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how much water do sugar snap peas need

by Daren Donnelly Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Peas need about an inch of water a week, and weeds should be removed so that they don't compete with the peas. When watering, avoid wetting the foliage if possible to avoid disease. Peas will reach maturity in 50 – 70 days depending on the variety and growing conditions.

Do sugar snap peas need a lot of water?

The plant will literally kill itself off from the bottom if there is not enough water. You do want to make sure that your soil does drain well though. Getting your soil and the pH correct is vital to growing a healthy batch of sugar snap peas. Middle of the road pH levels are best for snap peas, so 7.0 neutral levels are best.

How often should you water snap peas?

Water the snap peas as often as it takes to keep the soil moist. Snap peas do not thrive in dry soil. During rain-free periods, stick your finger 2 inches into the soil every other day or so. If the soil feels dry, then you need to water it.

What temperature do sugar snap peas need to grow?

The growing season for sugar snap peas is often early spring, after frost, and in autumn through winter depending on your climate. The soil temperature should be at least 40°F (4°C) degrees and ideally under 80°F (27°C) degrees. You can use a soil thermometer to check the soil temperature.

How do you harvest sugar snap peas?

To harvest sugar snap peas, simply use garden clippers or scissors to clip the pod off the stem just above the pod. One sugar snap pea plant can yield 1/4-1/2 lb (115-230g) over the growing period. Sugar snap peas are at their very best when freshly harvested. The sugars start to reduce along with the crispness, over time.


Do snap peas need a lot of water?

Sugar snap peas grown in pots need a lot of water. Water them 1 to 3 times daily. But in the ground, peas do not require such frequent watering. Water them deeply, about an inch, once a week.

How often do peas need to be watered?

once a weekWater deeply once a week. Never allow the soil to dry out totally or you'll drastically reduce pea production. The critical time for watering is when the plants are blossoming and producing pods. When pods are maturing in hot weather, water daily if needed to maintain pod quality.

How do you take care of sugar snap peas?

Peas grow best in full sun, but if the summer becomes especially hot, you can set up a partial shade structure. Once the plants grow to be six inches tall, apply a two-inch layer of mulch to the surface of the soil to regulate the soil temperature. 2. Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.

Can you overwater peas?

You can overwater peas quite easily. When that happens, the leaves wilt, roots rot, and the plant dies. Peas that do not get enough water also wilt and die. So, it's essential to find the correct balance and adjust to seasonal shifts in weather.

Should you water sweet peas every day?

Once planted, if the summer is dry, they need regular watering as Sweet peas dislike being dry when they are prone to mildew. To keep the flowering, it is necessary to remove all the seed heads.

Can sweet peas be overwatered?

Leaves starting to go yellow on the bottom of the plant is usually caused by over-watering, or by watering from a cold hosepipe. It can also be caused by the compost being used being too rich and burning the roots of the plants.

Do sugar snap peas need full sun?

A sunny area. Sugar snap peas grow best with at least six hours of sun. My beds get morning and late afternoon sun, with shade in the early afternoon. The peas seemed to thrive there.

How long do sugar snap pea plants last?

They will last 8-12 months. Without blanching, frozen sugar snap peas should be used within 4-6 weeks.

Do sugar snap peas need to climb?

Sugar snap peas need to climb, which means you will have to do a little planning before you put your seeds or seedlings in the ground. First, decide which variety you want to work with. Bush peas are shorter and bushier than your typical legume but they still require something to climb up for best growth.

What does overwatering look like?

1. If a plant is overwatered, it will likely develop yellow or brown limp, droopy leaves as opposed to dry, crispy leaves (which are a sign of too little water). Wilting leaves combined with wet soil usually mean that root rot has set in and the roots can no longer absorb water. 2.

Why are my sugar snap peas dying?

Watering – under and overwatering – is the number one environmental reason for dying pea plants. All plants require a delicate balance of water to survive. Too much water leads to root rot and other fungal diseases. Too little water causes your plants to wilt and die.

Do peas like wet soil?

Peas prefer to grow in light, sandy loam although they can grow in other types of soil. The soil should hold moisture without becoming waterlogged. Good drainage is important since the seeds and plants will rot if the soil is too wet. Peas are "heavy feeders" while they are growing, so the soil should be very fertile.

Do peas like wet soil?

Peas prefer to grow in light, sandy loam although they can grow in other types of soil. The soil should hold moisture without becoming waterlogged. Good drainage is important since the seeds and plants will rot if the soil is too wet. Peas are "heavy feeders" while they are growing, so the soil should be very fertile.

Do peas like full sun?

Peas and green beans like cooler temperatures. They need some sun (about four to five hours per day) to produce flowers and pods, but they tend to fade out as the temperature warms. Planting them in a cool shady spot will lengthen your growing season. Bush beans are a better choice for shade than pole beans.

Why are my peas dying?

Watering – under and overwatering – is the number one environmental reason for dying pea plants. All plants require a delicate balance of water to survive. Too much water leads to root rot and other fungal diseases. Too little water causes your plants to wilt and die.

Why are pea plants turning yellow?

A rapid growth spurt following stressful growing condition is often the cause of yellowing of the newest leaves of pea plants. For example, rain after a dry period, or warm weather after a cool period, are times when the yellowing of the newest leaves is likely to occur.

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Growing Conditions For Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas (botanical name Pisum sativum var. Macrocarpon) are a versatile vegetable to grow. And that’s because both the pod and the peas are eaten. Also, they are delicious eaten raw and equally delicious when they’re cooked.

Sugar Snap Pea Varieties

There are many varieties of sugar snap peas, here a few popular choices for home gardens:

Growing Sugar Snap Peas From Seed

It’s easy to sow sugar snap pea seeds. Plant the seed directly into the ground or into seed raising pots.

