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is microwave popcorn bad for your heart

by Delpha Kertzmann Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

A study from West Virginia University School of Public Health, Morgantown, found that exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) found in items like nonstick cookware, microwave popcorn and food wrappers could cause cardiovascular disease.Jul 8, 2013

Why you should never eat microwave popcorn?

Why you should never eat microwave popcorn? As kernels are popped in the microwave, PFCs break down into perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a toxic chemical that is widely thought to cause cancer. PFOAs enter the bloodstream and take a long time before it eventually leaves the body.

How to make healthier microwave popcorn?

Video Transcript: How To Make Healthy Popcorn

  • How To Make Healthier Microwave Popcorn
  • ¼ Cup Organic Popcorn Kernels
  • Healthy Custom Flavor Mixture (Such as vitamin B-rich nutritional yeast, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, or dill)
  • Brown Paper Bag
  • Place Kernels In Bag
  • Fold Bag Over Twice
  • Place In Microwave For 2:00 Minutes
  • Add Healthy Flavorings
  • Shake Popcorn To Distribute
  • Enjoy Your Healthy Popcorn!

What are the risks of microwave popcorn?

Side Effects of Popcorn

  • High In Calories. A usual large pack of popcorn (280g) available at some cinemas is coming with a total of 1512 calories, 22 grams of protein, and 104 grams of ...
  • PFOA. Microwave popcorn bags are usually lined with perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as PFOA, which is a toxic substance labeled as a human carcinogen.
  • Diacetyl. ...

What is the most healthy microwave popcorn?

The Best Microwave Popcorn - 2021

  • Amish Country Popcorn Red Old Fashioned Microwave Popcorn, 3-Pack. Want a snacking experience that won't stay behind in your mouth? ...
  • Newman’s Own Sea Salt Microwave Popcorn, 12-Pack. The design and quality of this popcorn allows hardly any kernel to be left behind in the popping process.
  • SkinnyPop Butter Microwave Popcorn, 12-Pack. ...


Is it OK to eat microwave popcorn everyday?

Even though some chemicals that remain in the packaging of these products may be questionable, eating microwave popcorn from time to time shouldn't pose any health risks. But if you're still worried or consume a lot of popcorn, there's no need to give it up as a snack.

Is popcorn hard on your heart?

When it's air-popped and lightly seasoned, popcorn is an efficiently healthy snack. That's because it is a whole grain, and high-fiber whole grains have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancers and other health problems.

Is microwave popcorn a healthy snack?

Two cups of plain popcorn have 2.3 grams of fiber and just 62 calories. “Without the added butter and high-fat seasoning, the food is quite a healthy snack,” agrees Gregory J. Privitera, associate professor of psychology at St.

Is microwave popcorn bad for high blood pressure?

Microwave popcorn may also contain additives, and the bags can have contaminants. Premade popcorn often contains a high level of salt, or sodium. Eating too much sodium can cause high blood pressure and lead to other health complications.

Does popcorn clean your arteries?

The fiber in popcorn helps to lower bad cholesterol levels, keeping arteries clear and preventing the formation of the blood clots behind most strokes.

What happens if you eat popcorn everyday?

That's more than the entire daily intake of 2,300 milligrams recommended by the FDA. Over time, this much sodium can increase your risk of high blood pressure, strokes, and heart disease, so keep that in mind the next time you're mindlessly munching in a darkened theater.

Is Jiffy Pop healthier than microwave popcorn?

Jiffy Pop can be super fun to pop over the stove or the fire, but it's really not any healthier or safer than microwave popcorn, unfortunately. As of 2021, it still contains tBHQ as a preservative, which was discussed above.

Is microwave popcorn healthier than chips?

Popcorn has fewer inflammatory fats and calories as well more fiber, deeming it a more nutritious choice than chips.

Is Skinny Pop healthier than microwave popcorn?

Skinny Pop is healthier than most brands of microwave popcorn due to the type of oil used. Skinny Pop contains sunflower oil, while most microwave popcorn has palm oil. Palm oil is high in saturated fat, which may raise LDL cholesterol and heart disease risk.

Is Orville Redenbacher microwave popcorn safe to eat?

