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is yellow sweet clover a perennial

by Lia Rosenbaum Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Yellow sweetclover, a biennial and sometimes annual or short-lived perennial, occurs throughout California, except in the low deserts, to about 500 feet (1500 m). It inhabits agricultural land and open disturbed places. Two other common sweetclovers in California are Indian sweetclover, M.

Is sweet clover a perennial in South Dakota?

Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) has gained attention this summer, because of the tremendous yellow bloom across South Dakota. Yellow sweet clover is a biennial plant, which means it has a two-year life cycle.

What is the difference between yellow and white sweet clover?

Sweet clovers are an excellent soil-builder because they have a deep taproot that extends through the soil profile which takes up nutrients and minerals that can be used by crops. So what is the difference between yellow and white sweet clover? The biennial yellow sweet clover takes two years to produce a flowering plant.

What is yellow clover used for?

Yellow Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) is a true biennial; it survives only one winter. Sweet clover may be used for hay or pasture or as a plow-down crop. By far, its greatest use and adaptation is as a pasture and soil improving crop. It is frequently used as a component of drylands pasture mixes.

What is the life cycle of yellow sweet clover?

Yellow sweet clover is a biennial plant, which means it has a two-year life cycle. In the first year, there is very little top growth because the plant puts most of its resources into establishing its vast and deep root system.


Does sweet clover come back every year?

Sweet clover can be an annual or a biennial depending on where it is planted as well as the cultivar used. Sweet clovers are an excellent soil-builder because they have a deep taproot that extends through the soil profile which takes up nutrients and minerals that can be used by crops.

Will yellow sweet clover reseed itself?

Yellow Sweet Clover spreads by reseeding itself, and it often forms colonies at favorable sites. The sweet hay-like aroma of the foliage is caused by coumarin. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, moist to slightly dry conditions, and a somewhat heavy clay-loam soil.

Will yellow sweet clover bloom the first year?

Yellow sweet clover is usually shorter and blooms earlier. First year plants do not bloom. Second year plants grow 3 – 5′ high and are bush-like. Sweet clovers are very fragrant.

Is sweet yellow clover invasive?

White and yellow sweetclovers are invasive species. Yellow and white sweetclover grow abundantly on disturbed lands, roadsides and abandoned fields. The plants degrade native grasslands by shading out sun-loving plants, reducing diversity.

What clover is perennial?

White Clover White clover, a true perennial, is the most widely-grown clover in the United States. Where adapted, individual plants often live for several years. Ladino varieties of white clover are usually most productive, but generally do not reseed well.

What is yellow sweet clover good for?

Unless sweet clover is allowed to get tall with heavy stems, it is easily digested by livestock and is a good source of energy. It also provides good food for mule deer, elk, and antelope and good nesting habitat for pheasants, grouse, and other upland birds.

Do bees like yellow sweet clover?

Beekeepers in ancient Greece recognized sweet clover as a wonderful honey plant. It still attracts bees by the millions to the steep, dry hillsides where it flourishes.

How do you plant sweet yellow clover?

How to Grow Yellow Sweet CloverStep 1: Timing. Yellow sweet clover does best from spring or fall sowing. Direct sow during the eight weeks after the last average frost date. ... Step 2: Starting. Sow seeds 5mm (¼") deep.Step 3: Growing. Plants will reach 30-90cm (12-36”) tall in the first year of growth.

How do you control yellow sweet clover?

Chemical - A few herbicides are available for yellow sweetclover control. Imazapyr, picloram, metsulfuron methyl, sulfomethuron methyl, dicamba, clopyralid, and 2,4-D may control the plant.

Is clover better than grass?

But before you squash the shamrock-shaped intruders, consider the benefits of keeping clover as a low-maintenance, eco-friendly grass alternative or companion plant. Clover requires fewer harsh chemicals than regular lawns, tolerates tough growing conditions, and fixes nitrogen in the soil for other plants to thrive.

What is the effect of sweet clover to the environment?

Sweetclover can impact a wide variety of habitats. In cropping systems, it decreases crop yield through competition for sunlight, soil water, and nutrients. This species is a threat to prairies because it spreads rapidly into open areas and may out-compete the native species for available resources.

How do you get rid of sweet clover yellow?

How to remove them? Hand pulling works well, if you don't have acres to deal with. Mowing also works for larger areas, and controlled burns can help with controlling yellow sweetclover.

