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is a corn plant a palm

by Webster Lakin DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Corn Palm Plant Care

  • Light. Corn palm is closely related to a group of small shade-tolerant rainforest palms known as parlor or bamboo palms (Chamaedorea spp.).
  • Soil. Plant corn palm in a loam or sandy soil that is moist but well draining and rich in organic matter. ...
  • Watering. ...
  • Fertilization. ...
  • Maintenance. ...
  • Considerations. ...

They grow fairly slowly, from thick canes or stems that produce long, narrow leaves like stalks of corn, growing upward.
How to Grow and Care for Corn Plant (Dracaena)
Common NamesCorn plant, dracaena, false palm
Botanical NameDracaena fragrans
Plant TypeBroadleaf, evergreen, shrub/tree
9 more rows
Aug 27, 2021

Full Answer

How to care for an indoor corn plant?

  • TEMPERATURE: 60 – 75 degrees F (16 – 24 degrees C)
  • LIGHT: Low to Bright, Indirect
  • HUMIDITY: Moderate
  • SAFETY: Toxic to cats and dogs when ingested

What is the plant that looks like corn?

Winterberry holly (Ilex verticillata) is one such native, deciduous shrub. Growing densely with vibrant green leaves throughout the summer, this species is perfect for planting native but still maintaining that “landscaped” look. The winterberry holly hosts subtle flowers that, when pollinated, mature into bright red, showy berries.

How to prune a corn plant [video inside]?

How to Propagate Your Corn Plant to Expand Your Houseplant Collection

  • Making the Cut. Spring and early summer are the best times to cut back your corn plant. ...
  • Caring for the Cutting. Remove any excess leaves from the cutting so that it has four or so leaves remaining. ...
  • Try Air Layering. If you want to try getting fancy with propagating your corn plant, you can use an advanced technique called air layering.

How do you care for a corn plant indoors?

Indoor Corn Plant Care Instructions

  • Potting. Corn plants require soil that retains moisture without drying out quickly but drains well enough so it doesn't become soggy or waterlogged.
  • Light and Temperature. Place corn plants in a location that receives bright but indirect sunlight, such as near a south-facing window.
  • Water and Fertilizer. ...
  • Problems. ...

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How do you care for a corn palm plant?

Corn plants prefer daytime temperatures of 75 to 80 degrees F and 65 to 70 degrees F during the night. The soil should be kept consistently moist, but not soggy and they only need fertilizer every 6 months. Although dracaena can take low light conditions, they do best when placed in bright but indirect light.

What is a corn plant called?

Answer. Corn plant, also called cornstalk or mass plant (Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana') is a flowering plant in the Asparagaceae family, originating from tropical Africa. Its common name comes from the resemblance of the main stalk to a corn plant.

Is a Dracaena plant a palm?

Although some varieties look very similar to them, Dracaena marginata isn't a palm tree. It's in a houseplant category that's called “false palm”, which looks similar to real palms like the Areca palm or the saw palmetto.

What is a corn palm?

Corn Palm is an easy to grow houseplant whose glossy, large, yellow-striped leaves will brighten up any space. It is also a good air cleaner which gets rids of common VOCs like xylene, toulene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloethylene. Corn palm has its origins in Tropical East Africa.

What is a corn plant good for?

Corn plant care is easy, making it an ideal house plant. It's good for you too, because it naturally cleans the air. This is one of the best house plants for removing indoor air toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene.

How long can a corn plant live?

2 - 3 yearsYou will find the lower leaves on this plant turn yellow after a period of time which is normal, and the leaves on this plant only have a life span of 2 - 3 years anyway.

How long does a dracaena live?

The Dracaena Marginata is one of the most popular home plants since it is very easy to care for and its tropical appearance integrates well in modern environments. With proper care, it has a great lifespan, living up to a decade in a pot, and it has an even longer life expectancy outdoors.

Can I cut the top off my dracaena plant?

The good news is that pruning dracaena plants isn't difficult. These sturdy plants tolerate trims with little complaint, and you can cut back a dracaena to any height you like.

What kind of plant is dracaena?

Dracaena plants are types of tropical trees and shrubs that are popular houseplants. Indoor varieties of dracaena thrive in low to bright light and are attractive drought-tolerant plants.

Should I repot my corn plant?

Should I repot my corn plant? Lots of roots spilling out of the nursery pot means your plant's growth is being restricted. To give the roots some space and help your plant to grow taller, change the pot to one that's a couple of inches bigger. You should only need to do this every two or three years.

