Knowledge Builders

how much should i sand cabinets before painting

by Myles Upton Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Most cabinet finishes are too smooth or glossy to reprime and repaint, so using a medium sandpaper (we like 100- to 150-grit), sand down your surfaces a little—not enough to sand away the current finish entirely, but enough to give the primer a little more grit to stick to. Wipe away any dust with a slightly damp cloth, then let dry.

Painted cabinets should get a thorough sanding with 120-grit paper, but no matter the finish, do a final pass with 220-grit. Use a sanding sponge to dig into any tough areas that need special attention or corners that are hard to get with your sander.Jun 15, 2017

Full Answer

Do you need to sand kitchen cabinets before painting?

You don’t need to sand your cabinets before painting them. In fact, they advise against it. Yes, we realize this may go against everything you’ve ever learned about painting. Keep reading to find out why they’re anti-sanding and what they do instead. Chris and Lexi say they’ve never sanded kitchen cabinets before painting them.

How to sand furniture before painting?

How to Sand Furniture Before Painting 1 Apply Wood Filler (if needed) Before sanding a furniture piece, check for any deep gouges, cracks, or dents. ... 2 Sand with a Rough Sanding Pad Now it’s time to sand! If you can use an iron, I PROMISE you can use an electric sander. ... 3 Sand with Smoother Sandpaper

Do you need to sand between coats of paint on doors?

Labeling your doors, cleaning and prepping the wood, priming, and sanding in between coats of paint are absolutely necessary for a great finished product. But one thing they say you can skip?

How do you Prime kitchen cabinets without sanding?

Instead of sanding, Chris and Lexi use mineral spirits and a rough scrubbing pad to clean the cabinets thoroughly before priming them. This not only cleans the cabinet (paint doesn't go on well over grease), but the scrubby sponge also roughs up the surface just enough to make the primer stick.


Do all cabinets need to be sanded before painting?

You don't always have to sand, but you should make sure that your cabinet surfaces are very clean. You wouldn't want to go through all the trouble of painting only to have it flaking off months later! Clean all surfaces with a good grease-cutting soap, like dish soap and water.

Do I need to sand cabinets before priming?

Note: While you don't have to sand before you prime, you do need to sand lightly after you prime and between each coat of paint. Yeah, it will take a while (probably about an hour and a half for a standard-sized kitchen), but it's necessary to make sure the next coat goes on well.

What happens if you don't sand before painting cabinets?

If you don't clean before sanding, contaminates (like cooking grease) will be pressed down into the wood. Contaminates will keep the soon be applied paint for sticking. You can remove the doors here in the process or wait until after you wash them down.

How do you prepare cabinets for painting after sanding?

1:392:09How to Prepare Kitchen Cabinets for Paint (Part 2: Sanding) - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd from the crevices of the cabinet. Doors then wipe off any remaining dust with a clean damp clothMoreAnd from the crevices of the cabinet. Doors then wipe off any remaining dust with a clean damp cloth tape off any areas around your cabinets like the hood fan inside of the drawers.

What grit should I use to sand cabinets?

Once your cabinets are clean and dry, use a 100 or 150-grit sandpaper to roughen up the surface of the cabinets. Cabinet paint won't adhere properly to a smooth or shiny surface. You don't need to completely remove the prior finish, just rough up the surface enough to give the primer something to stick to.

Should I Degloss or sand?

You should always sand the piece if you have uneven surfaces as well. A paint deglosser can be used when the piece is in good condition and you only need to remove that shiny finish.

How do I get a smooth finish on kitchen cabinets?

How To Get A Smooth Finish When Painting Kitchen CabinetsDo Your Prep Work. ... Use A Good Primer. ... Use A Paint Sprayer. ... Choose Lacquer Paint. ... Purchase A High-Quality Paintbrush And Foam Roller. ... Apply With A Brush And Finish With A Roller. ... Layer Several Thin, Even Coats. ... Sand Lightly Between Coats.

Should I use a brush or roller to paint cabinets?

Cabinet Painting with a Roller & a Brush On the fronts and backs of drawers and doors, you can use a roller. This will apply the paint in a more smooth and even manner and is much faster than only using a paint brush. Then, use a brush for touching up small areas or for hard-to-reach spots.

How do I sand my kitchen cabinets?

0:000:41BEHR® Paint | How to Sand Cabinets - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFor smaller jobs like a cabinet it's best to use a block sander cleaning. The surface you're goingMoreFor smaller jobs like a cabinet it's best to use a block sander cleaning. The surface you're going to sand is an important first step. You can wipe it down with a damp towel.

How do you prep cabinets for painting?

Steps for Painting CabinetsPrep the room. ... Remove the doors, drawers, and shelves. ... Clean all the surfaces. ... Prep the boxes. ... Prime the cabinet boxes. ... Sand, caulk, and fill. ... Paint the cabinet boxes. ... Prep, prime, and paint the doors, drawers, and shelves.More items...

How do you sand cabinets with grooves?

0:022:00How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets: Step 4 Sanding - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo I will use this orbital sander to get all the flat areas and then I'll use the scotch brite padMoreSo I will use this orbital sander to get all the flat areas and then I'll use the scotch brite pad for all the nooks and crannies.