Oz viewers to know that Orville Redenbacher's and Act II popcorn is safe and can be part of a healthful diet. Orville Redenbacher's and ACT II popcorn, despite the implication, contain 0 grams trans fat, have no added diacetyl and no PFOAs.

Is microwave popcorn bad for cholesterol?

Microwave Popcorn Microwave popcorn loaded with butter, oil, and salt is not a healthy choice. These extras that are a normal part of the popcorn experience can add to your cholesterol levels.

Is popcorn bad for cholesterol?

Is popcorn low in cholesterol? Popcorn without added sugar or salt may have low levels of cholesterol. However, popcorn can have high levels of cholesterol if people prepare it with butter or a sugary coating, such as caramel.

Does popcorn affect your cholesterol?

Is popcorn low in cholesterol? Popcorn without added sugar or salt may have low levels of cholesterol. However, popcorn can have high levels of cholesterol if people prepare it with butter or a sugary coating, such as caramel.

Can I eat too much popcorn?

"Popcorn can cause gas and bloating as some people do not digest the whole grain properly or may eat too much of it.," says Shapiro. If this is the case, Shapiro suggests watching your portions, chewing your food, and making sure you drink water.

Are there any health benefits to popcorn?

There are a few health benefits to eating popcorn. In addition to being high in fiber, popcorn also contains phenolic acids, a type of antioxidant. In addition, popcorn is a whole grain, an important food group that may reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension in humans.

Is popcorn healthy for cholesterol?

Eating more whole grains and high-fiber foods, such as popcorn, may help you lower your cholesterol levels.

Why are microwave popcorn bags unsafe?from

According to several scientific studies, flavoring additives like diacetyl and other chemicals used in microwave popcorn bags were deemed unsafe because of the potential risk of health effects, such as irreversible lung damage.

How long does it take to pop popcorn in the microwave?from

The exact length of time will depend on your microwave and container size, but usually between 2 and 4 minutes in the microwave will do the trick.

What is Popcorn?from

It might seem silly because so many people grew up eating this crunchy snack as an important part of movie night and baseball games, but what actually is popcorn? Is popcorn really corn? Is it made from the same thing as corn on the cob?

Is There a Microwave Popcorn Without Chemicals?from

SO, now that we’ve gone through all of the problematic chemicals that are often found in microwave popcorn, you’re probably wondering: is there any microwave popcorn that’s safe!? Is there a chemical-free microwave popcorn?

How long can you keep popcorn after expiration date?from

If stored under the right conditions (like unopened in a dark, room temperature cabinet), many foods are probably safe to eat within a short window after the expiration date, but do so at your own discretion. Whether or not popcorn is still safe to eat also depends on whether the popcorn is dry or wet, what kind of container it’s in, and whether it’s been opened or not. For example, plain, dry popcorn kernels will last the longest when stored properly (usually 1 to 2 years).

What is the ingredient in microwave popcorn?from

Diacetyl. Another ingredient of major concern in microwave popcorn is diacetyl, which is an artificial flavor that gives popcorn that super-buttery taste. Diacetyl is also used in other products like margarine, baked goods, candy, e-cigarettes, and even pet food.

How many PFASs are in microwave popcorn bags?from

A 2017 study identified 46 different PFASs found in microwave popcorn bags manufactured in 12 European (Spain, France, Austria, The Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Czech Republic, Sweden, United Kingdom, Portugal), three American (Mexico, Brazil, and the U.S.), and two Asian countries (China and India) from 2015 to 2016. 5 

Why are microwave popcorn bags unsafe?from

According to several scientific studies, flavoring additives like diacetyl and other chemicals used in microwave popcorn bags were deemed unsafe because of the potential risk of health effects, such as irreversible lung damage.

What chemicals are in microwave popcorn?from

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these chemicals might include perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). 3 

What Is Popcorn Lung?from

Bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung) is a condition of scarred air sacs in the lungs that thicken and narrow the air passageways. 7 It causes a number of symptoms (coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath) that are similar to symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Popcorn lung is a rare, chronic disease that becomes worse over time, eventually leading to respiratory failure.

