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how soon can you reseed after crabgrass preventer

by Randall Lesch Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The instructions said that you need to wait six weeks before doing any overseeding, or applying any grass seed (which I need to in some areas of my lawn), so I wanted to get it down as early as possible.

Full Answer

Can I seed my lawn after a Crabgrass preventive application?

To understand the challenge of seeding your lawn after a crabgrass preventive application is applied, you must understand how crabgrass pre-emergent works. Since the thin layer of this material in the top of your lawn’s soil works well to prevent crabgrass seed germination, it also will do so for other grass seed.

Does pre emergent work on crabgrass?

If you wait until you see crabgrass in your lawn, pre-emergents will not work. You can use a postemergent herbicide to eradicate mature crab grass, but it is generally not as effective as pre-emergent methods.

How long does it take for crabgrass to emerge?

Before Crabgrass Emerges. They generally range from six weeks to six months. For example, grass should not be seeded for four months after using a pre-emergent herbicide containing bensulide. It is applied at a rate of 7.5 ounces to 3.3 pounds per 1,000 square feet, depending on the product formulation.

How do I get rid of crabgrass?

The best way to counter this barrier, is to "break it" by chopping up the soil, and overturning the soil. This will help decrease the likely-hood that your seed will come into contact with the product, allowing it to germinate. Keep in mind that if you do break that barrier, your defense against crabgrass in that area is now also gone.


When can I put down grass seed after crabgrass preventer?

For most of the standard crabgrass preventers (pendimethalin, benefin, prodiamine, etc.), the rule of thumb is it's OK to plant new grass seed after the lawn has been mowed three or four times in spring (or in your case, after other people have mowed three or four times).

Will crabgrass preventer stop grass seed from germinating?

To understand the challenge of seeding your lawn after a crabgrass preventive application is applied, you must understand how crabgrass pre-emergent works. Since the thin layer of this material in the top of your lawn's soil works well to prevent crabgrass seed germination, it also will do so for other grass seed.

How long after applying pre-emergent Can I plant grass seed?

Caution must be taken if you're applying pre-emergent and seeding the turf in the same season. Seed first, then apply pre-emergent at least 6 weeks later to allow for lawn establishment. Or seed at least 3 months after the pre-emergent has been applied.

How do you reseed after killing crabgrass?

0:582:02How to - Plant grass seed to stop crabgrass - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWithout removing the existing crabgrass. All you do is stitch directly through the dead or dyingMoreWithout removing the existing crabgrass. All you do is stitch directly through the dead or dying crabgrass in the fall with the grass stitcher. Then just sprinkle the seed over the perforations.

How long is crabgrass preventer effective?

A: Almost all crabgrass preventers are effective for only about 8 weeks once they're applied. Especially in years when late spring and early summer is cool and damp, crabgrass seed can continue to germinate after the preventer's effectiveness has worn off.

Can I use pre-emergent and overseed?

Can I overseed after applying pre-emergent? While it is best to over seed in fall, after applying your preemergent, it's important to give your lawn some time to for the product to lose its effectiveness before moving on to the next step.

Can I seed after using Scotts crabgrass preventer?

All weed control products are different, but in general, it is not recommended to plant new grass within 4 months of using a crabgrass preventer, or within 1 month of using other weed control products. (Unless the product is designed to be used when seeding.)

How long after applying Scotts triple action can I seed?

4 monthsSpecial Instructions Do not apply to newly seeded or sodded areas until after the 4th mowing. Do not seed, sod, rake, or aerate for 4 months after application.

Why does crabgrass come back year after year?

Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) is an annual, but it keeps coming back year after year because it reseeds itself very efficiently. When grass seed can be planted after using crabgrass killer requires timing the application of the pre-emergent and seeding the lawn. Eliminating crabgrass before planting new grass seed is an important first step ...

How to kill crabgrass in lawn?

Healthy turf generally crowds out crabgrass but eliminating crabgrass completely is challenging. Post-emergent herbicides containing glyphosate are commonly used to kill crabgrass that is already growing. New grass seed can be planted one week after killing the crabgrass with glyphosate. Always wear protective clothing when using herbicides and other chemicals and avoid the treated area for the length of time recommended by the manufacturer.

How long does it take for crabgrass to germinate?

Seeds of the annual Digitaria don't germinate until soil temperature stays above 55 F to 58 F for four or five days in a row according to Northeast IPM Center. As days become shorter, crabgrass enters its reproductive phase to produce seeds for the next season before frost kills the plant.

What herbicide kills crabgrass?

Pre-emergent herbicides are used to kill crabgrass seeds before they germinate. If insufficient time is allowed between application of the pre-emergent and seeding of new grass, the grass seed will not germinate.

How many species of crabgrass are there in the world?

