Knowledge Builders

is 30 6 times as much as 5

by Katlynn Jaskolski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

"5/6 of 30" is the same thing as 5/6 times 30. To multiply fractions, the numerator and denominator of each fraction is multiplied, and then simplified. So:

Full Answer

What is 5 6 times of 5/6?

step 1 Address formula, input parameters and values. 5 6 x 5 6 = ? 25/36 is an equivalent fraction for 5/6 times of 5/6.

How many times as many is 35 over 5?

Therefore, you can also think of 35 as 7 times as many as 5. Any two factors and their product can be read as a comparison. Let’s look at another multiplication equation: 3 x 2= 6. 6 is 3 times as many as 2, and 2 times as many as 3. Again, it’s helpful to see this relationship visually by comparing tiles.

Is it correct to say 20 = 4x5?

Although we are used to seeing equations that look like a “problem” followed by an “answer”, for example: 4 x 5 = 20 it is just as correct to say that 20 = 4 x 5 or 20 = 5 x 4. 20 = 4 x 5 Think “20 is the same as 4 sets of 5”.

Is 35 5 times as many tiles as 7?

It is also 7 times as many as 5. Let’s use drawings to help us see this relationship a little more clearly. When you compare the picture of 7 tiles to the picture of 35 tiles, you can see that there are 5 times as many tiles in the picture of 35. Therefore, you can think of 35 as 5 times as many as 7.


What is 5 times as much as 8?

It seems that when many people write 5 times greater than 8, they mean 5 times as much as 8 which equals 40. We recommend that you ask them to clarify what they mean. Go here for our Times Greater Than Calculator. What is 5 times greater than 9?

What is 6 times as much as 4?

Multiplication as Comparison for Table of 6Multiplication TableMultiplication as Comparison6 × 3 = 1818 is three times as many as 6 and 6 times as many as three6 × 4 = 2424 is four times as many as 6 and 6 times as many as four6 × 5 = 3060 is five times as many as 6 and 6 times as many as five17 more rows

What can be equal to 30?

30 = 1 x 30, 2 x 15, 3 x 10, or 5 x 6. Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30.

What is 2 times as much as 5?

To do that, we divide both sides by 2. Thus, the answer to "2 times what equals 5?" is 2.5.

What is 3 times as much as 8?

In other words, 24 is 3 times as much as 8 because 3 times 8 equals 24. Note that the answer is rounded if necessary.

What is 2 times as much as 9?

To do that, we divide both sides by 2. Thus, the answer to "2 times what equals 9?" is 4.5. To double-check our work, multiply 4.5 by 2 to see that it equals 9.

What multiplied by 6 equals 30?

Thus, the answer to "6 times what equals 30?" is 5. To double-check our work, multiply 5 by 6 to see that it equals 30.

What are the multiples of 30?

Multiples of 30 are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 420, etc. Therefore, the common multiples of 30 and 40 are 120, 240, 360, etc.

What is the multiply of 30?

Step 5: All these numbers when multiplied make up the factors of 30. That is 30 = 1 × 30, 2 × 15, 3 × 10 and 5 × 6.

What does 5 times as much mean?

quintupled quintuples quintupling. See word origin. Frequency: To make or become five times as much or as many; multiply by five.

What is 2 times as much as 4?

1 Expert Answer 8 is 2 times as much as 4.

What does 4 times as much mean?

Four times as many means to multiply something by four. Here are some examples: Joe has 4 apples. Sally has 4 times as many as Joe.

What is 6 times as much as 9?

It seems that when many people write 6 times greater than 9, they mean 6 times as much as 9 which equals 54. We recommend that you ask them to clarify what they mean. Go here for our Times Greater Than Calculator. What is 6 times greater than 10?

What are the 4 times table?

LearnThe 4 Times TableThe 2 Times Table1 x 4 = 41 x 2 = 22 x 4 = 82 x 2 = 43 x 4 = 123 x 2 = 64 x 4 = 164 x 2 = 86 more rows

Is 5 times as much as 6?

Any two factors and their product can be read as a comparison statement (5 × 6 = 30: 30 is 5 times as much as 6). In a multiplicative comparison problem, one quantity is always smaller or larger than the other quantity.

