Knowledge Builders

should a lawn mower blade be level

by Tyrell Smitham Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Level the mower deck to ensure grass cutting height is even across the width of the deck. This will help ensure a smooth and seamless side-by-side blend between each row of freshly cut grass.

Should a mower deck be perfectly level?

For most effective results, a lawn mower deck should have a pitch of 1/8-inch to 1/2-inch between the height of the deck rear to the height of the deck front. Naturally, this makes the sweet spot about 1/4-inch of pitch, depending on the type of mower.

Are mower blades supposed to line up?

Aligning the Blades Some mower manuals, like this one from John Deere, make a point of saying that mower blades need to be aligned perpendicular to one another. To see if the mower blades are out of alignment, you first have to take off the cutting deck.

How do I know if my lawnmower blade is level?

0:292:45Leveling a Riding Lawn Mower Deck for an Even Cut - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipPosition both cutting blades side to side and measure the height of each outside blade tip.MorePosition both cutting blades side to side and measure the height of each outside blade tip.

Should riding on mower deck be level?

If you've checked and sharpened your mower blades, but your riding mower is cutting uneven, then it may be that the mower deck requires leveling. This process helps ensure the mower blade is at the correct distance from the ground on both sides of the mower and the blade is positioned correctly from front to back.

Why does my mower leave a row of grass between two blades?

Rows or streaks of uncut grass in your lawn may be the result of your lawnmower's cutting blades being dull or otherwise damaged. Dull blades are the result of normal wear and tear from mowing. The blades can be sharpened with a bench grinder by you or a professional.

Why does my mower leave high spots?

High spots could be as simple as an engine running too slowly to properly rotate the blades. If they are turning too slow, grass will be missed, and your engine will be under undue stress. After adjusting the throttle, start mowing, and pay attention while you push the equipment.

How should mower blades be oriented?

It's important that the blade's cutting edge follows the direction of rotation. The wings of the lawn mower blade will be oriented up toward the mower deck, and any writing on the blade will likely be facing away from the deck. If the blade bolt comes with a washer, its concave side will be facing the blade.

Why does my grass look uneven after mowing?

Some of the most common causes of a lawn mower cutting unevenly include damaged wheels, a loose, bent or dull mower blade, a bent crankshaft, and a clogged or damaged cutting deck.

Why does my mower cut uneven when turning?

A riding mower can begin cutting uneven when a tire pressure is low; a blade is bent or installed incorrectly; the deck is not level; a bearing is bad in the spindle housings or pulleys; the blades or belt is worn; the engine speed is too low; or there is operator error.

Should mower deck wheels touch the ground?

Mower deck gauge wheels should be properly adjusted to prevent scalping grass on uneven terrain. The bottom of the wheels should sit approximately 1/8-1/2 of an inch from the ground, depending on your cutting height.

What height should a lawn mower be set at?

A lawn should be mowed at 3 inches or taller. The ideal mowing height would be 3 inches to 3.5 inches in height.

What height should a mower deck be set at?

The best mower height for mulching leaves is usually somewhere around 2.5 – 3 inches. You don't want the deck too low, but you don't want it too high either. There are a few factors that can affect which end of this range you should be on.

Does orientation of lawn mower blades matter?

One of the most critical is that the blade just won't work if it's facing the wrong direction. That's because the cutting edges on your lawn mower blade are designed to only cut in one direction. If you accidentally flip the blade when you install it, the cutting edges won't ever have an opportunity to cut your grass.

Which way should lawn mower blades face?

To determine which side of your lawn mower blade is up, first figure out which side is the sharp cutting edge, and which side is the blunt edge. Look for a sticker indicating which side goes up and which side faces downward. The cutting edge should face the grass while the dull edge should face the deck of the mower.

Which way do the blades go on a lawn mower?

Most lawn mower blades rotate in a clockwise direction (counter-clockwise when viewed from below), and as such have the cutting edge on the right side. If you are unsure of how your mower rotates, check the position of the discharge chute; if it is on the right side angled back, the blade turns clockwise.

How do you know which side of a lawn mower blade is up?

1:202:07How to determine which side of Cutting Blade to attach ... - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnother method you can use to find out which side of the blade you should mount to the crankshaft isMoreAnother method you can use to find out which side of the blade you should mount to the crankshaft is to find the edge of the blade that's opposite the sharpened side or sharpened edge of the blade. So

How do you align lawn mower blades?

The mower blades should be turned slowly until they point forwards and backwards. Place a wood block inside the deck next to the edge of the blade to align it. The blade should be turned a bit to wedge it tighter. The blade has a screw, a spline washer and a spring washer.

Why is my mower deck lower on one side?

