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how your culture affects your weight

by Mariane Bartell Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Your social, ethnic, or religious group culture may also affect your weight and health because of shared eating and lifestyle habits. Some cultures may consume foods and beverages that are high in fat, salt, and added sugars. Some common food preparation methods, such as frying, may lead to high-calorie intake.

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How does culture influence eating habits?

How does culture affect your life?

What are some resources that can help you lose weight?

What is your culture?

Do people accept higher body weights?

Is there any research on the effects of weight on health?

Is being overweight a health risk?

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How does culture affect your weight?

People living in societies that are more economically developed tend to be more obese than in parts of the country that are rural because they are more likely to eat prepared , packaged, and processed foods.

How does your culture affect your diet?

People from different cultural backgrounds eat different foods. The areas in which families live and where their ancestors originated influence food like and dislikes. These food preferences result in patterns of food choices within a cultural or regional group.

What culture is most likely to be obese?

For example, the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMH) report that African-American women have the highest rates of being overweight or having obesity, compared with other racial or ethnic groups in the US.

What social and cultural factors contribute to obesity?

Potential socio-cultural (or socio-environmental) determinants of obesity include social circumstances, such as economic and material wealth, but also social norms regarding body weight, body size, physical activity and eating. ...

How does your culture affect your health?

The influence of culture on health is vast. It affects perceptions of health, illness and death, beliefs about causes of disease, approaches to health promotion, how illness and pain are experienced and expressed, where patients seek help, and the types of treatment patients prefer.

What role does culture play in nutrition?

Cultural variation may play an important role in human nutrition and must be considered in either clinical or public health intervention particularly in areas with large immigrant populations. Acculturative and environmental change influence the food habits and health of transitional groups.

What role does culture play on weight control differences?

Just as your personal culture affects your attitude about food and eating, cultural values and norms affect how you think about fatness and thinness. Some groups of people are more accepting of higher body weights than others. Traditionally, most cultures have valued a certain amount of heaviness over extreme thinness.

Does race affect weight?

Some researchers argue that certain factors, particularly genetic background and race, can cause significant differences in the way an individual carries weight, and suggest that the BMI may need an adjustment.

What ethnicity is more prone to obesity?

Non-Hispanic Black adultsObesity affects some groups more than others Non-Hispanic Black adults (49.9%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by Hispanic adults (45.6%), non-Hispanic White adults (41.4%) and non-Hispanic Asian adults (16.1%).

Does culture play a significant role in obesity?

Acculturation (changes of original cultural patterns of one or more groups when they come into continuous contact with one another) can affect obesity by encouraging the abandonment of traditional beliefs and behaviors that minimize the risk of overweight and the adoption of beliefs and behaviors that increase the risk ...

What are 3 main causes of obesity?

These include diet, lack of exercise, environmental factors, and genetics.

What are the two main factors that change your body weight?

Factors that affect weightgenetics.cultural background.medical conditions and disability.mental ill-health – which can affect appetite and motivation to shop and cook healthy food or be active.some medicines – which can increase appetite or slow the metabolism.eating disorders.drugs, tobacco or alcohol.More items...•

How does religion affect your diet?

People with strong religious beliefs are more likely to buy fat-free, sugar-free or gluten-free foods than natural or organic foods, according to new research that could influence the marketing of those specialty food products.

What is the relationship between food and culture?

Culture is influenced by food through various ways such as tradition, religion and family. These aspects are what makes us different from others and created a whole new society, as food can influence the way people eat and their religious practices.

What role does culture play on weight control differences?

Just as your personal culture affects your attitude about food and eating, cultural values and norms affect how you think about fatness and thinness. Some groups of people are more accepting of higher body weights than others. Traditionally, most cultures have valued a certain amount of heaviness over extreme thinness.

How does various culture and religion impact one's food choices?

Religious factors can have a major influence on what foods we buy. For example, Muslims will not eat meat such as beef or lamb that has not been slaughtered by the halal method, while those of the Jewish religion will only eat foods that are Kosher.

Is Obesity Culturally Influenced - Health Beat

Obesity is a problem that is well known but not well controlled in the United States today. It has become a very big problem for both men and women and affects all racial, socioeconomic and ethnic groups, but how much … Continue reading →

Influence of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture on Childhood Obesity ...

Obesity may be thought of as a body weight that conveys significant risk for adverse health outcomes. In children, obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile for age and sex, based on population data from the 1970s (1,2).The prevalence of obesity has increased markedly in U.S. children and adolescents in the past 30 years.

Cultural factors related to the obesity epidemic - ScienceDirect

The associations of sociodemographics, lifestyle, and food choice are factors that play a role in obesity. The Canadian Population Health Initiative found that social, environment, and individual factors can influence people’s eating habits and are independently related to obesity.

How Cultural Traditions Can Shape Body Image - Eating Disorder Hope

The opinions and views of our guest contributors are shared to provide a broad perspective on eating disorders. These are not necessarily the views of Eating Disorder Hope, but an effort to offer a discussion of various issues by different concerned individuals.

How does culture influence eating habits?

