Knowledge Builders

is kubernetes the future

by Prof. Emmet Kiehn DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

After years of open source support, Kubernetes has become the de facto way to run applications in the cloud, with more and more opinionated and vertically oriented services that run on top of it, like Knative and Kubeflow. The project is still maturing, even as we now face another pivotal shift in cloud computing.Dec 7, 2021

Does Kubernetes have a future?

The future of Kubernetes is in the custom resource definitions (CRDs) and abstractions which we build on top of Kubernetes and make available to users through CRDs. Kubernetes becomes a control plane for abstractions, and it's the CRDs of these abstractions that developers should focus on.

What will replace Kubernetes?

Kubernetes Alternatives: Container as a Service (CaaS)AWS Fargate. ... Azure Container Instances. ... Google Cloud Run. ... Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) ... Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) ... Openshift Container Platform. ... Rancher. ... Docker Swarm.More items...

Is Kubernetes future proof?

“Future-proofing” anything against the dynamic change of the web is almost impossible, but Kubernetes may be the closest we've come since the arrival of the cloud. Container technology isn't new — it's been widely available for more than six years.

Is Kubernetes still in demand?

Thanks! K8s is still a very important tool and is pretty much the standard container orchestration tool. Most tech companies are using it and will be using it for a very long time to come.

Is Kubernetes worth learning 2022?

You need to learn Kubernetes if it is related to your work in any way, whether it's creating containerized applications, managing and deploying, or maintaining a containerized environment. If you are a practitioner, there is a high likelihood that you will encounter K8s in some form or another.

What is the next big thing after Kubernetes?

A promising cloud technology that may become widely accepted after Kubernetes is micro VM Kubernetes distributions. AWS Firecracker is the most popular of micro VM Kubernetes, which packages micro virtual machines into a Kubernetes cluster to enhance the security, workload isolation, and efficiency of resources.

Does Google use Kubernetes?

Google Cloud is the birthplace of Kubernetes—originally developed at Google and released as open source in 2014. Kubernetes builds on 15 years of running Google's containerized workloads and the valuable contributions from the open source community.

Is Kubernetes growing?

CNCF Says Kubernetes Is Still Growing According to CNCF's 2021 Annual Survey, 96% of organizations are either using or evaluating Kubernetes, a record high since CNCF started the annual survey in 2016.

What is the biggest disadvantage of Kubernetes?

The transition to Kubernetes can become slow, complicated, and challenging to manage. Kubernetes has a steep learning curve. It is recommended to have an expert with a more in-depth knowledge of K8s on your team, and this could be expensive and hard to find.

Is Kubernetes a good career?

Kubernetes skills are the most in demand for modern operational roles, such as devops and site reliability engineering (SRE) jobs. These are also the roles where the money is. In the United States, 95% of devops practitioners made more than $75,000 a year in salary in 2020, up from 93% in 2019.

Is Kubernetes here to stay?

Kubernetes Is Here to Stay: This Is Why. Back for a fourth year, our annual State of Kubernetes survey shows ongoing momentum with Kubernetes adoption. Respondents expressed an easing of most challenges, aside from security.

How fast is Kubernetes growing?

Kubernetes' adoption across the industry has also seen a gradual rise. In the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's 2020 Survey, 91% of respondents reported using Kubernetes, up from 78% in 2019 and 58% in 2018.

Is Kubernetes an overkill?

Kubernetes isn't really a one-size-fits all tool. It has a lot of expansion capabilities and can be highly flexible, but there are times it won't be the right fit. Kubernetes shouldn't be used for certain tasks because it would be overkill and not offer many benefits.

Is Docker still relevant 2022?

Yes, for the same reasons as in the previous question. Applications packaged with Docker will continue to run — no change there. Thus, you can still build and test containers with the tools you know and love.

Is Kubernetes an alternative to AWS?

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), one of the Kubernetes alternatives, is a managed service of Amazon Web Services (AWS). ECS is a container orchestration platform provided by AWS that manages Docker containers.

Is Docker swarm better than Kubernetes?