How do you get rid of invasive sweet clover?

Herbicides can be highly effective at managing white sweetclover. Herbicides are sometimes more effective at certain times of the plant's growth phase. For white sweetclover, make herbicide applications in spring or summer to seedlings or plants in early bud to flower stage.

How do you get rid of yellow clover?

Mix one cup of vinegar with a cup of water and one drop of dish soap. Shake it up and spray it onto any patches of clover. The vinegar will dry out the clover's leaves, and the dish soap will make sure it sticks. You may need to spray over a series of weeks to kill off the clover completely.

How do I get rid of yellow clover in my lawn?

DirectionsCombine the vinegar, water, and dish soap in the spray bottle. Shake.Locate the clover and spray the patches, being careful not to spray the surrounding grass.Spray regularly for a couple of weeks. ... Wait a couple of weeks and reseed with grass seed.

How does sweet clover grow?

In the 1st year of growth, sweetclover produces a single stem with many branches. Near the end of the 1st growing season, nutrients are allocated below ground to the taproot, and root crown buds are formed. In the 2nd year of growth, sweetclover stem number increases, plants are much larger, and flowers and seeds are produced (review by [ 220 ]). More details about phenology and the characteristics of 1st and 2nd year plants are provided below in the Belowground description and Seasonal development sections.

Why is sweet clover variable?

Sweetclover growth form and morphology are variable, not only because many different cultivars, forms, and ecotypes were introduced in North America but also because growth characteristics can be influenced by environmental conditions. Plant height increases with increasing day length, and low temperatures can limit flower production (review by [ 251 ]). For descriptions of some sweetclover cultivars, see the following references: [ 219, 273, 285 ].

How does sweet clover affect soil?

Impacts on soil nutrients: Because sweetclover is a nitrogen fixer, soil nitrogen levels may be greater on sites invaded by sweetclover. Increased nitrogen levels on sites invaded by sweetclover could alter species compositions (review by [ 277 ]), especially in nitrogen-limited ecosystems. Within 4 years of seeding yellow sweetclover on a rangeland impacted by drought and heavy grazing in western South Dakota, total soil nitrogen was significantly (P<0.01) greater on plots with than without yellow sweetclover [ 172 ]. During field studies in northern Utah, researchers found that up to 29% of nitrogen fixed by white sweetclover was transferred to crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) and was transferred distances of at least 10 inches (25 cm) [ 68 ]. In a review, researchers estimated that sweetclover could release inorganic N to mineral soil at a rate of about 12 kg/ha/year, which is 2 to 3 times higher than nitrogen fixation in native rangelands without sweetclover. Researchers suspected that increased nitrogen from sweetclover would favor invasive species over stress-tolerant, long-lived perennials adapted to low nitrogen accumulation rates. The researchers concluded their review with a plea to discontinue use of sweetclover in roadside revegetation and rangeland improvement until more is known about sweetclover's effects on ecosystems and where these effects may be most or least detrimental [ 141 ].

What are the habitats of Sweetclover?

Sweetclover is generally more restricted to disturbed sites in forested and alpine ecosystems than in grassland habitats. In mixed-grass prairies of North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park, yellow sweetclover was related more to native vegetation type than disturbance [ 139 ]. In mixed woods in northern Saskatchewan's southern boreal forest region, sweetclover occurred only along roads and not on sites logged or burned in the last 15 years. Sweetclover was classified as a "lesser threat" and a low priority for management or control [ 242 ]. Yellow sweetclover occurred only in disturbed areas above and below timberline in subalpine fir/grouse whortleberry and/or Idaho fescue-slender wheatgrass (Festuca idahoensis-Elymus trachycaulus) habitats in the Northern Rocky Mountains [ 276 ]. In mature pinyon-juniper stands in Jarvies Canyon in Daggett County, Utah, yellow sweetclover is not considered invasive and is restricted to roads and other frequently disturbed sites [ 77 ].

How deep are sweet clover roots?

Lateral roots may extend 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) from the taproot (review by [ 251 ]). In experimental fields in Columbus, Ohio, 1st-year sweetclover taproots penetrated over 4 feet (1.2 m) deep. Second-year plants had roots up to 5.5 feet (1.7 m) deep in July. Bacterial nodules occurred on roots as deep as 4 feet (1.2 m). Increased root length between these 1st- and 2nd-year plants may not reflect plant age but site differences. Most sweetclover plants attained their maximum root length in the 1st year. Root systems were shallower in dry than moist soils [ 289 ].

