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is the casper test proctored

by Christy Cassin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The CASPER site offers many free resources to prepare for the exam. It is recommended that you prepare for the exam and take advantage of the free resources and advice listed on the site. This exam is conducted on a computer and is proctored.

What is the CASPer test?

The CASPer is not a pass or fail test—it assesses your personal skills against the entire pool of candidates. The many steps and pieces required to apply to medical school make the admissions process confusing, tedious, and time-consuming.

Can you take the Casper exam anywhere?

Since there are no “right” or “wrong” answers for the CASPer, it’s administered on a computer, and you can take the exam anywhere. However, there are strict rules regulating the exam.

Do I need to retake the CASPer test?

You will need to retake the CASPer test if applying for future admissions cycles, as the exam changes each year, and answers will need to be compared to a new group of applicants. You will also need to take an additional CASPer test if you are applying for programs in different countries or in different languages.

How can I prepare for the CASPer test?

There’s not much you can do to prepare for the CASPer test in terms of performance. This is a behavioral exam with no right or wrong answers! Graders are looking at how you respond and your reasoning behind your answers rather than whether or not it’s the right choice.


Is CASPer test monitored?

CASPer candidates are continually monitored throughout the test-taking period via webcam. The purpose of this is to ensure that the individual who has registered for the test, is the same individual who is actually taking it. This protocol has been put in place to avoid test cheating.

Are you being recorded during CASPer test?

You will be recorded throughout the entire test, which is why a working webcam is required. This is to ensure you are taking the exam according to the regulations provided and not cheating in any way. You can take the CASPer exam once per admissions cycle.

Does CASPer test require camera?

Access to your webcam and microphone during your Casper test is mandatory for identity assertion and proctoring purposes. It is also required when completing Snapshot. If prompted with a pop-up in your chosen browser, always “allow” for both the microphone and webcam to be accessed while completing Casper and Snapshot.

How is the CASPer test administered?

Because CASPer is administered online, you can take it on your own computer at home. There are specific dates and times the CASPer is offered, and available dates will be offered to you based on the schools you select to send your scores to.

Should I dress nice for the CASPer test?

You don't need to dress up for your Casper test like you do for your medical school interviews or your Snapshot interview. That said, you do need to put a little bit of effort and consideration into your attire and background. You can dress casually, but make sure what you're wearing is not distracting.

Can you fail a CASPer test?

The CASPer test is not a pass or fail test. It measures your personal skills in relation to the entire applicant pool. It is up to the individual programs to determine how they will incorporate the CASPer score into their application decisions, meaning every school may use the scores differently.

Does the Casper test have video responses?

4:5410:44Casper Update 2022 | Everything You NEED to Know - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd fairness in regards to the needs of others unfortunately. You won't get to see how you did afterMoreAnd fairness in regards to the needs of others unfortunately. You won't get to see how you did after you complete the test your casper score is automatically submitted to the medical schools you're

Do I need a microphone for Casper test?

Expect the exam to take around 2 hours to complete. You will need a computer with a webcam and microphone to participate in the Casper test. This may also be necessary if you do virtual interviews, so we have a few that we recommend in our Amazon store.

Can I copy and paste in Casper test?

Can you copy and paste on the Casper test? Either way, it's good to take inventory of your word bank of answers, so that you can quickly recall and utilize those stories when needed. You can't copy/paste, so make sure to learn them well enough to paraphrase.

How long should you study for CASPer?

6 to 8 weeksIn our experience, our most successful students need 6 to 8 weeks to prepare for CASPer. But we have had students who need up to 12 weeks and some who get ready in just 1 to 2 weeks. Again remember this is personalized and all of our programs are tailored to your level of preparation at baseline.

How long should my CASPer answers be?

You'll have to write more than 1-2 sentences for each answer to be competitive for CASPer. Our top students for CASPer are typically able write 5-6 sentences for each question (total of 15-18 sentences per section).

What is the average CASPer score?

6.5-7.5On average, students get 6.5-7.5 on our tests – averaged across all sections. If you are interested in practicing some CASPer test questions and seeing some answers, check out the link above for our CASPer tests with feedback!

