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how redirect standard output to a file in linux

by Cleo Hand Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • To redirect standard output and standard error to the same file, use the following command syntax. Specifically, append 2>&1 to the end of your usual command. ...
  • A slightly easier way to achieve this functionality is with the &> operator. ...
  • To append standard output and standard error to a file that already exists, use the same syntax above, but with the >> redirection operator. $ echo "" >> existing-file.txt 2>&1
  • To suppress standard output and standard error from your terminal, and avoid generating a file as well, you could redirect both of them to /dev/null . ...
  • To redirect standard output to one file, and redirect standard error to a different file, use the following syntax. $ echo "" 2> std-err.txt 1> std-out.txt
  • If you want to redirect standard output and standard error to the same file, while also seeing them both in your terminal, we can get a little help from the ...
  • If you want to see standard output and standard error on your screen, while appending them to the same file, we can use the -a (append) option with tee . ...

Redirecting stdout and stderr to a file:
The I/O streams can be redirected by putting the n> operator in use, where n is the file descriptor
file descriptor
In Unix and Unix-like computer operating systems, a file descriptor (FD, less frequently fildes) is a unique identifier (handle) for a file or other input/output resource, such as a pipe or network socket. › wiki › File_descriptor
number. For redirecting stdout, we use “1>” and for stderr, “2>” is added as an operator.

Full Answer

How to write the output into the file in Linux?

Feb 20, 2022 · Type the command, provide the options >/… and then provide a path for the files you’d like to redirect that output to. A simple Ls command might point you to the current directory of files. Which Character Is Used To Redirect Output Into An Existing File In Linux? output (STDOUT) redirection is generated with the ‘>’ symbol.

How to redirect command prompt output to a file [Easy]?

Jan 06, 2022 · This is standard output redirection. cat > file.txt. Now, this is standard input redirection, cat command will take the input from “file.txt” and print it to the terminal screen. This line of code also shows the real working and meaning of the cat command that is copy and paste.

How to redirect output from Log4j to a file?

Jul 12, 2019 · Tee command in Linux. tee command will allow command output is displayed in screen and stored in log file as well. -a option will ensure future command output are appended to log file. tee command without -a will overwrite the content in log file. So, we used tee -a option to store echo output in log file. After the script is executed, output is shown as below.

How to access LINUX files from Windows 10 [full guide]?

Feb 24, 2022 · This command will cause the standard output stream to be re-directed only to a file that contains your output, but not to your terminal. This can be done using.txt or.exe. Output atxt by using command 2> output.txt. Please enable output in Command Text 2: (2) output.txt… You can output the text as output.txt by using the command > output.txt…


How do I redirect output to a file in Linux?

In Linux, for redirecting output to a file, utilize the ”>” and ”>>” redirection operators or the top command. Redirection allows you to save or redirect the output of a command in another file on your system. You can use it to save the outputs and use them later for different purposes.May 25, 2021

How do I redirect standard output and error to a file in Linux?

The syntax is as follows to redirect output (stdout) as follows:command-name > output.txt command-name > stdout.txt.command-name 2> errors.txt command-name 2> stderr.txt.command1 > out.txt 2> err.txt command2 -f -z -y > out.txt 2> err.txt.command1 > everything.txt 2>&1 command1 -arg > everything.txt 2>&1.More items...•Jun 23, 2014

How redirect standard output in Linux?

To redirect stderr as well, you have a few choices:Redirect stdout to one file and stderr to another file: command > out 2>error.Redirect stdout to a file ( >out ), and then redirect stderr to stdout ( 2>&1 ): command >out 2>&1.More items...•May 18, 2015

How do I redirect standard output to a file?

Redirecting stdout and stderr to a file: The I/O streams can be redirected by putting the n> operator in use, where n is the file descriptor number. For redirecting stdout, we use “1>” and for stderr, “2>” is added as an operator.

How do I redirect standard output?

By setting RedirectStandardOutput to true to redirect the StandardOutput stream, you can manipulate or suppress the output of a process. For example, you can filter the text, format it differently, or write the output to both the console and a designated log file.

How do you redirect standard output and standard error to a file?

2> is input redirection symbol and syntax is:To redirect stderr (standard error) to a file: command 2> errors.txt.Let us redirect both stderr and stdout (standard output): command &> output.txt.Finally, we can redirect stdout to a file named myoutput.txt, and then redirect stderr to stdout using 2>&1 (errors.txt):Jan 5, 2022

What is the difference between and >> redirection?

