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is 1037 a high fever for a toddler

by Ms. Yvonne Balistreri Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Normal body temperature for a toddler is 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit


The Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale based on one proposed in 1724 by Dutch–German–Polish physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. It uses the degree Fahrenheit as the unit. Several accounts of how he originally defined his scale exist. The lower defining point, 0 ℉, wa…

(36 - 37.2 degrees Celsius). A low-grade fever in toddlers is in the 99 to 100.9° F (37.3 - 38.3° C) range. A temperature of 101° F through 103.5° F (38.4 - 39.7° C) usually indicates illness that needs monitoring.

Full Answer

When to call a pediatrician for a fever in a child?

Call your pediatrician if: Your child is 3 to 6 months old with a fever of 101.0 °F or higher Your child is 6 months or older with a fever of 103.0 °F or higher Your child has a fever 104.0 °F or higher regardless of age You should see a physician for any fever under the following circumstances:

What does a fever of 104 mean in a 2 year old?

Fever in a young baby can be a sign of a dangerous infection. Your child is of any age and has repeated fevers above 104°F (40°C). Your child is younger than 2 years of age and a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) continues for more than 1 day. Your child is 2 years old or older and a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) continues for more than 3 days.

What is a high fever for a 6 month old?

Your child is 3 to 6 months old with a fever of 101.0 °F or higher Your child is 6 months or older with a fever of 103.0 °F or higher Your child has a fever 104.0 °F or higher regardless of age

What is a normal fever for a 3 year old?

Advertising Policy Fevers of less than five days if your child’s behavior is relatively normal. Temperatures of up to 102.5 F if your child is 3 months to 3 years of age, or up to 103 F if your child is older. Low-grade fevers if your infant or child was recently immunized.


What does fever mean in a toddler?

monzenmachi/Getty Images. A fever usually. Trusted Source. means that a child’s body is fighting off an infection. However, there are symptoms a person should look for when a toddler has a fever. Read on to learn when a toddler with a fever needs urgent medical attention, as well as treatments and potential causes.

What are the symptoms of a fever in a toddler?

A person should take the child to the emergency room immediately if they experience fever along with any of the following symptoms: headache. stiff neck. dislike of bright lights. sleepiness. trouble waking up. nausea. irritability.

What is febrile seizure?

A febrile seizure is a seizure that occurs when a toddler has a fever. Although they may seem alarming, they are not dangerous and typically last a few minutes#N#Trusted Source#N#.

Why does my toddler have a fever?

There are many reasons why a toddler might have a fever. This symptom is a byproduct of a child healing from acquiring an infection, and it does not necessarily need treating. However, a caregiver can provide home care to help the infant feel more comfortable.

How old do you have to be to give a toddler fever medication?

The FDA recommends that an individual speaks with a doctor before giving medication to a toddler below the age of 2 years.

How many children need urgent care for fever?

A review from 2019 noted that only 1 in 100 children with a fever will require urgent medical attention. However, an individual should seek urgent care if the toddler experiences:

When to contact a doctor for a fever?

When to contact a doctor. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends contacting a doctor if a toddler experiences a fever of 102ºF (38.8ºC) or more. Trusted Source. . A parent of caregiver should also contact a doctor if the toddler has: other signs of illness, such as rash.

How to tell if a child has a fever?

The best way to determine whether your child’s fever reflects a serious illness is through symptoms and behavior changes. If your child continues to eat, drink, and play normally, there’s less cause for concern. However, significant behavior changes may indicate serious illness, even with a “low-grade” fever that falls below ...

Why do children have fevers?

For most children, a fever is a sign that their body is responding effectively to an infection. Fevers impede bacteria and viruses’ ability to replicate, and stimulate white blood cells to respond. When viruses or bacteria invade your body, white blood cells release proteins called pyrogens.

What is the normal temperature for a toddler?