Does the Casper test have video responses?

The Casper test is divided into 2 response sections: the typed response section, which is the first portion of the test, followed by the video response section. Both sections of the test are mandatory for all applicants.

Do med schools see your Casper responses?

They are also trained to disregard typos or grammar mistakes when assessing your responses. You won't get to see how you did after you complete the test. Your Casper score is automatically submitted to the medical schools you're applying to about two to three weeks after you take the test.

Why do I need a microphone for Casper test?

Access to your webcam and microphone during your Casper test is mandatory for identity assertion and proctoring purposes. It is also required when completing Snapshot.

Do I need a microphone for Casper test?

Expect the exam to take around 2 hours to complete. You will need a computer with a webcam and microphone to participate in the Casper test. This may also be necessary if you do virtual interviews, so we have a few that we recommend in our Amazon store.

What is the CASPer Test?

The CASPer test (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics test) is an online situational judgment admissions test that evaluates a candidate’s communication, empathy, and professionalism. Produced by Altus Assessments Inc., the CASPer is increasing in usage among medical schools and may be used in addition to or instead of a traditional medical school interview.

How long is the CASPER test?

The CASPer test places you in a series of hypothetical but realistic situations where you will be asked what you would do and why. The test takes about 90 minutes to complete (including an optional 15-minute break) and has 12 different sections. Each section is comprised of a word-based or video-based scenario that you will be asked 3 open-ended questions about. There are 4 word-based scenarios and 8 video-based scenarios, the order of which is randomized. You will have 5 minutes to respond to the questions before the test automatically switches to the next section.

How to find the test date for CASPER?

To find the testing date for the schools and programs you are applying to, visit the CASPer Test Dates and Feespage. Here you can select the country of the schools you are applying to, the program(s) you are applying to, and the school(s) you are applying to. You will receive the last possible test date available for all selected schools.

How long do you have to register for a CASPER?

You must register for your testat least three days before your required or preferred test date. Time is needed before the test to verify your identity and to process payment information. Never leave this process to the last minute as you don’t want a small delay to affect your ability to complete the CASPer within your preferred schools’ deadline. Give yourself plenty of time to prepare for and complete your CASPer test since you can only take it once.

How much does it cost to take the CASPER?

The base fee for taking the CASPer is $10. An additional $10 is charged for each school you designate to receive your results. All fees are non-refundable.

Is the CASPER test proctored?

The CASPer test is proctored. According to Altus Assessments Inc., they “may request / randomly access your webcam and/or microphone during the account creation, registration, and test process to collect information to verify your identity and proctor the test.”

Is the CASPER a pass or fail test?

You will not receive your results or any feedback about the results of your CASPer test, just as you are not graded on your personal statement or after an interview. The CASPer is not a pass or fail test— it assesses your personal skills against the entire pool of candidates.

How is the Casper Test Scored?

Casper is made up of 12 sections. There are 8 video-based scenarios and 4 word-based scenarios. Each scenario comes with 3 questions. Each of the video-based scenarios are SJTs (Situational Judgment Tests), and the word-based scenarios are a blend of SJTs and behavioral descriptor questions. Generally, the scenarios are not based in a clinical setting. For example, you could be in a grocery store or at a party with friends.

How many impressions are there in a CASPER score?

Your CASPer score is therefore composed of 12 independent impressions of you. Raters are not provided with any personal information about you, they don’t know anything about what you look like or where you’re from, and they don’t know how you answered the other 11 sections. Raters are only provided with your typed reply to the specific section they are scoring.

How long does it take to get a CASPER score?

Your CASPer score is made available to the programs on your distribution list two to three weeks after you take the test, but you will not receive an email saying that your results have been delivered. Instead, you need to visit the Reservations section of your Altus Suite account. If your results were delivered, you will see “Completed—Results delivered.” If your CASPer score hasn’t been sent yet, you will see, “Completed—Results pending.” It may take a while for individual programs to update the status of your CASPer score in their system.

What is a CASPER test?

CASPer is a test of your soft skills, such as your ability to listen and communicate with peers and patients, as well as your ability to effectively empathize with others.

How long is the CASPER test?

