Knowledge Builders

how much does it cost to remove cigarette smoke from a house

by Mrs. Faye Hartmann DDS Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Angie's List estimates the average cost of cigarette smoke remediation at about $4,100. What you pay depends on the distribution of smoke throughout the house. It's possible that every room will need to be treated if you want to get rid of cigarette smoke damage entirely.

How much does it cost to remove cigarette smoke odor?

However, the average cost is around $4,100 to remove cigarette odor and smoke residue. This price may be higher or lower depending on the company you use and the severity of the smoke damage. Can You Do Anything to Eliminate Cigarette Smoke Odor on Your Own?

How much does cigarette smoke remediation cost?

Angie’s List estimates the average cost of cigarette smoke remediation at about $4,100. What you pay depends on the distribution of smoke throughout the house. It’s possible that every room will need to be treated if you want to get rid of cigarette smoke damage entirely.

How can I remove cigarette smoke odor from my home?

Completely removing the cigarette smoke odor of the home is a very time-consuming and complicated process. Call a professional smoke remediation specialist, PuroClean, to remove the scent if the situation is complex. As tobacco residue is present throughout the entire affected area, removing it is often very difficult.

When is professional cigarette smoke odor removal necessary?

After years of smoking in a home, walls and contents become blemished and develop foul odors, and professional cigarette smoke odor removal is often necessary. Learn more about cleaning homes affected by tobacco residue and odors below.


Can cigarette smoke smell be removed from a house?

Placing bowls of activated charcoal (powdered form) around your room may help to absorb the smoke odors. Fresh Air. In the warmer weather, leave your windows and doors open as much as possible. Fresh air will eventually dissipate the smell of smoke.

How long does it take for cigarette smoke to leave a house?

The median (interquartile range [IQR]) for the time for the SHS peak to decay by 50% was 55 (23-116) min, and the median (IQR) for the peak to reduce to the WHO guidance value for PM2. 5 was 160 (90-313) min. Conclusions: SHS remains in household air for a considerable period after smoking a cigarette.

Should you buy a house that smells like cigarette smoke?

Sellers are not required to disclose that a home has housed a smoker, so if you're worried about it, be sure to keep an eye—and nose—out for it. A smoky smell is an obvious sign, of course, but a strong smell of Febreze, air fresheners, or other fragrances could mean that the seller is trying to mask an odor.

Will cigarette smoke smell eventually go away?

Tobacco smoke can even circulate through the entire house via the ventilation system. But there is no need to panic, as the smell will dissipate over time.

Can cigarette smoke linger in a house for years?

Smoke residue accumulates over time and lingers on carpets, walls and cupboards years after smokers leave, researchers found. Andrew had lived in his apartment for 10 years and never smoked.

What is the best cigarette smoke odor eliminator?

10 Best Products for Getting That Smoke Smell Out of Your CarCar Air Purifier. Enoch. ... Air Purifier Bags. Nature Fresh. ... Armor All Fogger Rapid Odor Eliminator. Armor All. ... Car Air Freshener. Purgoo. ... Smoke & Odors Eliminator Gel. Ozium. ... Activated Charcoal Air Purifying Bag. Amazon. ... Smoke Odor Eliminator. Zep. ... Odor Removing Gel.More items...•

Can a smokers house be cleaned?

To remove smoke and nicotine from walls and ceilings, use a mixture of Trisodium Phosphate (TSP), Dawn dish detergent, and water. After two thorough cleanings, seal everything with a primer specifically designed for smoke damage before painting.

Is it safe to live in a house that has been smoked in?

This residue can build up on home surfaces, including walls, countertops, and even ordinary household dust. It's not just unsightly but also contains carcinogens, as well as toxic heavy metals such as lead and arsenic. Some research indicates that thirdhand smoke may contribute to lung cancer and can damage DNA.

How do you fix a house that has been smoked in?

Most experts recommend simply replacing highly porous items, such as fabrics, carpets, or furniture that come with the house. Depending on the damage, you may also need to replace harder but still-porous items like floors, trim, and doors. And some smoker's houses will need to be stripped down to the studs.

How do you deep clean a smoker's house?

Start with Hard Surfaces Use a spray bottle and a rag to wipe down all hard surfaces with a 50 / 50 solution of white vinegar and hot water. You may also wash the walls and ceiling with a mixture of 1/2 cup ammonia, 1/4 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup baking soda and a gallon of hot water.

