Knowledge Builders

is riding a bike to work good

by Maximillian Schuppe PhD Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Compared with driving or taking public transit, bicycling to work is associated with a substantially lower risk of heart disease and cancer — and even premature death from all causes. The health benefits of cycling are even more powerful than walking, according to the study.Sep 9, 2017

Is it good to ride a bike every day?

On an individual level, riding your bike every day can make you happier, increase your confidence, keep you in better shape, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. And when it comes to the impact biking has on the environment as a whole, the benefits only become more convincing.

Is biking to work good for You?

Biking to work is good for you. While the exact calories burned on a ride varies between each person, their speed, and the topography, cycling on average burns as many calories as jogging, with considerably fewer negative impacts on the joints.

Is riding a bike or walking better for cardio exercise?

It's generally agreed among fitness experts that bike riding on rugged terrain is better cardiovascular exercise than a brisk walk on flat terrain. If your exercise program is designed to both burn calories and increase cardiovascular fitness, you might want to incorporate both kinds of exercise.

Why do people ride bikes instead of cars?

And this is not simply because there are fewer cars. Driver behavior actually changes to include safer driving practices when the number of cyclists and pedestrians increases. Because the perception of the relative safety of cycling improves with a decrease in collisions, more people then begin riding bikes.


Is it worth riding a bike to work?

Cycling improves cardio-vascular and aerobic fitness, lowers blood pressure, boosts energy, builds muscle, and improves coordination. Sneaking the health benefits of biking into your daily commute is so easy it almost feels like cheating! Biking to work makes you happier.

How far is too far to bike to work?

So, to answer the question “how far is too far to bike to work?” I'd have to say that it's largely up to you, but 10 to 20 miles seems to be a reasonable distance – any more than that and it starts to be too much. But there are always exceptions to the rule, and being prepared can help.

Is biking to work bad?

The results of their study were published on Wednesday in the BMJ medical journal. They found that commuting by bike was associated with a 45% higher risk of admission to a hospital for an injury compared with other methods of commuting, and longer cycling distances were linked to a higher risk of injury.

Is biking an hour to work good?

Up to 10 miles each way is a reasonable bike commuting distance for a person of average fitness level. Riding 10 miles at a moderate pace in normal traffic conditions takes about 1 hour. For a person with exceptional fitness level 15 miles each way commute is still doable.

What happens when you cycle everyday?

Regular cycling stimulates and improves your heart, lungs and circulation, reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Cycling strengthens your heart muscles, lowers resting pulse and reduces blood fat levels.

How long should you cycle to work?

But if your drive to work takes 10 minutes on open roads, then your cycle commute will take around five or six times longer....What is a Good Distance to Cycle Daily?DistanceDifficulty6 – 10 milesManageable11 – 15 milesDifficult16 – 20 milesVery difficult21 – 25 milesBordering on insane2 more rows•Feb 28, 2022

What is the disadvantage of biking?

Unexpected Expenses. To be a cyclist, all you really need is a bike. But to ride safely, you also need a bicycle helmet, lights, high-visibility clothing, a bell or horn, and a lock to deter thieves. You may also find that if you use your bike regularly, maintenance costs can add up.

How long should a bike commute be?

In the US, the average bike commute is roughly 3-4 miles. But they do report an average bike commuting time of 21.2 minutes, which suggests around 2.8 miles (at 8 mph), or 4.2 miles at 12 mph. So, assuming most bike commuters fall in the middle of that range, then 3-4 miles is a reasonable estimate of average distance.

Is bike commuting enough exercise?

Yes – though formally a type of aerobic exercise, cycling is one of the best and most highly-recommend cardio workouts. The 'aerobic' aspect to cycling strengthens your heart, helping it pump more oxygen to the rest of your body, while the 'cardio' side of it means your heart will pump more efficiently.

Should I walk or bike to work?

Cycling can be better for burning more calories, and it helps increase your lower-body strength. On the other hand, walking may help with bone density and tends to cost less than cycling.

Do cyclists live longer?

Longer life One analysis compared 834 cyclists who rode the Tour de France from the 1930s-1960s and found that they lived, on average, eight years longer than the general population. Another study examined all 786 French competitors in the Tour from 1947-2012 and found they lived on average six years longer.