A normal temperature range is between 97.5° F (36.4° C) and 99.5° F (37.5° C). It also fluctuates throughout the day, with highest temperature between late afternoon and early evening, and lowest between midnight and the early morning.#N#Except for children under 3 months, deciding whether to visit the doctor should consider your child’s behavior as much as the thermometer’s reading. Even high fevers are common and not necessarily indicative of dangerous illness. For the most part, there is no direct correlation between the degree of fever and the severity of an illness.#N#What constitutes a fever also depends on how a child’s temperature is taken. Typically, rectal thermometers offer the most accurate temperature readings for infants and young toddlers; oral thermometers provide greatest accuracy for older children. (Most children can manage an oral thermometer at 4 years of age.)

What to do if your child has a febrile seizure?

If your child has a febrile seizure, slowly lower them onto their side. Do not put anything in their mouth or hold them during the seizure. The greatest risk from febrile seizures is the potential to fall or choke on food, saliva, or another object. Seek immediate medical attention following a febrile seizure.

When do febrile seizures occur?

Most febrile seizures occur when a fever begins and, as such, there is no warning. Febrile seizure affect 2–4% of all children under the age of 5, with children most susceptible at age 2. The vast majority are brief, lasting a matter of seconds or a few minutes.

What to do if your child has no tears when crying?

Keeping your child hydrated is critical during a fever or other illness. Bland foods and fluids are best. If your child has not wet a diaper or urinated in eight hours, has dry lips, and produces no tears when crying, this is a sign of dehydration and reason to seek medical attention.

What temperature should a child be at?

A temperature of 100.4° F is cause for concern only when your child is under 3 months of age. In infancy, a child’s immune system is unprepared to fight an infection, and you should see a physician if your young infant has a fever. A healthcare provider should also be consulted if your child has a fever for more than three days, ...

What to do if your child has a fever?

If your child is fussy, has chills or aches, treat the fever with acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

What to do if your fever isn't responding to treatment?

If the fever isn’t responding to treatment, contact your pediatrician immediately. Any fever in an infant 2 months or younger needs to be treated as an emergency.

Can you use rubbing alcohol to bring down a fever?

Never attempt to use rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) to bring down a fever. It is absorbed through the skin quickly and could be inhaled, possibly causing alcohol poisoning. Ice baths can backfire as the body reacts to the rapid cold by increasing the internal temperature.

Is it really a fever?

First, make sure it’s really a fever. As with adults, a child’s normal temperature isn’t as steady as the usual guidance of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius) suggests. A range of 97 to 99 degrees is more typical of normal temperatures. What constitutes a fever in a child depends on how the temperature was taken.

How to reduce fever in toddler?

Other ways to reduce a fever: Dress your child lightly. Excess clothing will trap body heat and cause the temperature to rise. Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids, such as juices, soda, punch, or popsicles. Give your child a lukewarm bath.

What are the symptoms that my child may have a fever?

Children with fevers may become more uncomfortable as the temperature rises. In addition to a body temperature greater than 100.4°F (38°C), symptoms may include:

What is a fever?

A fever is defined by most healthcare provider as a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) and higher when taken rectally.

What are the benefits of a fever?

Fever stimulates the body's defenses, sending white blood cells and other "fighter" cells to fight and destroy the cause of the infection.

When should a fever be treated?

In children, a fever that is making them uncomfortable should be treated. Treating your child's fever will not help the body get rid of the infection any faster; it simply will relieve discomfort associated with fever. Children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years can develop seizures from fever (called febrile seizures). If your child does have a febrile seizure, there is a chance that the seizure may occur again, but, usually, children outgrow the febrile seizures. A febrile seizure does not mean your child has epilepsy. There is no evidence that treating the fever will reduce the risk of having a febrile seizure.

What can I do to decrease my child's fever?

Give your child an antife ver medicine, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. DO NOT give your child aspirin, as it has been linked to a serious, potentially fatal disease, called Reye syndrome.

What is a fever in a baby?

Fever in a young baby can be a sign of a dangerous infection. Your child is of any age and has repeated fevers above 104°F (40°C). Your child is younger than 2 years of age and a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) continues for more than 1 day. Your child is 2 years old or older and a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) continues for more than 3 days.

How old should a child be to have a fever?