If the deck on your lawn tractor is lower on one side than the other, it will result in an even cut. Smooth out your lawn when you level your tractor deck. You can level the lawn tractor deck with a few common tools.

Should the mower deck wheels touch the ground?

The deck gauge wheels on the mower should be adjusted to keep the grass out of the way. The bottom of the wheels should be at least an inch from the ground.

How do I fix my uneven mower deck?

An even cut is caused by blade vibrating. In order to eliminate vibration, unbalanced blades and worn mandrels need to be replaced. The blades won’t spin correctly if the belt is not replaced. It’s a good idea to replace deck pulleys that don’t spin freely if they’re old.

Why does my lawn mower leave a strip of grass?

A strip of uncut grass left in the middle of a mowing row could be a sign that one or both of the lawnmower’s blades were installed the wrong way. Make sure that your mower’s blades are balanced and that both are locked to the mower deck.

Should back wheels be higher on lawn mower?

The larger diameter of the wheels makes it easier for them to roll over any flaws rather than dropping into a small depression. The mower will be easier to push and turn on a smooth level surface.

How to adjust height on a lawn mower?

One of the most basic kinds of height adjustment is axle adjustment. Using this method, you will physically take off the wheels and put them at a higher setting. This will usually involve a snap-in system. If you have a very inexpensive or entry-level mower, this is probably the system you will use for adjusting height.

When should I increase my lawn mower height?

I recommend that most people increase the mower height to a minimum of 3-inches from the middle of April through September. Depending on your mower, this might be its highest setting.

Why Have You Seen So Many Short Lawns?

Given how important it is to keep your lawn relatively long, you may wonder why so many people go the opposite route and cut their lawns short. There are a few different reasons:

How to stop a gas mower from starting?

If you have a gas mower, you will find a safety catch to hold down for the mower to run. Ensure that this is not being pressed by any kind of object. It’s best to remove the spark plug from the mower so that there’s absolutely no possibility it can start.

Why do you mow high?

Mowing high will put your grass in a better position for dealing with conditions such as drought or hot weather. It is also helpful if your lawn has to deal with shady conditions.

How deep do grass roots dig?

At two inches high, the roots dig to about 6-inches deep. At three inches high, the grass roots can dig as deep as 9-inches.

What is the common mistake in reading a mower manual?

A common mistake is to just assume that you understand all the ins and outs of your mower. You’d be surprised at the features and nuances you can learn when you take a few minutes to read the manual.

What Happens When Your Mower Blade is Too Dull?

Instead, it achieves the cut by force, ripping your grass blades rather than slicing through them . This is not great for your lawn for a few reasons:

What to do if you can't remember what your mower blade looked like?

If you can’t remember what your mower blade looked like when it was new, take a trip to any store that sells them and give yourself a quick refresher. Because one look at a new blade and you’ll know exactly how sharp a mower blade should be.

Why isn't my lawn mower rock sharp?

Stones, pebbles, sticks and other yard debris (particularly anything hard) that your mower runs into is likely to create nicks in the edge of the blade , reducing its effectiveness and causing it to dull much quick er compared to a blade that has just the right level of sharpness.

Why is my lawn not looking good?

This is not great for your lawn for a few reasons: Loss of Moisture – If you take a closer look at individual blades of grass after passing over them with a dull blade, you’re sure to see ripped, frayed ends. This will allow moisture to be wicked or evaporated from your grass.

Does a dull blade hurt grass?

Increases Risk of Lawn Disease – The cut produced by a perfectly sharpened mower blade will be clean and the grass will heal quickly. But a dull blade produces gaping open wounds that take a considerable time to heal. These wounds provide a direct entry point for disease pathogens to attack your grass, rather like an open wound on your finger could allow bacteria to get in and cause an infection.

Is it better to get a sharper lawn mower blade?

You might think that the sharper you get your lawn mower blade, the better. But that’s not actually true. But it’s not because it’ll have a negative impact on the health of your lawn like a dull blade will. If you were to get your blade as sharp as you possibly could, and then do a side by side comparison against a newly purchased blade, ...

Do lawn mower blades need to be razor sharp?

While it’s not an exact science and you’re likely to come across different opinions if you ask around online, the general consensus is that your mower blade needs to have a nice straight edge (when it dulls, you’ll see that the edge becomes rounded), but it doesn’t want to be razor-sharp to the touch. If it is, you’ve gone too far.

Why is my lawn mower blade not parallel?

The damaged blade may go vertically down which penetrates into the soil of the lawn and damages it. Due to get misshapen, it didn’t remain parallel to other blades. As a result of which, it started causing problems. Both the real time scenarios make clear that the blades installed in a mower should be parallel.

Why do lawn mower blades have parallel orientation?

