Knowledge Builders

is zink a word in scrabble

by Ben Buckridge Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

ZINK is not a valid scrabble word.

Full Answer

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What Zink means?

zincNoun. zink (countable and uncountable, plural zinks) Obsolete form of zinc.

Is Zine a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, zine is a valid Scrabble word. Other words you can form with the same letters: zein. nie.

Is Zincs word valid in Scrabble?

Yes, zincs is a valid Scrabble word.

Is ZIC a word in Scrabble?

ZIC is not a valid scrabble word.

Is Zune a word in Scrabble?

No, zune is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Xe a word?

No, xe is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Zincy a word?

Yes, zincy is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is re a valid Scrabble word?

Yes, re is a valid Scrabble word. More definitions: coverance (n.) Recovery.

Is Zec a Scrabble word?

ZEC is not a valid scrabble word.

Is Zac allowed in Scrabble?

ZAC is not a valid scrabble word.

Is CGI a Scrabble word?

cgi is a valid English word.

What is the purpose of a zine?

A zine may include anything artistic or otherwise that you may wish to express! The idea behind a zine is that you express your intentions in some sort of "pamphlet-esque" or "book-like" form, replicate that creation, then share!

What is the difference between a zine and magazine?

A zine is usually a non – commercial, non professional publication, kind of like a magazine but with a twist. The main difference between a magazine and a zine is that zines are not out there to make a profit but, rather, to add other, often unheard voices into the mix.

Is VI a word?

No, vi is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Is ZUBE a Scrabble word?

ZUBE is not a valid scrabble word.

1.zinc - Dictionary Checker - Scrabble Word Finder


31 hours ago No, zink is not in the scrabble dictionary.

2.Scrabble Dictionary - Check words in official dictionary.


1 hours ago Meaning of zinc 1 definition found From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: zinc n 1: a bluish-white lustrous metallic element; brittle at ordinary temperatures but malleable when heated; used in a …

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