If you grew up with eating habits based on ethnic, religious, or other cultural traditions, those practices may be strongly imbedded in your thinking today. The types of foods you choose, how you prepare them, the seasonings you add, when you eat, how much you eat, and how much you think you should weigh, can all have great social meaning if you strongly identify with your culture.

How does income affect eating?

Income also affects eating and exercise habits ; statistics show that higher-income women tend to be thinner than lower-income women. Money gives you more control over your life and affords resources such as gym memberships, personal trainers, nutrition counseling, spa visits, and specially prepared foods, all of which can help with weight control.

What are some resources that can help you lose weight?

Money gives you more control over your life and affords resources such as gym memberships, personal trainers, nutrition counseling, spa visits, and specially prepared foods, all of which can help with weight control.

Is there any research on the effects of weight on health?

There is still much debate among researchers and health experts on the effects of weight on disease, and there hasn’t been enough research on the general population of overweight people to make blanket statements or give clear-cut advice to every individual.

Is being overweight a health risk?

Studies do show that, for some people, even those with no signs of chronic disease, there are serious health risks associated with being overweight, and some groups of people appear to be at higher risk of developing chronic health conditions than others.

Is there a difference between being overweight and being obese?

For the most part, the participants in most studies done on the psychological and biological aspects of weight control have been people who sought professional help for obesity or clinical eating disorders. That relatively small number is not representative of the entire population of overweight men and women. There is also a difference between being overweight and obese, and that difference, along with any implications for health, has yet to be fully explored.

What are some examples of health problems that are caused by different cultures?

For example, African-Americans and many Southerners are at greater risk for ailments such as heart disease and diabetes, but Southern-style fried foods, biscuits and ham hocks might not be the only culprits.

How to reduce the risk of chronic disease?

The American Academy of Family Physicians and American Cancer Society suggest you reduce your risks for chronic disease by eating more fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding high-fat and sugary foods, and cutting back on processed foods and red meat. Try substituting less-fattening ingredients — for example, reduced-fat cheese in tacos, veggies instead of meat in lasagna or fat-free yogurt in raita sauce. And include exercise in your personal and family routines, aiming for 30 to 60 minutes of exercise on most days.

How does culture influence eating habits?from

If you grew up with eating habits based on ethnic, religious, or other cultural traditions, those practices may be strongly imbedded in your thinking today. The types of foods you choose, how you prepare them, the seasonings you add, when you eat, how much you eat, and how much you think you should weigh, can all have great social meaning if you strongly identify with your culture.

How does culture affect your life?from

Your culture permeates every aspect of your life, including how much exercise you get and how you view your own body. Your job and your work culture can have a strong influence on your eating and activity habits, as well as your weight, especially if you work around food or your job involves taking clients out to eat on a regular basis.

What is the Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy?from

Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy deals with the medical study of the obesity and body mass index. Obesity and Weight Loss are well-known risk factors for many medical conditions. Therapeutic Weight Loss in individuals that are overweight or obese can decrease the likelihood of developing these diseases.

Why is obesity a problem?from

Obese and weight problems are a outcome of energy imbalance over a long period of time. The cause of vigor imbalance for every character is also due to a combination of a few factors. Person behaviors, environmental explanations, and genetics all contribute to the complexity of the obesity epidemic.

How does obesity affect diabetes?from

Diabetes and Obesity are interrelated. An unhealthy diet generally results in increased sugar, cholesterol and fat content in the blood stream. This generally leads to diabetes. During diabetes, our body may not properly use the insulin which may lead to high sugar level in the blood. In order to maintain proper blood sugar level, it is very essential to change our eating habits.

What is the health at every size movement?from

A growing trans-disciplinary movement called Health at Every Size SM (HAES) 2 shifts the focus from weight management to health promotion. The primary intent of HAES is to support improved health behaviors for people of all sizes without using weight as a mediator; weight loss may or may not be a side effect.

What are the causes of obesity?from

Obesity can be a result of both genetic as well as environmental factors. Changes or mutations in genes that control body’s metabolism and appetite, may sometimes lead to obesity, when fulfilled by favorable dietary conditions. The influence of genetic factors on obesity is estimated to be 40-70%.

What impact does culture have on your dental health?

Because culture has an impact on dental care usage and oral health outcomes, even when money isn’t a problem and treatments are readily accessible, acquired habits may affect health-seeking behavior (5).

What are the environmental variables that affect your dietary choices?

Environmental variables include layout, marketing, climate, weather, pricing, and availability.

What role does food play in shaping our identities?

Our common values, beliefs, and resources form and are shaped by the food we consume; our traditions, celebrations, and restrictions shape and are shaped by our shared values, beliefs, and resources. The organizations we belong to and who we are as people also contribute to our sense of self and identity.

What impact do social influences have on food choices?

Food choices are affected by social variables even while dining alone, since attitudes and habits are formed via contact with others1. According to studies, we eat more with our friends and family than when we eat alone, and the amount of food consumed rises as the number of diners increases2.

What factors influence one’s appetite?

Let me introduce you to two hormones that accomplish just that: leptin and ghrelin, often known as “hunger hormones.” Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that suppresses hunger. Ghrelin is an appetite-stimulating hormone that also affects body weight.

