Knowledge Builders

qu es foreclosure sale

by Adele Cassin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A foreclosure sale occurs when the bank exercises its "lien" rights and sells a home at auction. The bank obtains a lien (an ownership interest in the property) when a borrower takes out a mortgage.

Full Answer

What does foreclosure mean in real estate?

El Foreclosure es un proceso legal en el cual el dueño de una casa pierde los derechos sobre la propiedad debido a que ha fallado en pagar la hipoteca. Si el dueño no puede pagar el resto de la deuda o no logra venderla en un short sale (ver articulo previo sobre short sale), la propiedad pasa a una subasta de foreclosure, ...

What is an Escritura of foreclosure?

Como el conjunto de compradores que pueden pagar en efectivo la casa es reducido, muchos prestamistas hacen un arreglo con el lender llamado “escritura de foreclosure” (deed in lieu of foreclosure) para retomar la propiedad, u otro escenario que se puede dar es que el mismo banco la compra en la subasta.

What is the difference between a short sale and foreclosure?

A short sale transaction occurs when mortgage lenders allow the borrower to sell the house for less than the amount owed on the mortgage. The foreclosure process occurs when lenders repossess the house, often against an owner’s will.

What happens when a house is sent to foreclosure auction?

If the borrower still can’t make up for the missed mortgage payments and other options fail, the property is sent to foreclosure auction. Unlike in a short sale, when the mortgage lender has begun the foreclosure proceedings, the homeowner forfeits his/her rights to the house. Therefore, he/she ceases to be a party in the sale.


What means foreclosure?

Foreclosure is a process that begins when a borrower fails to make their mortgage payments. When a home is foreclosed upon, the lender typically repossesses and attempts to sell the house. This happens because mortgage loans are secured by real estate, meaning your home is used as collateral.

Why do banks prefer foreclosure to short sale?

It costs more to the lender to go through the foreclosure process. During a short sale, the lender shares the cost with the homeowner to quickly sell the home. From a financial standpoint, many lenders prefer a short sale if the home is not expected to sell for more than the balance due at the foreclosure auction.

How long is the pre foreclosure process?

Typically, the pre-foreclosure process will last around 120 days, but this time-period can be longer if the lender files the foreclosure complaint after the required 120-day waiting period.

What will happen on the sale of a mortgaged property by foreclosure?

After the lender (usually a bank) carries out the foreclosure legal process, the mortgaged property is sold at auction or transferred back to the lender. The purpose of a foreclosure sale is that the lender recovers all or part of the money on a defaulted loan. There are three types of foreclosure legal processes.

Which is worse foreclosure or short sale?

Short sales are less damaging to a credit report than a foreclosure. A foreclosure is when a home is seized and put up for sale by the investor or bank. Every mortgage contract has a lien on the property that allows the bank to control the property if the homeowner stops making mortgage payments.

What is the benefit of foreclosure?

Foreclosure is a legal process where the borrower repays his debt in full before the term of the loan ends. This helps them in significantly reducing the interest liability and closing down the loan account well before its tenure.

Does pre foreclosure show on credit report?

There is no formal entry on a credit report that indicates a mortgage is in pre-foreclosure, so pre-foreclosure has no direct effect on credit scores. The events leading up to pre-foreclosure, as well as steps taken during it, can have major consequences for the borrower's credit, however.

How will foreclosure affect my credit?

Once a home is lost to foreclosure, the homeowner's credit score could drop dramatically. According to FICO, for borrowers with a good credit score, a foreclosure can drop your score by 100 points or more. If your credit score is excellent, a foreclosure could reduce your score by as much as 160 points.

How can I avoid foreclosure?

6 Ways To Stop A ForeclosureWork It Out With Your Lender. ... Request A Forbearance. ... Apply For A Loan Modification. ... Consult A HUD-Approved Counseling Agency. ... Conduct A Short Sale. ... Sign A Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure.

How can I stop a foreclosure auction immediately?

If a foreclosure sale is scheduled to occur in the next day or so, the best way to stop the sale immediately is by filing for bankruptcy. The automatic stay will stop the foreclosure in its tracks. Once you file for bankruptcy, something called an "automatic stay" immediately goes into effect.

What is another word for foreclosure?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for foreclose, like: exclude, expropriate, forestall, preclude, shut out, deprive, confiscate, bar, seize, forbid and dispossess.

Do you get any money back if your house is repossessed?

