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is moon blindness painful

by Dr. Johnathon Bogisich Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

It causes pain and discoloration of the eye, and affected horses are very sensitive to bright sunlight. Some horse breeds seem to be more susceptible than others—appaloosas, in particular. Because this condition is progressive and can cause blindness, owners should seek veterinary help as soon as symptoms appear.May 2, 2022

What is moon blindness in horses?

Moon blindness, or iridocyclitis, is an immune-mediated eye disease which is painful to horses. It is commonly referred to as equine recurrent uveitis (ERU). This is a very common eye disease in horses and can lead to blindness. The name moon blindness refers to the fact that the disease goes through stages of waxing and waning.

What is the difference between Moon blindness and eye conditions?

Typically, eye conditions that are common in horses have the same or similar symptoms to moon blindness, with the main difference being that moon blindness comes and goes for no apparent reason other than the immune-mediated response your horse’s system is having.

What is moon blindness Eru?

The term moon blindness refers to the buffing and fading stages of the condition. Previously, episodes of the disease were related to the phases of the moon, thus the name moon blindness ERU is characterized by repeated episodes of eye inflammation interrupted by varying periods of clinical inactivity.

Is there a cure for moon blindness?

There is no cure for moon blindness, but treatment and care help to reduce uveal inflammation, preserve pupil size and motility, provide pain relief, and prevent the risk of blindness. After the initial acute episode, which may last several days, a dormant phase follows.


What is the major cause of moon blindness?

Takeaways. Equine recurrent uveitis (ERU or moon blindness) is the most common cause of vision loss in horses. ERU is likely a complex autoimmune disease that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

What does moon blindness in horses look like?

The symptoms observed by owners are often subtle and can range from very mild tearing or swelling of the eyelids, to more obvious squinting and noticeable change in appearance (cloudiness) of the eye.

Can you ride a horse with uveitis?

If your horse has been diagnosed with uveitis, limit your horse's exposure to ultraviolet light by providing cover overhead. Consider riding early or late in the day. Monitor your horse's symptoms and treat them as per your veterinarian's instructions.

Can you still ride a blind horse?

If you rode your horse before it went blind, you may well be able to keep on riding. You'll first have to assess its confidence and level of trust, and then go from there. Even if your horse came to you after it went blind, you may be able to ride it.

Can a horse recover from moon blindness?

Prognosis for Horses with Moon Blindness Unfortunately, there is no cure for moon blindness, but early treatment can help slow the progression of the disease. More than half of the horses that develop moon blindness will eventually become blind.

Can you ride a horse that is blind in one eye?

Horses do not require both eyes for judging depth of field as do humans. I personally know and have ridden a few one-eyed horses, and also have many as clients. These horses foxhunt, event (even at higher levels), trail ride, barrel race, rein and show jump.

Is uveitis in horses painful?

Uveitis is inflammation of the eye's uveal tract, a layer of tissue that lies between the eye's outer layer (including the cornea) and its inner layer (the retina) and includes the iris, the ciliary body, and the choroid. This tissue is delicate, and when it's inflamed, the effects can be painful.

How long does it take for uveitis to clear up?

You may be given drops that dilate your pupil to prevent eye spasms and other problems. Dark glasses can help with light sensitivity caused by the uveitis. With treatment, uveitis may clear up in as little as 2-5 weeks although depending on the severity, it may take several months to resolve.

What happens if you don't treat uveitis?

Untreated uveitis can lead to blindness. It's important to see your healthcare provider right away if you have eye redness, inflammation, or pain. In many instances, treatments help restore lost vision. They can also prevent more tissue damage and ease inflammation and pain.

Are blind horses happy?

A blind horse can enjoy life just like a sighted horse. However, going blind can be a frightening experience for both the horse and the owner. Your horse may be upset and scared (and who wouldn't be?) by the encroaching darkness.

Should I euthanize blind horse?

The horse with a sudden or rapid onset of blindness needs time to adapt, but too often horse owners and their veterinarians assume the frightened animal they see in front of them will always be like this, and thus conclude that the only humane thing to do is euthanize the horse.

Can horses see white?

Although horses can see blue and yellow as separate colors, when presented with blue-yellow, the image is perceived as gray or white. “When both types of cones are stimulated equally, you don't get an intermediate color, you get no color,” says Neitz, “and they don't see its complementary color.

