Knowledge Builders

is calcium chloride safe to use on new concrete

by Vivian Quigley Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

While calcium chloride is not as effective in cold temperatures, it is still considered safe for new concrete because it does not corrode concrete. It is also safe to use around plants and pets, and is not harmful to water supplies.

Calcium Chloride
This heat melts the ice and snow quickly, converting them to water. It is significantly more expensive and can corrode your new concrete while leaving behind a mess.

Full Answer

What are the health effects of calcium chloride?

  • Signs of an allergic reaction, like rash; hives; itching; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin with or without fever; wheezing; tightness in the chest or throat; trouble breathing, swallowing, or ...
  • Dizziness or passing out.
  • Mood changes.
  • Change in how much urine is passed.
  • A heartbeat that does not feel normal.

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Is sodium chloride safe to use on concrete?

Sodium chloride can absolutely wreck concrete sidewalks and it is not very environmentally friendly, even though it comes directly from the environment. This ice melt looks like tiny white pellets and can be used in extremely cold temperatures (up to -50 degrees), which makes it an awesome choice for Maryland winters.

Is magnesium chloride bad for concrete?

Magnesium chloride is works well in temperatures as low as -5°F and is safe for concrete. The only real benefit to using magnesium chloride over calcium chloride, is that magnesium chloride is safer for vegetation. It is widely considered one of the more environmentally sound deicers.

Is calcium chloride an acid or base or neutral?

calcium chloride is Neutral I'll tell you the Acid or Base or Neutral list below. If you want to quickly find the word you want to search, use Ctrl + F, then type the word you want to search.

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Is calcium chloride damaging to concrete?

Calcium chloride, another common deicer, can attack concrete if a concentrated amount is applied. Magnesium chloride, magnesium acetate, and magnesium nitrate have also been found to be damaging to concrete.

What type of ice melt is safe for new concrete?

CMA is usually more expensive than other deicer options, but it's the only product safe for use on newer concrete. Beet juice salt is the newest option for treating snow and ice covered concrete. Because the sugar from the beets lowers the freezing point of ice, this product is very effective at low temperatures.

Can you use snow melt on new concrete?

The water expands inside the new concrete and causes tiny pores and cracks. 5. Another reason why you shouldn't use ice melt for new concrete is because of popouts. Popouts are caused if the ready-mix concrete provider you work with is not good quality.

What melts ice but does not harm concrete?

Calcium Chloride is the Best Ice Melt for Concrete Hopefully, now you can understand that calcium chloride is an ice melt safe for concrete. It has a much lower risk of intensifying the freeze-thaw cycle like rock salt since it can work at much lower temperatures.

What can I use instead of salt on new concrete?

Instead of salt, we've listed a few alternatives that are much better for the environment and for those around you:Sand. ... Kitty Litter. ... Vinegar. ... Sugar Beet Juice. ... Alfalfa Meal. ... Coffee Grinds. ... Calcium Chloride.

How do you treat ice on new concrete?

If sand won't suffice during your concrete's second winter, then using ordinary sodium chloride (table salt) is the next best option if you are still focused on protecting your concrete.

How do you remove ice from new concrete?

You can use a deicer that is salt-free and chloride-free that works gently on the concrete. They are as effective when used at low temperatures. Another advantage of salt-free deicers is that they have a Teflon effect that prevents ice from forming. This technique provides an undetectable layer on the deiced surface.

What happens if freshly poured concrete freezes?

Concrete that freezes when it is fresh, or before it has cured to a strength that can resist the expansion associated with the freezing water, will suffer a permanent loss of strength. Early freezing can reduce the final strength of the concrete by up to 50 percent.

How do you melt ice on new concrete?

If sand won't suffice during your concrete's second winter, then using ordinary sodium chloride (table salt) is the next best option if you are still focused on protecting your concrete.

Is Morton ice melt safe for concrete?

Morton® Safe-T-Plus® can help reduce the harmful effects of ice on concrete surfaces, but all sidewalks and driveways are susceptible to deicer damage and should be promptly cleared following ice break-up to reduce the risk of damage.

How long should new concrete be protected from freezing?

24 hoursIn no case should concrete be allowed to freeze during the first 24 hours after it has been placed. Since cement hydration is an exothermic reaction, the concrete mixture produces some heat on its own.

How long should concrete cure before ice melt?

Further, it is recommended that for concrete less than 12 months old that NO ice melter be used. Newly poured concrete needs time to cure and settle. The application of ice melter on concrete less that 12 months old may weaken the concrete structure making it more susceptible to damage in the future.

What temperature should rack salt be?

Ordinary rack salt can provide liquid state to about 25 degrees F. Beyond (or below that temp) you want to use other salts. Price will dictate ability to maintain liquid. Potassium chloride, rock salt, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride are the most common ice-melting salts used today.

How to measure ice melter effectiveness?

