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is congestive heart failure left or right sided

by Kayley Kuvalis V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Generally, heart failure begins with the left side, specifically the left ventricle — your heart's main pumping chamber. Fluid may back up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath. Fluid may back up into the abdomen, legs and feet, causing swelling.Dec 10, 2021

Full Answer

What is the difference between left and right heart failure?

  • Pitting edema: Pitting edema refers to visible tissue swelling in which temporary depressions can be formed by applying pressure with a finger. ...
  • Retention of fluid: The areas of fluid retention differ in left heart failure and right heart failure. ...
  • Organ enlargement: Heart is enlarged in left heart failure. ...

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What is the prognosis for untreated congestive heart failure?

Various factors determine the prognosis of congestive heart failure. Generally, patients with such a disease may live up to five years. In order to increase the life expectancy and slow down the progression of the disease the patient should make necessary lifestyle changes and stick to the advised treatment as early as possible.

What are the symptoms of left heart failure?

What are the signs of advanced heart failure?

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath. When your heart can’t fill and empty properly, blood backs up through your veins.
  • Tired.
  • Persistent cough.
  • Weight gain or swelling.
  • Lack of appetite or nausea.

What medications cause congestive heart failure?

Other types of drugs that can bring on heart failure include:

  • Antifungal medications
  • Cancer medications
  • Stimulants
  • Antidepressants
  • Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors


What type of heart failure is right-sided?

Right-sided heart failure means your heart's right ventricle is too weak to pump enough blood to the lungs. As a result: Blood builds up in your veins, vessels that carry blood from the body back to the heart. This buildup increases pressure in your veins.

Is congestive heart failure the same as left-sided?

When the left side of the heart is failing, it can't handle the blood it is getting from the lungs. Pressure then builds up in the veins of the lungs, causing fluid to leak into the lung tissues. This may be referred to as congestive heart failure.

Is CHF left-sided heart failure?

Heart failure can involve the left side (left ventricle), right side (right ventricle) or both sides of your heart. Generally, heart failure begins with the left side, specifically the left ventricle — your heart's main pumping chamber. Fluid may back up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath.

What indicates left-sided heart failure?

Signs and Symptoms Left-sided heart failure symptoms include: Awakening at night with shortness of breath. Shortness of breath during exercise or when lying flat. Chronic coughing or wheezing.

What is the left side of the heart?

Left- or Right- Side Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) The heart is a large muscle that acts as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body. Blood carries oxygen to all of the organs, including the brain, muscles, and skin. After your body takes the oxygen out of the blood, the blood returns to the heart. The right side of the heart collects the ...

How does CHF affect the heart?

This blood returns to the heart through veins. When too much pressure builds up in the veins, fluid leaks out into the tissues. Gravity then causes that fluid to move to those parts of the body that are the lowest. So one of the first symptoms of right-side CHF can include swelling in the feet and ankles. If the condition gets worse, the swelling can even go up past the knees. Sometimes it gets so severe, the liver and intestines can get congested as well.

What causes shortness of breath and edema?

When the left side of the heart is failing, it can’t handle the blood it gets from the lungs. Pressure then builds up in the veins of the lungs, causing fluid to leak into the lung tissues. This may cause CHF and pulmonary edema. This causes you to feel short of breath, weak, or dizzy.

What causes fluid retention in the heart?

Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the heart muscle does not function normally, leading to fluid retention or reduces blood flow. This can be caused by heart muscle weakness or stiffness, or a heart valve problem. Heart failure can affect the right side of the heart or the left side. But heart failure may affect not only the right side ...

How do you know if you have heart failure?

The following may be signs that your heart failure is getting worse. Call your healthcare provider right away if any of these happen: Sudden weight gain. This means 3 or more pounds in one day, or 5 or more pounds in 1 week.

What is the purpose of medical treatment for heart failure?

The purpose of medical treatment is to improve the pumping action of the heart and to remove excess water from the body. A number of medicines can help reach this goal, improve symptoms, and prevent the heart from becoming weaker.

Why is heart failure a chronic condition?

The purpose of medical treatment is to improve the pumping action of the heart and to remove excess water from the body.

What happens when the left side of the heart weakens?

When the left side of the heart weakens, the right side of the heart has to work harder to compensate. Again, as the heart muscle loses strength, blood and fluid become backed up in the body. You may experience swelling and trouble catching your breath.

Why does the right side of the heart get weaker?

The right side of the heart usually becomes weaker in response to failure on the left side. The right side of the heart brings in the circulated blood from the body and sends it to the lungs for oxygen. When the left side of the heart weakens, the right side of the heart has to work harder to compensate.