How can you tell if a horse is going blind?

Changes in the coloration of the eyeball (white or blue haze), hair loss and/or redness around the eye, and mild squinting are also indicative that something is wrong. It is common for horses to rub their eyes when there's mild discomfort, and this conduct may exacerbate the initial problem.

What causes night blindness in horses?

In affected horses, the rods do not properly transmit their signal to the ON bipolar cell, resulting in blindness at night. A genetic mutation has been identified that causes this condition in the Appaloosa and related breeds.

What does it mean when a horse has a cloudy eye?

The center of the horse's eye is normally pitch-black and clear. A milky appearance can indicate that a cataract is forming as a result of on-going inflammation. A cloudy look to the entire globe. Fungal infections and inflammatory disease can cause a horse's eye to take on a hazy, bluish appearance.

What is the usual cause of night blindness?

Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most common causes of night blindness. An insufficient amount of vitamin A in the body affects the production of rhodopsin, the necessary pigment for night vision. Night blindness is usually one of the first signs of a vitamin A deficiency.

Why is moon blindness recurrent?

Moon blindness is regarded as recurrent because it appears to clear up and then spontaneously reoccurs. For some horses the recurrence may occur over a period of years or flare-ups may occur far more frequently, episodes happening within weeks or even days.

What is the name of the disease that causes moon blindness?

Other names for Mood Blindness are Equine Recurrent Uveitis, periodic ophthalmia, ERU, periodic ophthalmia or chronic intraocular inflammation.

How to tell if a horse is blind to the moon?

Symptoms of Moon Blindness. Symptoms of moon blindness include inflammation and redness of the eye area, murkiness or white discoloration of the eye, tearing, squinting, and profuse but clear tearing. The horse will be reluctant to be in bright sunlight. Although it may not be evident, the horse will be feeling pain from the symptoms.

How to treat moon blindness in horses?

Treatment will likely include steroids, and drugs that will help the horse's pupil dilate. You will want to protect your horse ...

Why is it called moon blindness?

Moon blindness, a painful condition of the eye, was so named because it appeared to occur with the phases of the moon. We now know that moon blindness can occur over a period of days, weeks, months or years and has nothing to do with the moon.

Is moon blindness painful?

A diagnosis of moon blindness is painful to both the horse and owner as sometimes it's necessary to make difficult decisions to avoid prolonging the horse's continual pain. Some breeds seem to be more susceptible than others. Appaloosas, in particular, seem to develop moon blindness more commonly than other breeds.

Can ERU affect both eyes?

Although it may not be evident, the horse will be feeling pain from the symptoms. ERU may affect one or both eyes. Your veterinarian will examine your horse's eyes to determine which structures within are affected, to distinguish it from a 'simple' eye infection .

Why are horses moon blind?

These factors pointed toward bacteria, yet the most popular theory a few decades ago was that moon blindness was due to lack of riboflavin (a B vitamin) in the horse’s diet.

Why was the moon blind named?

It was so named during the 1600s because people thought recurring attacks were related to phases of the moon. This eye disease might be one o. “Moon blindness” is a chronic, painful eye disease, and it’s the most common cause of blindness in horses. It was so named during the 1600s because people thought recurring attacks were related to phases ...

Why was the eye disease named after the moon?

It was so named during the 1600s because people thought recurring attacks were related to phases of the moon. This eye disease might be one of the first veterinary diseases ever documented. In the pyramids at Giza (Egypt), there are depictions of ocular problems in cavalry horses of that time, 4,500 years ago, showing uveitis or a disease very ...

What is Moon Blindness?

The name implies the repetitious nature of the condition that is a deep inflammation inside a horse’s eye. This inflammation is associated with pain and can lead to glaucoma, cataracts, and other forms of eye damage.

What is the best supplement for moon blindness?

Nonetheless, minerals such as calcium, sulfur, and magnesium are always in trace amounts and may need supplementation. Vets agree that the MSM organic sulfur supplement is an excellent ally in the prevention and management of moon blindness.

How old is a horse when it gets moon blind?

The first episode of moon blindness may occur in young horses between four and eight years old. However, not every horse develops a recurrent case of the condition. Vets typically confirm that it’s ERU after two or three episodes of the disease.