Still, it's good to keep an eye on how high the fever gets. With children under 3 years of age, and especially with babies, it pays to be more cautious and know what the exact temperature is. Fever in very young children can be a sign that something serious is wrong, so it shouldn't be ignored.

What is a high grade fever?

High-grade fevers, called hyperpyrexia , involve temperatures above 103 degrees and can be dangerous. However, when determining if a fever is a risk to yourself or your child, it's more complicated than just looking at the number—especially in children.

Why is my fever high?

Some include low-grade fevers that become high-grade, such as: If a fever continues unchecked, or your body doesn't respond to treatment, the fever may rise into the danger zone. Some medical conditions that don't involve low fevers are associated with high-grade fever.

Why does my fever not go away?

If your fever is caused by an infection, it won't go away until the infection is gone or at least improves. Depending on the specific pathogen, this may require medical treatment. If your fever doesn't go away or is accompanied by other symptoms that suggest illness, you should see a doctor.

How to tell if a fever is serious?

For most adults and older children, looking at the symptoms more than the number on the thermometer can help you determine if there's a serious health issue. Still, it's good to keep an eye on how high the fever gets.

What happens if you don't get treatment for a fever?

If you don't receive treatment for your fever or your body doesn't respond to treatment, the fever can become dangerous.

What is the best medicine for fever?

When fever-related symptoms are making you feel lousy or the temperature has crept up near that 103-104 F mark, an over-the-counter fever-reducing medication like Tylenol ( acetaminophen) or Motrin/Advil ( ibuprofen) can help you feel better. The effects of these medications are only temporary, though.

What is the fever of a child?

Your child has a fever 104.0 °F or higher regardless of age. You should see a physician for any fever under the following circumstances: Lethargy that persists after taking fever-reducing medication. Lasting more than 3 consecutive days with or without an obvious source of infection, such as cold symptoms.

How to check temperature of a child?

Be sure your child has not had anything to drink in the 10 minutes prior to taking their temperature. Rectal: The most accurate method to take a temperature for children under the age of 5.

How to take a child's temperature?

How to Take Your Child’s Temperature. Your first inclination may be to feel your child’s forehead to determine if he or she has a fever. But, a digital thermometer is the best method to take both oral and rectal temperatures quickly and accurately.

What is the normal temperature for a 3 month old?

Your child is under 3 months old with a fever of 100.4 °F or higher. Your child is 3 to 6 months old with a fever of 101.0 °F or higher. Your child is 6 months or older with a fever of 103.0 °F or higher. Your child has a fever 104.0 °F or higher regardless of age.

Can you take a cold bath with a fever?

Lowering the fever with lukewarm baths. You should never use cold baths.

Is a fever bad for kids?

Fevers often get a bad rap , particularly when it comes to children. Although they leave many parents worried, in most people, a fever is rarely dangerous. In fact, they are actually a good thing. Fevers are a natural way that our bodies fight off infections by increasing the body’s temperature in order to make it more difficult for germs ...

What is the fever of a child?

Your pediatrician may need to investigate further for underlying causes. Your child’s fever is higher than 104 F (> 40 C). Your child’s fever does not come down with fever reducers. Your child is not acting himself or herself, is difficult to arouse, or is not taking in enough liquids.

What is the normal temperature of a fever?

So what is a fever? Fever is defined as a temperature over 100.4 F (38 C). Normal body temperature is 98.6 F (37 C). Everyone’s body temperature varies throughout the day and can differ by age, activity level and other factors.

How to tell if a baby has a fever?

Now for the important question: When should you be worried about a fever? Call a doctor when: 1 An infant younger than 3 months of age develops a fever. Fevers may be your infant’s only response to a serious illness. In newborns, a low temperature can also be a sign of serious illness. Call your pediatrician if your baby temperature drops below 97.7 rectally. 2 Your child’s fever lasts more than five days. Your pediatrician may need to investigate further for underlying causes. 3 Your child’s fever is higher than 104 F (> 40 C). 4 Your child’s fever does not come down with fever reducers. 5 Your child is not acting himself or herself, is difficult to arouse, or is not taking in enough liquids. Babies who aren’t wetting at least four diapers per day and older children who are not urinating every eight to 12 hours may become dangerously dehydrated, she says. 6 Your child was recently immunized and has a temperature above 102 F or a fever for more than 48 hours. 7 You are concerned. If you are uncomfortable with your child’s temperature or illness, call your doctor or nurse practitioner to discuss it.