After a repossession order, you have no house, but you may still have the debt. This depends on how much of your mortgage is unpaid. If the mortgage amount due is low, the bank or lender will return you your money after paying all the fees and recovering its debt once the sale is made.

Why would a bank agree to a short sale?

Typically, the bank or lender agrees to a short sale in order to recoup a portion of the mortgage loan owed to them. Short sales are becoming increasingly rare as the economy improves.

Do banks want to foreclose?

It is true that in most cases, lenders do not want to foreclose on a home. The process for them is lengthy, and they typically do not receive the full value of the loan. Unfortunately, sometimes lenders really do want to foreclose on a home.

How do banks make money on foreclosures?

While a bank might be able to make extra money at the auction, usually it just hopes to recover as much money as possible from the sale. The amount of money a bank gets on the foreclosure depends on the winning bid at the auction or the sum it sells the house for post-auction..

What is the benefit of a short sale?

For the seller, a short sale presents less damage to his credit report than a foreclosure, and allows him to recover and buy a new house more quickly. This sense of cooperation between the seller and buyer may facilitate the exchange and get the new owner into the house more quickly.

What is foreclosure in real estate?

A foreclosure—as in the actual act of a lender seizing a property—is typically the final step after a lengthy pre-foreclosure process. Before foreclosure, the lender may offer several alternatives to avoid foreclosure, many of which can mediate a foreclosure's negative consequences for both the buyer and the seller.

What Is Foreclosure?

Foreclosure is the legal process by which a lender attempts to recover the amount owed on a defaulted loan by taking ownership of the mortgaged property and selling it. Typically, default is triggered when a borrower misses a specific number of monthly payments, but it can also happen when the borrower fails to meet other terms in the mortgage document.

How does foreclosure work?

Although the process varies by state, the foreclosure process generally begins when a borrower defaults or misses at least one mortgage payment. The lender then sends a missed payment notice that indicates they haven't received that month's payment. If the borrower misses two payments, the lender sends a demand letter.

How long does it take to get a foreclosure in 2020?

The average number of days varies by state because of varying laws and foreclosure timelines. The states with the longest average number of days for properties foreclosed in the third quarter of 2020 were: 1 . Hawaii (1,741 days) New Jersey (1,527 days) New York (1,423 days)

What is the legal basis for foreclosure?

The foreclosure process derives its legal basis from a mortgage or deed of trust contract , which gives the lender the right to use a property as collateral in case the borrower fails to uphold the terms of the mortgage document.

What is foreclosure in mortgage?

Foreclosure is a legal process that allows lenders to recover the amount owed on a defaulted loan by taking ownership of and selling the mortgaged property. The foreclosure process varies by state, but in general, lenders try to work with borrowers to get them caught up on payments and avoid foreclosure.

How long does it take for a lender to send a notice of default?

The lender sends a notice of default after 90 days of missed payments.

Fase 1: Falta de pago

Sea cual sea la razón por la que tú como propietario de una vivienda entra en una ejecución hipotecaria, este proceso siempre comienza de la misma manera: con el incumplimiento de los pagos. Una vez comienzas a faltar en los pagos, estás incumpliendo con tus responsabilidades del préstamo, por lo que tu prestamista puede venir a cobrarte.

Fase 2: Aviso público

Luego de que dejas de pagar entre 3 y 6 meses, el prestamista te dará un aviso público o presentará una demanda ante el tribunal. El aviso público, también llamado Aviso de Incumplimiento (NOD) o lis pendens (demanda pendiente), es una notificación por escrito al propietario de que el prestamista emprenderá acciones legales si no se paga la deuda.

Fase 3: Foreclosure

Una vez que el prestamista registra el aviso público, entonces comienza la etapa de ejecución hipotecaria y la vivienda entra en las primeras fases de embargo. En este punto, tienes 90 días para tomar medidas. Si quieres evitar la venta por ejecución hipotecaria y evitar el desahucio, cuentas con algunas opciones:

Fase 4: Subasta

Llegado el momento, el inversor hipotecario o su representante, el fideicomisario, sacará la vivienda a subasta. También conocida como venta de ejecución hipotecaria, la subasta está abierta al público y suele tener lugar en las escaleras del juzgado del condado, en una sala de conferencias o centro de convenciones, o incluso por Internet.

Fase 5: Post Foreclosure

Si la vivienda se compró en una subasta, el anterior propietario debe abandonar la casa y el nuevo propietario puede hacer lo que quiera con ella. Algunas personas se mudan a la casa como residencia permanente, mientras que otras la alquilan o la venden y obtienen un beneficio.