Why do horses go blind?

One of the major suggested causes of equine moon blindness is the inflammatory processes of the structures that make up the uveal tract (iris, choroidal, and ciliary body). Being an immune-mediated disease implies that the horse’s immune system attacks its eye tissues after mistaking them for the disease-causing organisms.#N#The resultant inflammation and pain may fade away for a few weeks or months, leaving the horse with no apparent symptoms. However, the horse’s cells may continue fighting and attacking the tissue of the eye between episodes of inflammation. That may result in tearing, squinting, and other painful symptoms.

Is moon blindness permanent?

Even more saddening is when an owner fails to notice the symptoms of the disease. What follows next is often a quick deterioration of the animal’s eye health, immense pain, and loss of vision. Worst of all , at an advanced stage, moon blindness can no longer be reversed. The damage is permanent.

Can you treat moon blindness in horses?

Your veterinarian may recommend surgical treatment alternatives for your horse’s moon blindness condition. There is inconclusive research on surgical therapies for ERU. Procedures can only be done by experienced ophthalmologists with immense knowledge of the disease and equipped with the latest high-tech tools.

What is it?

Equine Recurrent Uveitis or better known as Moon Blindness is a chronic, painful eye disease, and it’s the most common cause of blindness in horses with an estimated prevalence of 2-25% in the United States. Equine recurrent uveitis is characterized by inflammation occurring inside the eye, first impacting the uveal tract (termed uveitis).

signs & symptons

Sensitivity to light, horses will squint or hold eyelid only half open.

traditional medicinal treatment

Majority of t reatments consists of topical and systemic (oral) anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) medications such as Prednisone which is the most commonly used prescription drug. If there is a suspicion of bacterial infection, some veterinarians will additionally prescribe an antibiotic.

how serraquin es15 can help?

Serraquin ES15 is an a one-of-a-kind alternative therapy to fighting inflammation, of which is a major contributing factor in dealing with Moon Blindness. Composed of a very unique blend of systemic enzymes Serraquin ES15 plays a fundamental role in balancing the immune system.

How to tell if a horse is moon blind?

Symptoms of moon blindness include inflammation and redness of the eye area, murkiness or white discoloration of the eye, tearing, squinting, and profuse but clear tearing. The horse will be reluctant to be in bright sunlight. Although it may not be evident, the horse will be feeling pain from the symptoms. ERU may affect one or both eyes. Your veterinarian will examine your horse's eyes to determine which structures within are affected, to distinguish it from a 'simple' eye infection.#N#+

How to treat moon blindness in horses?

Because your horse will be experiencing discomfort the symptoms of moon blindness, you'll need to call your vet who will confirm a diagnosis and suggest a course of treatment. Treatment will likely include steroids, and drugs that will help the horse's pupil dilate. You will want to protect your horse from bright light with either a mask or by keeping it indoors. Each time the condition reoccurs, you will need to resume treatment. Unfortunately, if the condition returns too frequently, many horse owners may resort to humane euthanasia rather than let their horses continually go through the pain of the flare-ups. If only one eye is involved the eye can be removed. Surgery to implant a drug-laden disc in the eyes seems to hold some promise, but it is not yet common.#N#+

Can a horse go blind?

Besides the obvious symptoms evident in the eye and area, total blindness may follow if the horse is not properly and promptly treated. Most certainly, subsequent flare-ups will cause pain and unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to prevent further episodes when symptoms are not present. Cataracts may develop, causing blindness. Internally, the structures of the eye may become damaged.#N#+

How long does it take for moon blindness to return?

Symptoms due specifically to moon blindness often repeat over weeks and months. Recurrent symptoms should indicate whether or not you should suspect this condition. There may be sudden flares of inflammation followed by relatively clear and normal periods. Keep in mind that the inflammation may return.

How to tell if a horse is moon blind?

You will see most symptoms of moon blindness in your horse's eyes. Look for inflammation around your horse’s eye, excessive blinking, and/ or rubbing your horse rubbing their eyes against other surfaces. If you see these, check for additional symptoms including: Redness in the eye. Cloudiness in the eye.

How to treat moon blindness in horses?