What temperature should a 3 month old have?

Temperatures of up to 102.5 F if your child is 3 months to 3 years of age, or up to 103 F if your child is older. These temperatures can be common, but not necessarily worrisome. Low-grade fevers if your infant or child was recently immunized. These can be normal if they last less than 48 hours.

How many diapers should a baby not wet?

Babies who aren’t wetting at least four diapers per day and older children who are not urinating every eight to 12 hours may become dangerously dehydrated, she says. Your child was recently immunized and has a temperature above 102 F or a fever for more than 48 hours. You are concerned.

How long does a low grade fever last?

Low-grade fevers. If your infant or child was recently immunized, these can be normal if they last fewer than 48 hours. A low-grade fever is determined if the child’s temperature is between 99.6 – 100.3 F (37.5 – 40 C).

What is the magic number for a child's temperature?

Don’t be alarmed if your child’s temperature varies. The magic number for fever is 100.4 F (40 C).

What temperature should a toddler's fever be?

If your toddler has a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, contact her pediatrician immediately. A toddler refusing to eat or drink is also a reason for concern. When in doubt, always consult her pediatrician. You can also take a few steps to reduce your toddler’s fever and make her more comfortable.

Why do toddlers have high fevers?

Possible causes include a viral or bacterial infection . If your toddler has a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, contact her pediatrician immediately. A toddler refusing to eat ...

What to do if your toddler has a fever?

A toddler with a high fever and chills is at risk for dehydration, warns. Encourage your toddler to drink fluids to reduce her risk. Water, juice and broth are a few options. Talk with your doctor about offering an oral rehydration solution to prevent dehydration; these drinks are available at most drugstores.

How to get a toddler to stop shivering?

Run a lukewarm bath for your toddler. Allow her to sit in the bath for about 5 to 10 minutes. Watch her closely — if she starts to shiver, get her out of the bath. Shivering produces muscle heat. When the muscles shake, your toddler’s temperature will rise. Dress your toddler in light clothing.

How to treat fever in toddlers?

Prescription Medication. Home Remedies for Fever in a Toddler. Learn More. If your child’s doctor suspects that a bacterial infection is causing a high fever, she might prescribe an antibiotic. Administer the medication as directed, even if your child feels better. Discontinuing the use of antibiotics can make your child’s illness worse.

Can you give a toddler aspirin?

Use as directed; overdose of fever-reducing medications has serious consequences in toddlers, like kidney damage or death. Never give any child aspirin, which has been linked to a rare and sometimes-fatal condition called Reye’s syndrome, warns.

Can antibiotics make a child sick?

Discontinu ing the use of antibiotics can make your child’s illness worse. Don’t use antibiotics for the common cold or viral infections. Nicki Howell started her professional writing career in 2002, specializing in areas such as health, fitness and personal finance.

What is a low grade fever in toddlers?

A low-grade fever in toddlers is in the 99 to 100.9° F (37.3 - 38.3° C) range. A temperature of 101° F through 103.5° F (38.4 - 39.7° C) usually indicates illness that needs monitoring. Most fevers in this range are caused by viruses or a minor infection.

How to help a toddler with a fever?

To reduce a fever in a toddler, give them a bath in lukewarm water, since water that's a bit lower than body temperature provides the quickest relief for a fever. Alternatively, place a cool washcloth over their forehead. You should also encourage them to drink lots of fluids, like water or non-caffeinated herbal tea, which will help combat dehydration. Additionally, ensure they’re wearing 1 layer of loose, light clothing to help with air circulation and reduce their body temperature. If your toddler's fever is high, talk to your doctor about giving them a fever-reducing medicine, such as acetaminophen or paracetamol. For tips from our Medical co-author on how to tell if your child needs antibiotics, read on!