What are the chemicals in nonstick food?from

They may include a subset of PFAS like PFOA or C8, PFOS, GenX, and other chemicals found in common nonstick household products and in fast food packaging (pizza, burgers, fries, and microwave popcorn bags). 3 

How many PFASs are in microwave popcorn bags?from

A 2017 study identified 46 different PFASs found in microwave popcorn bags manufactured in 12 European (Spain, France, Austria, The Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Czech Republic, Sweden, United Kingdom, Portugal), three American (Mexico, Brazil, and the U.S.), and two Asian countries (China and India) from 2015 to 2016. 5 

How many calories are in popcorn?from

Movie popcorn served in a large tub can be a greasy, high-calorie snack, clocking in at 1,090 calories with a whopping 2,650 milligrams of sodium—two major contributors to high blood pressure that could lead to a stroke and/or heart disease.

How many calories are in 3 tablespoons of yellow popcorn?from

Three tablespoons of air-popped yellow popcorn has up to 120 calories.

Why Microwave Popcorn Gets a Bad Wrap

Microwave popcorn, in theory, is no different from any other type of popcorn. The core ingredient, butterfly corn kernels, is the same. The only difference is the method of making the kernels pop: microwaving instead of pot-popping.

Popcorn Bags and PFCs

However, many major microwave popcorn brands still use another, much more ubiquitous additive in their bags: perfluorinated compounds, also known as PFCs. PFCs are in a ton of our goods, including non-stick cookware, pizza boxes, electronics, weather-resistant clothes and more.

The Other Added Ingredients You Should Avoid

But aside from Diacetyl and PFCs, perhaps the more obvious reason microwave popcorn has taken a backseat to air-popped and stovetop as a preferred snack alternative is because of the other unnecessary additives found in the bag.

A Healthy (and Still Tasty) Alternative

Until more brands adopt healthier, non-lined microwave popcorn options, I recommend grabbing a bag of ready-made popcorn. But, just like with microwave popcorn, watch out for “Movie Theater” and other loaded flavors.

Why is microwave popcorn bad for you?from

Dr. Cecile Rose, a leading lung expert concluded that microwave popcorn was the reason for her patient’s lung disease.

How to make microwave popcorn?from

If you’re really attached to microwave popcorn, you can make it using brown paper bags. You simply add popcorn kernels to a brown paper bag, add a little oil over the kernels if you want, fold the top of the paper bag over a few times, then microwave.

What is Popcorn?from

It might seem silly because so many people grew up eating this crunchy snack as an important part of movie night and baseball games, but what actually is popcorn? Is popcorn really corn? Is it made from the same thing as corn on the cob?

Does Microwave Popcorn Cause Cancer?from

Part of the danger in microwave popcorn comes not from the actual corn itself, but from the bag. The bags are commonly lined with chemicals called perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), which repel grease so that the oils don’t soak through the bag.

How long can you keep popcorn after expiration date?from

If stored under the right conditions (like unopened in a dark, room temperature cabinet), many foods are probably safe to eat within a short window after the expiration date, but do so at your own discretion. Whether or not popcorn is still safe to eat also depends on whether the popcorn is dry or wet, what kind of container it’s in, and whether it’s been opened or not. For example, plain, dry popcorn kernels will last the longest when stored properly (usually 1 to 2 years).

How to make popcorn with coconut oil?from

Start by putting about 1-2 tablespoons of refined coconut oil, ghee or avocado oil in the pot. Melt it over medium to medium-high heat. Add 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels to the pot, stir the kernels around a little bit to cover them with the oil and cover the pot with the lid.

What chemicals are in microwave popcorn?from

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), these chemicals might include perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). 3 

How long does it take to pop popcorn in the microwave?from

The exact length of time will depend on your microwave and container size, but usually between 2 and 4 minutes in the microwave will do the trick.

What is the healthiest way to use popcorn?from

If you’re hankering for popcorn, the healthiest option is using an air popper followed with light seasoning, as recommended by the AHA. 2 

What is Popcorn?from

It might seem silly because so many people grew up eating this crunchy snack as an important part of movie night and baseball games, but what actually is popcorn? Is popcorn really corn? Is it made from the same thing as corn on the cob?