Docker Swarm provides high availability as you can easily duplicate the microservices in Docker Swarm. Moreover, Docker Swarm has a faster deployment time. On the other hand, it doesn't provide automatic scaling. Kubernetes is by nature highly available, fault tolerant, and self-healing.

The rise of Kubernetes

Part of the reason why Kubernetes has become so popular is that it was built on top of Docker. Containers have a long history in Linux and BSD variants; however, Docker made containers extremely popular by focusing on the user experience and made building and running containers very easy.

New paradigms sweep clean (er)

Kubernetes provides a Secret resource to specify static secrets such as API keys, passwords, etc. Developers should not use the Kubernetes Secret resources.

O brave new world

In this blog, I have argued that there are good reasons to look beyond the 'traditional' Kubernetes resources when defining Kubernetes applications. This is not to say that we will never use the traditional resource types.

What is the backlash of Kubernetes?

One of the backlashes of Kubernetes is security. As the adoption of Kubernetes accelerated, so is the number of threats targeted at its clusters.

What cloud technology is widely accepted after Kubernetes?

A promising cloud technology that may become widely accepted after Kubernetes is micro VM Kubernetes distributions. AWS Firecracker is the most popular of micro VM Kubernetes, which packages micro virtual machines into a Kubernetes cluster to enhance the security, workload isolation, and efficiency of resources.

What is Unikernels technology?

If it eventually goes mainstream, Unikernels will be an exciting technology that will help cloud professionals harness the full benefits that are supposed to be offered by containers in cloud-native environments.

What is a unikernel?

Unikernels are considered a hybrid of VMs and containers and provide improved security and agility than we have in both container and VMs.

Why is Unikernels faster than containers?

Unikernels images are highly optimized with smaller footprints and can boot faster than containers because they contain all necessary dependencies. These features will quickly make it the “professional’s favorite” when the technology finally goes mainstream.

Does Docker support Unikernels?

Also, Docker recently acquired Unikernel systems. That signals that it may be adding support for Unikernels soon to make them more usable in the actual development and production environments.

Does Kubernetes have security?

Even though professionals using Kubernetes find ways to secure their clusters, a built-in high-security feature will make container management and orchestration much easier.

Affordable Outsourcing Options

Perhaps one of the best possible reasons why Kubernetes is taking over the world by storm is that you can find a lot of support available when it comes to technical troubles and issues.

Greater Interactivity

If you look from the perspective of CIOs (Chief Information Officers) and influencers, you will find that they talk about the future of computing. However, in these discussions, you wouldn’t only find them discussing hardware advancements or cloud-based software. In fact, many of these conversations center on offering integrated user experiences.

High Availability & No Downtime

Ask yourself this question: What is an important aspect of cloud services you expect to get from remote locations? I hardly doubt that you have chosen anything different than availability and negligible downtime. This is a fact because you certainly don’t want to have services that phase in and out.

High Performance & Scalability

While availability and zero downtime are indeed bliss, what makes Kubernetes extremely useful is that it allows applications to load faster and thus provides your users with a very high response rate. Hence it can very well help you to unlock the doors to accomplishing high-performance computing.


Kubernetes is commonly used as a way to host microservice-based implementation. This is because it and its associated ecosystem of tools provide all the capabilities needed to address a key concern of any microservice architecture. However, one should know that implementing microservice architecture is indeed quite difficult.

What is the question that Kubernetes faces?

The interesting question that the Kubernetes community faces is how to integrate serverless container infrastructure with higher level Kubernetes concepts. Recently, the development of the open source virtual kubelet project has taken a lead in advancing this discussion within both the Kubernetes node and scheduling special-interest groups (SIGs).

Why was Kubernetes built?

Kubernetes was built to give developers a clean, application-oriented API that enabled them to forget about the details of machines and machine management. But the truth is that under that API surface, the machines were still there. The development of serverless container infrastructure enables people to begin to forget about the machines entirely, but the successful use of serverless containers for larger scale applications requires the development of an orchestrator. Consequently, the integration of the Kubernetes orchestration layer and serverless container infrastructure is crucial to the future success of both Kubernetes and the serverless infrastructure.


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