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is monstera easy to take care of

by Dr. Corbin Hahn Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Yes! Monsteras are known as one of the easier houseplants to keep happy. Their main requirements are plenty of light and correct watering. Although they do have some other preferences, these two are the most important factors for having a healthy Monstera deliciosa.

How often to water Monstera plants?

  • Soil type – The more chunky and fast-draining your soil, the more frequently you will need to water your Monstera. ...
  • Pot type – Water plants in porous pots (like terracotta) more often than those in non-porous pots (like plastic).
  • Airflow – Increase your watering frequency for Monsteras near fans or heater vents that may dry out the soil.

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How much light does a Monstera adansonii need?

How Much Light Does a Monstera Adansonii Need? For your monstera adansonii to do well, it needs bright, indirect sunlight. You must ensure that it has at least six hours of this per day otherwise you will notice that the plant becomes leggy and looks sickly.

Why does my Monstera adansonii have yellow leaves?

Why is My Monstera Adansonii Turning Yellow?

  • Overwatering. Overwatering is the most common cause of yellowing leaves. ...
  • Underwatering. Underwatering can also cause your Monstera adansonii to turn yellow. ...
  • Over Fertilization. While less common, excessive fertilization can also cause yellowing. ...
  • Sunburn. Direct exposure to sunlight can also cause yellowing due to leaf damage and sun scorch. ...

How often do Monstera grow new leaves?

Most Monstera will grow into good-sized plants. And they are known for their large fenestrated leaves. Given proper care and ideal living conditions, a young Monstera will produce new leaves every 4 to 6 weeks. And as it gets bigger, you’ll see it produce leaves more frequently. As such, make sure to give your Monstera enough room to grow.


Is Monstera a high maintenance?

Monstera is a big houseplant, and grows fast in the right spot. While we love it because it's relatively low maintenance, monstera isn't for everyone.

Is a Monstera hard to keep alive?

As they're tropical plants, they can be tough to take care of if you live in a colder climate, but even then, you can be successful with these plants. With these tips, even beginning plant parents will be able to take care of a Monstera. They're low-maintenance plants that are great for any beginning plant owner.

Is Monstera good indoor plant?

Monstera is native to tropical rainforests from southern Mexico to Panama so it comes as no surprise that it favours a warm, humid environment, making them ideal for indoors. According to Georgina Reid, writer, founding editor of Wonderground, "Monsteras like shade, warmth and moisture.

How do you take care of a Monstera?

The plant can only tolerate direct sun in the morning; extended periods of direct light can burn the foliage. Water your Monstera Dubia when the soil is 50-75% dry. Water thoroughly until water comes out of the drainage holes, and be sure to empty the saucer of any excess water. This plant is sensitive to overwatering.

Where should I put Monstera in my house?

Place your Monstera where it can receive medium to bright indirect light. While it is tolerant of lower light conditions, you may notice leggy growth as a result, so a spot where it will receive bright indirect light a few feet removed from a southern, western, or eastern facing window is ideal.

How long will a Monstera live?

40 yearsThe Monstera plant blooms annually and is a perennial. Since they can live for more than 40 years, they are often considered heirloom plants.

How often should I water my Monstera?

every 1-2 weeksWater every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Pro tip: Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before using.

Why are Monsteras so popular?

Fast-growing and easy to care for, Monstera deliciosa is one of the world's most popular indoor plants. Its graphic, holed leaves are regularly featured on everything from posters to pillow slips, and variegated varieties can sell for hundreds of dollars.

Do Monsteras like bathrooms?

Monstera deliciosa, sometimes called the Swiss cheese plant, is an excellent choice to grow in your bathroom. Even under low-light conditions, this plant can thrive in the bathroom thanks to the added humidity.

Should I put rocks in my Monstera?

Don't put rocks in your pot. Not only does it not aid in drainage, but it can also accelerate root rot.

Should I mist my Monstera?

Monstera Deliciosa enjoys a humid environment, which is why we recommend frequent misting of its leaves. Alternatively, you can place your plant close to other plants, which increases the humidity of the air around them.

How big do Monstera get?

Given the right conditions and support, Monstera deliciosa are long-lived plants that can grow 10 to 15 feet tall indoors and stretch 8 feet wide, with leaves that measure 18 inches across or more. Variegated monstera grow much slower and rarely achieve that size indoors.