Does Microwave Popcorn Cause Cancer?from

Part of the danger in microwave popcorn comes not from the actual corn itself, but from the bag. The bags are commonly lined with chemicals called perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), which repel grease so that the oils don’t soak through the bag.

Is There a Microwave Popcorn Without Chemicals?from

SO, now that we’ve gone through all of the problematic chemicals that are often found in microwave popcorn, you’re probably wondering: is there any microwave popcorn that’s safe!? Is there a chemical-free microwave popcorn?

How long can you keep popcorn after expiration date?from

If stored under the right conditions (like unopened in a dark, room temperature cabinet), many foods are probably safe to eat within a short window after the expiration date, but do so at your own discretion. Whether or not popcorn is still safe to eat also depends on whether the popcorn is dry or wet, what kind of container it’s in, and whether it’s been opened or not. For example, plain, dry popcorn kernels will last the longest when stored properly (usually 1 to 2 years).

How much fiber is in popcorn?from

As a general rule, popcorn has benefits for your intestines, since it provides 3.5 grams of fiber in a 3-cup serving. Most Americans consume just 15 grams of fiber per day, well below the recommended dietary intake of at least 20 grams per day, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Fiber not only keeps your bowel moving ...

How long does microwave popcorn stay in your system?from

They also made the point that PFOAs and PFOSs can remain in the body for 3.5 and 4.8 years, respectively. Advertisement.

How long does it take to pop popcorn in the microwave?from

The exact length of time will depend on your microwave and container size, but usually between 2 and 4 minutes in the microwave will do the trick.

What is Popcorn?from

It might seem silly because so many people grew up eating this crunchy snack as an important part of movie night and baseball games, but what actually is popcorn? Is popcorn really corn? Is it made from the same thing as corn on the cob?

Is There a Microwave Popcorn Without Chemicals?from

SO, now that we’ve gone through all of the problematic chemicals that are often found in microwave popcorn, you’re probably wondering: is there any microwave popcorn that’s safe!? Is there a chemical-free microwave popcorn?

How long can you keep popcorn after expiration date?from

If stored under the right conditions (like unopened in a dark, room temperature cabinet), many foods are probably safe to eat within a short window after the expiration date, but do so at your own discretion. Whether or not popcorn is still safe to eat also depends on whether the popcorn is dry or wet, what kind of container it’s in, and whether it’s been opened or not. For example, plain, dry popcorn kernels will last the longest when stored properly (usually 1 to 2 years).

Why is popcorn called a lung?from

According to the report's researchers, workers from popcorn manufacturing facilities were presenting with lung obstructions and chronic coughs that eventually got the nickname "popcorn lung.". After some digging, it was determined that diacetyl is a respiratory toxin and chronic exposure can irritate and harm the lungs.

What is the ingredient in microwave popcorn?from

Diacetyl. Another ingredient of major concern in microwave popcorn is diacetyl, which is an artificial flavor that gives popcorn that super-buttery taste. Diacetyl is also used in other products like margarine, baked goods, candy, e-cigarettes, and even pet food.

How long does microwave popcorn stay in your system?from

They also made the point that PFOAs and PFOSs can remain in the body for 3.5 and 4.8 years, respectively. Advertisement.

How many calories are in air popped popcorn?from

Invest in an air popper, like this one, and make your own version of movie-theater popcorn. Three cups of air-popped popcorn contains only 90 calories and less than 1 gram of fat.

Why is popcorn called a lung?from

According to the report's researchers, workers from popcorn manufacturing facilities were presenting with lung obstructions and chronic coughs that eventually got the nickname "popcorn lung.". After some digging, it was determined that diacetyl is a respiratory toxin and chronic exposure can irritate and harm the lungs.

How to make popcorn taste better?from

Boost the flavor of air-popped or stovetop popcorn without any potentially harmful chemicals or excessive salt by adding your own toppings. Spray it with olive oil or freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Experiment with different seasonings, such as cinnamon, oregano, or rosemary.

When did they remove diacetyl from popcorn?from

In 2007, major popcorn manufacturers removed diacetyl from their products.

Does microwave popcorn cause lung problems?from

Microwave Popcorn and Lung Problems. But it's not just cancer that's the problem. Another report that was published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine in October 2018 connected an ingredient in microwave popcorn butter flavoring, called diacetyl, to lung problems. According to the report's researchers, workers from popcorn manufacturing ...

