Knowledge Builders

how would you create a healthy and healthy environment

by Mavis McKenzie Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Create a healthy environment

  • Stay away from toxins Avoid exposure to toxins, hazards, and other atmospheric conditions that can negatively affect your health. ...
  • Safely handle foods Cook meat all the way through and avoid raw, unpasteurized milk and cheeses to prevent infections. ...
  • Foster healthy relationships ...
  • Plan for your 9-5 and beyond ...
  • Get support when you need it ...
  • Understand violence and abuse ...

10 Small Things You Can Do For Cleaner Air
  1. Avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilizers as much as possible. ...
  2. Limit use of gas-powered tools like lawnmowers and leaf blowers—even small engines pollute.
  3. Avoid burning wood unless it's your only source of heat.
  4. Grilling?

Full Answer

What is the importance of a healthy environment?

The environment is important because it supports the survival of human beings, is the source of natural resources, supports biodiversity and offers remarkable beauty. Moreover, the environment is responsible for air purification and disaster control. Source of Natural Resources Apart from food, the environment provides several other natural ...

Do we have a right to a healthy environment?

You have a human right to clean air, clean water, pollution prevention, climate change, and to participate in the environmental decisions that affect your right. A clean and healthy environment is right for all, not just the few. Environmental justice is a movement to address issues — such as clean air, clean water, and a healthy and stable climate— that affect all people, especially low-income and minority communities.

What does it mean to have a healthy work environment?

What Is A Healthy Workplace. A healthy workplace is one where workers and managers collaborate to continually improve the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers and by doing this, sustain the productivity of the business ( World Health Organisation, 2009 ). Given we spend one third of our lives at work, the working environment can have a ...

What do managers do to create healthy work environments?

worked for them. Effective managers were found to create healthy work environments through behaviors included in three categories: Setting the Climate, Keeping Performance on Track, and Tapping Employee Potential. A healthy work environment was defined, and a model was developed. This model can be the template for

How to create an emotionally safe and healthy work environment?

How to provide certainty in uncertain times?

How many needs are there in social settings?

What are the five needs of a scaf?

What to say when someone says "I love you"?

Why do we despise leaders?

How to preserve status?

See 2 more


7 Great Ways to Create a Healthy Work Environment - Achievers

A healthy work environment is the key to creating and sustaining a high-performing organization. Find out how to build the right type of work environment.

10 Things to Do to Protect the Environment-and Your Health

10 Ways to Protect the Environment — and Your Own Health. Learn how just 10 easy changes can make a big difference in your health and the health of the environment, all at the same time.

Creating a Healthy Environment 2 - Centers for Disease Control and ...

Acknowledgements Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse would like to thank Jonathan Dushoff, of Princeton University; Peter Engelke, of the City and Regional Planning Program, College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology; Karen Roof, of the National

What Constitutes a Healthy Living Environment?

When it comes to health, there’s a lot more to consider than your physical health. (Though physical health does, of course, play a big role in your overall health and well-being.) You also need to watch out for your mental and emotional health.

Neat and Tidy: The Physical Side of a Healthy Living Environment

As you try to create a healthy living environment for yourself, what better place to start than the basics? Save the sounds, smells, and other less tangible aspects of your house detox for later. Start with the messes you can actually touch.

Harnessing Your Senses: How Sight, Sound, and Smell Impact Your Environment

Your senses—sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell—allow you to interact with your environment. Naturally, you’ll want to consider your senses as you cultivate your healthy living environment. (Unless you live in an actual gingerbread house, taste doesn’t really come into play here.)

Noise Pollution and Healthy Sounds in Your Home

Unwanted or excessive noise—also known as noise pollution —seems to be an inevitable part of life. And this means noise pollution will likely affect you in your home. Whether it’s the upstairs neighbors vacuuming at midnight or the early morning construction down the street, you can’t fully escape intrusive sounds.

Aromatherapy and the Power of Smells to Freshen Your Healthy Living Environment

Smell can be a powerful and underappreciated tool. The human nose can detect an incredible number of distinct smells—some good, some bad. Unpleasant odors in your home may indicate areas in need of a cleaning, especially in the bathroom or kitchen. If the bad smells persist, it may be indicative of a larger problem, such as a mold spot.

Cultivating a Healthy Mental Environment

Cleaning and detoxing your physical home environment is a great first step, but it shouldn’t be your last. Your mental environment also deserves attention, too.

Diligence and Forgiveness: Maintaining a Healthy Living Environment

A clean and healthy living environment looks a little bit different for everyone. You might care a lot about physical cleanliness and spend hours tidying up each week. Your neighbor might neglect their physical surroundings but carefully maintain a clean mental environment. And that’s OK! You don’t need to be perfect.

How to create an emotionally safe and healthy work environment?

Create an emotionally safe and healthy work environment by giving people choices whenever possible. It can be a minor choice. You can use the toddler parenting trick: When my daughters were little, I’d ask things like, “Do you want to go to bed now or in five minutes?” It’s not much of a choice. They’re still going to bed. And, of course, they would always say, “In five minutes!” But when the five minutes was up, they went to bed willingly.

