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is goat farming profitable in kenya

by Mr. Gayle Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Goat farming is a profitable business in Kenya. Make market research that is in high demand and you will get more benefits and go into it. For example; A healthy and mature goat can weigh about 35-40 kg (therefore, the price of a goat should be about 7,000 Ksh or more.Feb 23, 2022

How to import breeding goats into Kenya?

You don’t only gain from selling your goats as meats, but you can also gain more from some of its byproducts such as milk, fibers, skin, and manure. I will explain each of this a bit for better understanding. Goat Milk; though it may not be that popular or widely consumed in Kenya, goat …

How to become a successful goat farmer?

Is Goat Farming Business Profitable in Kenya? A healthy and well-matured goat could weigh about 35-40 Kg (So, for that Kilos, a goat should cost roughly Ksh 7,000 or even more . And let's say you have about 100 goats in your goat farm , you would be selling for about Ksh 700,000.

Where to buy Dairy goats in Kenya?

Nowadays goat farming has become a profitable business and it requires a very low investment because of its multi-functional utility. However, keeping the feed and minerals balanced to let you make a sustainable profit. Besides, how can I start a goat farm in Kenya? Meat goat farming …

How to start successful livestock farming in Kenya?

Raising goats in Kenya is a lucrative project if all needs are taken into account. Goat's milk production in Kenya is lower than that of cow's milk. Goat's milk yields more per liter than cow's …


How much money does goat farming make?

The salaries of Goat Farmers in the US range from $34,009 to $48,741 , with a median salary of $38,262 . The middle 57% of Goat Farmers makes between $38,262 and $41,661, with the top 86% making $48,741.

How much is a goat worth in Kenya?

A healthy and well-matured goat could weigh about 35-40 Kg (So, for that Kilos, a goat should cost roughly Ksh 7,000 or even more . And let's say you have about 100 goats in your goat farm, you would be selling for about Ksh 700,000.

How long does a goat take to mature in Kenya?

Males. mature around 5 months, alpines 6 months and the East African Galla Goat at 4 months.

Is goat rearing a profitable business?

Rearing of goats is not a new enterprise and the process has been taken place since the time immemorial. Rearing goats is a profitable business. Due to its good economic prospects, goat rearing under intensive and semi-intensive system for commercial production is gaining momentum for the couple of years.Jun 17, 2019

How many goats can you have per acre in Kenya?

Goats are similar to sheep in that you can support about six to eight goats on an acre of land. Because goats are browsers, not grazers, it will be important that the land you have will supply them with the sort of forage they like to eat—see below.

How much is 1kg of meat in Kenya?

Kenya beef wholesale price

The price in Kenyan Shilling is KES 495.04 per kg.

Which breed of goat is most profitable?

Top Most Profitable Indian Goat Breeds:
  • Beetal Goat: Beetal breed goats are mainly found in the Batala subdivision of Gurdaspur district of Punjab province. ...
  • Black Bengal Goat: ...
  • Barbari Goat: ...
  • Jamnapari Goat: ...
  • Sirohi Goat: ...
  • Gaddi Goat:
Jul 5, 2020

How fast do goats multiply?

Remember, goats multiply fast every year, and three females can turn into ten in a matter of about a year if you keep all of them. Some people sell or even give away the male kids almost as soon as they are born, so that they can have extra goat milk for home use, and keep the females.Mar 25, 2020

How many goats do you need to start a goat farm?

Plan on getting at least two goats.

Goats are social animals and are more likely to be uncooperative or try to escape if kept alone. Always keep at least two goats in each enclosure. Because uncastrated males (bucks) cannot be kept with females (does), this may require purchasing more than two goats.

How many goats do you need to make a profit?

Before you bring home any goats to supplement your green lifestyle, you have to determine how many goats you really need. One of the biggest mistakes new goat farmers make is getting too many goats. You need at least two goats so that they can keep each other company, but it's better to start slow.Jun 23, 2021

How much investment do you need for goat farming?

Goat Farming Project Working Capital
Goat Farming Project CostAmount in Indian Rupee
5000 per acre to produce food for goats on 4 acres of land20,000
Vaccination, medicines and electricity charges26,100
Total Working Cost of the Goat Farming Project2,11,800
Total Project Cost14,76,200+2,11,800 = 16,88,000
5 more rows
Sep 22, 2021

What is the disadvantage of goat farming?

There is a lack of adequate veterinary care across the country. This is also one of the major drawbacks of goat rearing. - Some Areas Have Marketing Challenges: In some areas, a good market is not always available.Jun 17, 2021

Is goat farming good for Kenya?

Goat’s products like meat and milk has a great demand in the international and local market of Kenya. Goat farming is very pleasuring and enjoyable. You can easily meet up the nutritional demand of your family. Great income source for the women and children.