What is the difference between systolic and diastolic heart failure?

With left-sided heart failure, you may have systolic or diastolic failure. Systolic failure happens when the heart doesn’t pump out blood the way it should. Diastolic means the heart doesn’t fill back up with blood as it should.

What is the term for a heart failure that cannot pump enough blood to meet your body's needs?

Congestive Heart Failure. Congestive heart failure means that the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs. It is often the result of severe coronary artery disease.

What happens when both sides of the heart become weaker?

Heart failure can happen when one or both sides of the heart become weaker. Your heart has two upper atria and two lower ventricles. Most people with heart failure have left-sided heart failure .

How to live with heart failure?

Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, following a healthy diet, and exercising regularly are key to living with heart failure. Depending on the type of heart failure and causes behind it, your doctor may make different recommendations for medication, surgery, or implanted devices.

Which side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?

The left side of the heart brings oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through the left atrium to the left ventricle, then out into your body. When the left side of your heart is damaged or can’t pump as well, it has to work harder to send blood through your body. This causes fluid to build up in your body, especially the lungs.

What is left-sided heart failure?from

Left-sided heart failure is a more common condition than right-sided heart failure. It happens when the left ventricle has to pump harder than usual to try to deliver enough blood to keep the body healthy.

What causes the right side of the heart to enlarge and fail?from

Lung disease. Over time, problems in the lungs cause the right side of the heart to enlarge and fail. Your doctor may call this “cor pulmonale.”. Find out more on the link between heart failure and lung disease.

How does high blood pressure affect your heart?from

It measures how hard your heart pumps blood through your arteries. The higher your blood pressure, the harder your heart is working to pump it. That means over time, your heart muscles can thicken and weaken because of the extra work they do. Learn about the symptoms of high blood pressure. Damaged heart valves.

Why is heart failure so common?from

Once they’re too weak, your heart can’t pump the blood that your body needs. And heart failure is so common. It’s one of the main reasons people age 65 and older are admitted to the hospital. It can happen on either the right or left side of your heart.

What causes a heart to stop?from

Coronary artery disease. This is the most common form of heart disease and cause of heart failure. When you have coronary artery disease, plaque blocks your arteries, causing blood flow to your heart muscle to slow or even stop. Read more on clogged arteries and the causes of arterial plaque. High blood pressure.

How do you know if you have high blood pressure?from

Learn about the symptoms of high blood pressure. Damaged heart valves. Valves keep blood flowing in the right direction through your heart. If they get damaged, by an infection or heart defect, for instance, your heart has to work harder to pump blood. Eventually, it will become weakened.

How to tell if you have heart failure?from

As your heart failure gets worse, you may also see some of these symptoms: 1 It’s hard to breathe. 2 Your neck veins are swollen. 3 Your pulse is fast or feels “off.” 4 Your chest hurts. 5 You’re gaining weight from excess fluid. 6 You don’t feel like eating. 7 Your skin is cold and sweaty. 8 You’re very tired. 9 You’re confused and forget things.

How to tell if you have congestive heart failure?

Here are some early warning signs to discuss with your healthcare provider: excess fluid in body tissues like the ankles, feet, legs , or abdomen. coughing or wheezing. shortness of breath.

What is CHF in heart failure?

While often referred to simply as heart failure, CHF specifically refers to the stage in which fluid builds up withinthe heart and causes it to pump inefficiently.

What is the term for the condition where fluid builds up in the heart?

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of your heart muscle. While often referred to simply as heart failure, CHF specifically refers to the stage in which fluid builds up within the heart and causes it to pump inefficiently.

How many chambers does CHF have?

You have four heart chambers. The upper half of your heart is made up of two atria, and the lower half of your heart is made up of two ventricles.

Why does the heart not fill with blood?

Because it can no longer relax, the heart can’t quite fill with blood between beats. Right-sided CHF occurs when the right ventricle has difficulty pumping blood to your lungs. Blood backs up in your blood vessels, which causes fluid retention in your lower extremities, abdomen, and other vital organs.

How long does a person live after heart failure?

Age at diagnosis, other conditions, and sex also contributed to variables in life expectancy, with some under 3 years after diagnosis. The prognosis and life expectancy for congestive heart failure can vary based on many factors.

What does it mean when you feel a heart attack?

shortness of breath, which may indicate pulmonary edema. fainting. Chest pain that radiates through the upper body can also be a sign of a heart attack. If you experience this or any other symptoms that may point to a severe heart condition, seek immediate medical attention.

What happens when the left ventricle fails?