The US Department of Agriculture Plants Database includes 70 species of Digitaria, but University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension states there are about 250 species of Digitaria around the world. The two most widespread Digitaria species in North America are Digitaria ischaemum or smooth crabgrass ...

When to apply crabgrass preemergence?

However, there are some crabgrass pre-emergent weed controls that will allow for a later application in the spring. This means if you seed early enough in the spring, and then use one of these specific materials such as Dimension much later in spring, you may be successful. The challenge is that these materials are rarely available to the consumer and only offered to professional lawn care applicators. We often begin work in early spring on lawns with the first order of business of seeding the lawn. These extremely poor-quality lawns are seeded, then followed up later with a Dimension treatment. This will offer some help, but there will also need to be an aggressive approach to post-emergent crabgrass control treatments throughout the summer with a lawn care program that includes them.

How to make crabgrass seeding work?

The way to make the seeding work is to diminish the crabgrass pre-emergent application’s effectiveness. If you have small areas that you want to seed, follow these guidelines: Break-up the barrier. Remember, the pre-emergent material creates a thin barrier or protection.

What should I do now?

For these reasons, we typically recommend for most lawn owners to choose fall for the best time to seed. Not only are the temperatures getting cooler than hotter, but there aren’t any concerns about pre-emergent crabgrass control applications. There are rare instances where you may be successful seeding in the spring with a crabgrass control treatment. The way to make the seeding work is to diminish the crabgrass pre-emergent application’s effectiveness. If you have small areas that you want to seed, follow these guidelines:

How to get crabgrass to germinate?

Just remember, breaking the barrier for your desired grass plants will also break the barrier for crabgrass plants to germinate as well. Add some clean soil. If you chop up the areas and add some soil, there will be less pre-emergent material near the seed compared to clean soil. This may help.

Can an applicator bypass grass?

The applicator bypasses newly seeded areas until the grass is ready for herbicides, providing they’re clearly marked. It’s always a good idea to communicate with your lawn care company to make them aware of this. Likewise, letting your mowing service know about these areas can prevent damage to the small grass plants.

The Right Time to Apply Crabgrass Preventer

Here are three of the best pre-emergent herbicides against crabgrass, all of which are selective and safe for lawns.

When to Apply Your Crabgrass Preventer

As mentioned, Spring is the ideal time to apply a pre-emergent herbicide for crabgrass. If crabgrass preventer is applied too early, you risk it washing away or disintegrating before the weed germinates, rendering it ineffective.

Stop the Spread of Crabgrass

The key to preventing crabgrass is killing it as it germinates. No pre-emergent herbicide can stop crabgrass from germinating, but it will stop the grassy weed from sprouting up and spreading. Keep in mind that germination will occur first in the warmest areas of your lawn, and last in shady, cool spots.

How to Apply Crabgrass Preventer

Once you have pinpointed the correct time for applying a pre-emergent for crabgrass, you need to make sure you are prepared accordingly. Most preventative solutions will be liquid and need to be applied with a backpack or hand-held sprayer. Some are water soluble and should be applied the same way after mixing.


Remember, the very best crabgrass prevention is a thick, healthy lawn. Turf that doesn’t contain thin spots is less likely to be overrun by weeds due to the dense root system not allowing room. Proper maintenance, along with regular fertilization, will help ensure your lawn is healthy.

How does crabgrass preventer work?

How it Works. Since crabgrass preventer is a pre-emergent herbicide, it must be in place before the weed emerges in the spring. The weed killer works by creating a chemical barrier on your lawn that prevents the plant's growth. Because it is only effective if the barrier remains intact, you should not rake or aerate your lawn after ...

How long does it take for crabgrass to germinate?

Crabgrass seeds germinate when soil temperatures stay in the low 50s for a least a week. If you wait until you see crabgrass in your lawn, pre-emergents will not work.

Can you use pre-emergent on crabgrass?

If you wait until you see crabgrass in your lawn, pre-emergent s will not work. You can use a postemergent herbicide to eradicate mature crab grass, but it is generally not as effective as pre-emergent methods. Methanearsonate is the most common postemergent herbicide used on crabgrass.

Can you use crabgrass preventers on lawns?

However, crabgrass preventers are very effective against the weed if you do not disturb the soil after applying them correctly.

What herbicides kill crabgrass?

Quinclorac provides excellent control of crabgrass at almost any growth stage (seedling or gorilla-sized) and is very safe when applied to new seedings. Quinclorac has the added benefit of enhancing broadleaf herbicide activity when tank-mixed with other broadleaf specific herbicides. Quinclorac also is excellent for control of some broadleaves (white clover and dandelion) on its own. Fenoxaprop-ethyl is generally not as effective on larger or more mature crabgrass as quinclorac, but can provide excellent control of other grassy weeds, such as goosegrass, that are not effectively controlled by quinclorac. Mesotrione is also very effective for postemergence crabgrass control.

What is the best defense against crabgrass invasion?

