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is cheerios good for cholesterol

by Soledad Kuhic MD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Cheerios is ... clinically proven to lower cholesterol. A clinical study showed that eating two 1.5 cup servings daily of Cheerios cereal reduced bad cholesterol when eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol."May 13, 2009

Are Cheerios really the preferred cereal to lower cholesterol?

Sep 28, 2021 · A clinical study showed that eating two 1.5 cup servings daily of Cheerios cereal reduced bad cholesterol when eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.” The FDA does allow a health claim linking soluble fiber from whole-grain oats with a lower risk of coronary heart disease , and also to include — as part of that statement — a note about …

Will Cheerios really lower your cholesterol?

It now says Cheerios "can help lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet." What to Do Though the specific effects the cereal could have remain unclear, it's true that eating Cheerios will add key cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber to your diet. Fiber can be broken into two categories: soluble and insoluble.

Are Cheerios really a healthy choice?

Aug 04, 2021 · Cheerios are certainly a healthy option that can be great for breakfast as well, with some added protein of course. The cholesterol claims seem to be working as well from the studies quoted by General Mills. So, they can be a safe snack for those with cardiovascular problems as well.

How much can Cheerios lower cholesterol?

Nov 15, 2021 · Cheerios is clinically proven to lower cholesterol. A clinical study showed that eating two 1.5 cup servings daily of Cheerios cereal reduced bad cholesterol when eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.”.


Do Cheerios help reduce cholesterol?

Cheerios primarily consist of whole grain oats. The study found that those who ate oat cereal experienced reduced total cholesterol levels by 3.8% and reduced LDL-cholesterol levels by 4.2%.Jan 14, 2022

What cereal is good for lowering cholesterol?

Oatmeal, oat bran and high-fiber foods Five to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day decreases your LDL cholesterol. One serving of a breakfast cereal with oatmeal or oat bran provides 3 to 4 grams of fiber. If you add fruit, such as a banana or berries, you'll get even more fiber.

Is Cheerios high in cholesterol?

Lowering cholesterol can lower the risk of clogged arteries and heart disease. Additionally, original Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are naturally cholesterol free.”Jul 30, 2013

How long does it take for Cheerios to lower cholesterol?

In response, General Mills defended the cholesterol-lowering benefits of Cheerios' soluble oat fibers and pointed to a University of Minnesota Heart Disease Prevention Clinic study providing data that soluble fiber from whole oats can lower LDL cholesterol by an average of 4 percent in six weeks.Dec 16, 2020

Are Cheerios as good as oatmeal for lowering cholesterol?

A serving of Cheerios has just a single gram of soluble fiber — that means it could take 10-plus bowls of Cheerios — daily — to effectively lower LDL cholesterol. Oatmeal is a little better, with 2 grams of soluble fiber per serving – but still…Dec 4, 2013

Are Cheerios good for you?

Cheerios can be included as part of a balanced diet Cheerios can be a healthy and nutritious part of almost any diet, but it's important to balance your diet with other nutrients and practice moderation if you prefer the higher sugar varieties.May 26, 2020

Are Cheerios as healthy as oatmeal?

Oatmeal is full of fiber and nutrients while Cheerios are high in sugar (especially the flavored kinds like honey nut cheerios). Oatmeal (both plain cooked from oats and instant oatmeal) also has more protein than Cheerios which makes it the healthier choice between these two breakfast items.Feb 5, 2022

Does Cheerios lower blood pressure?

A study that looked at cereal consumption among 13,368 men who are participating in the Physician's Health Study found that those who ate whole-grain cereals seven or more times a week had a 20% reduced chance of having high blood pressure compared to those who said they didn't eat any cereal.Mar 22, 2011

Are Cheerios a healthy breakfast option?

Classic General Mills Cheerios Are High in Fiber, Low in Sugar. For a healthy breakfast, stick to classic Cheerios. “They contain a good amount of fiber and are low in sugar, all those things that we look for [in a healthy cereal],” Spetz explains.Nov 1, 2017

Do bananas lower cholesterol?