So, what we learned is, the “>” is the output redirection operator used for overwriting files that already exist in the directory. While, the “>>” is an output operator as well, but, it appends the data of an existing file. Often, both of these operators are used together to modify files in Linux.Jun 12, 2021

How do I redirect standard output to Dev Null?

You can send output to /dev/null, by using command >/dev/null syntax. However, this will not work when command will use the standard error (FD # 2). So you need to modify >/dev/null as follows to redirect both output and errors to /dev/null.Sep 21, 2020

How do I Redirect Output to a File in Linux?

Direct Redirection is an interesting Linux feature, which allows users to send requests directly to the kernel (stdin) while receiving output from the kernel (stdout) only through direct redirection. Linux allows users to save files using the stdout (output) command, also known as the stream command.

Send a Single File Output

We can redirect in bash by using a script or command in the form of > or >>. This command provides the path of the file.

Redirect from Terminal to a Single Output

Given method is used when > or >> is not to be used. In this, instead of > Tee command is used which performs both printing and saving functions. So here is the following command:

Using Top command

The top command is used to view essential information like real-time, memory used, processes being used in the Linux system. B plague is used in the given function. Which gets all the information about the given command, including the full command permissions, and provides the output by specifying its number.


This article also explains how to redirect the output into a file and add and re-creating the file through the output. We hope that this article will prove to be of your use as well as have learned something from it.

How Do I Redirect Output To A File?

The function bash redirection uses this way, and the output will return what path the redirected files are to. Replace the remaining contents of a file after receiving a command by redirecting its output to one.

How Do I Add Output To A File In Linux?

The final extension of a file can be appended to by using echo: echo ‘t here’ -> filename.

How Do I Redirect Output And Error To A File In Linux?

The output or output.txt function is in the command-name/output.txt command name, while stdout.txt is in the command-name/output.txt function.

How Do I Redirect An Output File?

One option is to only redirection your output to a file if your path is not available for redirection. To accomplish this, run an command with: > or > *, specify the path you would like the output directed to, and then specify that location with bash redirection.

How Do I Redirect A Terminal Output To A File?

Type the command, provide the options >/… and then provide a path for the files you’d like to redirect that output to. A simple Ls command might point you to the current directory of files.

Which Character Is Used To Redirect Output Into An Existing File In Linux?

output (STDOUT) redirection is generated with the ‘>’ symbol. As you type the command ls -al into ls-al, ls -al is re-directed towards producing files containing listing instead. By using the proper file name, you are better able to reassign the output of the command to that name.

How Do I Redirect All Output To A File In Linux?

redirects output to a file, but may not be saved to an object. You could also append with >> using the operator. Taking input from its array and throwing it away, n/dev/null is a null device that cannot take input from anything other than y you want and throws it away. any output by suppressing it.

Standard input, output and error

The terminal takes input from a facility known as standard input (or stdin, which is by default the keyboard), and produces an output consisting of two types. The first type is the result of the command, and the second are the status and error messages which give us descriptive information about the command itself.

Redirecting Standard Output

By default, the output is displayed on the screen, and the input comes from the keyboard, but we can redefine both the input and output. To redirect standard output to another system beside the screen we can use the ‘>’ operator followed by the name of the file.


We only mentioned one part of the whole I/O redirect story! The next part which will be about Redirecting Standard errors will come soon enough.

What is redirection in Linux?

Redirection is a feature in Linux such that when executing a command, you can change the standard input/output devices. The basic workflow of any Linux command is that it takes an input and give an output. The standard input (stdin) device is the keyboard. The standard output (stdout) device is the screen. With redirection, the above standard ...

Can you redirect standard output to a device?

You can redirect standard output, to not just files, but also devices! The cat command reads the file music.mp3 and sends the output to /dev/audio which is the audio device. If the sound configurations in your PC are correct, this command will play the file music.mp3.

Output redirection in Shell script

There are times, we want to display status codes and error messages in standard output device. In addition to that, we want to write them to log file as well for future reference. In this case, we must repeat echo statement. One for standard output device and other for log file. We can avoid this repetition using tee command.

Example script

Pipe (|) operator connects ls output to tee command. In other words, it sends output of one command as input to other command.

How Do I Redirect All Output To A File In Linux?

In this operation, the output is usually directed to a file, but it could be to a mobile device as well. It throws all input away from each instance of the arrays /dev/null. Any output can be suppressed using this technique.

How Do I Redirect Output And Error To A File In Linux?

This command uses command-name > output.txt, and command-name > stdout.txt as their arguments.

How Do I Redirect Top Output To A File In Linux?

What are the options for capturing s the top command batch mode operation option ( -b ) to capture the top command output into a file.

How Do I Redirect Top Command Output To A File?