The best defense against crabgrass invasion as recommended by Michigan State University Extension is maintaining a healthy, dense turf stand by mowing high and fertilizing. Crabgrass is a warm season annual that thrives at high temperatures.

What is the best weed control for turfgrass?

Tupersan (a.i. siduron) is the traditional standby for controlling weeds during seeded turfgrass establishment. Newer to the scene is Tenacity, which can also be used safely at the time of seeding. Always read, understand and follow the label directions.

Where to find crabgrass?

Crabgrass I’ve observed has progressed quickly from emergence to 3-4 leaf stage or beyond quickly. Thin turf areas, low cut turf (such as golf course fairways) or turf near sidewalks, driveways and roadsides where temperatures are warmer are usually the first place to look to find crabgrass.

Is fenoxaprop-ethyl effective on crabgrass?

Fenoxaprop-ethyl is generally not as effective on larger or more mature crabgrass as quinclorac, but can provide excellent control of other grassy weeds, such as goosegrass, that are not effectively controlled by quinclorac. Mesotrione is also very effective for postemergence crabgrass control.

Can you control crabgrass after it emerges?

Controlling crabgrass after it emerges. Crabgrass has emerged in many turf and lawn areas, and there are several herbicide options available for post-emergence control. The recent, warm temperatures have pushed crabgrass to the surface in many areas.

What to do if crabgrass seed is not spread?

What NOT to do. Do not spread seed on the ground, then apply crabgrass preventer. This will be a disappointment because most of the seed will not survive. DO NOT aerate and over-seed then apply crabgrass preventer before the new seed has grown completely out of the seed. This will also lead to a failed seeding effort.

How to get rid of crabgrass in lawn?

First, aerate and over-se ed the lawn early in the spring, as early as possible ( which is usually when the soil is dry enough) Wait until the majority of the grass sprouts are at least 1-2 inches tall. Apply the crabgrass preventer. This process should eliminate any risk of the crabgrass preventer harming the grass seed ...

How to treat crabgrass?

Treat crabgrass preventer with a post-emergent spray ( after the plant is visible in the lawn) Although crabgrass can be controlled with a “post emergent” material after the plant is growing, it is less effective (especially in hot, dry weather), more expensive and can damage surrounding good grass. Crabgrass preventer is considered ...

Can crabgrass preventer be used on newly sown grass?

The crabgrass preventer absolutely can wipe out your newly sown grass seed – for this reason, it is very important that the work is done correctly.

Can crabgrass preventer harm grass seed?

Apply the crabgrass preventer. This process should eliminate any risk of the crabgrass preventer harming the grass seed (since the grass has completely emerged from the seed). The down side can be that the process starts later in the season if the aeration & seeding is delayed.

Does Scotts Turf Builder have halts?

I did a little bit of research into 'Scotts Turf Builder with Halts...'. It appears that the active ingredient is Pendimethalin; this product is indeed likely to inhibit bluegrass seeds which have not yet germinated.

Does Tenacity help bluegrass?

This product has a minimal impact on bluegrass.


1.Reseeding After Crabgrass Pre-Emergent Lawn Care


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2.When Can I Plant Grass Seed After Crabgrass Killer?


17 hours ago  · Post-emergent herbicides containing glyphosate are commonly used to kill crabgrass that is already growing. New grass seed can be planted one week after killing the …

3.Seeding After Crabgrass Control | Tomlinson Bomberger


4 hours ago  · Let this article guide you through the dos and don’ts of when to apply crabgrass preventer. When to use crabgrass preventer: The general answer is spring, just as the seeds …

4.When to Apply Crabgrass Preventer | Season | Weather …


2 hours ago Sta-Green Crab Grass Preventer specifies that the product can be effective up to 4 months, and recommends that you wait at least 12 weeks after application before reseeding. Can I seed …

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33 hours ago Crabgrass seeds germinate when soil temperatures stay in the low 50s for a least a week. If you wait until you see crabgrass in your lawn, pre-emergents will not work. You can use a …

6.Controlling crabgrass after it emerges - MSU Extension


24 hours ago  · Post-emergence control. Post-emergence control is generally more effective when crabgrass is younger before it has tillered. As crabgrass matures, postemergence control …

7.Can I Seed My Lawn and Use Crabgrass Preventer this …


15 hours ago  · Technically, you could seed 16 weeks from the application, but that puts you in the hottest part of summer. Seeding is not advisable at that time. If you find yourself with an overall …

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13 hours ago Wait until the majority of the grass sprouts are at least 1-2 inches tall. Apply the crabgrass preventer. This process should eliminate any risk of the crabgrass preventer harming the …

9.Videos of How Soon Can You Reseed After Crabgrass Preventer


4 hours ago  · The general recommendation is to wait until new grass has been mowed three times before applying a preemergent herbicide. Conversely, after applying a preemergence …

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