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in which stage of aerobic respiration is water produced

by Torey Crist Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Grand Finale. The electron transport chain is the third and final step of cellular respiration. It is the grand finale in which water is formed, along with the majority of ATP needed to power cellular life.May 7, 2018

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What are the stages of aerobic respiration?

The reactions of aerobic respiration can be broken down into four stages, described below. Glycolysis is the first stage of aerobic respiration and occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. It involves the splitting of 1 six-carbon sugar molecule into 2 three-carbon pyruvate molecules. This process creates two ATP molecules.

How many molecules of carbon dioxide are produced during aerobic respiration?

That equation is: In summary, 1 molecule of six-carbon glucose and 6 molecules of oxygen are converted into 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 6 molecules of water, and 38 molecules of ATP. The reactions of aerobic respiration can be broken down into four stages, described below.

Where does glycolysis occur in aerobic respiration?

Glycolysis is the first stage of aerobic respiration and occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. It involves the splitting of 1 six-carbon sugar molecule into 2 three-carbon pyruvate molecules. This process creates two ATP molecules. The overall equation is as follows:

What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration Quizlet?

Aerobic Respiration Definition. Aerobic respiration is respiration that uses oxygen as a reactant. Aerobic respiration is much more efficient, and produces ATP much more quickly, than anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen). This is because oxygen is an excellent electron acceptor for the chemical reaction.


In which stage of aerobic respiration is water produced quizlet?

In which phase of cellular respiration is water made? Water is made during the electron transport chain part of cellular respiration.

Is water produced in aerobic respiration?

Carbon dioxide and water are created as byproducts. The overall equation for aerobic cellular respiration is: In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen react to form ATP. Water and carbon dioxide are released as byproducts.

What respiration produces water?

Aerobic respiration breaks down glucose and combines the broken down products with oxygen, making water and carbon dioxide.

Is water released during anaerobic respiration?

The end product of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid instead of carbon dioxide and water. This process occurs in oxygen debt. Hence, the amount of oxygen required to oxidize lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water is not present.

Does water is released in anaerobic respiration?

But in case of anaerobic respiration the oxygen is need for the completion of the process. Now since the oxygen molecule is present in aerobic respiration the so water is formed by combining with the hydrogen. On the other hand the anaerobic respiration not oxygen is involved, so water is formed.

Is water produced in glycolysis?

Glycolysis produces two molecules of pyruvate, two molecules of ATP, two molecules of NADH, and two molecules of water.

What are the 4 stages of aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration is a series of enzyme-controlled reactions that release the energy stored up in carbohydrates and lipids during photosynthesis and make it available to living organisms. There are four stages: glycolysis, the link reaction, the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

In which process of cellular respiration is water produced quizlet?

Water is produced at the end of the electron transport chain when oxygen, as the final electron acceptor, is reduced. What phase of cellular respiration is included in fermentation?

Is water produced in glycolysis?

Glycolysis produces two molecules of pyruvate, two molecules of ATP, two molecules of NADH, and two molecules of water.

What are aerobic respiration products?

The three products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide, water and energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The carbon dioxide and water are considered waste products, while the ATP is the desired product.

How are aerobic and anaerobic respiration similar?

Similarities. Both aerobic and anaerobic respiration are methods of generating energy. They also both start in the same way, with the process of glycolysis. “Glycolysis” literally means “sugar splitting,” and involves breaking a sugar molecule down into two smaller molecules. In the process of glycolysis, two ATP molecules are consumed ...

Why do we need aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration is why we need both food and oxygen, as both are required to produce the ATP that allows our cells to function.

How does NADH work in cellular respiration?

This is important, as later in the process of cellular respiration, NADH will power the formation of much more ATP through the mitochondria ’s electron transport chain. In the next stage, pyruvate is processed to turn it into fuel for the citric acid cycle, using the process of oxidative decarboxylation.

What is the process by which organisms use oxygen to turn fuel, such as fats and sugars, into chemical?

Aerobic respiration is the process by which organisms use oxygen to turn fuel, such as fats and sugars, into chemical energy. In contrast, anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen.

What is the link reaction between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle?

Oxidative decarboxylation, sometimes referred to as the link reaction or the transition reaction, is the link between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle. Pyruvate is transfered into the mitochondrial matrix via a protein known as pyruvate translocase.

What is the sugar molecule that is broken down in aerobic respiration?

In cells that have oxygen and aerobic respiration can proceed, a sugar molecule is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate. In cells that do not have oxygen, the sugar molecule is broken down into other forms, such as lactate.

Where does glycolysis occur?

Glycolysis. Glycolysis is the first stage of aerobic respiration and occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. It involves the splitting of 1 six-carbon sugar molecule into 2 three-carbon pyruvate molecules. This process creates two ATP molecules.

What is aerobic respiration?

In this video science presenter Jon Chase describes aerobic respiration as the release of energy from glucose in the presence of oxygen.

What is the process of releasing energy from food and storing it as ATP?

Most cell activity requires chemical energy. Respiration is the cellular process of releasing energy from food and storing it as ATP.

What happens in stage 1 of ATP breakdown?

As in stage one, the breakdown reactions in this process are catalysed by specific enzymes. Oxygen does not react directly with molecules of pyruvate. It is involved in the final step of the breakdown. If oxygen is not available then only two ATP are produced.

What happens in stage 2 of pyruvate?

Stage two. A pyruvate molecule enters the mitochondria and is broken down in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. Enough energy is released from each pyruvate molecule to produce a large number of ATP molecules. As in stage one, the breakdown reactions in this process are catalysed by specific enzymes.

Does pyruvate require oxygen?

This stage does not require oxygen. If oxygen is available to the cell then the pyruvate molecules can be further broken down in stage two to release more energy and produce a greater quantity of ATP.


1.In which stage of aerobic respiration is water produced?


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