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how old are baby skunks when they open their eyes

by Stella McLaughlin Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

3-4 weeks

When do skunks have babies?

Skunks have babies between early April and early June. Skunks are born blind because they are too small to see. The baby skunks will be about 3 inches long and will not have any fur yet. Baby skunks will open their eyes around six weeks old, which is when they start eating solid food.

Are baby skunks born blind?

Skunks are born blind because they are too small to see. The baby skunks will be about 3 inches long and will not have any fur yet. Baby skunks will open their eyes around six weeks old, which is when they start eating solid food. The baby skunks will stay with their mother for three months before it ventures off on their own.

When do skunks wean off of milk?

Skunks have very poor vision in low light, so it is always best to keep your home lit up during the evening hours. Baby skunks will be fully weaned off their mother’s milk by the age of five weeks and will also spend time playing with other baby skunks in a group or “kit.”

What age do skunks start spraying?

Well, skunks can start spraying as early as 3 months old. This is because the development of the anal glands is not linked to sexual maturity. Instead, it is determined by the amount of daylight exposure that young skunks experience.


At what age do baby skunks leave their mother?

Baby skunks are typically born in May and June and remain in their dens for eight weeks.

Can a baby skunk survive without its mother?

Any time that you find baby skunks wandering around alone, with no parent anywhere to be seen, there is reason for concern. Unless the babies are super-tiny, eyes-closed babies, Mom shouldn't be too far away from them. If you can approach baby skunks without Mom running you off pretty quickly, there is a problem.

How often do baby skunks need to eat?

You should feed your baby the four or five feedings until they are 4 months old then slowly decrease feedings to twice a day by a year old.

How old are baby skunks when they start spraying?

Some very young skunks are able to do some very subtle spraying at merely weeks old, according to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Saskatchewan. However, skunks generally are old enough to have their totally realized spraying skills when they're in the ballpark of 3 months old, give or take a couple of weeks.

How do you tell if a skunk is orphaned?

If you see a baby skunk (or a line of baby skunks, nose-to-tail) running around without a mother in sight, they could be orphaned. Skunks have poor eyesight, so if something scares the mother and they run off, the babies can quickly lose sight of them. Monitor the situation to see if the mother rejoins their young.

How can you tell if a baby skunk is abandoned?

The first thing to do when you find a possibly orphaned skunk is to stick around for a while and just watch to see if its mother comes back for it or not. If she does not return, then you can safely conclude that it is indeed an orphaned skunk, who needs help.

What food is poisonous to skunks?

Toxic foods are poisonous to skunks and should be completely avoided.Onions.Chocolate.Asparagus.Cat food.Avocado skin and seeds.Grapes.

What are skunks favorite food?

Diet. Skunks prefer meat, but will also eat plants and vegetation. Insects, small animals, birds, eggs, poultry, worms, berries, grubs, and grasshoppers are also common food sources. Skunks are attracted to honey and also foods with a strong odor.

What human food do skunks eat?

Note that processed foods in general are a no-no for skunks; they don't digest them easily. It's important to feed your pet skunk fresh foods....Good vegetables and fruits to feed skunks include:Carrots.Peas.Squash.Corn.Berries.Pears.Bananas.Apples.

What do you feed a baby skunk?

After about 3 months of feeding the baby skunk, it should be able to eat on its own. By this time, you may start feeding it with fatty fish, eggs, carrots, sea foods, vegetable oil, yoghurt, cottage cheese, vanilla wafer, chopped mushrooms, peas, corn, squash, nuts, cod liver oil and so on.

What do you do if you find a baby skunk alone?

If you wait about three hours and still see no sign of mom, approach the babies and see if she comes running. If she does, slowly step away— she's unlikely to spray you if you leave her alone. If there's still no sign of her, it's time to call a permitted skunk rehabilitator.

How do you know when a skunk is going to spray?

Skunks will start to stomp their front feet as a warning sign, turn their rear end towards their target and lift their tail. Skunks can accurately spray up to 10 feet, so if any of these warning signs are displayed you should slowly back away.

What do you do if you find a baby skunk alone?

If you wait about three hours and still see no sign of mom, approach the babies and see if she comes running. If she does, slowly step away— she's unlikely to spray you if you leave her alone. If there's still no sign of her, it's time to call a permitted skunk rehabilitator.

Can baby skunks take care of themselves?

In all cases when you see a baby skunk without its mother, then it is a matter of great concern because mothers don't leave their kids unless they are capable of taking care of their selves. Mother skunks normally don't go very far away from the babies.

How do you keep a baby skunk alive?

Feed the baby skunk esbilac powder, mix only enough for 24hrs and keep it refrigerated. Esbilac is a puppy milk replacer, which you should be able to purchase at a vet or pet store. Cow's milk, human baby formulas, and most pet products (except Esbilac) are not suitable and will likely cause death.

What happens when a mom skunk dies?

Mother skunks almost never abandon their babies, but sometimes something happens to mom and she can't make it back. Make sure the baby is contained and has a heat source, don't give it any food or water, and contact a wildlife rehabilitator for advice.

How old baby skunk?

Baby skunks also have a short life span. They usually live for about two years.

When do skunks have babies?

Skunks have babies between early April and early June. Skunks are born blind because they are too small to see. The baby skunks will be about 3 inches long and will not have any fur yet. Baby skunks will open their eyes around six weeks old, which is when they start eating solid food. The baby skunks will stay with their mother for three months before it ventures off on their own.

