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is monstera a type of philodendron

by Prof. Emmanuel Pacocha II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

But the monstera is not, technically speaking, a philodendron at all. Both the monstera and true philodendrons are part of the arum family, a much larger group of plants that also includes the ever-popular pothos, one of the world's prettiest and easiest houseplants.Apr 18, 2019

How to care for a Monstera indoor plant?

Is Monstera a type of philodendron? But the monstera is not, technically speaking, a philodendron at all. Both the monstera and true philodendrons are part of the arum family, a much larger group of plants that also includes the ever-popular pothos, one of the world's prettiest and easiest houseplants. Click to see full answer.

How often do Monstera grow new leaves?

 · As mentioned above, the monstera isn’t a philodendron but is, in fact, a Monstera deliciosa. The word Monstera is Latin and means monstrous or abnormally large. The plant gets its name due to its height, as the species can grow up to 20 feet high in its native environment.

Why is my Monstera adansonii leaves turning yellow?

 · The Monstera Philodendron is a tropical vine that is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves. The plant gets its name from the two Latin words “monstrare” and “philodendron,” which together mean “to show” and “love of trees.” The Monstera is native to the jungles of Central America, where it grows up the trunks of trees.

How to grow a huge Monstera deliciosa?

No, they are two different plants. Although they might look similar, especially when they are young, Monsteras and split-leaf Philodendrons are of a different genus and species despite being of the same scientific class, order, and family. While a lot of people use the terms interchangeably, the two plants are scientifically different.


Are Monstera and Philodendron the same?

Is a Monstera a Philodendron? No! While they're both in the same larger family, a philodendron is more closely related to the most popular houseplant in the world, the pothos. Monsteras are more closely related to the peace lily.

Is a Swiss cheese plant a Monstera or a philodendron?

Monstera deliciosa, the Swiss cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron is a species of flowering plant native to tropical forests of southern Mexico, south to Panama....Monstera deliciosaFamily:AraceaeGenus:MonsteraSpecies:M. deliciosaBinomial name11 more rows

Is Monstera Adansonii a philodendron?

Are Monstera adansonii and Philodendron the same plant? No. While some people mistakenly use these plant names interchangeably, Monstera adansonii and Philodendron are two different plants. That said, these plants do have some similar features and are related in some ways.

What makes a plant a philodendron?

A quality of philodendrons is that they do not have a single type of leaf on the same plant. Instead, they have juvenile leaves and adult leaves, which can be drastically different from one another. The leaves of seedling philodendrons are usually heart-shaped early in the life of the plant.

Are Monstera deliciosa and split-leaf philodendron the same thing?

Is a Monstera Deliciosa the same as a Split-Leaf Philodendron? No, they are two different plants. Although they might look similar, especially when they are young, Monsteras and split-leaf Philodendrons are of a different genus and species despite being of the same scientific class, order, and family.

Is pothos a philodendron?

Both pothos and philodendron belong to the Araceae family, but if you break it down further, you'll find the difference. Pothos come from the Epipremnum genus and philodendrons belong to, you guessed it, the Philodendron genus.

What kind of plant is a Monstera?

evergreen tropical vinesMonstera are species of evergreen tropical vines and shrubs that are native to Central America. They are famous for their natural leaf-holes, which has led to the rise of their nickname, Swiss Cheese Plant.

What plants are in the philodendron family?

ArumsPhilodendron / FamilyThe Araceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually accompanied by, and sometimes partially enclosed in, a spathe or leaf-like bract. Also known as the arum family, members are often colloquially known as aroids. Wikipedia

What family is Monstera in?

ArumsSwiss cheese plant / FamilyThe Araceae are a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually accompanied by, and sometimes partially enclosed in, a spathe or leaf-like bract. Also known as the arum family, members are often colloquially known as aroids. Wikipedia

What is the rarest philodendron?

Philodendron Spiritus SanctiThe rarest Philodendron in the world is our aforementioned Philodendron Spiritus Sancti. With just six known specimens in the world, it is found and highly protected only in Espirito Santo, Brazil.

How do I identify a philodendron?

The foliage of philodendrons is usually green but may be coppery, red, or purplish; parallel leaf veins are usually green or sometimes red or white. Shape, size, and texture of the leaves vary considerably, depending on species and maturity of the plant. The fruit is a white to orange berry.

Is Devil's Ivy a philodendron?