What are the times tables of 6?

The 6 times table is as follows.1 × 6 = 6.2 × 6 = 12.3 × 6 = 18.4 × 6 = 24.5 × 6 = 30.6 × 6 = 36.7 × 6 = 42.8 × 6 = 48.More items...

How many times as many as 7 is 35?

In the equation 7 x 5 = 35, the answer 35 is 5 times as many as 7 . It is also 7 times as many as 5.

How to explain equal sign to kids?

Discuss with your child how the equal sign is like a balance symbol. Both sides of the equal sign total the same value. When you see an equal sign, you should think “is the same as” instead of “put the answer here”.


What Is Multiplication?

What Is Meant by Multiplication as A Comparison?

Representing Multiplication Table as Multiplication by Comparison

  • Let us now understand how to read some of the multiplication tablesin the form of multiplication by comparison
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Advantages of Learning Multiplication by Comparison

  • Following are the advantages of learning multiplication by comparison – 1. Understanding multiplication by comparing quantities allows the students to understand the concepts as they raise the level of difficulties in multiplication. 2. It is easier to relate how numbers are multiplied with each other when projected as comparative quantities.
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Key Facts and Summary

  1. The process of finding out the product between two or more numbers is called multiplication. The result thus obtained is called the product.
  2. The symbol (x) is generally used to represent multiplication. Other common symbols that are used for multiplication are the asterisk (*) and dot (.)
  3. Multiplication, by comparison, means that you compare two quantities in such a manner that …
  1. The process of finding out the product between two or more numbers is called multiplication. The result thus obtained is called the product.
  2. The symbol (x) is generally used to represent multiplication. Other common symbols that are used for multiplication are the asterisk (*) and dot (.)
  3. Multiplication, by comparison, means that you compare two quantities in such a manner that when one quantity is multiplied by a specific number the other quantity is produced.
  4. Understanding multiplication by comparing quantities allows the students to understand the concepts as they raise the level of difficulties in multiplication.

1.Is it true 30 is 6 times as much as 5? - BRAINLY


12 hours ago Enter the 2 factors to multiply and press the Calculate button: Division calculator .

2.Which is a true statement about the equation 30 = 6 × 5?


10 hours ago  · 0. "5/6 of 30" is the same thing as 5/6 times 30. To multiply fractions, the numerator and denominator of each fraction is multiplied, and then simplified. So: \ (\frac {5} {6} \times 30\) =. \ (\frac {5} {6} \times \frac {30} {1}\) =. \ (\frac {5\times 30} {6 \times 1}\) =.

3.Multiplication calculator online (×) | Times calculator


33 hours ago  · 6 is 30 less than 6 times itself. Suppose the number is x. Then 6 times itself is 6x.30 less than that is 6x - 30So x = 6x-30so that 5x = 30 and then x = 6. What is 30 times something to get 180? It is 30 times 6 equals 180.

4.Multiplication as Comparison | Table Of 2, 3,4,5,6,7


20 hours ago x times 6 = 30 x *6 = 30 Dividing both sides by 6, we get: x = 30/6 x = 5 Hence that number is 5.

5.View question - 5/6 of 30


16 hours ago We do not think there is a correct answer, because the question can be misinterpreted. It seems that when many people write 6 times greater than 30, they mean 6 times as much as 30 which equals 180. We recommend that you ask them to clarify what they mean. Go here for our Times Greater Than Calculator.

6.SOLUTION: 6 times some number equals 30 - Algebra


27 hours ago The work for 5/6 times 5/6 as a fraction provides more insight of how to find what is 5/6 times 5/6 in fraction form and the different variations of such problems. ... 20% of 30; Step-by-step Work; 2.95 as a fraction; 10/75 as a decimal; 2/5 times 7/8; 11/20 + 15/20 equals to; 3/4 minus 1/4 equals to; 8/12 simplified in lowest;

7.5/6 times 5/6 as a fraction -


12 hours ago  · The frequency is in the range of 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz, that is 30×10^15 Hz to 30×10^18 Hz. What does 6 3 and 5 go into? they all go into 30(5 times 6=30,3 times 10=30 and 6 times 5=30

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