Is biking better than driving?

Air Pollution & Emissions If everyone in the world who works less than 5 miles from home cycled instead of driving to work one day a week, it would reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 5 million tons a year. That's the equivalent of 1 million people getting rid of their cars.

How far is too far commute?

But how far is too far to drive to work? You live too far from work if your daily commute severely interferes with your normal life. If your drive to work and back home exceeds 2 hours, then it is definitely too far. This means that your daily commute takes at least 8.3% of your day.

How far is a good distance to cycle?

The ideal length for a bike ride is 20 miles. At this point, you're no doubt indignant and demanding I show my math. No problem! First, let's look at the length of an entire day, which is 24 hours.

What is a reasonable commute to work?

Technically, a reasonable commuting distance is one that is less than 50 straight-line miles from the employee's residence. If it does not increase their commute by more than five straight-line miles, that would be considered a reasonable distance as well. Driving for near about 30 minutes is also a short distance.

What is a good distance to cycle daily?

For beginners, 10 miles per day is OK. Forty-five miles is a reasonable limit if you're an experienced cyclist who can bike 25-30 miles per day.

Why is biking to work good?

3. Happiness. Biking to work makes you happier. While most people would not identify sitting in traffic, navigating a congested city, or riding crowded public transit as activities that calm them down or make them happy, cycling to work can actually transform your daily commute into a moderate form of therapy.

How to bike to work?

Biking to work allows you integrate that simple feeling of exhilaration into your daily grind. Observe your surroundings, listen to the birds and wave at passing cyclists as you ride. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself wishing your commute were longer. 2. Fitness.

Why does driver behavior change?

Driver behavior actually changes to include safer driving practices when the number of cyclists and pedestrians increases. Because the perception of the relative safety of cycling improves with a decrease in collisions, more people then begin riding bikes. Virtuous cycle! 10. Freedom.

How much healthier are cyclists than other commuters?

A Study Finds Cyclists to Be Six Times Healthier than Other Commuters. Read here.

Is biking good for you?

Biking to work is good for you. While the exact calories burned on a ride varies between each person, their speed, and the topography, cycling on average burns as many calories as jogging, with considerably fewer negative impacts on the joints. Cycling improves cardio-vascular and aerobic fitness, lowers blood pressure, boosts energy, ...

Is biking to work fun?

Biking to work allows you integrat e that simple feeling of exhilaration into your daily grind .

Do North Americans bike to work?

Despite vast improvements in cycling infrastructure in many cities across the continent, the majority of North Americans still don’t bike to work. While the benefits of cycling to work are nearly innumerable, we managed to round them down to just ten so we wouldn’t run out of space on the Internet. From the Momentum Mag staff, here are our top 10 reasons to bike to work:

1. Cycling To Work Saves You Money

Once you’ve paid for the upfront cost of a bike and the appropriate clothing and accessories (helmet and lights etc), cycling is very cheap and you’ll save a lot of money over the long term.

3. Bike Riding Is Good For Weight Management

I’m sure you know this, but bike commuting can be an excellent way to keep your weight under control. You burn more calories when bike riding than most other forms of transport.

4. Bike Riding Improves Your Mental Health

Improve your mental health by bike riding to work. Study after study has shown that bike riding is a great way to improve your mental state.

6. A Better Outlook On Life

There is a reason bike commuters always seem so happy. It’s not just the bike – although riding to work does undoubtedly lift your spirits (those endorphins again!) – Bike commuting can be extremely rewarding in many ways.

7. Strengthen Your Muscles And Tone Your Body

Commuting by bike is great for toning your abdomen, pecs, and legs. And the more you bike from home to work and back again, the stronger and fitter you will become.

9. Bike Commuting Might Get You To Work Faster Than Driving Or Taking Public Transport

Depending on where you live relative to work, bike commuting might get you to work faster than driving or taking public transport.

10. Bike Riding Improves Air Quality

More of us riding bikes means less congestion on roads and less pollution from cars.

Colorado Bike to Work Day

In Colorado, June is Bike Month, and June 23, 2021, is Bike to Work Day.

For safety, bicyclists should

Use designated bike lanes, but when bike lanes are not available, or safe road conditions do not allow, take over the traffic lane and, use visible and audible directional signals.