After examining the horse, your vet will probably prescribe a topical corticosteroid ointment, and they may recommend other medications. If the condition is serious, your vet may suggest surgical treatment . For tips on recognizing the symptoms of moon blindness, read on!

What is the condition called when a horse is blind?

Moon blindness, clinically known as Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU) is a serious condition and the leading cause of blindness in horses. There is no single cure for moon blindness, but with careful monitoring and vet treatment, it can be managed. Caring for a horse with moon blindness involves working carefully with your vet ...

Why do horses get moon blind?

These include being exposed to Leptospira bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, or experiencing a traumatic accident, especially one to the head. Recognize signs of moon blindness.

Can moon blindness be treated?

Seek vet treatment regardless of whether you believe the problem is moon blindness or another irritation. Non-chronic infections and other irritations still need medical treatment.

Can moon blindness cause cataracts?

Moon blindness can cause some horses to develop cataracts in addition to other symptoms. Cataracts could increase the rate of vision loss and potentially create other complications. Let your vet know if you see any signs of cataracts in your horse. Cataracts will cause the eye to become cloudy and progressively more opaque.



  • The inflammation tends to occur within the eye and negatively affects the uveal tract. This thin layer of tissue is between the cornea and the retina of the eye. The iris is considered to be the front part of the uveal tract, or the anterior part. The posterior portion, or back part, is comprised …
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  • If your horse has developed moon blindness, he will exhibit symptoms characteristic of the disease. Symptoms may go away for a while and then come back. Symptoms include:
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  • Types Your veterinarian will begin by doing a complete physical examination on your horse. This will include blood work, a biochemistry profile, a complete eye exam, and any other tests that he feels are necessary to get a preliminary diagnosis. Your veterinarian may choose to test your horse for an infectious condition known as Leptospirosis. There are a few differential diagnoses …
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  • Moon blindness is still being researched as to the specific cause of the disorder. It is known that this disease is not contagious and cannot be passed from horse to horse. Causes of moon blindness may be:
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  • Horses that have moon blindness will have several bouts of active inflammation in the eye. If your horse is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, even if the symptoms come and go, make an appointment with your veterinarian. If your horse has been diagnosed with recurrent uveitis or moon blindness, the treatment will focus on decreasing or minimizing the eyes inflammation an…
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  • This condition is progressive, as is the eye damage. The veterinarian will need to take action and do the best he can with aggressive methods of treatment. Recovery depends on your horse and the severity of his moon blindness. The scarring in the eye can lead to glaucoma, cataracts, and other conditions, including blindness. Your veterinarian will communicate with you the prognosi…
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1.Moon Blindness in Horses - Symptoms, Causes, …


19 hours ago Web · Moon blindness (ERU) is a group of immune-mediated diseases that cause repeated bouts of inflammation within the inner portion of the eye. This inflammation leads to extensive pain and often blindness. While there are many processes that cause one bout of uveitis, or inflammation within the eye, two or more bouts lead to a diagnosis of …

2.Moon Blindness in Horses


33 hours ago Web · Moon Blindness “Moon blindness” is a chronic, painful eye disease, and it’s the most common cause of blindness in horses. It was so named during the 1600s because people thought recurring ...

3.Moon Blindness – The Horse


23 hours ago Web · Moon Blindness, technically known as Equine Recurrent Uveitis or ERU, is one of the most common eye diseases of horses and the leading cause of equine blindness. ... While there is a surgical procedure to save severely affected eyes, an eye that is blind and painful should probably be removed (enucleated). By: Dr. Lydia Gray. Share …

4.Moon Blindness - SmartPak Equine


4 hours ago WebEquine Recurrent Uveitis or ‘Moon Blindness’ in Horses. Horses seem to be prone to eye problems, from injury and trauma to diseases and conditions. When certain internal structures of the eye known as the uvea become inflamed, the condition is called “uveitis.”. Like most medical problems, uveitis can be described as acute (a single ...

5.Moon Blindness In Horses - What You Need To Know


33 hours ago WebWe now know that moon blindness can occur over a period of days, weeks, months or years and has nothing to do with the moon. A diagnosis of moon blindness is painful to both the horse and owner as sometimes it's necessary to make difficult decisions to avoid prolonging the horse's continual pain. Some breeds seem to be more susceptible than …

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