Is microwave popcorn bad for you?from

Yet a couple of chemicals in microwave popcorn and its packaging have been linked to negative health effects, including cancer and a dangerous lung condition. Read on to learn the real story behind the claims about microwave popcorn and your health.

Is Popcorn a Healthy Snack?

Popcorn is a healthy snack because it is a whole grain containing more fiber than many other popular snack foods. It is also high in antioxidants, which can help prevent cell damage and reduce risk of certain diseases.

What To Look For When Choosing Microwave Popcorn

The healthiest microwave popcorn are the ones with the fewest ingredients. Look for ones that contain only popcorn, oil, salt, and natural flavoring.

What Are the Healthiest Microwave Popcorn Brands?

Now that you know what differentiates “good” popcorn from “bad” popcorn; here are seven popcorn brands that provide healthy snacking:


Ultimately, microwaving popcorn is still a more convenient choice than traditional popping. The most significant health risk of microwave popcorn is the oil used in some varieties, also responsible for the delicious taste.

About Us

Here at What The Popcorn, we would rather eat popcorn than dinner. We are always on the hunt for new popcorn to sample, so send us a link if you have some you think we should try.

What is the chemical in microwave popcorn?from

The microwaveable bags of popcorn are lined with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA for short). This chemical helps to keep the popcorn fresh and will aid with the popping process in the radiation of the microwave. It’s even a chemical that you’ll find in Teflon pans and pots.

How much fiber is in popcorn?from

You’ll get 3.6 grams of fiber in the average serving of popcorn – those three cups that I mentioned above.

How many carbs are in popcorn?from

One of popcorn's claims to fame is its fiber content. One cup of popped popcorn contains 6.2 grams of carbohydrates, 1.2 grams of which come from fiber. According to the American Heart Association, the fiber in popcorn not only helps keep you full for relatively few calories — a cup of air-popped popcorn contains only 31 calories — it can also help promote weight loss. Fiber is also known for keeping your digestive system healthy and helping to prevent constipation.

What are the toxins in kernels?from

This instantly leads to health problems. Companies are using kernels with toxins like tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) and propyl gallate. Pesticides and trans fats have been added in to help ensure the longevity of the kernels. The manufacturers add all sorts of toxins and chemicals to boost the taste of the popcorn, making you want to buy more.

Does air popped popcorn have oil?from

Just adding oil to your air-popped popcorn will add more calories to your serving. That three cup serving and end up with an extra 100 calories with some oil added to it! Well, when you start pulling out the microwaveable and pre-popped bag options, you start adding, even more, calories to your snack.

Is microwave popcorn the same as movie theater popcorn?from

Movie theater popcorn doesn't have the same chemicals as microwave popcorn, but it does contain a lot of salt and oil, according to the American Heart Association. Advertisement.

Does popcorn help with constipation?from

Fiber is also known for keeping your digestive system healthy and helping to prevent constipation. Popcorn also contains significant amounts of certain types of antioxidants called phenolic acids, according to a report that was published in the journal Antioxidants in January 2019.


1.Is Microwave Popcorn Bad for You? -


15 hours ago  · For a more affordable (and probably healthier) option you can make your own microwave popcorn. Place 1/4-cup of unpopped kernels in a brown paper lunch bag. Fold the …

2.Is Microwave Popcorn Bad for You? 5 Reasons to Avoid It


21 hours ago  · Those appealing and alluring bags of microwave popcorns are one of the most harmful packaging for your delicious popcorns. These bags have perfluorooctanoic acid …

3.Is Microwave Popcorn Healthy? The Good, The Bad, And …


35 hours ago The healthiest microwave popcorn are the ones with the fewest ingredients. Look for ones that contain only popcorn, oil, salt, and natural flavoring. Avoid popcorn with partially hydrogenated …

4.Is Microwave Popcorn Bad For You? - Public Goods


19 hours ago Frozen pizzas are yet another source of hidden trans fat and other heart unfriendly ingredients. Consider making your own pizza. It is surprisingly easier than you think. You can even include …

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