Smoothness of the operations is not compromised. Parallel orientation saves you from damaging your lawn’s soil So, it proves machinery performs at its best when it is designed properly.

What size blades are compatible with John Deere?

Maxpower 561811B blade is compatible with John Deere lawn mowers suitable for medium sized lawns. You can run the blades over thick grass however they may not perform better in rough terrains. Each blade measures 21-3/8″ Long by 2-3/4″ Wide with a seven point center hole that meets the OEM specifications.

How many blades does an Exmark mower have?

Mostly the mowers are suitable for medium sized lawns and support two to three Exmark blade positions. To adjust more than two blades they are aligned parallel to each other while perpendicular to the shaft. This way there is less chance of grass tangling and settling in the blades which can cause more trouble than good.

Why is my lawn mower not giving a precise cut?

When these mowers lose their particular orientation on which they were manufactured, they don’t give precise cut to your lawn. Here, different scenarios will present you an overview why the mower is not giving a precise cut when the blades are not parallel to each other.

What is precise cut on a lawn mower?

The precise cut of a mower states that the mower is giving precise cut to the lawn in its one pass.Sometimes , a chunk of the mower’s one pass is not cut precisely. This scenario means that the mower blades are not parallel anymore which should give you satisfactory results. Like what? One of the blades would lose its original position due to some harsh environment contact. Now, it won’t give cut to the lawn at that length.

How to align zero turn mower?

To be sure, read the handbook thoroughly. The blades should be positioned in the deck in relation to the chute. The deck belt should be closely checked, as should deck movement.

How tall should a lawn mower wheel be?

What Height Should Mower Wheels Be? The height of a lawnmower should be between 2.5 to 3.5 inches (6.4 to 8.9 cm), but don’t let it get any longer or shorter than that. Tall and short grass are both bad for your lawn. Fortunately, it’s very easy to change the height of the mower in a few seconds.

Why are the wheels on my lawn mower the same height?

The wheels on a lawnmower are all the same height. The illusion that they’re not is often caused by the deck sloping forward. Make sure your mower is level and aligned before you start mowing the grass.

Why Are Some Mowers Slanted Forward?

You might’ve worked with tilted mowers that look different from traditional lawnmowers. In fact, all mowers used to have an even deck. If you’re curious about why your mower is tilted, or you want to know more about the benefits, then keep reading.

What happens if you tilt your mower too far?

If It Tilts Too Far, It Could Damage the Blades. All mowers with tilted decks come ready to go, but as they grow old, the deck can misalign and move forward. Another possibility is if you lower the deck too much and raise the wheels at the same time. Either occurrence will cause the blades to slice into the deck.

Why do lawn mowers have slanted decks?

Slanted decks prevent too much debris from flying around. When the deck is level, grass will fly whichever direction the blades throw it. However, the slanted deck is angled to throw the debris to the back of the mower directly into the bag. It’s an incredibly efficient process that most mowers don’t have.

What is a tilted lawn mower?

It’s more aerodynamic, allowing you to move the mower easier. The tilted deck cuts through the air and grass in front of you, much like the shape of an airplane moving through the sky. Rather than being flat and air-resistant, a tilted mower slices through the air and pushes easily.

What happens when a lawn mower deck is slanted?

When the deck of the mower is slanted, it’s inevitable that the wheels will be a bit higher or lower. Never confused the two heights since they have very different effects. Low wheels and a high deck will be easy to push, but it won’t cut much grass at all.


1.Should The Lawn Mower Deck Be Level? - Lawn Care …


20 hours ago  · The end result should be within 1/8 inches. Move to the blades. Rotate them to ensure their direction is front to back, then measure the distance from the ground to the blade …

2.Should A Mower Deck Be Level Front To Back? - Cut …


4 hours ago  · Whether you are using a push mower or you have a loose blade on a riding lawn mower, the fix should be the same; tightening the bolt. However, if the blade remains loose, …

3.Lawn Mower Height Settings (adjusting your mower …


15 hours ago  · Yes. Mower blades need to be level so that you can make sure that you are getting an even cut – so they should all be at a consistent level across the entire width of the deck. …

4.How Sharp Should a Mower Blade Be? – The Lawn …


11 hours ago  · Should the front of the mower deck be lower than the back? Most of the time, this is normal for a mower. The back of the mower deck should be slightly higher than the front. …

5.Should Mower Blades Be Parallel? - Machines Rating


25 hours ago To keep yourself and others safe when using a lawnmower, make sure the deck is level so that the grass blades do not come out and the blades stay covered. If the blade is not covered …

6.Should Lawn Mower Wheels Be the Same Height?


8 hours ago The front of the mower deck should be lower than the back. The reason is you only want the blade to cut the grass once. If the blade were level, the drag of the grass on the blade would bog the …

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