Can I cut my corn plant?

While corn plant is one of the easiest houseplants you can grow, it can look a little gangly and overgrown over time. That's the perfect opportunity to cut it back and propagate more of these plants from cuttings.

Are corn plants toxic to humans?

While not toxic to humans, eating the leaves of a corn plant can make dogs and cats sick.

Why is corn called a plant?

It is called a corn plant because of the resemblance of the tall, unbranched stem to a corn stalk; the habit is palm-like with age and leaf drop. Cultivars of this species are used as a specimen, filler, screen, or hedge.

What temperature do dragon palms grow?

They thrive in temperatures of 70-80 degrees F. Corn plant is the most variable of three commonly cultivated dragon palms due to having a broader cultivar selection. It can be distinguished from the other two by the medium-width leaves, commonly between 1-2.5".

Can corn palms be grown indoors?

Therefore, whether grown outdoors or indoors as a house plant, provide the plant with indirect light, never prolonged exposures to hot , direct sun rays. Grow it under a tropical shade tree or several feet back from a bright window so direct rays never reach the fronds across the calendar year.

Can spidermites be on palm fronds?

Occasionally spidermites may plague the undersides of palm fronds, especially in indoor environments that are warm, low in humidity and lacking air movement. Insufficient light may cause stressed palms to host scale infestations on frond stems. Mealybugs may also appear in indoor environments. Wipe away these pests with a cloth rag soaked in warm soapy water. Spraying frond undersides can deter spidermite infestations.

What is the most popular corn plant?

D. fragrans 'massangeana'. By far this is the most commonly found and bestselling Corn Plant cultivar. Distinctive with its sold corn yellow like stripe that runs through the center of each and every leaf means it's easy to see why it is so sought out and why so many people just call this plant Dracaena massangeana and drop the " fragrans ".

Where is the corn yellow?

This time, the corn yellow is found on the edges of the leaves rather than through the center, which makes it easy to confuse with another houseplant called Dracaena reflexa 'variegata' or the Song of India.

How to propagate a cane plant?

There are three main ways to propagate and typically you can do all three methods at once to create multiple plants. In time the canes will become leggy as the leaf area shifts higher and higher up the plant which means you can: 1 Remove the crown and pot it up in potting compost to start a new plant, use a rooting hormone and to increase your chances further, provide bottom heat.#N#Tip - if you can't provide bottom heat, only attempt this in Summer and keep it warm. 2 Once the crown has been removed you can cut the remaining cane back to about half the original length (or more or less depending what you are trying to achieve visually). New growths should eventually form at the cut edge.#N#Tip - because several new growths can form at the cut, this is how you can create a multi-caned plant. 3 Assuming you've done both things above, you will have a piece of cane left which can be cut into bits and used to create a " Ti Tree ". Allow to dry slightly before sticking straight up in potting compost. Keep the soil warm and moist.#N#Tip - the pieces need to face "up" in the direction they were growing when part of the parent plant so you may want to mark the cane before you get started.

Why do corn plants need humidity?

Reasonable humidity is required to prevent blemishes on the Corn Plant's leaves. Misting is a good way to achieve this as well as helping to keep the leaves dust free.

Is the song of India a houseplant?

The Song of India however is not overly popular as a houseplant (which is why you won't find a profile for it on but if you are a fan of the colorings, do try and seek out D. fragrans 'lindenii' instead.

Can you dry out corn in winter?

Regardless of your placement, in Winter reduce the watering like you would for almost all houseplants, but the soil shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely.

Who is Tom from Ourhouseplants?

He is the main content writer for the Ourhouseplants Team .

What is a corn plant?

Corn plant ( Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’). Photo: Costa Farms. The corn plant ( Dracaena fragrans ), also called corn palm. cornstalk plant and false palm, is a popular houseplant, cultivated for its beautiful growth habit – an erect trunk with arching lanceolate leaves, each a with broad yellow to pale green band in center in the case ...

Is corn a foliage plant?

On the other hand, the corn plant is universally considered a foliage plant, cultivated solely for its attractive leaves. But sometimes it offers you a surprise. Corn plant ( Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’) in bud. The flowers actually open at night.

What is the common name of the corn plant?

There are a few dracaena fragrans varieties that display different types of leaves such as the massangeana , lindenii and victoria. The one with the common name corn plant or cornstalk is the massangeana. View on Amazon ».

How tall does a corn plant grow?