The first measure of an ice melter’s effectiveness is the range of temperatures in which it can provide deicing action (in a reasonable time period). The “practical” lowest temperature limits for these materials is defined as effective within 15-20 minutes of application and is listed next to the material. When reviewing deicing materials on the basis of their effectiveness at practical temperatures, they rank as follows:

Does salt thaw concrete?

My stock answer... Salt in of itself will NOT harm concrete! You can set a block or layer of salt on concrete and let it set forever and no harm will take place! BUT ... liquids will seep into the crevices and cracks (even microscopic cracks) and when that liquid freezes, it expands and pops out concrete pieces. So the problem is not to let liquid freeze! The way to do that is use a salt that keeps liquid (water) in a liquid state at as low a temperature for as long a time as possible! This is called the freeze thaw cycle. So which salt will prolong the thaw cycle? Ordinary rack salt can provide liquid state to about 25 degrees F. Beyond (or below that temp) you want to use other salts. Price will dictate ability to maintain liquid.

Can calcium chloride damage concrete?

Calcium chloride won't damage concrete in minutes or a few hours. Once the ice is melted try to sweep off any excess ice melt.

Can deicers damage concrete?

Many are concerned with deicers’ effects on concrete. Among the materials under review, only ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate will chemically attack concrete. The others do not chemically attack concrete, but can affect the freezing point of water. When the freezing point of water is depressed, the number of freeze-thaw cycles the water goes through can increase. And the expansion of freezing water (hydraulic pressure) can exceed the strength limits of the concrete. Spalling can be the result, but this is greatly minimized in good quality air-entrained concrete.

Can you put salt on a sidewalk?

If you use it VERY sparingly it will be okay, but if you put so much salt on that it remains on the sidewalk after it has melted the snow and ice... that is what's going to damage it the most.

How Do Ice Melt For New Concrete Work?

Ice melts work by drawing water and forming a brine, which in turn produces the heat needed to melt ice or snow.

What is the most popular ice melt product?

Calcium chloride and magnesium chloride are among the most popular ice melt products for different reasons, including their melting speed.

How does calcium chloride ice melt work?

It works in a pretty straightforward manner, by destroying the bond between the ice and the concrete’s surface. The best part about using calcium chloride ice melt is that it works faster than other ice melts.

What is the purpose of ice melts?

Ice melts are crystal-like granules that can be used to melt ice and snow.

How effective is CMA?

CMA is so effective, that it is sometimes added to other ice melt products to improve their potency. CMA can work in temperatures as low as 20°F.

What is the difference between rock salt and ice melt?

The main distinguishing factor between the two is that rock salt is purely mineral chloride, while ice melts are a mixture of sodium chloride and other minerals like calcium, magnesium, and other minerals.

How to get rid of ice on concrete?

There are many ways to get rid of ice on concrete. Shove ling is one of them, but as you can imagine, that would take time and energy.

What ice melt is safe for new concrete?

Good ice melt choices for concrete are Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride. While Potassium Chloride is good for the environment it damages the concrete and typically costs 3-5 times more.

What kind of salt does not damage concrete?

Magnesium chloride is a great choice! While magnesium chloride is more expensive than sodium chloride and calcium chloride, it is less likely to damage your concrete or your lawn. This type of salt only works in temperatures down to 0° F, which is better than sodium chloride but not quite as good as calcium chloride.

Can you put salt on new concrete?

The first winter , for new concrete, salt should never be used. The sealer helps prevent the water and salt from entering the pores of the concrete. Be sure to use as little salt as possible, sweep the slush and salt off the concrete as soon as possible, and rinse the concrete when you are able in the spring.

Is Safe T salt safe for concrete?

Morton ® Safe – T -Plus ®: Formulated to be gentler on concrete surfaces and plants than rock salt, this ice melter can also reduce corrosion by 14 percent compared to plain salt.

Is it OK to put ice melt on new concrete?

With winter comes snow and ice removal. Besides shoveling or using a snowblower, many sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and streets are covered in chemical deicers to melt ice and snow and make concrete safer. However, using deicers on your new concrete could end up severely harming it.

Does Salt destroy concrete?

The answer is yes , salt does indirectly damage your concrete driveways, patios and sidewalks. Bumps and potholes don’t just appear due to regular wear and tear – salt damages concrete over time by causing corrosion to occur under the surface, leading to discolored, cracked and crumbling concrete.

When should I add salt to my driveway?

Rock salt is meant to be put down before snow falls, and keeps it from sticking to the surface, says Nichols. “But most people shovel, get it clear, then put down the salt. If you salt and then get snow on top it can turn to mush underneath and then it gets hard to shovel.”

What kind of salt does not damage concrete?

Magnesium chloride is a great choice! While magnesium chloride is more expensive than sodium chloride and calcium chloride, it is less likely to damage your concrete or your lawn. This type of salt only works in temperatures down to 0° F, which is better than sodium chloride but not quite as good as calcium chloride.

