Knowledge Builders

how often should you use rid x

by Mr. Joel Cronin III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Adding RID-X® to the septic system each month is a simple septic maintenance solution that will help prolong the life of your septic system.

  • Trusted for more than 50 years. Septic system owners have long relied on RID-X® along with occasional pumping to help keep their septic systems free-flowing.
  • Breaks down paper. RID-X® contains cellulase enzymes, the only enzyme that can digest paper.
  • Breaks down grease. ...
  • Inexpensive and easy to use. ...
  • Safe for pipes and plumbing. ...
  • Three convenient formulas. ...

once per month

Full Answer

How often should I use RID-X on my septic tank?

If you wish to keep your septic tank in great shape, you’ll have to stick to the use frequency. The product manufacturer recommends applying Rid-X once every month. Apart from enhancing the breakdown of organic waste, sticking to recommended use helps extend the lifespan of your septic tank.

When is the best time to use RID-X®?

However, RID-X ® is most effective if used before long periods of plumbing inactivity, such as before going to bed or right before you leave for work. This will allow the product to settle into the bottom of the tank to attack solid waste and to reduce the risk of being flushed out. 8. Can RID-X® be used with: All Plumbing Types?

What is RID-X good for?

What Is Rid-X Good For? Rid-X is used in septic systems to prevent clogs and backups. The ingredients in Rid-X work together to speed up the process that breaks down household waste. Besides this use, Rid-X also helps to deodorize toilet water in RVs, commuter buses, airplanes, and fifth-wheel campers. There are many Rid-X products.

How much does RID X cost?

Using a Product like Rid X is a sound investment for a few dollars a month you can help maintain the health of your septic system and avoid getting stuck with a huge bill, new septic systems can cost of to 30,000 dollars depending on where you live, the size of the system, and engineering challenges.

When to use RID X?

Does RID X help with clogs?

Can you use RID X in aeration?

Is RID X safe for K-57?

Can you use a RID X in a shower?

Is Rid X a pathogen?

See 1 more


How often should you put Ridex in your septic system?

Yes, the average recommended time between septic tank pumpings is 2–3 years, depending on the rate of sediment build-up, family size, and other factors. Used regularly, RID-X® helps break down the solid waste in your septic tank.

How long does it take for rid-X to work?

RID-X® states that in around two to four days, the bacteria will have multiplied to the maximum level… if temperature and conditions are favorable.

What is the best way to use rid-X?

Pour entire box of Rid-X into the toilet. Flush twice and discard container after use. For best results, flush Rid-X when plumbing will not be used such as before going to bed or leaving home for the day. Rid-X 9.8 oz is 1 monthly dose for septic tanks up to 1500 gallons.

Can you use too much septic treatment?

Septic systems are designed with a specific capacity based on the amount of water usage in a household. Exceeding this capacity can drastically diminish the system's ability to treat wastewater, which can result in contamination of water sources.

Does Ridex damage pipes?

The enzyme is totally safe for pipes and fixtures and actually breaks down the oils, solids and wastes inside the plumbing pipes, safely and inexpensively.

How do I know when my septic is full?

Luckily there are some very easy ways to tell if your septic system is getting full, so you can get it looked after before the stench starts....Pooling water. ... Slow drains. ... Odors. ... An overly healthy lawn. ... Sewer backup.

Can you put Ridex directly into septic tank?

We've heard it multiple times: “Is Rid-X Safe for your Septic System?” We're going to answer a question with a question: Do you need to use Rid-X or any other additive? If the reason is to avoid regular pumping, the answer is no.

Can you put too much yeast in septic tank?

Even some organic solids cannot be broken down in the tank. Hence, they accumulate and need to be removed. In summary, yeast is likely not harmful to a septic system, but we have no research-based information to indicate that is a useful practice to add into a septic tank.

How can I increase bacteria in my septic tank naturally?

What Can You Do to Promote Septic Tank Bacteria Growth? Bacteria will grow naturally in your septic tank. You promote growth of bacteria by flushing more solid waste down into the tank all the time.

What can break down poop in septic tank?

Here are a few things you can do to help you break down the solid waste in your septic tank:Active Yeast. Add ¼ to ½ cup of active dry yeast to your toilet bowl and flush it down your toilet. ... Rotten Tomatoes. ... Hydrogen Peroxide. ... Inorganic Acids. ... Chemicals. ... Pumping.

How many gallons a day can a septic system handle?

It comes down to daily water usage. Most residential tanks have a capacity ranging from 750 gallons to 1,250 gallons and the average person uses 60 gallons to 70 gallons of water a day.

Can excessive rain cause septic problems?

Yes! Heavy rain and other water sources that oversaturate the soil around your septic tank can cause your tank to flood. This can be a serious and delicate issue, so be sure to contact a septic tank professional when your system is flooded. In simple terms, septic tanks have three primary units.

What kind of toilet paper is best for septic tanks?

One-ply and two-ply toilet paper are the most common picks for septic system use, and both are suitable. One-ply tends to be less strong, but it is safer for septic tanks since it's thinner and dissolves the fastest. Two-ply papers tend to be stronger, more comfortable to use, and can still be septic-safe.

How often should septic tank be pumped?

every three to five yearsInspect and Pump Frequently The average household septic system should be inspected at least every three years by a septic service professional. Household septic tanks are typically pumped every three to five years.