What plants are associated with white sweetclover?

Several native prairie forbs (pride of Ohio (Dodecatheon meadia), Canadian lousewort (Pedicularis canadensis), tall cinquefoil (Potentilla arguta), and Virginia mountainmint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)) were negatively associated with white sweetclover (P<0.01) in southeastern Wisconsin's tallgrass Chiwaukee Prairie. There were 859 white sweetclover plants in 40 disturbed (old roadbed) quadrats and none in 60 undisturbed quadrats. White sweetclover was positively correlated with soil potassium, phosphorus, pH, and moisture (P<0.01). Researchers suggested that native species may be unsuccessful in competition for light with white sweetclover, which often reaches over 5 feet (1.5 m) tall in the study area. The shallow, gravelly, highly mineral soils on old roadbeds could also inhibit native species establishment and growth [ 183 ].

What is the best way to kill sweet clover?

Chemical control: Herbicides provide control of sweetclover. Herbicides may be most effective on 1st-year sweetclover (review by [ 251 ]) and when used with other control methods. In early May following a fall fire in little bluestem prairie in Mason County, Illinois, the burned site was covered with a "carpet" of white sweetclover seedlings. Seedlings were successfully controlled with herbicide [ 210 ]. In Alaska, several herbicide treatments were tested on white sweetclover populations. Most herbicide types and rates decreased white sweetclover biomass and seed production. Only 1 herbicide treatment eliminated seed production [ 38 ].

What is a sweet clover?

Sweet clovers are versatile plants that can be used for cover crops on marginal lands. There are two sweet clovers that can be seeded in Michigan: yellow and white. Sweet clover can be an annual or a biennial depending on where it is planted as well as the cultivar used.

How big does a yellow clover grow?

After a vernalization period it produces a shoot and flowers. It can produce up to 2.5 tons of dry matter and can grow up to 24 inches. If conditions are favorable, it can reach up to 8 feet in the second year.

How long does it take for white clover to bloom?

White clover flowers 10-14 days after yellow clover. Sweet clover has historically been used for grazing or as an emergency feed. But Kim Cassida, Michigan State University Extension forage specialist does not recommend it because it can be toxic to livestock.

Why are sweet clovers good for soil?

Sweet clovers are an excellent soil-builder because they have a deep taproot that extends through the soil profile which takes up nutrients and minerals that can be used by crops.

Is white clover better for soil?

White clover does not produce as much biomass as yellow. It is taller and stemmier plant that is better for soil building. Drought resistance is also another difference between these sweet clovers. Yellow clover is more tolerant to drought.

Is Norgold a cover crop?

A few varieties of yellow (‘Norgold’) and white (‘Cumino,’ ‘Denta,’ ‘Polara’) sweet clover have been bred for low coumarin content and thus safer forage use, but these varieties are not as widely available as those typically used as cover crops.".

Is clover forage toxic?

Poisoning has occasionally occurred while grazing. Sweet clover forage does not have to be visibly moldy to be toxic.

What is yellow sweet clover used for?

Yellow Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis) may be used for hay or pasture or as a plow-down crop. By far its greatest use and adaptation is as a component is pasture mixes and soil improving crop. It is frequently used as a component of drylands pasture mixes. It is very drought tolerant and is equally at home on a roadside or in a pasture mix.

What is the food of yellow sweet clover?

The variety Madrid is especially tolerant of dry conditions. Yellow Sweet Clover provides food and cover to a variety of birds and mammals. The stems and leaves can make up a large portion of the diet of elk, deer and antelope. It is utilized by birds as cover and food.

Why is sweet clover not palatable?

Sweet clover is not as palatable as most other legumes because of its high coumarin content, but livestock soon get used to its taste and consume it readily. The coumarin content presents no animal health problems when used as pasture.

What is the pH of sweet clover?

Yellow sweet clover has an extreme range of adaptation. It needs a high pH, generally 6.0 or higher. Sweet clover is able to obtain phosphorus from relatively unavailable soil phosphates and will grow on soils where alfalfa, red clover or ladino will fail.

Does sweet clover grow in dry soil?

It is also quite tolerant of wet conditions. Sweet clover has great ability to grow and produce under dry conditions. It exceeds alfalfa in its ability to withstand drought and high temperatures.