What is the safest ice melt for concrete?

Calcium Chloride. This is a popular snow-melt product that’s considered one of the best options for concrete.

What can I use instead of salt on concrete?

Sand. Sand not only absorbs sunlight, which can help snow and ice melt, but it also adds traction so that your friends and family don’t slip and fall.

Is Salt safe to use on concrete?

The answer is yes, salt does indirectly damage your concrete driveways, patios and sidewalks. Bumps and potholes don’t just appear due to regular wear and tear – salt damages concrete over time by causing corrosion to occur under the surface, leading to discolored, cracked and crumbling concrete.

When should I add salt to my driveway?

Rock salt is meant to be put down before snow falls, and keeps it from sticking to the surface, says Nichols. “But most people shovel, get it clear, then put down the salt. If you salt and then get snow on top it can turn to mush underneath and then it gets hard to shovel.”

How do you melt ice without damaging concrete?

Spritz the solution liberally onto the surface of your walkway or driveway to coat— and gradually melt —the ice.

Is calcium chloride safe to use on new concrete?

DO NOT USE Calcium Chloride (CaCl), the common white pellet melter.

What is the effect of calcium chloride on concrete?

1. Sulphate Attack. Calcium chloride has an deteriorational effect on the concrete when it is exposed to solutions of sulphates. The sulphates react with calcium and aluminium ions in the cement paste to form calcium sulphate and calcium sulphoaluminate hydrates, accounting for disruption of the concrete.

What is calcium chloride used for?

Calcium chlorides is used as accelerator in hydration process of cement, leading to quick set of concrete and to get high initial strength concrete. Maximum permissible limit of addition of calcium chloride is 2% in flake form.

How long does it take for calcium chloride to set?

Both CSA A266.2-1973 and ASTM C494-1971 standards require that with calcium chloride the initial setting time should occur at least 1 hour earlier (but no more than 3 hours [CSA] or 3½ hours [ASTM]) with respect to the reference concrete.

How much strength does calcium chloride cement gain?

In comparison with a conventional concrete and calcium chloride concrete, strength gain may vary between 30 and 100 per cent in the first three days. Amounts of calcium chloride in excess of accepted standards cause lower strengths. For the same amount of chloride strength increases are larger for richer mixes.

How much calcium chloride is in a flake?

Calcium chloride is available as pellets or other granules, flakes, or in solution form. The regular flake form contains a minimum of 77 percent calcium chloride and the pellet and other granular forms a minimum of 94 percent. As all forms of calcium chloride are soluble in water, ...

Why is calcium chloride used in concrete?

As calcium chloride is majorly used as a accelerator in concrete, it significantly reduces both initial and final setting time of concrete.It is majorly used in the low temperatures as it permits quicker finishing and earlier use of slabs.

Why is concrete whitish?

But under normal conditions of exposure, however, it attracts water and is not likely to cause efflorescence as other salts do. These whitish deposits is not soluble in water , so dilute hydrochloric acid is used to remove it.

Why Calcium Chloride is Safe for Concrete?

This deicer is much less harmful to the structural integrity of concrete because it has a practical working temperature that is much lower than that of sodium chloride (rock salt).

Why is chloride corrosive?

When it comes into contact with certain materials, it can have a corrosive effect. As chloride-based deicer melts the ice and snow that it comes in contact with , the dissolved ice seeps into the cracks in concrete and asphalt where it may come in contact with reinforced steel or necessary pipework. Chloride reacts with the iron within the metal and causes it to corrode (rust).

What temperature does calcium chloride work at?

Calcium chloride pellets can work right down to a temperature of -25°F (-31.67°C). As a result, not only will you benefit from the fact that the product continues to work at such low temperatures, but it will also prevent most freeze-thaw cycles from taking place. Very rarely will overnight temperatures plummet below -25°F, which limits the number of times the ice will expand and exert pressure on your concrete driveways and walkways.

Why is calcium chloride negative?

This chemical feature is a negative attribute of rock salt because of its much higher practical working temperature.

How much of the ions in rock salt are in chloride?

In a conventional rock salt compound, chloride can make up as much as 60% of the ions. The chloride makes its way into ecosystems through the runoff from rain, melting snow and ice, and through the splash and spray of vehicles driving on treated road surfaces. The more rock salt that is applied, the worse for the environment, so it makes sense to invest in alternative ice melt products that require you to use a lot less chloride.

Why does ice melt in winter?

When temperatures begin to rise again, the expanding ice exerts internal and upward pressure that causes it to crack, flake, and splinter. This process is known as "spalling" as poses a genuine threat to the integrity of your concrete surfaces.

What happens when a pellet contacts water?

That is to say, when a pellet contacts water, the subsequent chemical reaction generates and expels heat. Such are its heat-generating characteristics; if you dropped a pound of calcium chloride in a gallon of water, it would increase the temperature by as much as 30°F.


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