When the left ventricle fails, increased fluid pressure is, in effect, transferred back through the lungs, ultimately damaging the heart's right side. When the right side loses pumping power, blood backs up in the body's veins.

What is the term for a heart failure with reduced ejection fraction?

Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), also called systolic failure: The left ventricle loses its ability to contract normally. The heart can't pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation.

Which part of the heart pumps blood back into the lungs?

The heart's pumping action moves "used" blood that returns to the heart through the veins through the right atrium into the right ventricle. The right ventricle then pumps the blood back out of the heart into the lungs to be replenished with oxygen.

Which side of the heart is affected by heart failure?from

Heart failure can involve the left side (left ventricle), right side (right ventricle) or both sides of your heart . Generally, heart failure begins with the left side, specifically the left ventricle — your heart's main pumping chamber.

How to tell if you have congestive heart failure?from

Here are some early warning signs to discuss with your healthcare provider: excess fluid in body tissues like the ankles, feet, legs , or abdomen. coughing or wheezing. shortness of breath.

What are some examples of diuretics that cause abnormal heart rhythms?from

These diuretics can cause potassium buildup in the blood, which may lead to abnormal heart rhythms. Examples include: riamterene (Dyrenium), eplerenone (Inspra), and spironolactone (Aldactone). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

How does CHF improve?from

Your condition may improve with medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes. Your outlook depends on how advanced your CHF is and whether you have other health conditions to treat, like diabetes or high blood pressure. The earlier your condition is diagnosed, the better your outlook.

What does it mean when your heart is damaged?from

A heart attack is a form of coronary artery disease that occurs suddenly. Damage to your heart muscle from a heart attack may mean your heart can no longer pump as well as it should. Heart valve disease. Having a heart valve that doesn't work properly raises the risk of heart failure. High blood pressure.

What causes a damaged heart valve?from

The valves of the heart keep blood flowing in the proper direction. A damaged valve — due to a heart defect, coronary artery disease or heart infection — forces the heart to work harder, which can weaken it over time.

What are the causes of heart failure?from

Some of these can be present without your knowing it: Coronary artery disease and heart attack. Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease and the most common cause of heart failure.

What is Left-Sided Heart Failure?from

Left-sided heart failure is a heart condition where the muscle on the left side of the heart is diminished and the pump doesn't work to the body. Left-sided heart failure is defined not as a disease, but a process. Left-sided heart failure occurs when the left ventricle, the heart’s main pumping power source, is gradually weakened. When this occurs, the heart is unable to pump oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the heart’s left atrium, into the left ventricle and on through the body and the heart has to work harder. There are two main types of left-sided heart failure:

What Are the Symptoms of Left Ventricular Failure?from

This shortness of breath often gets worse at night, so some sufferers have to sleep upright. As time goes on, left-sided heart failure can cause shortness of breath at any time of day even when resting.

What are the factors that affect the prognosis of a heart attack?from

Factors associated with a worse prognosis include higher levels of NT-proBNP, older age, diabetes, past history of heart attack or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), reduced glomerular filtration rate and diastolic function, and right ventricular remodeling on cardiac echo.

How does heart surgery affect electrical signals?from

But heart damage enlarges and stretches the heart to be sharped more like a basketball, affecting electrical signals that make the heart pump less efficiently. Reconstructing the shape of the heart can improve its electrical signaling and functioning. Types of reconstruction include:

How much does HFPEF affect mortality?from

The outlook for HFpEF is especially poor if you have been hospitalized, with one-year mortality rates as high as 25% among older patients, and five-year mortality rates of 24% for those over the age of 60 and 54% for those over 80. 16

Why is left ventricular failure called left ventricular failure?from

This condition is referred to as left ventricular failure because the left ventricle is what supplies most of the heart’s pumping power. When it’s harder for the left ventricle to pump blood, fluid builds up in the body, particularly the lungs.

What causes diastolic heart failure?from

High blood pressure: Chronic hypertension is one of the most common causes of diastolic heart failure. High blood pressure over a long time means that the heart has to work harder to pump blood through the body. As a result, the heart gets more muscular and stiffer, which affects its ability to relax during the resting stages of the cardiac cycle when it fills with blood.

What is the difference between left and right congestive heart failure?

Heart failure can affect the left or right side of the heart. The left side pumps oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the body, while the right side pumps oxygen-poor blood from the body back to the lungs. Congestive heart failure develops when the heart’s pumping ability becomes impaired.

Which side of the heart is most affected by congestive heart failure?