This plant grows rapidly. All philodendrons are popular because they tolerate very low light and variable temperatures. Pothos are really quite different plants. The pothos (also called Devil's Ivy) is also a tropical vine.

Is Monstera Deliciosa a Philodendron?

As mentioned above, the monstera isn’t a philodendron but is, in fact, a Monstera deliciosa. The word Monstera is Latin and means monstrous or abnormally large. The plant gets its name due to its height, as the species can grow up to 20 feet high in its native environment.

Similarities between Monsteras and philodendrons?

Both the monstera delicious and the split-leaf philodendron are hemiepiphytic, which means that they can grow from the soil or live as an air plant, attaching themselves to trees. Both species have aerial roots that attach themselves to trees and extract nutrients from the environment.


Both the Monstera Deliciosa and the split-leaf Philodendron belong to the Araceae family. They are, however, two very different species, although their leaves look similar. Many people get confused between these two plants, and in the past, it was thought that the Monstera was a philodendron.

Is a monstera the same as a philodendron?

Are Monstera and Philodendrons the same? A monstera is not the same as a split-leaf philodendron even though both plants can appear to have holes in their leaves. Both plants belong to the same family, monstera (swiss cheese) belong to a different species, genus, and classification.

How to tell if a monstera is a Philodendron?

You can quickly tell the difference between a monstera from a Philodendron by observing its leaf’s shape and size. A monstera leaf looks as if someone made finger-like cuttings on its surface, leaving only the veins intact.

What are the characteristics of a monstera?

The characteristics of a monstera include: 1 Large glossy leaves that grow from elongated petioles. These leaves also have separate lobes and fenestrations. 2 Presence of large fruits (in some species) 3 There are white and green flowers that appear from time to time.

What is the taste of a monstera?

The taste is comparable to a blend of banana and pineapples.

How big is a monstera plant?

The name “Monstero” attributes to its large leaf size. The plant can reach a height ranging up to 10 ft and a leaf size of about 1m in length and width. The fruit of a Monstero is large with a length of 10 inches.

What does a monstera leaf look like?

A monstera leaf looks as if someone made finger-like cuttings on its surface , leaving only the veins intact. Besides, mature monstera leaves have small spaces (fenestrations) that only exist within the species. Philodendrons commonly feature small heart-shaped leaves about the size of your palm.

How to tell if a plant is a monstera?

Monstera, also called split-leaf philodendron. You can identify whether a plant is a monstera by looking at its leaves. These plants have large, green glossy leaves that grow to lengths of 3ft and above. Monstera also has small holes on the leaf surface (fenestrations) that can help you set them apart from other similar plants.

Is Philodendron Monstrera a monster?

How to Care for Philodendron monstera. Also known as windowleaf, Philodendron monstrera, isn’t actually a Philodendron at all, but actually classified as Monstera deliciosa. The specific epithet Deliciosa, which means delicious, refers to the plants fruit. Monstera is indicative of the plant’s potential height, ...

How tall does a Philodendron Monstrera grow?

Monstera is indicative of the plant’s potential height, as they can grow up to 20-feet tall in the wild.

What temperature does Monstera deliciosa grow?

When grown indoors, your plant will do best when regular household temperatures remain above 68 degrees Fahrenheit and will continue to do better as temperatures climbs into the 80s.

What kind of soil do Philodendron monstera need?

The plants do best in a very rich soil mix that is very well drained. Ideally, this means a loosely combined mixture, comprised of equal parts potting soil and compost.

How much humidity does Philodendron monstera need?

Humidity Requirements. As a houseplant your Philodendron monstera will require medium to high levels of humidity. This can be accomplished by misting your plant semi-frequently, placing it in a naturally humid part of your house (such as a bathroom), or using a whole room humidifier.

What does Monstera Delicioso taste like?

The fruit of the Monstera delicioso is said to taste like a mix between a pineapple, mango and banana. Every part of the plant, besides the fruit, contains oxalic acid, which is poisonous. So, never eat anything but the plants fruit. It is also important to wait for your fruit to fully ripen, which takes about a year.

How long does it take for a monstera delicioso to ripen?

It is also important to wait for your fruit to fully ripen, which takes about a year. This is because eating a young fruit, with its covering still attached, will exposure the eater to painful throat irritation due to calcium oxalate crystals in the rind. The fruit of Monstera delicioso ripens from the bottom up.

