Knowledge Builders

is mongodb a time series database

by Dr. Kristina Veum Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

MongoDB is a general purpose document database that has native support for time series data. MongoDB's time series collections are optimized and purpose-built for ingesting, storing, and querying time series data. Therefore, users can use a single unified Query API utilizing MongoDB as a time series database alongside other database use cases.

Time Series Data in MongoDB
MongoDB is a document-based general purpose database with flexible schema design and a rich query language. As of MongoDB 5.0, MongoDB natively supports time series data. You can create a new time series collection with the createCollection() command.

Full Answer

What is time series data in MongoDB?

Time Series is a sequence of measurements recorded over a period of time. Common data properties include (but not limited to) ordered data, time ingested data and new data that is more valuable than historical data. How do I store time-series data in MongoDB?

Does timescaledb outperform MongoDB for time-series data?

Is it surprising that TimescaleDB, a database purpose-built for time-series data outperforms MongoDB, a general purpose document store, when it comes to time-series data? Not necessarily – but there are enough blogs, talks, and other material out there about using MongoDB for time-series data that we felt we needed to do an evaluation.

Why choose MongoDB for your application data platform?

With the optimized and integrated MongoDB application data platform, you get greater ease, speed, and economy than ever before. Quickly bring new apps to market with native time series collections which automatically optimize your schema.

What is time series database (TSDB)?

Time series databases (TSDBs) are optimized for storing and retrieving large volumes time series data. Metrics data about a server, IoT sensor data, eCommerce data, log data and other could run into billions and trillions of data points over a period of time.


Which database is best for time series data?

InfluxDB is an open-source database. This is, by far, the most popular and most used time-series database in the world.

What is a time series collection in MongoDB?

Time series collections efficiently store sequences of measurements over a period of time. Time series data is any data that is collected over time and is uniquely identified by one or more unchanging parameters. The unchanging parameters that identify your time series data is generally your data source's metadata.

Is time-series database NoSQL?

Another type of database, NoSQL, are also often used to store time series data. Since NoSQL databases are more flexible in terms of the data format for each record, they are good for capturing time series data from a number of distinct sources.

Is MongoDB a timestamp?

The MongoDB timestamp looks similar to Date data type, where it has the same 64-bit value. But it also has a few aspects where it differs from the Date. The MongoDB Timestamp is quite used for the internal purpose, and with every single instance of mongodb, the values generated for timestamp are unique.

What are the four types of time series?

Time series are monthly, trimestrial, or annual, sometimes weekly, daily, or hourly (study of road traffic, telephone traffic), or biennial or decennial.

How does MongoDB store time data?

MongoDB stores times in UTC by default, and will convert any local time representations into this form. Applications that must operate or report on some unmodified local time value may store the time zone alongside the UTC timestamp, and compute the original local time in their application logic.

Is MySQL a time-series database?

MySQL and a number of it's variants can be used as a time-series database.

Is postgresql a time-series database?

The article explains how Postgres can be used as a time series database and how Postgres can generate and retrieve data and make a straightforward prediction model. A time-series database is a database system that is designed to store and load data over time through associated pairs of times and values.

Is Snowflake a time-series database?

From a data management perspective, Snowflake can serve as the central time-series data repository or data can be loaded in inexpensive cloud storage from Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage or Google Cloud storage.

What type of database is MongoDB?

document databaseMongoDB is a document database. Graph databases are used to store information about networks, such as social connections.

Is MongoDB realm real time database?

Realm is an embedded, object-oriented database that lets you build real-time, offline-first applications. Its SDKs also provide access to Atlas App Services, a secure backend that can sync data between devices, authenticate and manage users, and run serverless JavaScript functions.

Is MongoDB row or column oriented?

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that appeared in the mid-2000s. It is used for storing massive volumes of data. Unlike a traditional SQL relational database, MongoDB does not rely on tables and columns.

What is time series data collection?

Time series data is a collection of observations obtained through repeated measurements over time. Plot the points on a graph, and one of your axes would always be time. Time series metrics refer to a piece of data that is tracked at an increment in time.

What is time-series database?

A time series database (TSDB) is a software system optimized to sort and organize information measured by time. A time series is a collection of data points that are gathered at successive intervals and recorded in time order.

What is the purpose of time series?