Why does my hunger seem to be dwindling?

Appetite loss may be caused by a variety of psychological factors. When you’re unhappy, depressed, mourning, or worried, your appetite may also drop. A reduction in appetite has also been related to boredom and stress. Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa may cause a loss of appetite in general.

What impact does food have on the economy?

People’s eating choices are influenced by economic variables such as food price and income. Furthermore, food prices constitute a barrier to healthy dietary choices for low-income families. The health and nutritional condition of the people are being severely impacted by rising food costs.

How does culture affect eating?from

The culture you are born into will shape your eating behavior, such as what you eat, when you eat, and even how you eat. It will influence the clothes you choose to wear and the sports you play. Social norms set forth by your culture will determine how you interact with family members, friends, and strangers.

How does culture influence perception?from

Culture plays an important role in molding us into the people we are today. It creates an environment of a shared belief, way of thinking, and method interacting among that group of people. It is dynamic and constantly changing across time.

Why is counting not important?from

Counting is not important in day-to day lives and thus is not represented in their language. The researcher surmised that it was this lack of number language that impacted their perception of quantifies. In this way the words we use limits our cognition and thought.

Which culture recalls the background context and relative size more accurately?from

People raised in Asian cultures recall background context and relative size more accurately. On the other hand, people raised in Western culture are able to more accurately perceive the absolute size of objects and remember the focal objects of images more accurately.

Do people from different cultures process the world differently?from

Consequently, people from various cultures will process the world differently. Furthermore subcultures exist within cultures. Religions, communities, ad regional accents and customs all work to influence your cognition and perception.

How does culture influence eating habits?

If you grew up with eating habits based on ethnic, religious, or other cultural traditions, those practices may be strongly imbedded in your thinking today. The types of foods you choose, how you prepare them, the seasonings you add, when you eat, how much you eat, and how much you think you should weigh, can all have great social meaning if you strongly identify with your culture.

How does culture affect your life?

Your culture permeates every aspect of your life, including how much exercise you get and how you view your own body. Your job and your work culture can have a strong influence on your eating and activity habits, as well as your weight, especially if you work around food or your job involves taking clients out to eat on a regular basis.

What are some resources that can help you lose weight?

Money gives you more control over your life and affords resources such as gym memberships, personal trainers, nutrition counseling, spa visits, and specially prepared foods, all of which can help with weight control.

What is your culture?

Your culture includes where you live, your family size and composition, your age, your gender, your ethnicity, your marital status, your education level and that of your family, your occupation and the occupations of your family members. Your culture permeates every aspect of your life, including how much exercise you get ...

Do people accept higher body weights?

Some groups of people are more accepting of higher body weights than others. Traditionally, most cultures have valued a certain amount of heaviness over extreme thinness. But social ideals change with time and thinness has remained in style, especially in the United States and Europe.

Is there any research on the effects of weight on health?

There is still much debate among researchers and health experts on the effects of weight on disease, and there hasn’t been enough research on the general population of overweight people to make blanket statements or give clear-cut advice to every individual.

Is being overweight a health risk?

Studies do show that, for some people, even those with no signs of chronic disease, there are serious health risks associated with being overweight, and some groups of people appear to be at higher risk of developing chronic health conditions than others.


1.How Your Culture Affects Your Weight | Psychology Today


31 hours ago Web · Just as your personal culture affects your attitude about food and eating, cultural values and norms affect how you think about fatness and thinness. Some groups …

2.How Your Culture Affects Your Weight | Psychology …


6 hours ago WebJust as your personal culture affects your attitude about food and eating, cultural values and norms affect how you think about fatness and thinness. Some groups of people are more …

3.How Your Culture Affects Your Weight | Psychology Today


2 hours ago WebYour personal culture affects your attitudes about acceptable body weight. Culture greatly determines both how you eat and how you perceive your body weight. Open mobile menu

4.How Your Culture Affects Your Weight - Psychology Today


14 hours ago WebYour personal culture affects your attitudes about acceptable body weight. Culture greatly determines both how you eat and how you perceive your body weight. Open mobile menu

5.How Culture Affects Diet | livestrong


16 hours ago Web · American culture strongly values success, suggesting that if you don’t achieve your weight goals, you must be a failure. Along with success comes our …

6.Cultural Attitudes Toward Weight, Diet, and Physical …


1 hours ago WebMenus stressing lower-fat foods and lots of vegetables, such as those of many Asian cultures, can result in more healthful diets, even reducing the risks for diseases such as …

7.Obesity – The Link between Your Weight and Your Family


17 hours ago Web · Being comfortable with your weight." Preferred body size was perceived to be a personally determined attribute, yet the reference for body size was their families and …

8.What cultural factors do you believe contributes to food …


11 hours ago WebThe family bond is a powerful one when it comes to weight and health. Increasing nutrition through healthy meals, planning activities for fun and movement, and supporting one …

9.How Culture Affects Perception | Essay


8 hours ago Web · There are many socio-cultural factors that influence food acceptance, such as religion and culture. Ethnicity, religion, social class, reference group, family, and …

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