What breed of goats are good for farming in Kenya?

There are many goat breeds which are very suitable for farming according to the weather and climate of Kenya. Boer, German Alpine, Toggenburg, Saanen, Anglo Nubian and some other breeds are suitable for commercial and profitable goat farming in Kenya. After choosing the production, buy high quality fresh breeds for your farming business.

What are the necessary facilities for goats?

The necessary facilities for goats includes sufficient supply of clean and fresh water, a market near the farm, necessary veterinary services available, good transportation facilities with the nearest town or market etc.

Can you make a goat feeding area with no roof?

You can make the feeding area with little or no roof but, it should fenced all around with a gate. The feeding area should have water trough, feed trough, slated floor, feed racks and a rain proof mineral block pack area. Ensure sufficient flow of fresh air and light in the sleeping and feeding places of goats.

What should be in a goat feeding area?

The feeding area should have water trough, feed trough, slated floor, feed racks and a rain proof mineral block pack area. Ensure sufficient flow of fresh air and light in the sleeping and feeding places of goats. See goat housing.

What are some good supplements for goats?

For protein supplements, include Calliandra leaves, cotton seed cake, Leucaena leaves, desmodium, fish-meal, dairy meal, sweet potato vines etc. in the food of goats. Along with good food, always serve them sufficient amount of clean and fresh water according to their daily demands.

What is the best way to keep goats healthy?

Timely vaccination is a must for keeping your goats free from all types of diseases. It also helps to keep your goats free from highly contagious diseases like PPR, goat pneumonia, tetanus etc.

Is goat farming popular in Kenya?

In the last couple of years, goat farming has become very popular with small-scale farmers in both urban and densely populated areas of Kenya. Kenya’s demand for goat meat has risen to a great extent. This has produced a larger market for commercial goat farming.

What are the benefits of goat farming in Kenya?

Benefits and Advantages of Goat farming in Kenya. Dairy Goat. Goat farming in Kenya needs less investment compared to other livestock businesses. Goats are easily minable because they have little body size and because of their docile nature consequently they have fewer management problems.

Is goat manure good for Kenya?

Goat manure is an additional money-making element of goat farming. In Kenya, goat meat has a superb requirement and you can get decent gains with commercial goat-rearing small business. Youth and a few meat processing businesses are rearing goats for meat. Commercial meat and dairy goat farming in Kenya is growing quickly ...

Is goat meat a requirement in Kenya?

In Kenya, goat meat has a superb requirement and you can get decent gains with commercial goat-rearing small business. Youth and a few meat processing businesses are rearing goats for meat. Commercial meat and dairy goat farming in Kenya is growing quickly and contributing much to the federal income, economic growth, ...

Is goat farming in Kenya more affordable than hoarding?

Goat farming in Kenya is 2 to 3 times more affordable than hoarding on free-range grazing under semiarid conditions. Goat farming in Kenya creates employment for rural people and it has ample scope for setting cottage industries according to goat milk and meat products.

Why is goat farming important in Kenya?

Goat farming in Kenya creates employment for rural people and it has ample scope for setting cottage industries according to goat milk and meat products. Another advantage of dairy goat farming is, it is possible to milk a number of times in a day so goat is known as a walking refrigerator for milk.

Can you use silage for goats in Kenya?

Home-grown fodder can be supplied for intensive goat farming in Kenya. It’s possible to make silage from home-grown plants and may use it in a stall-fed goat rearing system.

What are the production systems of dairy goats in Kenya?

Goats can be kept in multiple systems, depending on the availability of land and labour. These include intensive, semi-intensive, and extensive production systems.

Is it easier to sell goats or cows?

It is easy to sell a goat - It is easy to sell a goat than a cow since goats are cheaper. Dairy goats can be easily reared in urban areas, as they are easier to manage, and handling their droppings is easy since they are solid in nature. Dairy goats require less space - The same space used to keep one cow can be occupied by 6 goats.

How to house goats?

Housing for goats is simple and cost-effective. Whether you are housing your goats for the extensive, intensive, or semi-intensive system of goat farming, the principles remain the same. Good housing for goats should:- 1 Not have sharp-pointed objects that can harm the goat - this includes protruding nails, iron sheets or sticks. 2 Have enough space of 2 square metres for the intensive and semi-intensive system and 1 square metre for the intensive system 3 Not be damp. 4 Not have pests or let wild animals in 5 Protect the goats from rain 6 Protect the goats from direct wind 7 Have good ventilation

Is goat milk nutritious?

The startup capital and running expenses required in goat farming are less than the ones required in dairy cow farming. Goat milk is nutritious - Dairy goat milk contains more ...

Is goat milk bad for you?

Goat milk has no known allergies - Some people, especially children react negatively to cow’s milk. Goat milk has been known not to cause any allergies in children as well as adults. Dairy goat farming requires low maintenance - Caring for dairy goats is not as involving as caring for dairy cows. You will require one hour per day ...

