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should alfalfa pellets be soaked

by Zachariah Gutkowski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Alfalfa Pellets can be fed dry in snack balls or as healthy treats, but as they are high in fibre they should ideally be fed soaked or with chopped fibre to individuals that bolt their feed. For those that struggle to chew, Alfalfa Pellets can be fed soaked prior to feeding. To soak Alfalfa Pellets you can use hot or cold water.

Here are some tips I've learned along the way for feeding a soaked pellet: I have found alfalfa pellets need to be soaked in between five and six hours to fully break down. In the winter months, I soak them overnight so they are ready to be fed the next day.Mar 4, 2020

Full Answer

How long do you soak alfalfa pellets?

Knowing that they loved alfalfa, I figured it was the hard pellets that had turned them off, so we started soaking it. We fill a bucket half to two-thirds full with alfalfa pellets and then cover it with water by about an inch and let it soak for at least half an hour.

How do you feed alfalfa pellets to pigs?

We fill a bucket half to two-thirds full with alfalfa pellets and then cover it with water by about an inch and let it soak for at least half an hour. The pellets fall apart and swell up a little, and we mix them into whatever else we are feeding the pigs that day, and they gobble up all of it.

How much alfalfa should I Feed my Guinea hogs?

Since this is alfalfa, you can feed them as much as they want because this is the salad bar for them during the winter. However, if you have Guinea Hogs, do keep an eye on their weight, and if they start to get fat, you need to feed less.


Do you have to wet alfalfa pellets?

The pellets can be fed dry, but many horses prefer them to be soaked in water and fed as a mash. For young horses, old horses, and those with dental issues, soaking the pellets first may be a necessity.

How do you feed alfalfa pellets?

Usually 15-20 lbs per day of alfalfa or timothy pellets for a 1000# horse. pellets daily over 2-3 weeks. Put the pellets in a bucket, cover with warm water, and then dump them into a large muck bucket and feed immediately.

Do you have to soak hay pellets?

Pellets MUST be soaked before feeding, as they expand considerably when mixed with water. Shreds can be fed dry or soaked.

Does alfalfa need to be soaked?

Alfalfa and orchardgrass need to soak for 60 minutes to reduce K to recommended levels prior to feeding HYPP horses. While soaking reduces K, neither alfalfa or orchardgrass is a good option for HYPP horses.

How long should I soak alfalfa pellets?

How to soak & feed pellets. When feeding hay pellets, I do a ratio of 2:1, cold water to pellets. This works for alfalfa, timothy, or orchard grass pellets. Alfalfa pellets tend to be a bit drier (depending on the weather when and where they were made) so I soak them for 5 hours to get them to completely break down.

Can you feed a horse too much alfalfa pellets?

Overeating alfalfa leads to obesity and colic. Pellets have two problems related to colic, overeating and being concentrated. Because pellets aren't long-stem forage, they don't move food through the digestive tract, leading to colic.

How long should you soak hay pellets?

Pellets and cubes are recommended to be soaked between about 15 minutes to 2 hours at a 2:1 water to forage pellet or cube ratio.

Can I feed alfalfa pellets instead of hay?

Like forage cubes, forage pellets can be fed just like hay, at a 1:1 ratio to replace hay. Forage pellets are the fiber choice for horses that have lost teeth or have poor dentition since forage pellets can easily be soaked in water to form a mash or slurry.

Can you mix alfalfa pellets with feed?

Alfalfa pellets can be fed right out of the bag and be mixed easily into a concentrate feed with little prep time or mess. If needed, they can be softened with water, but that is best done right before serving. Beet pulp requires more work because it should be soaked in advance of serving. It is tastiest when soaked.

How many pounds of alfalfa pellets do you feed a horse?

How Many Pounds of Alfalfa Pellets to Feed a Horse? Horses eat 1.5%-2% of their body weight per day, so a 1000 lb horse would need 15-20 pounds of alfalfa pellets or cubes a day. As a general rule, feed 2% of their weight in alfalfa pellets if they are the main meal.

Can you over water alfalfa?

Alfalfa is a relatively drought tolerant, deep rooted perennial crop with relatively high water use requirement....Root Characteristics.Depth of RootsPercent of Total Water Extracted Coming From that Depth4.5-6.010%3 more rows

Can you feed alfalfa pellets dry to goats?

If you are asking about sheep, goats, and cattle, the answer is no. Ruminants cannot live on a diet of only alfalfa pellets. Ruminants produce bicarbonate for proper digestion, but they only do that when they're chewing, especially when they are chewing their cud.

How do I apply alfalfa pellets to my lawn?

There is not much to it; I just toss a handful of the pellets all over the lawn area, as I am walking. I also put some around big pine tree in the front of the yard, the oak trees and all other trees and shrubs, and in the garden area in my yard.

Will alfalfa pellets put weight on a horse?

Alfalfa is higher in calories and protein than grass hays, which makes it an excellent choice to help to add weight to a thin horse. If your horse tends to be wasteful with his hay, he may eat more when offered alfalfa hay cubes or pellets.

Are alfalfa pellets toxic to dogs?

Alfalfa seeds have a toxic amino acid which can cause allergic reactions in dogs. Feeding fresh alfalfa carries the risk that bacteria is present in the sprouts. Alfalfa supplements are best as a powder sprinkled over your dog's food every day.

How do you fertilize pellets?

Tips for applying granulated fertilizer In flower beds and borders, broadcast granulated fertilizer by hand and then scratch it into the soil. Use a mechanical spreader in open areas like lawns. Always wash fertilizer granules off of foliage. Activate the granulated fertilizer by watering it in right after applying.

1.Videos of Should alfalfa pellets Be Soaked


7 hours ago  · I have found alfalfa pellets need to be soaked in between five and six hours to fully break down. In the winter months, I soak them overnight so they are ready to be fed the …

2.Feeding alfalfa pellets to pigs - The Thrifty Homesteader


32 hours ago  · Alfalfa pellets do not need to be soaked for every horse, but if you have a senior horse, soaking the pellets makes them softer and easier to chew, allowing them to get more …

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