How often should I water Monstera?

every 1-2 weeksWater every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Pro tip: Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before using.

Does a Monstera need a lot of light?

Monsteras need bright light but do not tolerate direct sunlight. They can survive in low light, but their growth will be inhibited. To grow a striking Monstera plant with the lacy leaves and the coloration you adore, you need to provide it with good light.

Can I leave my Monstera outside?

Monstera isn't a cold-hardy plant, but it can be grown outdoors in areas with mild winters. In fact, you can grow the Monstera outside in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 10 and 11. For other areas, you should move the plant outdoors only during the warm summer months.

Do Monsteras need support?

Do Monsteras need a stake? If you want your Monstera plant to grow upwards it will need something for support. The most common supports are a moss-covered stake, a wooden slab or a jute-covered pole. However, Monstera plants do not strictly need to be grown upright on a pole or stake.

How much light does a Monstera need?

A Monstera loves a lot of bright indirect light, but can tolerate low-light situations. Direct light could burn the leaves and too little light cou...

When do you water a Monstera?

You should water a Monstera when the soil is dry at the top. Don't let the soil dry out too much, because this could result in brown and crispy edg...

What kind of soil do I use for a monstera?

You should use well-draining soil for your Monstera. The soil should retain a little bit of moisture, but not so much that the soil is wet.

When do you repot a Monstera?

You should repot a Monstera about every two years. This is when the roots have taken up all the space in the pot and it needs more space to keep gr...

How often should I fertilize my Monstera?

You should fertilize your Monstera once per month in the growing period (spring and summer. In its dormancy period, the fall and winter, you should...

Is the Monstera vulnerable to pests?

The Monstera is a very tough plant when it's healthy. When it's stressed or in shock it could become vulnerable to scale, mealybugs, and spider mites.

Is the Monstera toxic?

The monstera is toxic to humans and pets. When the sap is ingested it could cause indigestion and vomiting.

Why are the old leaves on my monstera dropping?

The old leaves are dropping because the plant needs to preserve nutrients to help new leaves grow big and strong. This is normal behaviour for this...

Why are tips of my Monstera turning yellow, brown, or black?

When the tips of your Monstera leaves are turning yellow, brown, or black, it's a clear sign that the plant has been overwatered. The best thing to...

What to do if monstera has reached optimal growth?

If the monstera has reached optimal growth, pruning off new growth can help to prevent further growth.

What is a monstera plant?

Most species belonging to the genus Monstera grow glossy, dark green perforated leaves that are sure to add an airy, tropical feel to your home. As a houseplant, Monsteras grow thick vines and roots, requiring additional staking for support when the plant matures and reaches larger than life sizes. And perhaps best of all, this beautiful indoor plant can tolerate a variety of conditions and will grow rapidly in ideal conditions, making it a must-have addition to any indoor plant enthusiast’s collection.

How to grow monstera delicciosa indoors?

To increase humidity indoors, use a mister with demineralized water or rainwater. A humidifier can also be a great addition to any indoor tropical plant collection.

Why are my monstera leaves turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves, black stems, wet potting mix, root rot -> It’s possible overwatering is occurring or that the soil mix is not well-draining. The Monstera should only be watered once the top few inches of soil are dry.

What is the most striking plant in Monstera?

The more rare but highly-priced Monstera Variegata is arguably the most striking of all the Monstera varieties. Picture a Deliciosa leaf with white and pale green color variations; a perfect example of the genius of horticulturists and plant geneticists. To further add to the allure of this beautiful-looking variety, with each leaf a new variation of patterning and color variation blends to produce yet another great example of why this plant is so highly regarded amongst the indoor plant community.

How to curb excessive growth?

To curb excessive growth, avoid re-potting too often and prune regularly by trimming off new growth.

Can Borsigniana be grown indoors?

As well as being grown indoors, in the warm climates where it grows naturally Borsigniana can be grown outdoors in patio planters or planted in the ground. It will grow up to 1m tall and wide with a single stem and a crown of leaves at its top. The leaves typically form two neat rows of holes/slits instead of your swiss cheese pattern that’s common in the Deliciosa species.

How to tell if a monstera is a problem?

When a Monstera has a problem, you’re most likely to see the symptoms reveal themselves in the leaves. They might look yellow or brown, or start to wilt and fall off. Since plants cannot convey their needs to us, it’s up to the owner to do a bit of detective work to figure out what the plant needs, based on they symptoms the plant displays

How much sunlight does a monstera deliciosa need?

