Knowledge Builders

is beech wood hard

by Adriana Schmitt Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The wood of beech resembles yellow birch, but with a tint of red in the darker brown heartwood. The straight-grained, evenly textured stock frequently has an attractive ray fleck. It is hard, strong, and heavy.May 3, 2017

Does beech wood make good firewood?

That means that beech wood, once seasoned properly is one of the best types of firewood around for heating your home. Many “good” firewood types have a BTU of just 18 to 20, making beech wood a much more ideal choice for firewood than many available types of firewood.

Is Beech a hardwood or a softwood?

Beech: Hardwood: Beech has a high water content so will only burn well when seasoned. Good: Birch: Hardwood: Birch burns easily but also fast, so is best mixed with slower burning wood such as Elm or Oak. A great fire lighter is birch bark. Good -Great: Cedar: Softwood: Cedar provides a pleasant smell and provides lasting heat but with little flame.

What are the disadvantages of using Beech wood?

Disadvantages. Not for Exterior: It cannot withstand the changing weather and dust. It starts to rot only a few years after contact with the soil and moisture. Experts say the use of beech is not suitable for exterior applications. Crack & Warps: If we use beech wood without paint and polish, then it starts to crack in a few years. Moisture can ...

Is Beech a good wood to burn?

The beech wood is not only good for burning but it sparks less and gives quality coal and as a hardwood, it’s mostly used for furniture and flooring. Beech tree can grow up to 50 feet but the process is very slow it can take up to 40 years to attain that height. Unlike soft, the maple hard is denser and produces more heat.


Is beech wood harder than oak?

Mechanical Properties of Oak and Beech White oak is harder than beech, with a Janka hardness of 1350 to beech's 1300. However, red oak only has a hardness of 1220.

Is beech wood strong?

Count on beech to be hard, strong, and heavy--about 45 pounds per cubic foot dry. Think of beech as working like hard maple and bending like ash. It doesn`t yield easily to hand tools, but it machines well.

What are the disadvantages of beech wood?

Disadvantages: - It is not suitable for permanent outdoor use because it is not durable when exposed to changes in moisture. It can be heavy because it is so dense and may be difficult to work. Uses: - Kitchen surface tops, indoor chairs, floors, wooden toys, plywood and turned products.

Is Beech Tree A hardwood?

Beech is considered a hardwood. Hardwoods are trees that typically lose their leaves yearly. They are typically more dense than softwoods. The more dense the wood, the stronger and more durable it is.

Is beech hard wearing?

Durable. Belonging to the category of “hard-wearing” wood, beech hardwood is non-porous, has a solid density and a strong surface. This means, it will last against pressure, chipping, and gouging, more than some other varieties of wood.

Is beech soft or hardwood?

Hardwoods such as beech, maple and walnut are usually reserved for bespoke joinery projects, crafting furniture, wooden flooring and fine veneers. These types are hardwood are most suitable for these tasks as they desire particular aesthetic characteristics, such as colour and woodgrain.

Is beech wood stronger than pine?

By nature, pine is a rare species in Germany. However, because of its rapid growth, it has been cultivated by foresters and forest owners for centuries. Due to its fast growth, pinewood is one of the soft to medium-hard woods and is therefore not as resistant to quirks as beech wood.

Is beech water resistant?

Although beech wood is not very durable outdoors, its durability increases amazingly when constantly soaked. That's why beech wood came to be used for building water wheels and underwater ship elements when white oak or other traditional water-resistant wood was not available.

What is beech wood good for?

Beech wood is used to make flooring, furniture, veneer plywood, and railroad ties. It is especially favored as fuel wood because of its high density and good burning qualities.

What is the hardest wood?

Australian Buloke1. Australian Buloke – 5,060 IBF. An ironwood tree that is native to Australia, this wood comes from a species of tree occurring across most of Eastern and Southern Australia. Known as the hardest wood in the world, this particular type has a Janka hardness of 5,060 lbf.