Is goat milk safe for children?

Goat milk has been known not to cause any allergies in children as well as adults. Dairy goat farming requires low maintenance - Caring for dairy goats is not as involving as caring for dairy cows. You will require one hour per day for cleaning, weathering, and feeding and 20 minutes for milking. Taking care of dairy cows is a fulltime job.

How long does it take to care for a dairy goat?

Dairy goat farming requires low maintenance - Caring for dairy goats is not as involving as caring for dairy cows. You will require one hour per day for cleaning, weathering, and feeding and 20 minutes for milking. Taking care of dairy cows is a fulltime job. Dairy goats consume less - Goats consume less than cows,

Is goat farming more profitable than dairy farming?

Generally speaking, it is thought that meat goat farming is more profitable than dairy goat farming since large, healthy meat goats can be sold at weaning and require less long-term care and investment. Dairy goats require the daily time investment of milking, and then the storage and distribution of milk to market.

How to raise goats for profit?

The best way to raise goats for profit is to start either a goat meat farm, or a goat dairy farm. While goat fibers are also a source of revenue, the profits realized from angora, mohair, and cashmere have decreased in recent years, and many farms that once raised goats for their fibers have converted into raising goats for meat.

Can goat meat be sold as leather?

And when goat meat carcasses are sold, the skins can also be processed into leather, adding another profit source to a meat goat farm. Let's look at each type of goat farm more closely. Raising Meat Goats for Profit. As stated above, goat meat is increasing in demand and popularity in America due to several factors.

Is goat meat popular?

As stated above, goat meat is increasing in demand and popularity in America due to several factors. There is a lot of opportunity to enter this marketplace and start raising meat goats for profit. When deciding whether to start a meat goat farm, it is important to first identify how you will sell your product.

Where did the Boer goat come from?

Boer goats were developed in South Africa, in the early 1900s, and are the largest domesticated meat goat species. The name “Boer” is derived from the Afrikaans word for “farmer.”. Boer goats are also resistant to disease and parasites, and are a docile breed, who are easy to manage.

What is a fainting goat?

Fainting (Myotonic) Goats are smaller and easier to care for than other goat breeds. Unlike other goats, fainting goats do not jump, making them much easier to contain with minimal fencing.

Which goat breed produces the most milk?

The best breed of goat for milk production depends on whether you want to market milk alone, or dairy products. Statistically, the Saanen produces the most milk per lactation period, with a range of 610-5,490 pounds, or 275-2,740 liters, of milk per lactation.


1.Goat Farming in Kenya: how to start & make money – …


15 hours ago You don’t only gain from selling your goats as meats, but you can also gain more from some of its byproducts such as milk, fibers, skin, and manure. I will explain each of this a bit for better understanding. Goat Milk; though it may not be that popular or widely consumed in Kenya, goat …

2.Goat Farming in Kenya


13 hours ago Is Goat Farming Business Profitable in Kenya? A healthy and well-matured goat could weigh about 35-40 Kg (So, for that Kilos, a goat should cost roughly Ksh 7,000 or even more . And let's say you have about 100 goats in your goat farm , you would be selling for about Ksh 700,000.

3.Videos of Is Goat farming Profitable in Kenya


8 hours ago Nowadays goat farming has become a profitable business and it requires a very low investment because of its multi-functional utility. However, keeping the feed and minerals balanced to let you make a sustainable profit. Besides, how can I start a goat farm in Kenya? Meat goat farming …

4.Start Goat Farming In Kenya For Good Profits - ROYS FARM


35 hours ago Raising goats in Kenya is a lucrative project if all needs are taken into account. Goat's milk production in Kenya is lower than that of cow's milk. Goat's milk yields more per liter than cow's …

5.Goat Farming In Kenya Information


23 hours ago Jan 17, 2022 · There following are the common breeds suited for commercial and profitable goat farming in Kenya: Small East African Goat Galla Goat, Anglo-Nubians, German Alpine, Boer, …

6.Successful dairy goat farming guide in Kenya


14 hours ago May 28, 2021 · Goat farming in Kenya is becoming very popular day by day. And can be one of the best leading and profitable income source for the poor, landless and marginal people. …

7.Raising Goats for Profit (2021): Complete Beginner’s …


23 hours ago May 03, 2021 · Goat farming in Kenya is 2 to 3 times more affordable than hoarding on free-range grazing under semiarid conditions. Goat farming in Kenya creates employment for rural people …

8.The hidden gem in goat and sheep farming - The Standard


6 hours ago Sep 01, 2020 · Keeping dairy goats in Kenya is a profitable venture if all the requirements are taken into consideration. In Kenya, goat milk production costs less than cow’s milk. Goat milk …

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