What is the best cleaner to use to remove nicotine from walls?

The best cleaner for nicotine on walls from a commercial standpoint is a product containing trisodium phosphate, or TSP. TSP is a general-purpose cleaner found in most home improvement stores.

Do air purifiers work with smoke?

If you're looking for an air purifier that will eliminate cigarette smoke, you're out of luck. Tobacco smoke is made up of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter. Most air purifiers, also called air cleaners, aren't designed to remove gaseous pollutants.

How long does thirdhand smoke last in a house?

Researchers at San Diego State University's Department of Psychology have found that homes of former smokers remained polluted with thirdhand smoke for up to 6 months after the residents quit smoking.

How do you clean a house that has been smoked in for years?

Use a spray bottle and a rag to wipe down all hard surfaces with a 50 / 50 solution of white vinegar and hot water. You may also wash the walls and ceiling with a mixture of 1/2 cup ammonia, 1/4 cup vinegar, 1/2 cup baking soda and a gallon of hot water.

How long does secondhand smoke stay in a room?

Most second-hand smoke comes from the tip of a burning cigarette. This makes it almost impossible to direct smoke away from those around you. If you only smoke in one area of your home the harmful chemicals will spread rapidly from room to room and can linger for up to 5 hours.

How to get rid of smoke smell in a room?

Consider dry cleaning or re-upholstering any furniture in the affected area. Smoky smells settle into fabric-covered items and require a detailed cleaning process. Be sure to give care to each item in the affected rooms individually to prevent the burning smell from sticking around.

How to get rid of a smelly house?

If the damaged area has naturally good ventilation, then this process is easy. Start by opening any windows and turning on the fans in the space. This airflow will encourage the dissipation of the smell.

What is smoke remediation?

Vigorous ventilation and cleaning with professional-grade materials, also known as smoke remediation, will penetrate the layers of odor around your house. When this combination of ventilation and smoke remediation is applied to a smoke-damaged room, it is incredibly effective at restoring the room to its original condition.

Can smoke smell be traumatizing?

If you’ve recently suffered a massive fire or sustained smoke damage in your home, then you know firsthand the horrid effects the smell can have on your living environment. It’s unbearable to live with the smell on your walls; it can even be traumatizing to smell that stench in your house every day. That’s why getting proper smoke smell removal ...

Can you clean furniture and walls at the same time?

You want to ensure you have the walls and furniture inside the space cleaned at the same time. A quality cleaning remediation company will formulate a specific treatment plan based on the damage assessed.

Is it safe to replace a fire damaged home?

If you have extensive fire damage, but you’re concerned about spending money to replace your home, know that’s it’s better to be safe and invest in quality damage removal services than risk living in an extremely dangerous environment.

Is It Possible to Remove Smoke Smell from House?

It’s possible to remove unpleasant smoke smells from the house if you take several precautions . You’ll also want to thoroughly research any DIY methods and seek an expert’s opinion before attempting odor removal. Without the guidance of a specialist, you could cause further damage to your walls and other furniture.

How much does it cost to get rid of cigarette smoke?

Angie’s List estimates the average cost of cigarette smoke remediation at about $4,100. What you pay depends on the distribution of smoke throughout the house. It’s possible that every room will need to be treated if you want to get rid of cigarette smoke damage entirely.

How much does it cost to clean up after a fire?

Typical costs for clean-up after a fire has occurred are between $3,000 and $26,000. Smoke remediation itself can cost between $200 to $1,000 depending on how much furniture, clothing and carpet requires deodorizing. Since smoke will usually enter your heating and cooling ducts, you’ll also want to consider an HVAC system evaluation, which can cost between $150 and $500, with repair costing upwards of $1,000 if needed.

What to use to get rid of a smell in a house?

If the smell is not that strong or is only in one part of the house, you can use an air purifier with a HEPA filter, air out the room over several days and clean surfaces with vinegar and hot water.

What to do after a fire and smoke damage?

Filing a Homeowners Claim After a Fire and Smoke Damage. After a fire occurs, one of the last things you might be thinking about is filing fire or smoke damage claims. Here are some important steps to take to file a claim after you’ve suffered smoke or fire damage:

What are covered losses for renters?

Covered losses for renters typically include events that are sudden and accidental in nature. Fires that abruptly occur while cooking are a good example of when coverage would usually apply. And if a neighbor’s rental space is damaged by that kind of event, your coverage could extend to restore other rental spaces too.