How the Monstera got its name

The Monstera Philodendron is a tropical vine that is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves. The plant gets its name from the two Latin words “monstrare” and “philodendron,” which together mean “to show” and “love of trees.” The Monstera is native to the jungles of Central America, where it grows up the trunks of trees.

Understanding Monstera philodendron

The Monstera philodendron is a plant native to Central America. It is prized for its large, split leaves and can grow quite large if given the right conditions. Monstera philodendron care is not difficult, but it is important to understand the needs of the plant if you want it to flourish.

Using Monstera as a houseplant

Monstera is a great houseplant because it’s adaptable to a variety of light conditions and it’s very easy to care for. It’s also a good choice if you’re looking for a plant that can help improve the air quality in your home. Some people like to use Monstera as a natural way to get rid of excess humidity.

How to Care for Monstera philodendron

While it may seem like a low-maintenance plant, there are a few things you need to know in order to keep it healthy and looking its best. First, monstera likes bright, indirect light. Second, it needs high humidity. You can provide humidity for your plant by using a pebble tray or room humidifier.

How to propagate monstera philodendron

Propagating a monstera philodendron is a great way to get new plants without buying them. It is also a fun project to do with your kids. The easiest way to propagate a monstera philodendron is by rooting a stem cutting. Remove a stem from an actively growing plant and cut it into 4-6 inch lengths.

Monstera philodendron care indoors

Monstera philodendrons are one of the easiest plants to care for indoors. They thrive in bright, indirect light and like to be kept moist. Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, and be sure to pour the water directly onto the soil instead of watering from the top of the leaves.

What are the best potting soils for monstera philodendron?

Monstera philodendron is a hearty plant that can thrive in a variety of potting soils. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a soil for your philodendron. For one, you’ll want to make sure that the potting soil is well-draining.

Is a Philodendron the same as a Monstera?

While plant enthusiasts might have a lot of knowledge on actual plants, many are not up to date on plant taxonomy and often do not realize that Monstera and Philodendron, in general, are not the same plant. Split-leaf Philodendron and Monstera just happen to have a similar shape, split leaves, and are native to the same areas.

What is the difference between a split leaf philodendron and a monstera?

There are also a few physical differences between split-leaf Philodendron and Monstera. The most important one is that Monsteras are fenestrated while split-leaf Philodendrons are not. Fenestration refers to the holes in mature Monstera leaves, and while a split-leaf Philodendron has, well, split-leaves, they lack fenestrations.

Is Monstera a split leaf?

People consistently confuse Monstera with Philodendron and often use the terms interchangeably. In fact, it is not uncommon to find Monstera mislabeled as a split-leaf Philodendron at your local nursery or plant shop. Even the internet cannot seem to come to a conclusion as some plant care blogs and threads claim Monstera ...

Where can I find monstera plants?

A Monstera is a climbing plant native to Mexico, but can also be found in tropical climates like Hawaii. Monstera is also known as the “swiss cheese plant” due to the iconic holes in its heart-shaped leaves (not to be confused with the Monstera Adansonii, which is also nicknamed “swiss cheese plant”).

What is the name of the plant that grows in the Arales order?

The Monstera is also known for its delicious fruit. Scientifically, the Monstera is part of the Arales order and the Araceae family. It is related to several other common houseplants, including the peace lily.

What is the name of the plant that is related to the peace lily?

Scientifically, the Monstera is part of the Arales order and the Araceae family. It is related to several other common houseplants, including the peace lily.

What is a philodendron?

Most Philodendrons are trailing plants, similar to a pothos, and are also in the Araceae family. Supposedly, the name Philodendron actually translates into “love tree” due to their heart-shaped leaves. Philodendrons are also found in tropical climates like the Americas and Hawaii.

Is a Philodendron the same as a Monstera?

It was later found out that Monstera and Philodendron are not the same species, but the nickname stuck.

Do monsteras need more space than philodendrons?

To bring out the beautiful split-leaf pattern Monstera are known for, provide them with bright, indirect light (such as somewhere a few feet away from a window). Monstera do require more space than Philodendron, so if you have a large space that needs a plant, Monstera would be a great choice.

How big does a monstera grow?

Monstera is the Latin word for “monstrous” or “abnormal”, referring to the large leaves and size of this plant. In the wild, Monstera can grow up to 30 feet (9 m), with leaves up to 10 to 30 inches wide (25 to 75 cm).

What does a monstera plant taste like?