How to provide certainty in uncertain times?

Here are three ways you can provide yourself and your team with more certainty in uncertain times: 1. Live your values. If you, and those around you, know what you stand for and that you’ll act accordingly, that provides some good old boring predictability. 2.

How many needs are there in social settings?

David Rock wrote in the NeuroLeadership Journal there are five human needs that influence behavior in social settings. (I highly recommend reading the entire 10-page article for more info on how the brain responds to each needand what to do about it.) As far as your human instincts are concerned, your very survival depends on meeting these needs. And as you can probably guess, all five are severely threatened by the current health, economic, and social crises we are facing, not only in our communities, but at work as well.

What are the five needs of a scaf?

The five needs are status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness , which form the acronym SCARF. Here are some ways you can provide these five things for yourself and your followers, in order to create a safe and healthy environment in which critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork can flourish.

What to say when someone says "I love you"?

Say, “I appreciate that,” or, “I like the way you handled that,” or “That meant a lot to me.”

Why do we despise leaders?

If you’re in a leadership position, others expect you to be able to deal with threats and provide safety. As Simon Sinek says, we give our leaders extra benefits as an investment in our future safety. In exchange for those advantages, we expect them to take care of us when bad things happen. That’s why we despise “leaders” who use their power against us and only protect themselves.

How to preserve status?

If you want to preserve status, avoid saying “You’re wrong,” verbally or nonverbally. Create safety by treating others, their perspective, and their opinions as important, even when you disagree. If you notice defensiveness, try another tack.

What Is Environmental Health?

Many people often think of environmental health in terms of clean air and water, but natural environmental forces—including things like global warming—are only one piece of a greater puzzle.

How can we improve air quality?

You can help improve air quality by riding your bike, taking mass transportation, or switching to telecommuting instead of driving a car to and from work.

Why is it important that countries look beyond their borders to improve the health of the global population?

These increases in cross-border and cross-continental movements have the potential to threaten disease prevention efforts and overextend existing infrastructure. That's why it's crucial that countries look beyond their borders to improve the health of the global population—not just their own.

Why is environmental health important?

Environmental health is one of the largest fields within public health because of the myriad ways external forces can impact how we eat, live, and grow.

What happened to Flint water?

When news broke in 2015 that the drinking water in Flint, Michigan was loaded with lead, it prompted widespread outrage and fear among families. If kids drink or digest lead, it can lead to long-term health complications, including brain damage, ...

What happens when roads aren't maintained?

When roads aren't properly maintained, it can result in more car crashes. An emerging field in this area of environmental health is that of food access. Many neighborhoods throughout the United States do not have full-service grocery stores nearby.

How can we help the food desert?

In an effort to offset the impact of these "food deserts," environmental health professionals are urging communities to establish public gardens where residents can grow and harvest their own fresh produce, improve access to public transportation to full-service grocery stores and farmers markets, and change zoning laws to incentivize retailers to offer healthier food options .

What Is a Healthy Workplace?

A healthy workplace means different things to different people and can even vary across organizations. For example, a healthy workplace for a manufacturing company might mean having a sign that says “X days since last accident.” On the flip side of that coin, an organization in the healthcare industry might be focused a little more on the mental health of their employees who deal with challenging human situations every day.

Why Is a Healthy Workplace Important?

But if you MUST ask why a healthy workplace is important, let’s take a quick little trip into the working conditions of your average factory worker in the United Kingdom in the 19th century:

How to encourage staff to stay healthy?

Wellness initiatives. You can encourage your staff to keep healthy by introducing initiatives such as lunchtime yoga sessions, football after work, subsidi zed gym memberships, cycle-to-work schemes, or even something as simple as taking the stairs rather than the lift.

What is a good diet?

A good diet is not about depriving yourself of the foods you love. It’s about nourishing your body so that you feel good and have more energy to make the most out of each day. Help your workforce to steer clear of processed junk foods and sugary sweets by introducing healthy eating habits at work. A freely available bowl of fruit is a good start, as are catering options that include salads, smoothies and wholemeal foods.

How to improve health of employees?

Break times. According to Public Health England, a minimum of 30 minutes’ exercise per day is a great way to improve the general health of employees. Encourage your staff to take regular 5-minute breaks away from the desk to help relieve muscle strain and eye fatigue and restore concentration levels.

What is team bonding?

Speaking of team bonding, anything you can do to improve internal communications and bring your team closer together is an excellent step towards creating and maintaining a positive workplace environment. From Friday evening drinks to monthly bowling outings, celebrating team achievements or going away for the day, there are lots of activities and initiatives that will have a morale boosting and bonding effect.

How many hours do British workers sit in a day?

Good lighting and well considered furniture and furnishings are the keystones of good workplaces. Among office spaces where British workers spend up to 9 hours a day sitting, the importance of investing in ergonomic chairs or standing desks to maintain good posture should not be underestimated.