No excuses

There are many options in bikes — from a road or mountain bike to the cruisers that New Belgium’s Fat Tire made so popular.

Before hopping on the bike, a bicyclist should do the ABC Quick Check

Air: Are the tires properly inflated? Is there a portable bike pump and/or patch kit on board?

Why is biking good for work?

Another benefit from biking to work is that you’re reducing the number of vehicles on the road. It may seem like a drop in the bucket, but by taking a car off the road you are helping to reduce car congestion. The less car traffic on the road means that there will be less vehicles sitting in traffic producing gasses.

How can biking help the planet?

Bike Riding can Help Save the Planet. Climate change is a scary thing that is having negative repercussions on our world now and will continue in the future unless we do something about it. Sometimes when a problem is as expansive as global warming it can be intimidating and overwhelming.

How does Bike Commuting help the Environment?

Fortunately, riding your bike to work can help fight against climate change. Here are a few examples of how bike commuting can help the environment.

How does bicycle commuting help?

Bike commuting is one small step towards helping reduce your personal carbon footprint and push back against global warming. In conclusion, by riding your bicycle you are reducing the amount of fuel and pollutants being released into the atmosphere.

Why is building a vehicle important?

Building a vehicle requires a lot energy and resources. The manufacture of vehicles generates tons of waste and air pollution. Bicycles are much simpler in design and smaller in size. They require less energy and resources to manufacture compared to a motorized vehicle. If you choose to ride a used bicycle rather than a new bike than your carbon footprint is reduced even more.

Is riding a bicycle a pollution free activity?

In addition, riding a bicycle is a pollution free activity that requires no fuel. Vehicles require fuel, put out nasty fumes, and require more resources to manufacture.

Is a hybrid better than a bike?

While a hybrid or electric vehicle is better for the environment than a gas or diesel engine it isn’t better for the planet compared to a bike.

How does riding a bike help you?

12) Riding Your Bike Helps Build Muscles – Riding your bike isn’t just good for your brain, heart, lungs, attitude, outlook, immune system, earning power and mother earth, it also helps you lose weight and replace fat with muscle. That’s because cycling is not just a great cardio workout it’s also first-class resistance training. You’ll develop better tone in all your muscles but particularly in the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. You can also help your muscle-bulding abilities by wearing some decent compression socks, which’ll help with blood flow while you’re in full flow. Sure you’re not going to magically transform into FloJo simply by riding your bike a few times a week but you will notice a definite change in muscle shape and tone particularly in muscles from the waist down, which leads us to our next point…

Why is bike riding good for resistance?

One of the reasons for this increased resistance is that exercise such as bike riding has the ability to increase the production of important proteins while also increasing the number and effectiveness of white blood cells ; the body’s first responders.

How does riding a bike save money?

If you put your car on the street and overstay at the meter you’re in for a hefty fine (typically about $25) and if someone sideswipes you in a fit of road rage brought on by the endless gridlock you’ll be shelling big bucks because the deductible won’t cover it ($$$). Driving it to work is even more expensive. Taking your bicycle however won’t cost you a thing. No tank to fill, no parking to pay for, no meter maids to deal with and no duals to the death with other drivers whose nerves have been frayed to the breaking point. You’ll just need a solid lock for security and a helmet for safety, along with a pair of lights.

Why is cycling important?

You’ll just need a solid lock for security and a helmet for safety, along with a pair of lights. 11) Cycling Helps You Make More Money – It’s a fact that workers who are more mentally aware, more physically fit, who take fewer sick days and who have a more positive outlook are more productive.

Why do people ride bikes?

1) Cycling Helps You Get in Shape – Perhaps the most compelling reason to ride a bicycle from a personal perspective is the fact that doing so can help you lose excess weight and improve your cardiovascular health. The bicycle wasn’t invented as a physical fitness tool but it has turned out to be one of the greatest, most efficient and most cost effective ways known to man to get in shape and stay that way. When it comes to weight loss cycling can burn from 400 to 1000 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of your effort as well as your weight and certain environmental conditions like temperature. If you eat well and make cycling a regular part of your life there is little doubt you will see a measurable difference in the way you look and feel.

Why do we need to stay active?