Do you use TSP before sanding?

Sanding and proper preparation of the surface is a must, and wiping the area with a solution of TSP and water will help break down a bit of the glossiness of the previous coat. Be aware that TSP will darken some wood, such as mahogany.

How do I clean a kitchen cabinet before priming?

Instead of sanding, Chris and Lexi use mineral spirits and a rough scrubbing pad to clean the cabinets thoroughly before priming them. This not only cleans the cabinet (paint doesn’t go on well over grease), but the scrubby sponge also roughs up the surface just enough to make the primer stick. See, the sponge is less rough than sandpaper and just effective enough. And since you’re cleaning the wood anyway, it doesn’t add any more steps to the already-tedious process!

Do you need to sand before or after painting?

Note: While you don’t have to sand before you prime, you do need to sand lightly after you prime and between each coat of paint. Yeah, it will take a while (probably about an hour and a half for a standard-sized kitchen), but it’s necessary to make sure the next coat goes on well.

Is painting kitchen cabinets a multi step process?

Painting kitchen cabinets is a multi-step process that can give you great results — if you do it right! And according to Chris and Lexi Dowding of SwatchOut in Michigan, adequate prep work is the key to success.

Can you sand a cabinet to smooth out the grain?

If the cabinets are in super-bad shape (really scratched or dinged up) or you want to smooth out a wood grain, sanding may be necessary. “I’ve found that most cabinets people want to repaint are in pretty good shape, and they don’t mind if you can see a little wood grain,” says Dowding.

Why don't you sand your cabinets before painting them?

The problem with sanding down to the wood is that it creates potential moisture to seep in or out of the wood. Moisture and wood are not a good combination – and with your cabinets being in a kitchen that is prone to spills, stains and splatters, your cabinets are more vulnerable when being sanded right away instead of in between coats.

Do you need to sand cabinets?

While sanding is not necessary for all cabinets, you should make a note to sand your cabinets lightly after you prime and in between each coat of paint for a smoother finish.

What to check before sanding furniture?

Before sanding a furniture piece, check for any deep gouges, cracks, or dents. You want to fill those with wood filler to get the best finish possible.

When prepping a piece for paint, are you just roughing up the surface?

When prepping a piece for paint, you are just roughing up the surface slightly so that the paint will “stick”. If the existing surface is shiny, the paint won’t have anything to grab onto. Therefore, you are giving the surface some “tooth”, as they say, so the new paint will adhere.

How many grits should I use for a sanding pad?

Using a rougher sanding pad, place it on the bottom of the sander as it just velcros on. I like to use a 60-100 grit sanding pad for my first pass. Remember the lower the number, the rougher the sandpaper and the surface.

What grit sanding pad should I use for a sanding pad?

The vast majority of the time I will use a 100 grit sanding pad first to prep the surface and will finish with a 240 grit.

How do I refinish a table top?

Using an electric sander to refinish a table makes the process so much easier. I like to sand the top, top edges and apron first. Just sand lightly in a circular motion to rough up each surface and then you can move onto the spindles.

How to make a ruler out of sandpaper?

Fold over a sheet or piece of sandpaper until you have a long piece about the shape and length of a ruler.

How to get paint off a spindle?

Fold over a sheet or piece of sandpaper until you have a long piece about the shape and length of a ruler. Then, wrap it around the spindle and move it back and forth. Revolve the sandpaper around it once or twice. Remember you are not trying to take off paint, just rough up the surface.


1.How much should I sand cabinets before painting?


17 hours ago Consequently, how much does it cost to sand cabinets? The cost to sand and paint kitchen cabinets ranges between $500 and $3,000, largely depending on the number of cabinets being worked on, the type of stain, refinishing tactic and your cabinet design. This price assumes you hire a professional contractor. Also Know, how much should you sand before painting?

2.Do You Have to Sand Down Cabinets Before Painting?


2 hours ago Sanding marks will show through the paint, so 120 grit to start, and finish with 220 grit. Make sure you prime with a compatible primer, and a cabinet quality paint. Dunn Edwards makes a line of paint that is ok for moldings and trim, but if you use it on a cabinet door, the paint will always remain just a little tacky, or soft, so you will find the doors will stick when closed.

3.How much do you sand kitchen cabinets before repainting?


12 hours ago  · While sanding is not necessary for all cabinets, you should make a note to sand your cabinets lightly after you prime and in between each coat of paint for a smoother finish. Why You Don’t Need to Sand Cabinets Before You Paint Them If your cabinets are raw wood and completely unfinished, there is no need to sand them before painting.

4.How to Sand Furniture Before Painting, the Quick and …


28 hours ago  · white paint coming off my kitchen cabinets. Previous owner did not sand before painting so paint had nothing to grip on to.

5.Should you sand oak cabinets before painting?


20 hours ago How Much To Sand Before Painting. Sanding a piece of furniture shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. When you picture yourself sanding a furniture piece, you might envision yourself sanding away with a small piece of sander for hours to get every bit of old stain or paint.

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