The fiber and potassium in bananas can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. If you're a fan of bananas, your cholesterol levels will thank you. Like all fruits, bananas are a good source of fiber, especially soluble fiber. Eating more of this type of fiber has been found to help lower cholesterol.Jan 27, 2020

Does Honey Nut Cheerios help lower cholesterol?

As part of a heart-healthy* eating plan, eating Honey Nut Cheerios each day can help lower your cholesterol. Made with whole grains and low in fat, Cheerios also provides 12 essential vitamins and minerals.

How can I lower my cholesterol fast?

How To Reduce Cholesterol QuicklyFocus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. ... Be mindful of fat intake. ... Eat more plant sources of protein. ... Eat fewer refined grains, such as white flour. ... Get moving.Apr 21, 2021

How long does it take for Cheerios to lower cholesterol?

At one time, the box told consumers that eating Cheerios could help "lower cholesterol 4 percent in six weeks. ". In 2009, that claim prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to send a warning letter to General Mills, noted in a press release by the National Consumers League.

How much sugar is in Cheerios?

For instance, one cup of original Cheerios has 1 gram of soluble fiber and 1 gram of sugar, but a cup of Honey Nut Cheerios contains less than 1 gram of soluble fiber and 12 grams of sugar, per General Mills.

What is the best breakfast cereal for low cholesterol?

When it comes to breakfast foods capable of lowering your LDL cholesterol, consider oatmeal, which also contains soluble fiber. According to the Mayo Clinic, one serving of a breakfast cereal with oatmeal or oat bran provides 3 to 4 grams of fiber. Adding fruits like banana or berries will give you even more fiber.

What foods are good for cholesterol?

Kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears are also good sources of soluble fiber, according to the Mayo Clinic. Also be aware of foods that put you at risk for high cholesterol. For instance, a diet that's high in saturated and trans fats can raise your cholesterol levels, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Does fiber help with cholesterol?

The Cholesterol-Lowering Claim. Fiber, specifically soluble fiber, plays a key role in helping to reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream, says Carmen Echols, MD, a board-certified family medicine doctor based in Stonecrest, Georgia. Consuming at least 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber a day can help lower your LDL, ...

Does soluble fiber help lower cholesterol?

Soluble fiber, which can dissolve in water, is the type that's credited for helping lower your cholesterol by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in your bloodstream, explains the Mayo Clinic. Mayo also notes that consuming 5 to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber a day can decrease your LDL cholesterol. It's important, however, ...

What Are They Made Of?

They are usually made from toasting a combination of whole-grain oats, corn starch, sugar, salt, and certain other ingredients such as

Nutrition In Cheerios

They are whole-grain products so they naturally pack healthy carbs and fiber.

Some Of Their Best Products In The Market

Honey nut flavor has been one of its most popular flavors for decades in the USA.

For Your Attention

They are not certified gluten-free. Many of the ingredients we use do not come from genetically modified seeds.

What are the nutritional facts of Cheerios?

Frosted Cheerios. Fruity cheerios. Yogurt burst cheerios. Cheerios are nutritionally comprised of five whole grains and 100% daily value of 9 vitamins & minerals. This presents a good source of fiber, & calcium as well as an excellent source of iron.

How much fiber is needed for Cheerio?

Eat Cheerios to take charge of your weight management. You can do this while watching your portions and being active. You need at least three grams of soluble fiber daily from whole grain oat food. These are foods like Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios cereal.

Do cheerios lower cholesterol?

These results have clinical evidence So a research study has indeed proven that Cheerios can help lower cholesterol. cheerios contain soluble fiber because they are made with whole grain oats.

Do honey nuts have cholesterol?

Additionally, original Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios are naturally cholesterol-free .”It takes 3 servings to reap the benefits of eating cheerios to reduce cholesterol. You may just hack this if you love cereal and can take it the whole day.