How to tell how much personal property insurance you have?

Use receipts if you have access to them. Your insurance agent can tell you how much personal property coverage you have.

How much does it cost to restore a home after a fire?

According to, costs can average anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 to recover and restore your home after a small fire.

What Is Included in Smoke Removal Services

In order to efficiently and reliably eliminate the consequences of smoke damage, it is worth contacting a special service, i.e. a smoke removal company. Such a company sends you home professionals who can:

Is It Real to Remove Smoke Damage Yourself?

If you think that the cost of professional smoke removal service will be critical to your budget, of course, you can try to eliminate the effects of smoke in your home yourself. But what is it fraught with?

The Average Cost of Professional Smoke Removal

We have now reached the most sensible issue. How much does it cost to repair smoke damage? It highly depends on the volume and type of work that should be done. For example, the cheapest service on average is just getting rid of the burning odor and soot.

How Much Does Smoke Remediation Cost?

It’s hard to put a single price tag on smoke remediation because each situation is unique. The cost will correlate with the extent of the damage and the repairs needed. Typically, you can expect to spend between $2,000 and $12,000 on smoke remediation services.

How to Remove Smoke: A Basic Guide

Here’s a basic guide to removing smoke from your home to give you an idea of what’ll happen during smoke remediation.

Why Should You Contact Professionals for Smoke Remediation?

Some problems are hard to tackle on your own. When it comes to smoke remediation, there are various reasons to call in professionals.


The pros at IDC Fire and Water Restoration are here to help. With over twenty years of experience in the industry, our family-owned company has the tools and knowledge to tackle smoke damage in your home and get your life back on track.

Can you sell a house that smells like cigarette smoke?

Home buyers, sellers and realtors know first hand how difficult it can be to buy or sell a home that smells like cigarette smoke. A house sitting vacant can cost thousands of dollars in lost rent, lost sales, or paying double mortgages! A home that smells like smoke is so difficult to sell that a recent study showed that when they do sell, they can fetch 29% less than a non smokers home! Cigarette smoke removal services can restore your home and help you get top dollar.

Can a home smell like smoke?

A home that smells like smoke is so difficult to sell that a recent study showed that when they do sell, they can fetch 29% less than a non smokers home! Cigarette smoke removal services can restore your home and help you get top dollar.

Does Steri Clean remove smoke odor?

The cigarette smoke removal experts at Steri-Clean can completely remove smoke odors from your car, no matter how strong they are . Our simple 3 stage process will eliminate or greatly reduce the odor which in turn increases the selling price! We offer free estimates and fast turn around times. Call us today to learn more (844)600-2673.

How to remove tobacco smoke smell?

The only effective way to remove tobacco residue and smell is through very thorough cleaning and then sealing all structural surfaces. Restoration specialists start tobacco smoke removal by cleaning all surfaces. The cleanup always includes deodorizing agents to help eliminate the very tiny particles of tobacco smoke.

How to get rid of cigarette smell after cleaning?

If you can still smell cigarette odor after cleaning, repaint the walls and ceilings with latex paint. Use a sealant designed to lock in odors before painting. Clean everything in the home: floors, windows, carpets, furniture, upholstery, draperies, blinds, and other household surfaces, fixtures, and items. Hire a professional cleaning company ...

What is cigarette smoke?

Cigarette smoke residue is a yellowish-brown, gluey substance that sticks to every surface in a home, making it difficult and time-consuming to remove.

What equipment is used to remove odors from walls?

This will usually involve hydroxyl or ozone generators — professional equipment that effectively destroys the smelly particles that penetrated the hard-to-reach areas.

What is the best way to neutralize bad odors?

Clean walls and ceilings using products with ammonia and glycol — two ingredients that neutralize bad odors. Let the walls dry and check if the odor persists.

How to get rid of a smell in the house?

Place saucers of white vinegar around the house and leave them overnight to neutralize the smell.

Does cigar smoke affect carpet?

Cigarette smoke also penetrates more odor-absorbing objects, such as carpets, upholstery, bedding, clothes, and many more. Additionally, the HVAC system of a building carries the smoke odor and chemicals throughout the structure. The affected surfaces will become unpleasant to look at and the odors may disturb many people.

What to do if you smell smoke when selling a house?