Its ability to be saved as a file includes output by using the -b flag which instructs the top to run in batch mode and by its -n flag which determines how much iteration output should be sent.

How Do I Redirect Console Output To A File?

This command directs the output of any command to any existing file you specify using the operator, specified under the [ or the [3] operator, then puts the path to the output your specific destination would like to produce. In the case of a file directory, for example, a command such as ls can identify the files and folders.

Which Command Is Use To Redirect And Overwrite Output To A File?

As we can see, it concatenates all files together and presents them to the standard output using the cat command. You’ll need to ensure that this output goes to a file – unless if the file already exists.

How Do I Add Output To A File In Linux?

Ensure all your text isAppended to the end of the file using echo command: echo ‘text here’ then Append text to end of file using echo command: echo ‘text here’ >> filename.

What is bash redirect?

Bash - Redirect both standard output and standard error to same file. The Bash shell is the most popular shell on Linux systems, and to use the shell efficiently, you need a little knowledge about Bash shell redirections. This is also an essential step in learning Bash scripting.

What is a convention in Linux?

Conventions. # - requires given linux commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command. $ - requires given linux commands to be executed as a regular non-privileged user.

What is the standard output of a command?

The standard output is represented by the “1” in the list of file descriptor numbers. For redirect command without any file descriptor number, the terminal set its value to “1”. The syntax for redirecting the stdout to a file is given as follow:

What is a standard error?

Standard error or stderr is similar to standard input and output, but it is utilized for storing error messages. The standard error can be redirected to the command line or a file using a terminal. If you want to record or store messages in a separate log file or hide the error messages, redirecting stderr will help you. Now let’s head towards the practical side of stdout and stderr redirection.

What happens when you redirect a command to a file?

When you redirect any command output to a file, you will notice that the error messages are printed on the terminal window. Any command executed in any Linux shell, such as bash, utilizes three regular I/O streams. A numeric file descriptor is used to represent each stream.

What is the default output location for Linux?

Each operating system based on Linux has a conviction of a default place for the executed command. Everyone refers to this notion as “stdout” or “standard output” to make it sound easier. Your Bash or Zsh shell is constantly looking for the default output location. When the shell detects new output, it displays it on the terminal screen for you to see it. Otherwise, it will send the output to its default location.


1 - Linux Redirection and What to Know First

  • There are maybe a few basic things to cover first before getting into redirection. That is before getting into how to go about redirecting standard output of a command to a file it is first important to know a thing or two about what standard output is to begin with. There are also so…
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3 - Redirect Standard Input from A File

  • I can also redirect the standard input just like I am doing with the standard output. The only thing I need to do is just use a less than symbol rather than a greater than symbol. So Say I have a file that has some text and I want to use the base32 command to create a base32 encoding of that text file. There are a number of ways to do so with the base32 command and bash features. In a…
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4 - Redirection of Standard Error

  • It is possible to also redirect standard error streams from commands in the same manor as standard output. Just standard error can be redirected, or both the standard out and standard error together.
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5 - Linux Redirection Example Uisng grep to Get A List of Blog Post ID Numbers

  • Here is a real example that involves using Linux grepto create a list of blog post id numbers. That is I have a whole bunch of markdown files that have id numbers at the top of each file, and I want a list of file names and id numbers. I use the Linux grep command to create the list that I want, but now I need a way to save that list to a file rather than just have it in the console window. So one …
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6 - Redirecting to The Void with /dev/null

  • I have a lof of javaScript apps that I like to start up as an independent process on a system now and then. To do so I call node followed by the name of the javaScript file if I am in the folder in which it is located. I then also pass a port that I would like for the script to listen on also as an argument to the script. To make it so the script will run as an independent command I use it wit…
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7 - Conclusion

  • Linux redirectionis yet another one of those things in Linux that I feel that I just need to take a moment to write a post on it in order to get everything solid with it, and to also have a resource that I can revise from time to time as I continue to learn more about how to go about taking things to the next level when it comes to becoming Linux competent. Linux redirection can be used wit…
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How Do I Redirect Output to A File in Linux?