Dappled or filtered sunlight is best. In general, you should try to provide at least six hours of sunlight per day in order to get optimal growth from your Monstera.

How to propagate Monstera deliciosa?

The most common method is to start the cutting in water, then plant it in soil once a few inches of roots have emerged .

How do you know if you need to repot a monstera?

You can tell your Monstera needs repotting when roots start to poke out of the drainage holes, or when your plant dries out way too quickly. A lot of new Monstera owners repot too soon, since this plant can get big and tall, even while it is in a relatively small pot. Sometimes it can look top-heavy, which could mislead you into repotting too soon.

How do monsteras grow?

Monsteras start out growing from the soil, and seek out trees to climb. In fact, they are attracted to shadier areas in their early stages of development, since it is likely to be darkest under a nearby tree. Then, as the Monstera grows, it starts to attach to the bark with its aerial roots and grows vertically. Aerial roots don’t just allow this plant to climb, though; they also absorb nutrients and moisture to support growth. Over time, a Monstera specimen will sometimes lose its connection to the soil altogether, becoming fully epiphytic.

When should I fertilize a Monstera plant?

I never recommend fertilizing when a plant is dormant in the late fall or winter.

Where does Monstera deliciosa grow?

Monstera deliciosa is native to Central America, though you can find it growing wild in many other locations where the conditions are right. The ideal environment for this plant to grow is in a bright but shady location (under the canopy of trees), with high humidity, and moist (but not swampy) soil.

How to make a monstera plant happy?

The sun level is ultimately key to a happy Monstera—and you'll know relatively quickly if your plant's exposure is sufficient (or not). "In dim conditions, they can get 'leggy'—spindly and floppy," says Byron Martin, owner of Logee's Plants in Danielson, Connecticut. "Aim for medium or bright indirect light.".

Where does Monstera grow?

There's a reason for this broad light range, adds Byron: "Monstera originated in tropical forests, where it grows on the forest floor. Traditionally, it's an understory plant," he says. "It will grow in the shade until it hits a tree, and then climb up the tree and into more light. So, there's really a big range of light levels that the plant can tolerate. It's a good houseplant for a beginner."

Where did Monstera originate?

There's a reason for this broad light range, adds Byron: "Monstera originated in tropical forests, where it grows on the forest floor. Traditionally, it's an understory plant," he says. "It will grow in the shade until it hits a tree, and then climb up the tree and into more light.

Is a houseplant a good houseplant for beginners?

It's a good houseplant for a beginner.". And before you ask: You'll notice that the leaves are solid green in juvenile plants, to maximize light absorption and photosynthesis. Don't worry—they'll develop their signature perforations as they mature.

What is Monstera?

Monsteras are among the group of tropical plants called aroids — plants that bear tiny flowers within a leaflike bract called a spathe. But Monstera's blooms are a bonus; it's the striking, other-worldly foliage that is the main attraction of this houseplant.

Why is Monstera deliciosa called Monstera?

The most common, Monstera deliciosa, is named so because of the edible fruit the plant produces, though they rarely flower indoors. The leaves of Monstera adansonii are somewhat smaller, and with more delicately pierced holes.

What are the pests that eat monstera plants?

Monstera plants indoors are susceptible to some of the same plant pests as many other houseplants. Mealybugs, aphids or scale insects all survive (and cause damage) by using their mouthparts to pierce the plant and feed on the plant's juices. Take action to get rid of them before they damage the plant or spread to other houseplants.

What is a monstera adanonsii?

Monstera adanonsii is a generally smaller variety, with more delicate foliage. Photo by: Gardens of Babylon/Emily Vogler. Gardens of Babylon/Emily Vogler. The common name "Swiss cheese plant" refers to the holes in the foliage. Monstera adanonsii is a generally smaller variety, with more delicate foliage.

Why are monsteras called Swiss cheese?

A common name is Swiss Cheese plant because of the holes — called fenestrations — in their broad, heart-shaped leaves. As the leaves age, the holes widen and separate, leaving the foliage deeply lobed. Monsteras are vining plants, native to tropical regions of Mexico, Central and South America, where they can grow monstrously tall, ...

How to get rid of scales on my plants?

Leaves and stems playing host to scale insects may turn yellow. Washing the plant gently with soapy water should eliminate the problem.