Time series analysis helps organizations understand the underlying causes of trends or systemic patterns over time. Using data visualizations, business users can see seasonal trends and dig deeper into why these trends occur. With modern analytics platforms, these visualizations can go far beyond line graphs.

What is time series data database?

A time series database (TSDB) is a database optimized for time-stamped or time series data. Time series data are simply measurements or events that are tracked, monitored, downsampled, and aggregated over time.

What is natively support?

Natively support the entire time series data lifecycle from ingestion, storage, querying, real-time analysis, and visualization through to online archiving as data ages.

What is time series?

Time Series is a sequence of measurements recorded over a period of time. Common data properties include (but not limited to) ordered data, time ingested data and new data that is more valuable than historical data.

Can you ingest data into time series?

You can ingest data directly into time series collections. Optionally, the latest release of the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka adds native support for time series. You can automatically create time series collections directly from Kafka topic messages. This enables you to collect data at the edge, process and aggregate it as needed before persisting it into time series collections in MongoDB.

Is MongoDB time series?

Time series data is straightforward to store in MongoDB. Native-time series collections are optimized for storage efficiency and low latency queries, allowing you to get started with your schema design quickly. To ingest time-series data into your collection, simply insert like you would any other individual document or measurement.

Can you use federated query in Atlas?

Also, you can use federated query to combine and work with data across live operational Atlas clusters and cold storage.

What is the meaning of "back up"?

Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

How many times do you have to walk to get the last value in a day?

Using this nested approach, we now only have to walk, at maximum, 24 + 60 to get the very last value in the day.

What is capped collection?

Basically, a capped collection has a specified size, and documents are written to it in insertion order until it fills up, at which point it wraps around and begins overwriting the oldest documents with the newest. You are slightly limited in what updates you can perform on the documents in a capped collection - ie. you cannot perform an update that will change the size of the document (as this would mean it would need to be moved on disk to find the extra space). I can't see this being a problem for what you describe.

Does MapReduce store data in insertion order?

Storing of data in insertion order is only guaranteed for capped collections I'm afraid. However it sounds like the data you'll be storing will be write once, never update, which mightend up being stored in insertion order by default - although I would imagine you'd end up with a block of one collection, then a block of another etc etc. As long as you have an index on the timestamp column your queries should be relatively fast. Bear in mind though that MapReduce is a 'slow' operation - it's strength is that it scales reliably (and horizontally). Hope this helps!

Can you query with a timestamp?

Assuming you use a single collection, both your queries then sound very doable. One thing to bear in mind would be that to get the benefit of the capped collection you would need to be querying according to the collections 'natural' order, so querying by your timestamp key would not be as fast. If the readings are taken at regular intervals (so you know how many of them would be taken in a given time interval) I would suggest something like the following for query 1:

Is time series data similar to stock price history?

The time series data is very similar to a stock price history. I have a collection of data from a variety of sensors taken from different machines. There are values at billion's of timestamps and I would like to ask the following questions (preferably from the database rather than the application level):

Do you need MapReduce for a second query?

For your second query, it sounds to me like you'll need MapReduce, but it doesn't sound particularly difficult. You can select the range of documents you're interested in with a similar query to the one above, then pick out only the ones at the intervals you're interested in with the mapfunction.

Why are reads optimized in MongoDB?

The reads are optimized because one document is read instead of 60. If you need to store a day worth of data, or a month you proceed with the same technique, you get the idea. Here's the link to a tutorial that specifically explains how to manage time series in MongoDb from the official MongoDb Blog: ...

What happens when more entries are added to a document?

as more entries are added to a document, the entire document (and time series) will needlessly be deleted and reallocated to a larger piece of memory. queries on sub-documents are limited compared to queries on regular documents. documents with very flat structures (like one sub-document for each second) are not performant.

What is the meaning of "back up"?

Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

Is Mongo a flexible program?

I am a bit lost here and I find it difficult to find any information as usually Mongo is presented as very flexible so the user has the choice in the infrastructure.

What does it mean when the number of documents written by an update is zero?

If the number of documents written by the update is zero, then it means that the relative document to update is not yet present in the collection.

What is MongoDB data?

MongoDB is a general purpose document-oriented database. This means that information inside the database is stored as documents. MongoDB uses BSON format, a binary variant of JSON documents. A document in MongoDB looks like the following.

What is field key in a time series?