An experienced real estate agent will not only guide you through the ins and outs of buying or selling a home with a smoke smell — they'll also advise you on how to either disclose or confront a smoke odor during closing negotiation, and refer you to a reliable home restoration company.

How do you get smoke smell out of your house?

Smoke particles can penetrate even the smallest nooks and crannies of your home, making it very difficult to budge a smoke smell once it's set. Professional cleaners are often the only viable option if you need to eliminate long-term smoke odors from your house. However, for less severe or more recent smoke odors, there are several simple techniques you can use to minimize or remove the smell.

How can leftover smoke in a home impact your health?

Even after it seemingly dissipates, leftover smoke can continue to affect you and your family's health through exposure to residual Third Hand Smoke (THS).

How to get rid of smoke smell?

Most DIY methods for getting rid of smoke smell rely on either white vinegar or baking soda. These two household ingredients are a popular option because of their natural deodorizing properties. When applied directly, vinegar and bicarbonate soda will also neutralize the pH level of any smoke particulate matter or residue trapped on the surface.

What to use for smoke smell in home?

If your home has a severe smoke odor, restoration companies can use specialist equipment, such as steam deodorizers or ozone generators, to thoroughly cleanse surfaces and fabrics. If this doesn't work, home restoration professionals will use a specialized sealant to trap any remaining odors.

How to get rid of cigarette smoke smell?

If the smell hasn't dissipated, try soaking a cloth in white vinegar and wiping down both the upholstery and hard surfaces in the affected rooms.

How to tell if your home was once occupied by a smoker?

One of the key indicators that your home was once occupied by a smoker is a yellowing of the walls and ceilings. A fresh coat of paint is an easy solution for yellowing walls; however, paint will not mask the smell of smoke. Because of the porous nature of paint, pre-existing smoke smell will permeate through any fresh paint ...

How to get rid of cigarette smoke smell in house?

Removing a cigarette smoke smell from your home will begin with a thorough cleaning to remove any tar and nicotine from walls, ceilings and other hard surfaces. Soft surfaces will also need cleaned. This will be followed by a deodorization technique, possibly using an ozone or hydroxyl machine. The needs for each situation varies, so contact your local SERVPRO for a customized plan.

Why Choose SERVPRO for Home Odor Removal?

If your home has a serious odor problem related to an emergency situation, we will respond quickly to lessen further damage and reduce costly repairs.

How to distribute deodorizer?

Distribute a deodorizer to a surface in a manner similar to the way odor-causing substances penetrated the surface. For example, if smoke created the problem, a deodorizing “smoke” or fog will be most effective in following odors to their source.


1.How Much Does Professional Cigarette Smoke Removal …


27 hours ago  · Professional cigarette smoke removal house cost ranges from $200 to $1,000, depending on the size of the home and the removal method.

2.Smoke Damage Restoration Costs | American Family …


25 hours ago The cost of professional cigarette smoke removal can vary depending on the company you hire, as well as the size of your home. However, the average cost is around $4,100 to remove …

3.Cost of Professional Smoke Removal - House Damages


33 hours ago How Much Does Cigarette Smoke Remediation Cost? Angie’s List estimates the average cost of cigarette smoke remediation at about $4,100. What you pay depends on the distribution of …

4.How Much Does Smoke Remediation Cost? A Basic Guide


10 hours ago Type of Service Average Cost in the US; Smoke remediation: $200 – $1,000: HVAC system evaluation: $150 – $500: HVAC repair: $1,000+ Total clean-up after smoke and fire damage



14 hours ago The cost will correlate with the extent of the damage and the repairs needed. Typically, you can expect to spend between $2,000 and $12,000 on smoke remediation services. How to Remove …

6.Cigarette Smoke Odor Removal for Homes and …


17 hours ago (844) 600-2673 | Steri-Clean, Inc® provides professional cigarette smoke and other organic odor removals for our customers across the nation. Call the experts today, operators are standing by.

7.The Best Ways to Get Smoke Smell Out of a House for Sale


24 hours ago  · Cigarette smoke odor removal is often a difficult task, but it needs to be done. Check out this detailed guide on how to remove tobacco and smoke odor. Menu. Get 24/7 …

8.Professional Odor Removal Services | SERVPRO


3 hours ago How do remove cigarette smell from my house? Removing a cigarette smoke smell from your home will begin with a thorough cleaning to remove any tar and nicotine from walls, ceilings …

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