Are baby skunks all black?

One of the most popular misconceptions about baby skunks is that they are all black. The truth is that baby skunks are born with their eyes closed, so it’s hard to tell what color they are until they open up. Even after their eyes have opened, baby skunks can also be many different colors. Baby skunks will turn black when they reach five months old. They can also be brown or gray.

Are baby skunks born with the ability to spray?

Baby skunks aren’t born with the ability to spray. They must go through a growth and maturing process before they can release their odor. A mother skunk will give birth to four baby skunks, but only one of them is female and she will be the only one able to spray. Baby skunks are blind at birth but their eyes will slowly open up as they get older. They usually live for about two years. Fun facts about baby skunks are below!

What Do baby skunks eat?

They are often seen eating insects, eggs, frogs, toads, snakes, fish, crustaceans, mammals including birds and mice. Skunks will also eat fruits and vegetables. They have a diet that is very varied so they can easily find food that is abundant in their habitat. Baby skunks will eat anything that they come across that looks or smells edible!

Is baby skunk dangerous?

Baby skunks are small, cute, and adventurous little creatures. They are born with their eyes shut, which is why they’re often referred to as “blind” or “forbidden.” As baby skunks age, their eyes will slowly open up. Baby skunks also have a short life span. They usually live for about two years. Fun facts about baby skunks are below!

When do baby skunks come out?

Baby Skunks. Please DO NOT FEED baby skunks! It’s that time of year again! Toward the end of April and throughout the month of May each year baby skunks are born. Normally, the public doesn’t see these babies until they are fully furred and capable of following Mom out of the den at night to go out foraging for bugs.

How to catch baby skunks?

When approaching, do not run at them or ‘swoop’ down on them. The simplest way to ‘catch’ baby skunks is with a cardboard box or laundry basket. (Make sure the laundry basket has a slats in it that are small enough that the babies can’t escape) Go outside to where the babies are, approaching very slowly and quietly.

What happens if you raise a baby skunk without a permit?

If anyone ever finds out that you have a pet skunk, or even that you have baby skunks that you are raising without a permit, you will be fined and the babies will be euthanized. Because of the rabies risk in skunks, the laws surrounding them are HEAVILY enforced and stories of illegal skunks often end tragically.

What happens if you get bit by a skunk?

Even if you are SURE that these are not sick babies (and you cannot truly be sure) if you get bit by a skunk, that baby legally must be euthanized and tested for rabies no matter what. For your sake, and the babies sake – you MUST NOT GET BIT! If you do, it means shots for you, and death for the skunk.

What causes orphaned babies?

There are a couple of different circumstances that cause orphaned babies that are in need of intervention. Mom was hit by a car or is otherwise deceased. Usually when an adult skunk is hit by a car or a victim of some other trauma, the residents in the area are very aware of it.

Can you raise a baby skunk in Illinois?

In Illinois it is illegal for skunks to be rehabbed at ALL, where in Missouri we still can rehab, but only with the proper permits. Please do not attempt to raise baby wild skunks on your own. They are not puppies, and they are not kittens. They need formula and food specifically designed for wild skunks.

Can you see baby skunks without parents?

Any time that you find baby skunks wandering around alone, with no parent anywhere to be seen, there is reason for concern. Unless the babies are super-tiny, eyes-closed babies, Mom shouldn’t be too far away from them. If you can approach baby skunks without Mom running you off pretty quickly, there is a problem.

Making Sure The Kits Are Orphaned

As humans, we like to swoop in and save helpless baby animals without giving it much thought. But we encourage you to take a step back from the situation. We need to make sure that these babies are actually orphaned and that the mother isn’t coming back for them. So keep an eye out on the baby.

Checking The Laws

Now that the orphaned skunks are inside and safe, you will need to check your local laws. Currently, it’s only legal to keep skunks in 17 states. And if you have too much contact with the kits, it’s nearly impossible to release them back into the wild. So it might be best to contact your local wildlife agency to care for the skunks.

Preparing A Home For Them

One of the first things you will need to do is figure out where to put your baby skunk. A warm dark place is best for them with old towels for bedding. Some people prefer to use an old cardboard box, but it won’t be long until they outgrow this.

The First 24 Hours

Now that your skunk kits are inside and safe, the most important thing to do is warm them up. Most people want to jump right into feeding and giving animals water. But this could cause more harm than good. The reason for this is that it takes a lot of energy to digest food.

Estimating The Age & How Much To Feed

With your baby skunk rehydrating, it’s time to start guessing how old your baby kit is. To do this, you will need a scale and an excellent observation of the skunk. Here is what to look for when guessing how old your kits are and how much to feed them. You can also use this as a guide to keeping up with your skunk’s growth and development.

How To Feed A Baby Skunk

Now that you know how old your skunk is and what they need to eat, you might be wondering how to feed it. Most people want to jump right in and buy bottles used to nurse kittens or puppies. But you don’t want to do this. Skunks are very aggressive eaters, and if you feed them with a bottle, they will engorge themselves.

The Best Formula

What to feed orphaned baby skunks wouldn’t be complete without talking about the best formula to buy. It’s essential to find a formula that will have everything skunks need. The best formula on the market is Esbilac for puppies.


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