Is beech wood good for woodworking?

Uses in woodworking Because beech steam-bends as readily as ash, it works well for chair legs and backs. In fact, this under-used wood could be made into any type of interior furniture, cabinets, flooring, and trim.

Which is better teak or beech wood?

Beech characteristics makes the wood suitable for furniture with curved parts such as chairs, and for frames, toys and floors. Teak, in contrast, is known for its resistance to decay and to insect invasions. This makes teak a perfect match for quality outdoor furniture and decking.

What is beech wood similar to?

Beech wood resembles yellow birch, but with a red tint to the heartwood of a darker brown hue. It is a smooth-grained, uniformly textured material...

Is beech wood valuable?

The beech is also a very valuable species for forestry, since it can grow in very diverse environments. Beech is also an ideal fuel and an importan...

Difference between beech and oak?

It is possible to tell beech from oak from a distance. Indeed, they are distinguished by the appearance of their crown. The main branches of the be...

What is the difference between heartwood and beech?

They are generally used for making Plywood, Furniture, Model buildings. Beech is medium hard and straight-grained wood. Therefore this is also the best option for musical instruments and sports equipment.

Why is beech wood used for making instruments?

Because it can be easily split and burns easily. It is also used for smoke meat, fish, vegetables, nuts, and cheese. It is famous to smoke Westphalian ham. Being a hardwood, beech is also used for manufacturing musical instruments. Such as Drums and Guitar bodies.

What is the color of a beech tree?

Bark: When the beech tree is growing, Its bark color is gray and smooth. But as the tree grows older bark becomes rougher with snaking vertical plates. cracked horizontally can be easily seen in the bark of a young beech tree. Leaf: The color of the Beech leaf is medium to dark, shiny green.

Why does beech wood crack?

Crack & Warps: If we use beech wood without paint and polish, then it starts to crack in a few years. Moisture can be the main reason for Crack & Warps. When it starts to dry again after the moisture, then it starts to bend, which causes a lot of cracks and gaps in the wood joints.

What is the most popular drum wood?

Beech has a tone between those of Maple and Birch, both are the most popular drum woods. European beech has (1,450 lbf (6,460 N)) Janka and its weight is about 720 kg per cubic meter, higher than the American beech. Therefore it is suitable for furniture framing and door construction, flooring, and engineering purposes.

How tall is a beech tree?

These are almost identical to each other. The height of their trees is about 100–130 ft (30–40 m). The sapwood is light yellow and the heartwood is red-white in color.

What happens to beech after steaming?

After the process of steam, beech changes its properties. As such, it can be made rot-resistance after chemical steam. It can turn to a deeper reddish-brown with a steaming process.

Beech Wood

Beech is a hardwood tree that is also known as Fagus Sylvatica. It is native to Europe and Asia and has been introduced into North America.

Uses of Beech Wood

Beechwood is a material for the manufacturing of furniture. Because it is a hardwood, it provides strength and a long work life.

5. Beech wood is used as a building and construction material

Beech wood has been used in construction since at least Roman times, when it was carved into decorative reliefs on walls of temples, as well as furniture such as spoons and combs.

Advantages of Beech Wood

Beech wood has a straight grain pattern. This makes it to be valued for furniture making. It is also strong and resistant to decay.

Disadvantages of Beechwood

Beech wood is not as light as other types of wood are. This is why it is often used in the construction of drums, as it provides a strong base and a long life.

Beech Wood FAQs

Beech wood is resistant to water absorption, which makes it hard. It also has a fairly strong stem in comparison to most other woods.

Can beech wood be used as flooring?

Traditionally, beechwood isn't easy to work with, especially with hand tools. Shrinking and warping can occur if the wood isn't properly dried before being used as flooring. Kiln drying tends to produce a stronger flooring material that's less susceptible to shrinking than air-dried beech. Choosing a quality kiln-dried flooring product helps eliminate those issues over time, so explore flooring options carefully before choosing beech.