What is corporate culture?

Every company has their own corporate culture, whether or not they are aware of it. It’s what determines the values your business upholds and the standards that everyone–employers and employees–should follow. In places where the importance of a positive workplace culture is recognized, implemented and purposefully maintained, the work environment is healthier. Staff who feel listened to, valued and invested in have no need to be upset or unhappy. With a great company culture, you can keep team productivity levels high and retain and develop the best talent.

How many hours a week is a captive audience?

With a ‘captive audience’ for 40 hours a week, the workplace is surely the perfect environment to develop and maintain healthier lifestyle practices and discourage any unhealthy habits your staff may have.

What do students need to know about safety?

Everyone in the class needs to feel safe. Students need to know that no physical harm will come their way. Emotionally, students need to feel accepted and know that they are accepted for who they are. The classroom should be clean, an appropriate temperature, and students should have access to needed materials. Routines and protocols have to be in place so that participants know what to expect in their classroom.

What does it mean when students do not feel part of the class?

If students do not feel part of the class, they could become ostracized, making learning all the more difficult.

Why is it important to have a safe classroom environment?

As a community, developing a healthy classroom environment allows for clear expectations, enhances opportunities for learning, and allows for risk-taking in a safe manner for students. Allowing students to see themselves within their education and the power to have choices for their learning will yield a better outcome for all.

What are the rules and expectations in the classroom?

Classroom Rules and Expectations. If students know what to expect while in the classroom, the more comfortable and safe they will be. Clearly defined expectations and rules makes it clear for everyone how to behave and how the rest of the community members will act. This helps to develop a trusting, predictable environment for all.

Why is it important to have clear procedures in the classroom?

Just as students need the predictability of behaviors, having clear procedures also sets a clear tone of the norms of the classroom. Whether it is academic procedures (collecting work, use of feedback/grades, rubrics) or more general routines (walking in the hallway, tools needed for class), students’ ability to understand the expectations and know what the teacher is requiring of them assists in positive interactions within the classroom.

Why is shared ownership important?

A shared ownership will help students be involved, Students will like an essential part of the classroom resulting in a healthier environment. If an unhealthy atmosphere exists, student learning becomes more difficult. Without a safe environment, students are too worried about their wellbeing to focus on learning.

Why is it important for students to be safe in the classroom?

Students are better able to take the needed risks for growth when they feel safe and listened to in their classroom. The more at ease they feel, the greater the potential for success in school. Consequently, the classroom needs to be a healthy environment for all participants. Developing a community of support is the best way to ensure success.

How to create an emotionally safe and healthy work environment?

Create an emotionally safe and healthy work environment by giving people choices whenever possible. It can be a minor choice. You can use the toddler parenting trick: When my daughters were little, I’d ask things like, “Do you want to go to bed now or in five minutes?” It’s not much of a choice. They’re still going to bed. And, of course, they would always say, “In five minutes!” But when the five minutes was up, they went to bed willingly.

How to provide certainty in uncertain times?

Here are three ways you can provide yourself and your team with more certainty in uncertain times: 1. Live your values. If you, and those around you, know what you stand for and that you’ll act accordingly, that provides some good old boring predictability. 2.

How many needs are there in social settings?

David Rock wrote in the NeuroLeadership Journal there are five human needs that influence behavior in social settings. (I highly recommend reading the entire 10-page article for more info on how the brain responds to each needand what to do about it.) As far as your human instincts are concerned, your very survival depends on meeting these needs. And as you can probably guess, all five are severely threatened by the current health, economic, and social crises we are facing, not only in our communities, but at work as well.

What are the five needs of a scaf?

The five needs are status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness , which form the acronym SCARF. Here are some ways you can provide these five things for yourself and your followers, in order to create a safe and healthy environment in which critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork can flourish.

What to say when someone says "I love you"?

Say, “I appreciate that,” or, “I like the way you handled that,” or “That meant a lot to me.”

Why do we despise leaders?

If you’re in a leadership position, others expect you to be able to deal with threats and provide safety. As Simon Sinek says, we give our leaders extra benefits as an investment in our future safety. In exchange for those advantages, we expect them to take care of us when bad things happen. That’s why we despise “leaders” who use their power against us and only protect themselves.

How to preserve status?

If you want to preserve status, avoid saying “You’re wrong,” verbally or nonverbally. Create safety by treating others, their perspective, and their opinions as important, even when you disagree. If you notice defensiveness, try another tack.


What Is Environmental Health?

Areas of Environmental Health

Global Environmental Health

How You Can Help Protect and Improve Environmental Health

  • Relatedness is not simply about connections, but it’s how safe you feel with others. Safe contact with other human beings is a deep-seated psychological need.We automatically size each other up as “friend” or “foe.” And we need friends. For many, your sense of connectedness AND safety is in the toilet right now. You’ve spent months apart from other...
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