Process by which the holder of a mortgage seizes the property of a homeowner who has not made interest and/or principal payments on time as stipulated in the mortgage contract.


A situation in which a mortgage lender takes possession of the property because the borrower has not made payments on interest or principal for a certain period of time. Once the lender takes over the property, it usually sells at a discounted price so as to recover the amount lost on the mortgage loan.


Foreclosure occurs when your lender repossesses your home because you have defaulted on your mortgage loan or home equity line of credit.


the refusal by a VERTICALLY INTEGRATED firm to supply inputs to non-integrated rivals, or distribute their products, as a means of putting them at a competitive disadvantage. Under UK COMPETITION POLICY, cases of vertical integration may be referred to the COMPETITION COMMISSION for investigation. See REFUSAL TO SUPPLY.


the refusal by a VERTICALLY INTEGRATED firm to supply inputs to non-integrated rivals, or distribute their products, as a means of putting them at a competitive disadvantage. In market situations where there are a substantial number of alternative independent supply sources and outlets, rival suppliers are unlikely to be inconvenienced.


The destruction of a borrower's rights in mortgaged property, except as may be allowed under statutes giving a post-foreclosure right of redemption.The foreclosure process varies among states,but generally segregates into judicial foreclosures and nonjudicial foreclosures.


The legal process by which a lender acquires possession of the property securing a mortgage loan when the borrower defaults.

¿Qué es el foreclosure?

El Foreclosure es un proceso legal en el cual el dueño de una casa pierde los derechos sobre la propiedad debido a que ha fallado en pagar la hipoteca. Si el dueño no puede pagar el resto de la deuda o no logra venderla en un short sale (ver articulo previo sobre short sale), la propiedad pasa a una subasta de foreclosure, si esta no se vende en la subasta, pasa a ser propiedad del banco que otorgo el financiamiento.

¿Qué es una hipoteca y cómo funciona?

Dentro de los papeles que se firman en el cierre, se encuentra la hipoteca, la cual constituye un derecho de retención en la propiedad comprada, lo cual hace que el préstamo este asegurado o garantizado.

¿Cómo vender una casa propiedad del banco?

Las casas propiedad del banco son vendidas en dos formas, mayormente publicadas con un agente de bienes raíces de la localidad para la venta en mercado abierto. La página de Real Estate Zillow tiene una lista de casas que son propiedad del banco que están a la venta. Algunos lenders prefieren vender sus propiedades en una subasta de liquidación, llevada a cabo en casas de subastas o en centros de convenciones.

¿Qué sucede después de la nota de fallo?

Etapa 3: Pre-Foreclosure. Después de recibir la -Nota de fallo- del banco, el propietario entra en un periodo de gracia conocido como pre-foreclosure. Durante este periodo en cualquier momento de 30 a 120 días, dependiendo de la localidad, el lender (ente de financiamiento) puede hacer un arreglo con el propietario vía short sale o pagar el balance pendiente del monto adeudado. Si el dueño paga la deuda durante esta fase, el foreclosure termina y evita el desalojo de la casa y la venta. Si la deuda no se paga, el foreclosure continua.


1.What Is a Foreclosure Sale? | Nolo


22 hours ago Web

2.foreclosure sale | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information …


33 hours ago

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6 hours ago Webforeclosure sale. A foreclosure sale is the final stage of a foreclosure legal process. After the lender (usually a bank) carries out the foreclosure legal process, the mortgaged property is sold at auction or transferred back to the lender. The purpose of a foreclosure sale is that the lender recovers all or part of the money on a defaulted loan.

4.Foreclosure sale financial definition of Foreclosure sale


12 hours ago WebForeclosure o Ejecución hipotecaria: es el proceso legal en el cual un prestamista o inversor hipotecario recupera una propiedad impagada.; Casa en Foreclosure: es una propiedad que pasa por el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria.; Casa embargada o REO: es una propiedad que ha pasado por el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria y que ahora es propiedad del …

5.Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Foreclosure y mas…


9 hours ago Web · El Foreclosure es un proceso legal en el cual el dueño de una casa pierde los derechos sobre la propiedad debido a que ha fallado en pagar la hipoteca. Si el dueño no puede pagar el resto de la deuda o no logra venderla en un short sale, la propiedad pasa a una subasta de foreclosure, si esta no se vende en la subasta, pasa a ser propiedad ...

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