We need to stay active and breathe deeply from time to time to keep our lungs clear and improve lung capacity. Healthy lungs help prevent a panoply of respiratory conditions including asthma and allergies and make for a more effective transfer of oxygen to both the muscles and the brain.

What happens if you don't exercise your heart?

Think of it this way: your heart is a muscle and, like any muscle, if you don’t exercise it it becomes weak and prone to failure. It’s also a pump and if you don’t perform regular maintenance on it the associated plumbing (i.e. the arteries and veins) will become clogged and breakdown.

Why is biking to work better than sitting in traffic?

This means that more and more people are realizing that biking to and from work isn’t just more fun than sitting in traffic — it also minimizes their personal environmental impact and gives them an easy way to fight climate change little by little every day. And as an added benefit, cities around the US have begun promoting bike-share programs and providing public bikes for people to use, making biking even more accessible.

Why is riding a bike good for the environment?

On an individual level, riding your bike every day can make you happier, increase your confidence, keep you in better shape, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. And when it comes to the impact biking has on the environment as a whole, the benefits only become more convincing.

Why do people bike instead of driving?

And by biking around town instead of driving, you help reduce air pollution as well as sound pollution from revving car motors. But we’re not saying you have to ditch your car altogether. By simply changing up your routine a bit and biking to work instead of driving, you could prevent the equivalent of 1,000 pounds of coal from being burned into the Earth’s atmosphere. And that’s a big deal.

What is the best way to make the greatest impact for the least amount of effort?

When it comes to making the greatest amount of impact for the least amount of effort, using clean energy is the obvious choice. Learn more about signing up for clean energy with Inspire and how other green behaviors compare to using clean energy on our green behaviors blog.

Is biking a trend?

And, thankfully, this biking trend doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. Cities are continuing to invest in safer bike paths and more convenient bike-sharing programs while private businesses offering electric and manual transportation options to consumers are cropping up all across the US.

Is biking to work realistic?

When biking to work isn’t realistic, clean energy can help . One of the biggest obstacles that people come up against when choosing between jumping in the car and hopping on their bike is distance.

Why is cycling good for you?

Cycling habitually, especially at a high intensity, helps lower body fat levels , which promotes healthy weight management . Plus, you’ll increase your metabolism and build muscle, which allows you to burn more calories, even while at rest.

Why is cycling good for mental health?

Boosts mental health. Cycling can ease feelings of stress, depression, or anxiety. Focusing on the road while you’re cycling helps develop concentration and awareness of the present moment. This may help take your focus away from the mental chatter of your day.

How does cycling help your body?

Cycling also works your core muscles, including your back and abdominals. Maintaining your body upright and keeping the bike in position requires a certain amount of core strength. Strong abdominals and back muscles support your spine, increase stability, and improve comfort while cycling. 5. Boosts mental health.

What muscles do you use to cycle?

It targets your quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

Why is cycling important?

It can help prevent cardiac issues such as stroke, heart attack, and high blood pressure.

How to avoid getting caught in a bike chain?

Use caution while going through intersections and busy areas, even if you have the right of way. Invest in a quality helmet and any other protective gear you may require. Avoid any loose clothing that could get caught in your bike chains. Have bike lights as well as reflective gear for nighttime cycling.

What to do if you don't want to cycle?

If you don’t want to cycle but want to give your body a similar workout, opt for a rowing, stair climber, or elliptical machine.

What type of bike is best for spinal stenosis?

Other bike types include tricycles, which are helpful if you are less stable on your feet, and recumbent bikes that allow you to lean back and ride. "If you have spinal stenosis, a recumbent bike puts your spine in a flexed position and gives you pain relief.

Is a helmet necessary for cycling?

You probably know that a helmet is a must for safety. The right type of clothes and bike will also make cycling safer and more comfortable.

Can a bike make a herniated disk bulge?

But if you have a herniated disk, the bike can make the disk bulge more, " says Dr. Clare Safran-Norton, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. Saddle. Get one with extra padding that's wide enough to support the pair of bones you sit on.

Do bike handlebars have to be high?

They have high- rise handlebars that enable you to sit upright, wide tires for a smooth ride, shock-absorbing seat posts, and low top tubes so you don't have to swing your leg too high to mount the bike (allow at least an inch or two of clearance between you and the tube).

Can a recumbent bike help with herniated disk?