Is beechwood hard?

Beechwood ranks 1300 on the Janka hardness scale, which is a useful scale that puts a numerical value to a wood's hardness to determine how useful it is for different applications . The rating means it comes in a little harder than the popular red oak often used in flooring, which ranks 1290. The 1300 Janka rating makes beech flooring durable enough for moderate to heavy foot traffic, but not too hard, so it's still suitable as a flooring material.

Is beech flooring good for a bathroom?

Because of its strength, beech flooring is an option for most rooms in your home. It can also work in commercial applications because it's good under heavy traffic. The one exception is moist areas, such as your bathroom, but most hardwood flooring isn't recommended in those spaces anyway.

Can you stain beech wood?

If you're planning to stain the hardwood, it may not be the best option. Beech doesn't accept stain as well as some other wood species. This means you won't be able to change the look of the flooring easily in the future with stain.

Maple vs. Beech

Maple wood is visually appealing, and more so with variation in the otherwise straight grain pattern. Beech on the other hand does have very great looks in its natural form.

Maple vs. Beech: Appearance

Maple is pale, whitish, and with an even tight grain. The grain is so tight that you cannot see the pores like many other types of wood. Maple has a smooth surface with the occasional interlocking of the grain to reveal curling or figuring.

Maple vs. Beech: Durability

Maple and beech are durable but neither type of wood is particularly resistant to insect attack. Hard maple has a Janka hardness rating of 1,450 lb f making it a moderately hard wood. Beech is a bit softer than maple with a Janka hardness rating of 1,300 lb f.

Maple vs. Beech: Maintenance

Furniture of maple requires minimum maintenance but maple floors may need a bit of regular maintenance to sustain the luster. Many manufacturers add a pre-finish to the flooring planks that protects them from contamination and abrasion.

Maple vs. Beech: Price

Maple is one of the most popular types of wood in the United States. It is not very expensive, but hard maple tends to be more expensive than the other varieties of maple. The exception is figured maple which can be quite pricey.

Maple vs. Beech: Sustainability

Maple is quite a sustainable type of wood because the trees grow abundantly all across the United States (and Canada, as well). They are harvested sustainably – much more so than many other kinds of wood, including mahogany.

Maple vs. Beech: Uses

Maple makes good flooring and we use it in residential flooring, dance floors, bowling alleys, and basketball courts. We also make musical instruments, furniture, baseball bats, pool cues, cutting boards, workbenches, turned objects and veneer from maple wood.


1.What is Beech Wood? 5 Interesting Facts You Should Know


9 hours ago Yes, Beech is a hardwood. Beech wood has a hardness rating of 1,300 lbf (5,782 N) which is relatively higher than most woods. Because of having decent strength and hardness for a low price, Beech is considered a versatile hardwood for woodworkers. It comes from a deciduous tree with unique hardwood qualities.

2.Beech Wood Properties | Its Advantages and Disadvantages


3 hours ago Beech is a hard, strong and heavy wood. It has a fine, tight grain and even texture. Beech wood is very light in colour and has a high shock resistance. It is a popular wood for furniture and will give your room a warm feeling.

3.9 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Beech Wood


34 hours ago Beech is a hard, strong and heavy wood. It has a fine, tight grain and even texture. It is a popular wood for furniture and will give your room a warm feeling. With its smooth finish it is a great wood to polish. Poplar is a light-colored, softer wood that …

4.The Pros & Cons of Beech Hardwood Flooring | Hunker


10 hours ago  · Beech wood is a hard, white wood used in the manufacture of furniture. There is no difference in composition between beech wood and other types of wood. Beech is a very common type of tree found in temperate zones all over the world, though it originally comes from Asia.

5.Maple vs Beech Woods Compared - Woodworking Trade


17 hours ago  · It's also a hard, durable wood, but it has usage limitations and some shortcomings to consider before choosing it as your flooring. Domestic beech flooring offers a warm, unique look with its distinct coloring and grain.

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