Congestive heart failure develops when the heart’s pumping ability becomes impaired. Left-sided heart failure occurs more commonly than right-sided. As left heart failure progresses, however, a backflow of fluid into the lungs can ultimately affect the right side of the heart, leading to right heart failure.

What is the condition that causes the right heart to fail?

Complications of Right Heart Failure. The primary complication of right heart failure is a condition called congestive hepatopathy -- meaning an accumulation of fluid in the liver. When the right heart becomes too weak to pump blood to the lungs, blood backs up into the liver.

Why does my heart beat so hard?

Other causes include heart defects present since birth, coronary artery disease and pulmonary hypertension, or high blood pressure in the lungs. When blood pressure rises in the lungs, the right side of the heart has to pump harder than usual, and right heart failure may develop. Pulmonary hypertension itself occurs due to blood clots in the lungs, ...

Why is left heart failure bad?

Because left heart failure leads to a backup of blood in the lungs, other organs do not receive enough oxygen-rich blood. Symptoms of decreased blood flow to the brain, such as trouble with memory and concentration, affect people with advanced left heart failure. The kidneys are also vulnerable to poor blood flow in left heart failure.

What is the medical term for a left ventricular assist device?

In certain cases, however, heart failure becomes so severe that symptoms no longer respond to medicinal therapy. People who primarily have left heart failure may be candidates for a mechanical device called a left ventricular assist device, or LVAD.

What are the symptoms of left sided heart failure?

Other initial symptoms of left heart failure include a persistent cough, difficulty breathing when lying down and swelling in the legs and ankles.

Which side of the heart is affected by heart failure?

Heart failure can involve the left side (left ventricle), right side (right ventricle) or both sides of your heart . Generally, heart failure begins with the left side, specifically the left ventricle — your heart's main pumping chamber.

Why does heart failure occur?

Heart failure often develops after other conditions have damaged or weakened the heart. However, heart failure can also occur if the heart becomes too stiff. In heart failure, the main pumping chambers of the heart (the ventricles) may become stiff and not fill properly between beats.

How to tell how well your heart is pumping?

Your doctor can determine how well your heart is pumping by measuring how much blood is pumped out with each beat (ejection fraction). Ejection fraction is used to help classify heart failure and guide treatment. In a healthy heart, the ejection fraction is 50% or higher — meaning that more than half of the blood that fills the ventricle is pumped out with each beat.

What causes shortness of breath?

When this happens, blood often backs up and fluid can build up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath. Certain heart conditions, such as narrowed arteries in the heart (coronary artery disease) ...

What happens when the heart is not pumping blood?

In some people, the heart muscle may become damaged and weakened. The ventricles may stretch to the point that the heart can't pump enough blood through the body.

What is an enlarged heart?

Enlarged heart, in heart failure. Enlarged heart, in heart failure. As the heart weakens, as it can with heart failure, it begins to enlarge, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood on to the rest of the body. Heart failure often develops after other conditions have damaged or weakened the heart.

Why does my heart beat so fast?

Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Abnormal heart rhythms may cause your heart to beat too fast, creating extra work for your heart.


1.Left- vs. Right-Sided Heart Failure - Healthline


30 hours ago 5 rows ·  · Left-sided systolic heart failure develops from damage, weakness, or stiffness to the ...

2.Left- or Right- Side Congestive Heart Failure - Fairview


33 hours ago Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs when the heart muscle does not function normally, leading to fluid retention or reduces blood flow. This can be caused by heart muscle weakness or …

3.Videos of Is Congestive Heart Failure Left Or Right sided


12 hours ago Right-sided heart failure is one type of heart failure. Right-sided heart failure is also called right ventricular (RV) heart failure or right heart failure. The right side of your heart pumps “used” …

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5 hours ago  · Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of your heart muscle. While often referred to simply as heart failure, CHF …

5.Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes, and More


33 hours ago  · Both the right and left sides of the heart can fail, but left-sided heart failure is much more common than right-sided heart failure. Most of the heart’s pumping power comes …

6.Types of Heart Failure | American Heart Association


3 hours ago Left-sided heart failure occurs when the heart loses its ability to pump blood. This prevents organs from receiving enough oxygen. The condition can lead to complications that include …

7.Congestive Heart Failure vs Heart Failure: Symptoms, …


35 hours ago The left side pumps oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the body, while the right side pumps oxygen-poor blood from the body back to the lungs. Congestive heart failure develops when …

8.Left-Sided Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes and …


20 hours ago  · Type of heart failure Description; Left-sided heart failure: Fluid may back up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath. Right-sided heart failure: Fluid may back up into the …

9.Difference Between Left and Right Congestive Heart Failure


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10.Heart failure - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic


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