Once it begins to mature and grows over 4 feet in height it makes an ideal office or hotel plant and looks the business in large living rooms and hallways. What's great about growing a corn plant as well as how attractive they look is they're fairly easy to care for and maintain - like many other dracaena plants.

How to propagate a tall plant?

A tall plant can be propagated using the air layering method. Pruning: You will find the lower leaves on this plant turn yellow after a period of time which is normal, and the leaves on this plant only have a life span of 2 - 3 years anyway. Remove the lower leaves when they begin to yellow.

Can corn plants bloom indoors?

The broad and glossy lanceolate leaves arch over and sit nicely within a rosette. Flowering: The corn plant produces fragrant flowers in it's natural habitat, but it's not likely to bloom indoors - although they can. It's the foliage that's the real attraction for this plant.

Where is corn native to?

The corn plant is native to tropical regions of Africa, including modern-day Cameroon, Ivory Coast, and Mozambique. It thrives in the dappled light of the understory of hot, humid forests.

How does corn help the air?

Corn plants are great at removing toxins from the air: Scientists used the corn plant in NASA’s clean air study, which proved that plants can remove toxins from the air. As such, you can use the corn plant to remove harmful compounds including benzene and formaldehyde from the air.

What is the name of the snake plant in the Dracaena family?

Some other popular houseplants in this genus include the snake plant ( Dracaena trifasciata) and lucky bamboo ( Dracaena sanderiana ).

What do Chagga people do with corn?

The Chagga people of Tanzania have special uses for the corn plant. They use it as a grave marking as well as an element of a marriage proposal. The Chagga also utilize various Dracaena species to mark areas that hold ancestors’ skulls.

Can corn grow in indirect light?

Corn plants thrive in bright yet indirect light. But, they can tolerate low levels of light. An ideal spot would be in a south or easterly facing room that receives extensive periods of light throughout the day.

How to keep corn plants from scorching?

See pruning tip above to keep your corn plant to control its height. Light: Bright light. Will tolerate low light. Brown scorch marks on leaves are caused by hot, direct sunlight. Water: Spring through fall, keep the soil moist, but not soggy. In winter, allow top 2 in (5 cm) of soil to dry out between waterings.

Why are my corn plants yellow?

Droopy, yellow leaves are a sign it's overwatered and may indicate root rot. Be sure to use a container with a drainage hole and never allow the plant to stand in water. Prune corn plant back if it grows too tall. If you want, you can propagate the stem tip cuttings for more plants.

Does corn plant have bare stems?

As it grows, corn plant will shed its lower leaves, leaving a bare stem with a cluster of leaves at its top . New plants may drop a few leaves. This is normal. It needs time to adjust after the shock of being moved to a new home.


1.Corn Plant (Dracaena): Plant Care & Growing Guide


32 hours ago  · Corn palm is closely related to a group of small shade-tolerant rainforest palms known as parlor or bamboo palms (Chamaedorea spp.). Therefore, whether grown outdoors or indoors as a house plant, provide the plant with indirect light, …

2.Dracaena fragrans (Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, …


33 hours ago  · Dracaena fragrans, often known as corn palm, is a plant that grows in fields of maize. A popular houseplant known as the cornstalk plant or false palm, D. fragrans ‘Massangeana’ is prized for its striking growth habit – an erect trunk with arching lanceolate leaves, each with a broad yellow to pale green band in the center in the case of the most widely …

3.Garden Guides | Corn Palm Plant Care


15 hours ago  · The corn plant (Dracaena fragrans), also called corn palm. cornstalk plant and false palm, is a popular houseplant, cultivated for its beautiful growth habit – an erect trunk with arching lanceolate leaves, each a with broad yellow to pale green band in center in the case of the most popular cultivar, D. fragrans ‘Massangeana’ – and its surprising ability to resist almost …

4.Dracaena Fragrans (Corn Plant) Guide | Our House Plants


29 hours ago  · The Yucca Palm looks more like a corn plant than a palm tree, and that makes it unique. This species is known to exist in Mexico and even some parts of Central America. The Yucca palm is not as sensitive to dry conditions as some of the other palms listed here, but it does prefer to have warm climates to thrive in.

5.Videos of Is a Corn Plant a Palm


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6.When a Corn Plant Blooms - Laidback Gardener


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7.Corn Plant - Dracaena Fragrans - Description And Care


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8.Ultimate Guide to Corn Plant Care (Dracaena fragrans)


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9.Corn Plant Care Tips - Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana'


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