How To Germinate Sugar Snap Peas

Plant the sugar snap pea seeds 1 inch (2.5cm) deep and about 4 inches (10cm) apart, directly into the ground. Water them really well initially which will start the germination process.

Growing Sugar Snap Peas In Pots

Sugar snap peas can be easily grown in pots or containers. Climbing varieties will require a support to climb, such as a garden stake, tomato cage, or trellis.

How To Plant Sugar Snap Peas

Planting sugar snap pea seedlings purchased from a nursery or garden center starts with preparing the soil with rich organic matter of compost and well-rotted manure. Be sure to pick a position where the plants will receive adequate sunlight of 6-8 hours a day.

Do Sugar Snap Peas Need To Climb?

Yes, the majority of sugar snap peas need to climb so they aren’t damaged on the ground. Though there are, for example, bush varieties of sugar snap peas that do not climb far.


Get in the habit of harvesting the mature pods every other day. The more you pick, the faster the vines will be replenished.


If you wait too long to pick your peas, they'll have a duller flavor and less of their signature crunch.

About This Article

This article was co-authored by Lauren Kurtz. Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.

1- Start Your Sugar Snap Peas in The Ground For Healthiest Plants

Start your seeds of sugar snaps ​in the ground or its final destination. Growing peas like this will ​help to ​produce a healthier plant.

3- Feed the Sugar Snap Peas with the right nutrients

Fertilizing your ​pods is definitely a step that some people might skip. Peas are one of those vegetables that do produce its own nitrogen.

5- Watering Best Practices for Growing Sugar Snap Peas

These little green plants need a moderate amount of water throughout their growing cycle.

More Info

Growing sugar snap peas is not very difficult at all. They are pretty easy to grow once you grow them a few times and ​are accustomed to variable weather conditions during this fringe period.

Get your container ready

Once you have all of your materials gathered and have your gloves and garden trowel, it’s time to get your container ready. First, you need to cut some plastic screening that’s just big enough to cover the hole in the bottom of your container. If you didn’t purchase plastic screening, you could also use pieces of a paper towel or a coffee filter.

Fill your container with potting mix

When you put potting soil into your container, try to make sure that you’ve got at least three inches remaining before reaching the rim. Some potting soil already have fertilizer added in, so you need to read the contents when purchasing. If the soil has fertilizer, then you can skip the next step.

Plant sugar snap peas

Before planting, consider using a legume inoculant to treat your pea seeds. Doing so can help your plants deliver a higher yield and keep them healthy. To help your seeds germinate faster, give them a good overnight soak in water. Afterward, put the seeds in a bag without drying them and then put the inoculant in and shake well.

Set up a trellis for your peas

Sugar snap peas are climbing plants. You’ll therefore need a support system like a trellis to make sure your plant is stable as it grows. You can use the rail of your patio or deck as a sort of trellis. Alternatively, you can get some stakes and tie them together with twine.

Keep on caring for the peas

As your peas begin to grow, keep the soil moist but not soaking wet. Additionally, sugar snaps should get a full six hours of sunlight every day. You won’t have to do much more than that since peas grow well all by themselves without your help.

Choosing the Right Sugar Snap Peas Container

Choosing the right gardening container will help you succeed in growing sugar snaps. Pea plants have a shallow root system; this means they do not grow too deeply into the soil. When choosing a pot to grow your peas, depth is not a necessity but width is. You can therefore grow your sugar snaps in troughs or window boxes.

Transplanting the Sugar Snap Peas

Your sugar snap peas are ready to be transplanted when they are about 5 inches long. If you are growing snap peas outside, it is advisable to wait until the last frost date has passed before you plant.

Caring for Sugar Snap Peas

Keep the snap peas plants in full sun positions. However, this is with caution! If the sun is too hot, put them under some shade. Too much sun will slow your plants’ growth. Pea plants do well in temperatures ranging between 60 and 75 degrees.

Growing Peas in Containers- Take-home

You can grow sugar snap peas in containers as an excellent supplement to your vegetables. Pick your snap peas early before the pods are fully swollen. As long as you remember to water regularly, provide support, and harvest on time, they are a low maintenance food that any gardener can grow!

Snap Peas

The snap pea plant produces not only edible peas but also sweet, tender and edible pods that surround the peas. Snap peas come in varieties with different growth habits and productivity.


Snap pea plants can adapt to either full sun or partial shade, depending on their location. Like most peas, snap peas are a cool-season crop and need to mature before summer heat sets in. In regions with cool temperatures in spring, they grow quickly and produce the largest yields of peas in a spot that gets full sun for the entire day.


Snap peas can be direct-seeded into the garden whenever the soil temperature stays at or above 45 degrees and the soil itself is dry enough to work without forming wet clumps.

Other Needs

Snap pea plants grow in any type of garden soil that's well-drained but prefer soil that's high in organic content. Adding compost at planting can increase your soil's organic matter while also raising its fertility. If your soil drains poorly because it contains clay, add some fine sand at planting to improve its drainage.


1.Videos of How Much Water Do Sugar Snap Peas Need


32 hours ago  · Sugar snap peas grown in pots need a lot of water. Water them 1 to 3 times daily. But in the ground, peas do not require such frequent watering. Water them deeply, about an inch, once a week. Peas can suffer from overwatering, especially while they are flowering. Focus on watering the soil, avoiding getting the foliage wet.

2.How to Grow Sugar Snap Peas - Clean Green Simple


10 hours ago  · Keep on caring for the peas. As your peas begin to grow, keep the soil moist but not soaking wet. Additionally, sugar snaps should get a full six hours of sunlight every day. You won’t have to do much more than that since peas grow well all by themselves without your help.

3.How To Grow Sugar Snap Peas: Growing Guide And Tips


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