But if you have a herniated disk, the bike can make the disk bulge more," says Dr. Clare Safran-Norton, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital.

When Distance Is the Same, Is Riding a Bike Equal to Walking for Exercise?

In fact, you often hear people asking how many miles on a bike is equal to one mile of walking.

How many calories does a bike burn?

The same 155-pound man engaging in 30 minutes of bike riding burns about 290 calories. Right off the bat, in controlled conditions, it would seem that riding a bike is equal to walking for exercise, if not better.

How to burn calories and increase cardiovascular fitness?

If your exercise program is designed to both burn calories and increase cardiovascular fitness, you might want to incorporate both kinds of exercise. Take a brisk walk on flat terrain on one day, ride your bike for the same amount of time on the next day, and so on. You get the benefits of both while at the same time exercising different muscle ...

What are some low impact exercises to lose weight?

Fitness experts agree that walking and riding a bicycle are two of the best low-impact exercises you can utilize to lose weight and stay in shape.

What is the editorial team at

Editorial Guidelines: The Editorial Team at is dedicated to providing fair, unbiased information about the fitness industry. We update our site regularly and all content is reviewed by credentialed fitness experts.

Is biking better for cardiovascular health?

In such a case, it’s far easier to measure cardiovascular stress, which might be a better purpose for bike riding anyway. It’s generally agreed among fitness experts that bike riding on rugged terrain is better cardiovascular exercise than a brisk walk on flat terrain. If your exercise program is designed to both burn calories ...

Is distance better on a bike or a walk?

The fact is, distance can be deceiving in this equation because you achieve greater distance on a bike, with less effort, than you do with a brisk walk. Most fitness experts who have calculated calorie burn for both exercises base their numbers on time spent rather than distance traveled.


The Negatives of Climate Change

How Does Bike Commuting Help The Environment?

  • As the planet undergoes climate change you may be wondering how you can combat against it. Fortunately, riding your bike to workcan help fight against climate change. Here are a few examples of how bike commuting can help the environment.
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What About A Hybrid Or Electric Car Compared to A Bicycle?

  • Much of what we’ve said already still stands. Hybrids utilize some gas to run, but bicycles require no fuel. Hybrid and electric cars require massive nickel batteries. Mining the nickel required for these batteries requires huge open mines that during the excavation release a lot of pollution. Lastly, a vehicle whether it is a hybrid or electric is much larger than a bicycle. The resources an…
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Bike Riding Can Help Save The Planet

  • Climate change is a scary thing that is having negative repercussions on our world now and will continue in the future unless we do something about it. Sometimes when a problem is as expansive as global warming it can be intimidating and overwhelming. An individual can feel like they have no control and are unable to help solve the problem. Bike co...
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1.The Health Benefits of Biking to Work - Consumer Reports


7 hours ago  · Biking to work can save you money, improve your health and mood, and extend your life. Consumer Reports explains the health benefits of cycling. Consumer Reports

2.21 Bike to Work Benefits - Bike Commuting to Work …


18 hours ago  · There are many benefits to riding your bike to work, from keeping your body and your pocketbook healthy to saving the environment and promoting safe-cycling community infrastructure. It also can be fun, simplify life and provide a sense of freedom. The average bike commuter loses 13 pounds their first year, according to the League of American ...

3.Riding your bike to work has many benefits - UCHealth …


25 hours ago  · Why is riding a bike good for the environment? Biking isn’t just good for your mental and physical health, it’s good for the health of your community and the planet as a whole. On an individual level, riding your bike every day can make you happier, increase your confidence, keep you in better shape, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. And when it comes to …

4.The Environmental Benefits of Riding a Bike to Work


25 hours ago  · It’s generally agreed among fitness experts that bike riding on rugged terrain is better cardiovascular exercise than a brisk walk on flat terrain. If your exercise program is designed to both burn calories and increase cardiovascular fitness , you might want to incorporate both kinds of exercise.

5.23 Benefits Of Riding A Bike - GearHungry


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7.Cycling Benefits: 12 Reasons Cycling Is Good for You


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8.The top 5 benefits of cycling - Harvard Health


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9.Is Riding a Bike Equal to Walking for Exercise?


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10.Videos of Is Riding A Bike To Work Good


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