garden trowel to dig a hole approximately double the width of the creeping phlox's nursery container. If planting multiple plants, space planting holes about a foot apart. Slide the creeping phlox carefully from the container, and then place the plant in the hole.

What is creeping phlox?

Creeping phlox is a sturdy, low-maintenance plant that camouflages an unsightly slope or other difficult areas in the landscape as it rambles between rocks ...

How to make a compost pile?

Spread 2 to 4 inches of organic material such as animal manure or compost over the top of the soil. Dig and mix the organic material into the soil.

Is creeping phlox drought tolerant?

Once established, creeping phlox is a drought-tolerant plant that requires supplemental water only during warm, dry weather.

What is the disease on a phox plant?

Phlox is susceptible to powdery mildew disease, which covers the plants in a white, powdery cover. If they have this disease, cut the affected areas back to the ground. Make sure to sterilize your pruning shears both before and after pruning.

How big do phlox flowers get?

Phlox flowers grow in thick clusters that can measure 4 to 6 inches high and 6 to 8 inches wide, according to Garden Design.

How tall does Candy Twist Phlox grow?

Candy twist phlox is a real attention-grabber, and it grows to about 2 feet tall, with vivid pink- and white-striped flowers. Bright eyes garden phlox, with vivid pink flowers with darker centers, usually makes an appearance from July to September. Their pretty blooms are fragrant, and butterflies and birds love them.

What is creeping phlox?

Many flowering plants have more than one name, and creeping phlox (Phlox stolonifera) is no exception. It's also called rock pink, moss pink and moss phlox, among others. They are perennials, hardy in United States plant zones 3 through 9. Winterize your garden phlox to help the plant make it through inclement weather.

What is the flower called that grows in the shade of blue?

Also called blue phlox, its flowers are an appealing shade of blue. Creeping phlox is becoming more and more popular in cultivated outdoor gardens.

How many types of phlox are there? refers to them as a “continuous carpet of flowers.”. There are more than 50 kinds of phlox, and some are creepers (also called wild ground phlox) that grow close to the ground and spread quickly. Garden varieties grow taller, similar to shrubs. Care is similar for each type.

When do phlox bloom?

Some of the varieties have fragrant flowers, and the average blooming period runs from July to September. Hummingbirds and butterflies love phlox, as do hungry deer and rabbits.

How to protect creeping phlox from heaving?

To protect creeping phlox against heaving and drying, pile 3 inches of shredded pine bark mulch, straw or pine needles over the tops of plants after two or three hard frost s in the fall. This helps moderate soil temperatures, reducing the freeze-thaw cycle severity, and protect the foliage from harsh, cold, drying wind and sun.

What temperature does phlox need to be to survive frost?

Creeping phlox plants are not as sensitive to frost as many other plants, but temperatures of 20 degrees Fahrenheit for a few nights after a period of warm spring weather will damage them and temperatures below 40 F should prompt protective measures. When damaged, the leaves may wilt or look scorched with dry, brown areas.

Why do creeping phlox leaves dry out?

Winter drying occurs when creeping phlox foliage is exposed to cold winter winds and direct sunlight. Even though they are evergreen, the plants go dormant in the winter and can't absorb moisture to keep the leaves hydrated. Advertisement. Tip.

How to prevent wind damage to phlox?

Shoveling snow or placing needle-leaved evergreen branches over creeping phlox plants also helps prevent winter wind and sun damage to the leaves.

Can phlox be damaged?

When damaged, the leaves may wilt or look scorched with dry, brown areas. Flower buds can be killed or damaged so that the petals appear irregular and distorted. Creeping phlox plants recover quickly, but flowering could be reduced. Fall frost is not a problem for creeping phlox plants.

Is moss phlox hardy?

Moss phlox is hardy in USDA zones 3 to 9, while sand phlox is hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8. Late spring frost and winter weather can do some damage, though. Provide the plants with protection from these weather extremes. Advertisement.

Can phlox survive the winter?

Creeping phlox ( Phlox stolonifera) can survive winter lows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 9. Moss phlox ( Phlox subulata) and sand phlox ( Phlox bifida ), also creeping phlox species, can survive even colder winters. Moss phlox is hardy in USDA zones 3 to 9, while sand phlox is hardy in USDA zones 4 to 8. Late spring frost and winter weather can do some damage, though. Provide the plants with protection from these weather extremes.


1.Creeping Phlox: Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce


10 hours ago  · Creeping phlox is a fairly low-maintenance plant. It requires watering if you have a week or two without rainfall, along with an annual feeding. Plus, mature plants might need a bit …

2.How To Plant, Fertilize, Prune & Water Creeping Moss …


21 hours ago  · Typically, a full-size creeping phlox plant will grow to be around 6-12 inches tall and about 10-14 inches wide, meaning that they can get quite large when looked after properly. …

3.How, Why and When to Shear Creeping Phlox - Horticulture


16 hours ago  · Creeping phlox typically grows to be 6-12 inches tall and spreads 12-24 inches wide. It is a fast-growing plant, so it won’t take long to cover a large area. It takes …

4.How to Plant Creeping Phlox for Ground Cover - SFGATE


17 hours ago  · Plant phlox in the spring after the danger of frost; place them 18 to 24 inches apart. Then water them thoroughly and add a layer of mulch by the root zone. If you use seeds …

5.How to Care for Creeping Phlox Over the Winter - SFGATE


16 hours ago  · Grow creeping phlox in full sun, or in dappled, partial shade in warmer regions with bright sunlight. Creeping phlox is low-growing and spreading, growing 10-15cm high and up to …

6.How to grow and care for creeping phlox


17 hours ago Creeping phlox (Phlox stolonifera) can survive winter lows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 9. Moss phlox (Phlox subulata) and sand phlox (Phlox bifida), also …

7.Does Creeping Phlox Need Frost Protection? | Hunker


23 hours ago

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9