Is yellow clover a good crop?

As a soil-improving crop, yellow sweet clover probably has no equal. It has a deep taproot system that penetrates the subsoil, produces a large amount of growth that can be quickly broken down and converted to organic matter and fixes high levels of nitrogen on heavy clay soils.

Does yellow sweet clover help with soil?

Additionally it works well in seed mixtures for road cuts, post-fire, mine spoils and other disturbed sites. It increases nitrogen in poor soils. The large taproot increases aeration and water absorption by opening the subsoil. Yellow sweet clover has an extreme range of adaptation.

What causes sweet clover to bleed?

Sweetclover plants contain coumarin, which is the cause of sweetclover bleeding disease. Coumarin breaks down to dicoumarin when a plant becomes damaged or moldy. Dicoumarol is an anticoagulant which causes hemorrhaging in cattle and can be fatal. Animals will have difficulty clotting, and may bleed to death from small external or internal injuries. Do not feed sweetclover to livestock for at least three weeks prior to castrating or dehorning and 30 days prior to calving. Sheep and horses are less prone to sweetclover bleeding disease due to their more selective eating habits (Schipper, 1999).

Is sweet clover a weed?

Sweetclover was considered a weed in North America until the early 1900’s when its value as a range and pasture plant was realized (Baldridge and Lohmiller, 1990). Since then it has been used extensively for rangeland seedings, soil stabilization, and reclamation projects as well as for pasture.

Is sweet clover drought tolerant?

Sweetclover is the most drought tolerant of the commercially available legumes (Ogle et al., 2008b). It has been used effectively in areas receiving as little as nine inches mean annual precipitation, though it does best in 12 to 20 inch precipitation zones (Thornburg 1982).



Melilotus officinalis, known as yellow sweet clover, yellow melilot, ribbed melilot and common melilot, is a species of legume native to Eurasia and introduced in North America, Africa and Australia.
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  • More info for the terms: dehiscent, perfect, phenology, root crown This description covers characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (e.g., [82,98,101,191,235,267,268]). Aboveground description: Yellow and white sweetclover have very similar growth habits and morphology [11,117]. In their vegetati…
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Impacts and Control9

  • More info for the terms: competition, cover, density, fire management, forb, forbs, invasive species, natural, nonnative species, prescribed fire, presence, restoration, root crown, succession Generally sweetclover is most invasive in grasslands and riparian areas. Sweetclover is commonly invasive in the upper Midwest and Great Plains regions [45,115]. In many prairies, sweetclover i…
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Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Steve Chilton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  3. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),…
  1. (c) Steve Chilton, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  3. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  4. (c) Steven J. Baskauf, some rights reserved (CC BY),

More Info

1.Yellow Sweet Clover: Information and Management


7 hours ago The first year, the yellow sweet clover grows vegetatively in a rosette. After a vernalization period it produces a shoot and flowers. It can produce up …

2.Yellow Sweet Clover (Invasive Exotic Plants of North …


9 hours ago  · Sweet clovers are versatile plants that can be used for cover crops on marginal lands. There are two sweet clovers that can be seeded in Michigan: yellow and white. Sweet clover can be an annual or a biennial depending on where it is planted as well as the cultivar used.

3.Sweet clovers - MSU Extension


32 hours ago  · Is yellow sweet clover a perennial? Yellow sweetclover, a biennial and sometimes annual or short-lived perennial, occurs throughout California, except in the low deserts, to about 500 feet (1500 m). It inhabits agricultural land and open disturbed places.

4.Yellow Sweet Clover - Melilotus officinalis - Great Basin …


26 hours ago Sweet clover is native to Europe and Asia, but is found now all across the U.S. Sweet clover seeds are used as a forage crop and soil builder. ... YELLOW SWEET CLOVER #1072 | MELILOTIS OFFICINALIS. Add to Cart View Cart Summary. ... WRANGLER BERMUDAGRASS Wrangler bermudagrass is a warm-season perennial sod-forming grass with improved cold ...

5.Yellow sweetclover, white sweetclover Plant Guide


14 hours ago  · Is yellow sweet clover invasive? July 28, 2022 by Maureen Vega. White and yellow sweetclovers are invasive species. Yellow and white sweetclover grow abundantly on disturbed lands, roadsides and abandoned fields. The plants degrade native grasslands by shading out sun-loving plants, reducing diversity.

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