  • Direct Redirection is an interesting Linux feature, which allows users to send requests directly to the kernel (stdin) while receiving output from the kernel (stdout) only through direct redirection. Linux allows users to save files using the stdout (output) command, also known as the stream command. Transmitting data between a server and a computer is done with stream commands…
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Send A Single File Output

  • We can redirect in bash by using a script or command in the form of > or >>. This command provides the path of the file. 1. The output redirect for the > command changes the file itself. 2. The following command >> adds the given output to the output redirect file. Stdout displays vital reductions as a standard command. ls is the next command, whic...
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Redirect from Terminal to A Single Output

  • Given method is used when > or >> is not to be used. In this, instead of > Tee command is used which performs both printing and saving functions. So here is the following command: Reducing the terminal with the appropriate command overwrites the output by appending > as in the tee command.
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Using Top Command

  • The top command is used to view essential information like real-time, memory used, processes being used in the Linux system. B plague is used in the given function. Which gets all the information about the given command, including the full command permissions, and provides the output by specifying its number. The puzzle command is given to redirect the output specified a…
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  • This article also explains how to redirect the output into a file and add and re-creating the file through the output. We hope that this article will prove to be of your use as well as have learned something from it.
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Standard Input, Output and Error

  • The terminal takes input from a facility known as standard input (or stdin, which is by default the keyboard), and produces an output consisting of two types. The first type is the result of the command, and the second are the status and error messages which give us descriptive information about the command itself. The results are being sent to the standard output file (or …
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Redirecting Standard Output

  • By default, the output is displayed on the screen, and the input comes from the keyboard, but we can redefine both the input and output. To redirect standard output to another system beside the screen we can use the‘>’operator followed by the name of the file. What we have actually done above is that we created a listing of the /usr directory and s...
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What If The Directory Doesn’T Exist?

  • What if we would write something like this where the directory doesn’t exist (/usr/usr2 is a made-up dir): Well, we would get a nasty little message: But wait a second. Why did the message appear in the terminal, rather than in the file? Well, because (more about standard error in the next section) standard error messages are not sent to the standard output. Instead, they are sent to t…
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  • We only mentioned one part of the whole I/O redirect story! The next part which will be about Redirecting Standard errors will come soon enough. You can read more Linux related posts on the Linux subsection hereor click on any of the links below: 1. Using history in command line 2. How to escape characters in the command line? 3. The echo command in Linux 4. Cat command an…
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What Is Redirection?

Output Redirection

Input Redirection

File Descriptors

Error Redirection

Why Error Redirection?


  1. Each file in Linux has a corresponding File Descriptor associated with it
  2. The keyboard is the standard input device while your screen is the standard output device
  3. “>” is the output redirection operator. “>>” appends output to an existing file
  4. “<” is the input redirection operator
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1.Linux redirection of standard output to a file | Dustin John …


8 hours ago Feb 20, 2022 · Type the command, provide the options >/… and then provide a path for the files you’d like to redirect that output to. A simple Ls command might point you to the current directory of files. Which Character Is Used To Redirect Output Into An Existing File In Linux? output (STDOUT) redirection is generated with the ‘>’ symbol.

2.How do I Redirect Output to a File in Linux


12 hours ago Jan 06, 2022 · This is standard output redirection. cat > file.txt. Now, this is standard input redirection, cat command will take the input from “file.txt” and print it to the terminal screen. This line of code also shows the real working and meaning of the cat command that is copy and paste.

3.Videos of How Redirect Standard Output to A file in Linux


29 hours ago Jul 12, 2019 · Tee command in Linux. tee command will allow command output is displayed in screen and stored in log file as well. -a option will ensure future command output are appended to log file. tee command without -a will overwrite the content in log file. So, we used tee -a option to store echo output in log file. After the script is executed, output is shown as below.

4.How To Redirect Output To File In Linux? – Systran Box


33 hours ago Feb 24, 2022 · This command will cause the standard output stream to be re-directed only to a file that contains your output, but not to your terminal. This can be done using.txt or.exe. Output atxt by using command 2> output.txt. Please enable output in Command Text 2: (2) output.txt… You can output the text as output.txt by using the command > output.txt…

5.How to redirect standard output in Linux?


34 hours ago May 07, 2021 · Redirect standard output and standard error. To redirect standard output and standard error to the same file, use the following command syntax. Specifically, append 2>&1 to the end of your usual ... A slightly easier way to achieve this functionality is with the &> operator. Note that this works ...

6.Input Output Redirection in Linux/Unix Examples - Guru99


8 hours ago Redirecting stdout and stderr to a file: As redirection is a method of capturing a program output and sending it as an input to another command or file. The I/O streams can be redirected by putting the n> operator in use, where n is the file descriptor number. For redirecting stdout, we use “1>” and for stderr, “2>” is added as an operator.

7.How to redirect output to a file and standard output in Linux


20 hours ago

8.How To Redirect Command Output To A File In Linux? – …


32 hours ago

9.Bash - Redirect both standard output and standard error …


33 hours ago

10.Redirect stdout and stderr to File - Linux Hint


21 hours ago

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