What happens if a dog eats Monstera?

According to the American Society For Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( ASPCA ), if a dog or cat nibbles on Monstera, it can result in intense burning and irritation of the mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

how do you care for a monstera plant?

Monstera can grow just about anywhere indoors. It can tolerate low light, grows dramatic in high light, and can even handle some direct sunlight. However, if the plant is receiving too much light, its leaves will begin to yellow. This plant is somewhat drought resistant, but prefers to be watered regularly so it doesn’t dry out.

monstera propagation

Monstera can be propagated in water via stem cuttings. Once sufficient roots have formed – approximately six to eight weeks – the plant can be moved to a soil filled container.

How to grow monstera deliciosa?

If intended as a houseplant, choose a deep pot with many drainage holes. Fill the bottom third with peaty potting soil and establish a stake gently for the stem to climb on. Set the roots into the container. Fill with soil around the roots. Firmly surround the stake with soil and use plant ties to attach the stem to the stake. Every two years or so, the Monstera deliciosa will likely outgrow its pot. Transplant into a pot a few inches wider and deeper.

What is the difference between Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii?

Monstera deliciosa's leaves are significantly larger than the petite leaves of Monstera adansonii.

Where does Monstera deliciosa grow?

Native to the rainforests of Central America, the Monstera deliciosa plant is also known as the "tropical split-leaf philodendron.". This climbing evergreen is a popular easy-to-grow houseplant and a favorite of many interior designers for both residential and commercial spaces.

What to put on a cut on a mother plant?

Don't forget to pat ground cinnamon on the wound created on the mother plant. This will stop any disease from entering the cut and help the wound heal.

Can monstera deliciosa grow in the shade?

Outdoors, the Monstera deliciosa can grow in the full shade of deep woodlands and semi- shade of light woodlands.

Is Monstera deliciosa edible?

Ripe fruits are edible but according to the North Caroline State University Extension Services, fruits may cause some people allergies. Consuming the leaves and other parts of the plant may cause severe mouth burning, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Minor skin irritation from just handling the plant, is possible, though quite rare, making the Monstera deliciosa a beloved, versatile houseplant in many parts of the world.


1.How to care for a Monstera - Plant care for Beginners


14 hours ago  · Monstera are among the easiest houseplants to care for. Their growing conditions are not overly particular, and they don’t require much aside from good soil, regular watering, sunlight, humidity, and occasional feeding.

2.Videos of Is Monstera Easy to Take Care Of


36 hours ago  · how to take care of a monstera light 🔆. Best light: bright, indirect light. The Monstera plant prefers bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight, especially in warmer months, could cause the Monstera leaf to burn. During months when the sun is weaker, placing the Monstera plant in direct sunlight can help for better coloring and leaf growth.

3.monstera plant care: how to keep them happy - The …


18 hours ago Is Monstera deliciosa easy to care for? Yes! Monsteras are known as one of the easier houseplants to keep happy. Their main requirements are plenty of light and correct watering. Although they do have some other preferences, these two are the most important factors for having a healthy Monstera deliciosa.

4.Is a Monstera Deliciosa Easy to Care For? The …


28 hours ago Just water them when their soil is dry to the touch, about once a week, and give them plenty of sunshine. The sun level is ultimately key to a happy Monstera—and you'll know relatively quickly if your plant's exposure is sufficient (or not). "In dim conditions, they can get 'leggy'—spindly and floppy," says Byron Martin, owner of Logee's ...

5.How to Care for Monstera Plants | Martha Stewart


33 hours ago  · Monstera Deliciosa is a very prolific grower. They are very easy to care for, useful for a lot of different things historically, and now they are useful as beautiful amazing house plants as well. We hope you enjoy them and this helps you take care of them while growing your plant more efficiently.

6.How to Care for Monstera, the Swiss Cheese Plant - HGTV


15 hours ago Monstera Peru is almost as easy to grow as it is to find in the wild. The main thing to keep in mind is that it likes to be in a well-lit spot, but out of direct sunlight. It also prefers to have its roots in moist, well-draining soil. ... To take care of a Monstera Peru, water it regularly, fertilize it yearly, and repot it every 2-3 years.

7.Quick and Easy Monstera Plant Care Guide - ePlanters


26 hours ago

8.How to Grow and Care for Monstera Deliciosa - The Spruce


17 hours ago

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