CASPer is not a long test. In total, the test takes about 100 minutes to complete, and that includes an introduction and an optional ten minute break at the halfway point. You are given 5 minutes to type your responses for each answer section.

What are assessors looking for in a question?

While there are some clues to what assessors are specifically looking for, in general, it’s best to answer questions from the most ethical and equal standpoint, ensuring laws are abided by, and each person in the scenario has equal representation. One thing assessors are definitely looking for are any potential red flags, such as anything in the response that could be construed as unethical, unprofessional, harmful, or dangerous.

What are the skills needed to become a doctor?

While impressive grades, exceptional cognitive ability, and other hard skills are essential to every medical student and future physician, interpersonal skills and a strong bedside manner are also essential. Doctors must be able to communicate effectively with their patients. They need to listen closely to what their patients tell them in order to gather information and deduce what could be wrong with their health. Doctors also need to be able to clearly deliver an expansive range of challenging, and at times devastating, information to people in fragile emotional states.

What is international medical aid?

International Medical Aid provides global internship opportunities for students and clinicians who are looking to broaden their horizons and experience healthcare on an international level. These program participants have the unique opportunity to shadow healthcare providers as they treat individuals who live in remote and underserved areas and who don’t have easy access to medical attention. International Medical Aid also provides medical school admissions consulting to individuals applying to medical school and PA school programs. We review primary and secondary applications, offer guidance for personal statements and essays, and conduct mock interviews to prepare you for the admissions committees that will interview you before accepting you into their programs. IMA is here to provide the tools you need to help further your career and expand your opportunities in healthcare.

How much does it cost to take the CASPER exam?

We selected different options on the CASPer website to give you an idea of the cost. Prices range from $25 to $75, and test fees are non-refundable. But the fees include the cost of the exam and the fee to distribute your results to the schools to which you’re applying. And, you can reschedule when you take the exam if you have a scheduling conflict, under the condition that another test date in the same admissions cycle is available. You can’t pay for the exam during one admissions cycle but then take it during another cycle. It must be during the same cycle, or you’ll have paid for nothing. So, while it’s inconvenient to take the exam for every admissions cycle that you apply for, you can make it work, and it won’t break the bank.

How many questions are asked in the CASPER test?

CASPer is broken down into sections. Each section contains a video and some text. After watching the video and reading the content, test takers will answer three questions. The questions are open-ended, inviting you to answer with how you would respond to the situation. You’ll have five minutes to answer all three questions. Each section of the exam follows this format.

What is the CASPER exam?

Nor does it judge you based on your scores. Instead, the CASPer exam is used to measure your situational judgment when you’re presented with real-life situations. You determine how you would respond to each question and why you would respond that way.

How many times can you take the CASPER?

Unlike the MCAT, which you can retake multiple times until you’re satisfied with your score, you may only take CASPer once in an admissions period. So, you’ll need to take CASPer once per admissions cycle.

How long is the CASPER test?

Remember that you’ll be presented with a scenario, and then you’ll have five minutes to answer three questions regarding it. The five-minute time frame doesn’t allow a lot of time to think about what you would do. That’s because, in so many situations, you have to make split-second decisions. CASPer is designed to measure your responses in those kinds of situations.

How long does it take to complete a CASPER?

Most test takers complete CASPer in 60-90 minutes. You’re allowed to take a 15-minute break halfway through the exam, but this is not required. We recommend it, though. When given the opportunity, it’s always good to give your brain a break.

As someone who is poor, this entire process is ridiculous

Honestly though as a person who grew up poor, this entire process feels ridiculous. I understand that med schools want people who are able to show dedication towards medicine and helping others. But poor people for the most part don't have the time for all of these extracurriculars.

Interview advice

I've got a T1 interview tomorrow (it's Harvard). I'm freaking out that they're gonna ask me why my MCAT is a 527 instead of 528. I figured I could bring my 15 month study schedule to show them how hard I worked, but I don't know if this will be enough. Any advice????

Why are we doing this experiment?

We’re looking to test the fairness of alternative response formats for Casper responses. Each format — written, audio-recorded, and video-recorded — has its own set of pros and cons, and we need more data to determine how we continue to shape the Casper test.