Field keys ( butterflies and honeybees) are strings and they store metadata; the field key butterflies tells us that the field values 12 - 7 refer to butterflies, and the field key honeybees tells us that the field values 23 - 22 refer to, well, honeybees. Field values are the data; a field value in a time series database is always associated ...

What is basic time granularity?

What we can refer to as basic time granularity is set to minutes in our example. This means that we cannot produce an analysis that has a granularity of less than the basic (minutes, in this case). Columns like butterflies and honeybees are called fields. Fields are made up of field keys and field values.

What is a time series?

Most commonly, a time series is a sequence taken at successive equally spaced points in time. Thus it is a sequence of discrete-time data. InfluxDB's Key Concepts page gives us an extremely easy example to understand what a time series is.

Does MongoDB update cause an existing document to grow?

However, this is an important requirement to take into consideration. This way, no update will cause an existing document to grow or be moved on disk. This fact allows MongoDB to perform better on the collection.

What is a Time Series Database?

Generally speaking, a Time Series database is a specialized database designed for efficiently storing data generated from a continuous stream of values associated with a timestamp. The typical use case is when you need to store data coming from sensory equipment that transmits data points at fixed intervals, but now they are used in support of a much wider range of applications.

What is the difference between a time series and a regular collection?

MongoDB stores data into an optimized storage format on insert. Compared to a normal collection, a Time Series is smaller and provides more query efficiency.

What is MongoDB used for?

MongoDB, as well as relational databases, has been widely used for years for storing temperature data from sensors, stock prices, and any other kind of unchanging data over time. MongoDB version 5.0 promises that this can be done more efficiently, so let’s take a look at how it works.

What is time series in MongoDB?

The Time Series collection is an astonishing new feature available in MongoDB 5.0. Based on the first tests I have done, the Time Series support provides comparable performance to the index usage on regular collections but saves a lot of disk and memory space. Aggregation pipelines, which are common queries you can run on time series data, can get even more benefit.

What is granularity in MongoDB?

granularity: possible values are seconds, minutes, and hours. If not set, it defaults to seconds. If you specify the closest match between two consecutive values this will help MongoDB to store data more efficiently and improve the query performance.

How many documents are returned by Time Series?

Only six documents are apparently returned by the Time Series, but it’s not. If you execute the query for real you’ll get 4320 documents. The six documents mentioned by explain () refer to the documents that must be returned by the real collection below the non-materialized view.

How much larger is the regular collection than the time series?

For getting a comparable execution time, now the regular collection is five times larger than the Time Series.


1.MongoDB Time Series Data | MongoDB


13 hours ago MongoDB is a general purpose document database that has native support for time series data. MongoDB's time series collections are optimized and purpose-built for ingesting, storing, and …

2.MongoDB Time Series | MongoDB


34 hours ago  · The time series data is very similar to a stock price history. I have a collection of data from a variety of sensors taken from different machines. There are values at billion's of …

3.Videos of Is MongoDB A Time Series Database


31 hours ago  · Our conclusion is that while MongoDB’s JSON-like document store may make it a jack-of-all-trades type of database, and perhaps a master of some (e.g., web applications), …

4.MongoDB as a Time Series Database - Stack Overflow


12 hours ago One document = one time series input VS multiple time series. The answer is to store in one document multiple timeseries. Having less documents will help the performance with less …

5.MongoDB Time-Series - A NoSQL vs. SQL Database …


5 hours ago  · Time Series data in MongoDB. Posted on April 18, 2022 by Rajesh Rajagopalan. MongoDB has been the de-facto document database that has been used by many across …

6.Why time series databases matter - InfluxDB vs MongoDB


19 hours ago  · In a word, I need to transform MongoDB into a time series database. Time Series. Let’s start from the beginning. What is a time series? Citing Wikipedia: A time series is a series …

7.How should I store time series in mongodb - Database …


14 hours ago  · The New Time Series Collections in MongoDB 5.0. MongoDB, as well as relational databases, has been widely used for years for storing temperature data from sensors, stock …

8.Implementing Time Series in MongoDB - DZone Database


5 hours ago  · MongoDB offers Time series collections that efficiently store sequences of measurements over a period of time, this approach abstracts and optimize the storing pattern. …

9.MongoDB 5.0 Time Series Collections - Percona …


1 hours ago

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