Monstera deliciosa (nicknamed “Swiss Cheese Plant”) is named for it’s edible fruit, which tastes like a mix of banana and pineapple. They are native to tropical regions in the Americas and enjoy warm humid conditions. Monstera deliciosa will have fenestrations in their leaves while a Philodendron will not.

Does Philodendron have fenestrations?

Philodendron Pinnatifidum – while the overall shape of the leaf is very similar to Monstera in the first picture, Phildendron do not have fenestrations. Philodendron’s name comes from Greek words “philo”, meaning love and “dendron”, meaning tree, due to the plant’s heart-shaped leaves.

Where does the name Philodendron come from?

Philodendron’s name comes from Greek words “philo”, meaning love and “dendron”, meaning tree, due to the plant’s heart-shaped leaves. Philodendron are a large genus of flowering plants, found in the tropical Americas as well as the West Indies. Like Monstera, Philodendron thrive in warm, humid environments.

What is a split leaf philodendron?

In fact, Monstera deliciosa are often labelled as “Split leaf Philodendrons” or “Swiss cheese Philodendrons” in many stores, adding to the confusion. True Split leaf Philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum and Philodendron selloum) also go by the same nickname, but are a completely different species from Monstera!

What is Philodendron?

Even non-gardeners should be familiar with the term Philodendron. Philodendrons make popular houseplants and can be found in almost all spaces indoors.

What is Monstera?

The Monstera is also a common houseplant. This plant has southern Mexican origin, and it’s popularly called the Swiss cheese plant probably because it has holey leaves that look like deli cheese.

Philodendron Vs Monstera

As mentioned, Monstera and Philodendron share striking similarities that confuse even experienced gardeners.

How Is Philodendron Different from Monstera?

As mentioned, the major differences between these two beautiful houseplants are that monstera leaves are big and have fenestrations, while Philodendron doesn’t have fenestrations on the leaf surface.

Similarities Between Philodendron and Monstera

Philodendron and Monstera share certain similarities. What do these two beautiful plants have in common? Well, let’s find out.


1.Philodendron vs Monstera: Main Differences and How To …


33 hours ago Is Monstera a type of philodendron? But the monstera is not, technically speaking, a philodendron at all. Both the monstera and true philodendrons are part of the arum family, a much larger group of plants that also includes the ever-popular pothos, one of the world's prettiest and easiest houseplants. Click to see full answer.

2.Is Monstera a type of philodendron? -


14 hours ago  · As mentioned above, the monstera isn’t a philodendron but is, in fact, a Monstera deliciosa. The word Monstera is Latin and means monstrous or abnormally large. The plant gets its name due to its height, as the species can grow up to 20 feet high in its native environment.

3.Is Monstera Really a Philodendron? (No, But They are …


3 hours ago  · The Monstera Philodendron is a tropical vine that is known for its large, heart-shaped leaves. The plant gets its name from the two Latin words “monstrare” and “philodendron,” which together mean “to show” and “love of trees.” The Monstera is native to the jungles of Central America, where it grows up the trunks of trees.

4.Monstera vs. Philodendron: Differences and Similar Plants


21 hours ago No, they are two different plants. Although they might look similar, especially when they are young, Monsteras and split-leaf Philodendrons are of a different genus and species despite being of the same scientific class, order, and family. While a lot of people use the terms interchangeably, the two plants are scientifically different.

5.Philodendron Monstera Care - A Complete Guide - Love …


2 hours ago  · While both Monstera and Philodendron belong the the Araceae family, they are two different plant species. The confusion arises because Monstera were originally considered to be Philodendron (which how they got the nickname “Split leaf Philodendron”).

6.Monstera Philodendron: How To Grow And Care


26 hours ago 1. Both Monstera and Philodendron Belong to the Araceae family. As mentioned, these two plants belong to the same family – a group commonly known under the name of ‘aroids’ or ‘arums.’ The Araceae family is a large one that contains almost 3,750 species (Philodendron and Monstera belongs in different species).

7.Monsteras vs. Philodendrons: What’s the Difference?


13 hours ago There are nearly 500 different species of Philodendron, but a Monstera isn’t one of them. While the term ‘Split Leaf Philodendron’ might incorrectly be used interchangeably with Monstera, the two are entirely different plants. Philodendrons are also in the Araceae family, but they are in a different genus and species.

8.Monstera vs Philodendron: What’s the Difference?


34 hours ago

9.Philodendron Vs Monstera (7 Differences & Similarities)


31 hours ago

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