What is Casper admissions?

Casper allows applicants to demonstrate their people skills earlier on in the admissions process. Programs that receive thousands of applications don’t have the resources to review every one in detail, so they may apply screens and filters at the beginning based on cognitive scores such as your GPA, MCAT or GRE score.

What is a group of raters?

Each section of a test is scored by a different rater. The group of raters reflects the diversity of the population. All raters are extensively trained, vetted and invested in the future of the profession.

What happens when a test is rated?

Once a test is rated, the score is sent automatically to the programs selected for distribution. Programs then update application statuses.

Can you respond to Casper questions on video?

You don’t need to prepare for this experiment. Responding to Casper questions on video is similar to recording your answers to Snapshot or any other type of video interview. We recommend everyone reads our tips for succeeding in a video interview.

What happens if a younger employee gives a refund against your advice?

If the younger employee chooses to give the refund against your advice, you immediately become obligated to take action.

How long does it take for a bank to validate a cheque?

The cheques are also not a viable option, because they can take up to 7 days to be validated by the bank. The only traceable option is debit; however, most people have very low daily debit withdrawal limits. Hence, I do not think this is a viable option. Reply.

What is Sue's shortcoming?

One member of your student group, Sue, is showing up unprepared and not contributing. She blames this shortcoming on a paper she had to write, but the other members argue that they were responsible for the same paper yet still managed to show up prepared. Two other members begin confronting Sue about the problem.

What makes ethical dilemma questions tricky?

Part of what makes ethical dilemma questions tricky is their missing information. They don’t usually give you everything you need to know to make a clear decision.

How can you escape ethical dilemmas?

In some ethical dilemmas, you can escape or skirt the decision-making process by calling upon some higher authority. There’s a reason why we have laws as a society and why we have bosses in the workplace. We need strict rules and arbiters of the system so that we can navigate these grey ethical areas that present themselves.

Why are conditional statements like a cheat code?

These conditional statements are like a cheat code for ethical dilemmas, because they let you create your own criteria for answering the question, while also showing yourself as someone who can think ahead and anticipate different outcomes.

What do medical schools want?

Medical schools want candidates who seem stable, level-headed, and objective enough to own up to their shortcomings. Oppositely, they do not want students who seem volatile, resentful, or clouded by bias.


1.CASPer Test: What It Is & How To Prepare - Premed Experts


15 hours ago  · The CASPer test is designed to examine several different personality traits. This isn’t a test that’s built around cognitive skills. Rather, it’s about measuring your …

2.How is the Casper Test Scored? | Med School Insiders


24 hours ago The CASPer test is proctored. According to Altus Assessments Inc., they “may request / randomly access your webcam and/or microphone during the account creation, registration, and test …

3.The CASPer Exam: What It Is and Why It Matters


6 hours ago  · By Med School Insiders. February 17, 2022. Pre-med. Altus Suite, CASPer, Testing. The Casper test, a major component of Altus Suite, doesn’t assess your medical knowledge or …

4.CASPer: Is it proctored? Can people help me during the …


7 hours ago The CASPer (Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) test is a 90-minute online situational judgment test (SJT) created by McMaster University in Ontario, …

5.My experience with the CASPER test | Student Doctor …


9 hours ago More posts from the premed community. 1.2k. Posted by 13 hours ago. 💩 Meme/Shitpost. When I got into medical school, an old friend went out of his way to let me know that my medical …

6.Casper for 2022/23 Test Takers - TakeAltus


2 hours ago  · Oct 22, 2016. #4. casper is a complete joke. they even moved my scheduled exam by an hour (notifying me less than 24 hours prior) like they assume my entire life revolves …

7.3 Practice CASPer Questions and Best Responses - Savvy …


30 hours ago Casper is an online, open-response situational judgment test (SJT). It asks what you would do in a tough situation, and more importantly, why. This helps determine behavioral tendencies of …

8.Videos of Is the CASPer Test Proctored


7 hours ago  · But that’s okay. A test like the CASPer is bound to induce some anxiety. However, I hope that my tips will help you prepare and get in the right mindset, so that you can …

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