Is honey nut cheerios good for you?

Its nutritional benefits. These whole-grain cereals were declared heart-healthy by the FDA over 20years ago. Honey nut cheerios 75 grams per ¾-cup serving. This cereal contains soluble fiber, and when consumed at three grams per day, it lowers “bad” (LDL) cholesterol levels as part of a heart-friendly diet.

How long does it take for Cheerios to lower cholesterol?

Kevin Maki of Provident Clinical Research in 2009 revealed that eating Cheerios can indeed lower serum cholesterol by up to 10% in just four weeks.

What are the benefits of eating honey nut cheerios?

There are actually a number of benefits that consuming Honey Nut Cheerios brings to the breakfast table. Lowers LDL Cholesterol. Reduced Calories. Combined with fruits and other healthy foods. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

How can I improve my cholesterol levels?

There are a few ways for promoting healthier cholesterol levels within a normal, youthful range - diet and exercise being two important factors. Unfortunately, they take time and most people are either NOT patient or need faster results, with less effort... This is the exact problem I ran into with my own parents.

Does honey nut lower cholesterol?

Overall, eating a serving of Honey Nut Cheerios and combining that with eating good, nutritious food the rest of the day that also lowers LDL cholesterol levels will have a dramatic effect in a relatively short period of time.

Does General Mills have a cereal that lowers cholesterol?

Fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and many other food products have within them the properties that will lower the amount of cholesterol. However, General Mills has promoted their breakfast cereal, Honey Nut Cheerios, for many years as a means to lower cholesterol as well.

Do honey nut cheerios work?

This means for those who are interested in lowering the levels of cholesterol in the body, Honey Nut Cheerios does actually work when eating with a sensible breakfast. For the full effect however, it must be complimented by eating other good food during the day as well.


1.How Do Cheerios Lower Cholesterol - …


16 hours ago Sep 28, 2021 · A clinical study showed that eating two 1.5 cup servings daily of Cheerios cereal reduced bad cholesterol when eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.” The FDA does allow a health claim linking soluble fiber from whole-grain oats with a lower risk of coronary heart disease , and also to include — as part of that statement — a note about …

2.Cheerios And Cholesterol: Do They Really Help? Must Check


3 hours ago It now says Cheerios "can help lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet." What to Do Though the specific effects the cereal could have remain unclear, it's true that eating Cheerios will add key cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber to your diet. Fiber can be broken into two categories: soluble and insoluble.

3.Videos of Is Cheerios Good For Cholesterol


22 hours ago Aug 04, 2021 · Cheerios are certainly a healthy option that can be great for breakfast as well, with some added protein of course. The cholesterol claims seem to be working as well from the studies quoted by General Mills. So, they can be a safe snack for those with cardiovascular problems as well.

4.Cheerios vs. Cholesterol | SiOWfa15: Science in Our …


6 hours ago Nov 15, 2021 · Cheerios is clinically proven to lower cholesterol. A clinical study showed that eating two 1.5 cup servings daily of Cheerios cereal reduced bad cholesterol when eaten as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol.”.

5.Cheerio Cholesterol Is It Really Help To Lower Cholesterol


28 hours ago Oct 19, 2015 · In the study they used regular Cheerios with 100% natural whole grain oats with one gram of sugar per serving. The subjects were fed two 1 1/2-cup servings of Cheerios for 12 weeks and ate a reduced calorie diet. The subjects’ diets were monitored for the whole 12 weeks and at the end, Dr. Maki concluded that Cheerios can in fact, lower cholesterol levels by about …

6.Does Honey Nut Cheerios Lower Cholesterol - Dr. Sam …


18 hours ago Apr 05, 2021 · Cheerios is the only leading proven cholesterol-lowering cereal. These results have clinical evidence So a research study has indeed proven that Cheerios can help lower cholesterol. cheerios contain soluble fiber because they are made with whole grain oats.

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