How to keep a toddler hydrated during fever?

Encourage your toddler to drink plenty of fluids. Fever can lead to dehydration, which can be a serious medical condition, and thus, it is essential you offer your child plenty of fluids to keep them hydrated. Pure water is always the best choice but other options also work if your child is picky.

Why is fever important for toddlers?

Fever is your body's natural response to infection or injury. It stimulates your body to mobilize and produce more white blood cells and antibodies to help fight infection. Some researchers believe that it is important to allow mild fever to run its course. But fever in a toddler can be very disconcerting.

What is the normal temperature for a toddler?

Normal body temperature for a toddler is 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit (36 - 37.2 degrees Celsius). A low-grade fever in toddlers is in the 99 to 100.9° F (37.3 - 38.3° C) range.

How to reduce fever with Tylenol?

You can also use a bath to reduce fever while you are waiting for acetaminophen (Tylenol) or another pain-reliever/fever-reducer to kick in. Use lukewarm water.

What to do if fever reducing medication does not lower fever?

If the fever-reducing medication does not lower fever temporarily, seek medical attention.


1.When Is a Fever Too High for a Child, Toddler, or …


31 hours ago Your little one’s fever is 104°F or above, regardless of the presence of other symptoms. Your child’s fever doesn’t lower even when taking fever reducers.

2.When is a fever dangerous for my baby, toddler, or older …


21 hours ago  · A fever lower than 101ºF (38ºC) does not require treatment unless the toddler is uncomfortable. Fever occurs due to the body reacting to contracting a viral or bacterial infection.

3.When is a fever too high for a child? - Norton Children's


7 hours ago  · For fevers caused by illness in children, the fever itself will never be high enough to cause brain injury, despite a common myth to the contrary. Fevers by the numbers While “normal” body temperature is 98.6° F (37° C), a child’s …

4.Fever in Children | Johns Hopkins Medicine


20 hours ago  · What constitutes a fever in a child depends on how the temperature was taken. Orally: 100 F (37.8 C) Rectally: 100.4 F (38 C) Under the arm: 99 F (37.2 C) More important than the number, though: How is your child acting? If they are otherwise fine, and the fever is moderate, you may not need to treat it. If your child is fussy, has chills or aches, treat the fever …

5.When Is a Fever Too High? - Verywell Health


23 hours ago Your child is 3 months old or younger and has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. Get medical care right away. Fever in a young baby can be a sign of a dangerous infection. Your child is of any age and has repeated fevers above 104°F (40°C). Your child is younger than 2 years of age and a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) continues for more than 1 day. Your child is 2 years old or older and a …

6.Kids’ Fevers: How High is Too High? - HealthPark Pediatrics


4 hours ago  · When it comes to children who have a fever, a rule of thumb is that if they're playing and have energy, there's no immediate danger. When fever-related symptoms are making you feel lousy or the temperature has crept up near that 103–104 degree mark, an over-the-counter fever-reducing medication like Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin/Advil (ibuprofen) …

7.When to Take Your Child to the Doctor for a Fever


11 hours ago Your child is under 3 months old with a fever of 100.4 °F or higher ; Your child is 3 to 6 months old with a fever of 101.0 °F or higher ; Your child is 6 months or older with a fever of 103.0 °F or higher; Your child has a fever 104.0 °F or higher regardless of age; You should see a physician for any fever under the following circumstances:

8.High Fever With Chills in Toddlers | Hello Motherhood


8 hours ago  · Your child’s fever is higher than 104 F (> 40 C). Your child’s fever does not come down with fever reducers. Your child is not acting themselves , is …

9.How to Reduce Fever in a Toddler: 9 Steps (with Pictures)


20 hours ago  · A high fever and chills in a toddler is the body’s way of saying that something out of the ordinary is occurring. Possible causes include a viral or bacterial infection. If your toddler has a fever higher than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, contact her pediatrician immediately. A toddler refusing to eat or drink is also a reason for concern.

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