How To Use Rid-X

As a popular septic tank treatment, Rid-X contains natural bacteria as well as advanced enzymes that work on a variety of waste products within your tank.

Use Frequency

If you wish to keep your septic tank in great shape, you’ll have to stick to the use frequency. The product manufacturer recommends applying Rid-X once every month.


This is a key issue for a lot of homeowners when buying septic maintenance products.

When to use Rid X?

Just remember that when utilizing Rid-X it is best to do so when there is minimum activity in the plumbing system. For instance, you don’t want to pour the substance into the system first thing in the morning on a Saturday or Sunday. This would be something that you would want to do before you go to bed one night.

Why is Rid X so effective?

The bacteria in the septic tank will consume the organic matter before digesting it. This means that the bacteria are responsible for dealing with your waste. It will break it down to ensure that your septic tank does not get clogged. This is one of the main reasons that Rid-X can be effective.

How Fast Does Rid-X Wok?

Anytime one experiences drainage backups in their septic system the first and most important question they are going to ask is how long will it take to fix? And, that is one of the first questions people ask along with how does rid-x work.

Why is Rid X good?

This is one of the main reasons that Rid-X can be effective. It is designed to help increase the amount of bacteria in your septic tank. If you do not have enough, the waste will not be destroyed rapidly. Instead, your tank will become overloaded and this will create major issues.

What is a rip x?

Basically, Rid-X is a product that is designed to ensure that your septic tank has the appropriate amount of bacteria.

Can you add more Rid X to a tank?

By adding more Rid-X, you’ll be able to increase the bacteria and improve its effectiveness.

How often should you pump out septic tank sludge?

This layer of sludge needs to be pumped out of your system every 2-4 years.

Does Rid X break down solids?

Rid-X contains a much stronger form of enzymes than the natural bacteria found in a healthy septic system and, as a result, solids are broken down further than they normally would be.

What does a rip x do?

What does Rid-X Do? Rid-X is a product that is marketed to replace or add bacteria to your septic tank system in order to help it break down household waste. According to the Rid-X website, each package of Rid-X contains the following:

Why Would I Add More Bacteria to The Septic Tank with a Product Like Rid-X?

It is worth noting that most government sites say the use of products like Rid-X aren’t necessary as there are enough naturally occurring bacteria in your septic tank.

Is Rid X necessary for a septic system?

It is worth noting that most government sites say the use of products like Rid-X aren’t necessary as there are enough naturally occurring bacteria in your septic tank. Rid-X markets the following on its site in terms of product expectations: The enzymes in RID-X ® begin working as soon as they come in contact with water.

Can you pour a rid x down one drain?

No, either pour RID-X ® down one drain or toilet or flush a RID-X ® Septi-Pac down one toilet.


No, however, when used regularly, RID-X ® liquid can help break down organic build-up in your pipes, to help prevent clogs before they happen.

Do septic additives really work?

Many homeowners strive to make their septic systems more efficient by using additives, like Rid-X, to give the bacteria in their tanks a little boost. Bonus points for septic system awareness! But… hold that enthusiasm for something a little more productive. The bacteria in your tank needs a diverse biome of bacteria to work properly.

The best way to maintain a septic system

Septic tank liquid should look like this: not your typical squeaky-clean maintenance item:

References for Further Reading

Environmental Protection Agency. n.d. Septic Tank Additives. Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Special Issues Fact Sheet 1. EPA 625/R-00/008.

When to use RID X?

However, RID-X ® is most effective if used before long periods of plumbing inactivity, such as before going to bed or right before you leave for work.

Does RID X help with clogs?

No, however, when used regularly, RID-X ® liquid can help break down organic build-up in your pipes, to help prevent clogs before they happen.

Can you use RID X in aeration?

Due to the type of performance and function of aeration type systems, RID-X® has not been tested on them. Therefore we cannot recommend its use in aeration systems.

Is RID X safe for K-57?

Yes, RID-X® is safe for use in your K-57.

Can you use a RID X in a shower?

Yes, use RID-X® with complete confidence in sink or shower drains.

Is Rid X a pathogen?

The bacteria in RID-X ® are all natural, non-pathogenic, and beneficial to your septic system, and not harmful to people.


1.Septic Tank Information: Septic System FAQs | RID-X®


35 hours ago Yes, the average recommended time between septic tank pumpings is 2–3 years, depending on the rate of sediment build-up, family size, and other factors. Used regularly, RID-X®helps break …

2.Rid-X Review - Pros And Cons, Usage, Efficacy & Safety …


14 hours ago  · If you wish to keep your septic tank in great shape, you’ll have to stick to the use frequency. The product manufacturer recommends applying Rid-X once every month. Apart …

3.The Myth of Rid-X: Why Not to Use Additives in Septic …


21 hours ago Always remember to use RID-X once per month along with regular pumping. 9.8 oz is 1 monthly dose for septic tanks up to 1500 gallons. To use, simply pour powder down the toilet and flush. …

4.Rid-X Review| Does It Work & Is It Good For Septic Tanks?


20 hours ago Answer RID-X is a natural product that is suitable for use in pipelines and septic systems. Always remember to use RID-X once a month in addition to your usual pumping schedule. 9.8 oz is one …

5.Is Rid-X Safe for your Septic System? - Lyttle Companies


27 hours ago The enzymes in RID-X ® begin working as soon as they come in contact with water. The bacteria take 2-4 hours to germinate and then begin to break down solid waste. If the temperature and …

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