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should crepe myrtles be pruned

by Dr. Alexander Stroman V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

First of all, pruning crapemyrtles is optional; if the plant is in the correct place and can grow to its mature size, let it grow! If you need to prune your crapemyrtle tree or shrub, thinning branches to limb up the crapemyrtle is the correct method.Feb 4, 2020

What happens if you don't prune crepe myrtles?

Leaving it alone will result in a pretty raggedy-looking tree, and it won't grow as quickly either. The new growth will emerge on its own from the fresh cuts, and if you trim at just the right point, you'll encourage way more blooms to appear.

What month do you prune crepe myrtle trees?

February is a good time to prune crape myrtles. It should be done before fresh growth appears in March. Its toughness makes crape myrtle a popular plant. They are fast-growing and highly adaptable.

Should crepe myrtle trees be cut back every year?

Also, crepe myrtles need minimal pruning. Some gardeners top them annually, which ruins their natural shape and beauty. Remove the sucker growth that sometimes appears around the base. Only prune to shape trees or to take out any cross branching.

Should you prune crape myrtle?

As a general statement, crape myrtles need next to no pruning and can be left alone. As a matter of fact, if a crape myrtle is planted in a full sun area with room to grow, it will develop a nice rounded canopy with no pruning needed.

How far do you cut back crepe myrtles?

As your Crape myrtle grows, it will be necessary to remove low branches to raise the canopy. Do this by pruning out the side branches on the main trunks – do this up to a height of about four to six feet, but not up to a height of more than half of the total tree height.

How often should you cut back crepe myrtles?

Crape myrtles are actually low-maintenance when it comes to pruning. Usually crape myrtles only need light pruning once the shape of the plant is established. When pruning, remember that new growth will emerge 3 to 4 inches below where the limb is cut.

How do you shape a crape myrtle?

6:3411:18How to Properly Prune a Crape Myrtle | Gardening with CreeksideYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAgain cut as close to the branch as you can get you don't want to leave a big stem. Out you want toMoreAgain cut as close to the branch as you can get you don't want to leave a big stem. Out you want to cut it as flush as you possibly can and again you're just going to go through.

How do you keep crepe myrtles blooming?

To make your crepe myrtle bloom, apply a high-phosphorus, low-nitrogen fertilizer in a slow-release formula in early spring. Alternatively, fertilize regularly throughout the growing season. Younger trees need monthly feeding, while more established trees benefit from being fertilized every two weeks.

How do you trim a crape myrtle tree?

1:011:51Gardening Tips : How to Prune a Crape Myrtle Into a Tree - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd just leave two or three main suckers towards the top of the bush. And let them grow and let themMoreAnd just leave two or three main suckers towards the top of the bush. And let them grow and let them grow and then that way it'll grow into a tree and as soon as you.

Why are my crepe myrtles not blooming?

Not enough sunshine will curtail blooms on a crape myrtle. Being in a place where the tree does not get significant sunshine is a recipe for a non blooming tree. Make sure that the tree is not planted in an under-story position as the shade from larger trees and shrubs will block the needed sunshine to the tree.

Can you cut crepe myrtles back in the summer?

Pruning crepe myrtles in summer is not the optimal time of year to trim your trees, unless you wait until after they bloom. Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia spp.) signal the beginning of summer with a profusion of colorful flower clusters.

How do you trim a tall crepe myrtle tree?

0:091:32How to Prune Crepe Myrtle Tree - For Tall Growth and Wide CanopyYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe best time to prune your crepe myrtle is when it's not flowering i want to encourage it to growMoreThe best time to prune your crepe myrtle is when it's not flowering i want to encourage it to grow tall. And grow a wide canopy. I'm going to start at the bottom and cut off all the little suckers.

How do you shape a crepe myrtle tree?

Selectively prune upper branches along each stem to shape a flowing, open canopy. Remove branches that cross one another or grow through the interior of the crown. As the crapemyrtle grows, continue to remove lower branches and any suckers that emerge from the base of the plant.

Can you trim a crepe myrtle in summer?

Pruning crepe myrtles in summer is not the optimal time of year to trim your trees, unless you wait until after they bloom. Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia spp.) signal the beginning of summer with a profusion of colorful flower clusters.

Is Miracle Grow good for crepe myrtles?

Using these types of fertilizers will cover your bases if the soil in your area is deficient in a certain element or trace mineral. The easiest to use and most well known fertilizer is Miracle Gro. However, if you have many Crape Myrtles you wish to fertilize, using Miracle Gro can become expensive.

How to grow a crape myrtle?

It's easy.. Just allow your plant to branch and spread naturally. Your Crape Myrtle will still bloom and be beautiful so long as it's watered and fertilized properly

What happens when you commit a crape murder?

When Crape Murder is committed it can literally appear that half, or more, of the plant has been removed. On the one hand... This technique is used by some no professional landscapers and homeowners because it's quick, fairly easy, the plant almost always recovers..

Is a crape myrtle tough?

Natural Look. Now the good news is that Crape Myrtles are one darn tough plant. So the bottom line is if you make a mistake most likely your tree will recover in a few seasons. Most people don't know this.

Is it necessary to prune a plant?

The good news is that super aggressive pruning that you might have seen around town is not actually needed to get a beautiful, healthy plant. Picture Picture Picture

Do lawn care companies prune grass?

Most professional lawn care services and homeowners who know what they are doing will prune these off.

Can you prune crape myrtles with chainsaw?

If yours are way out of control, then a chainsaw might be necessary in the most extreme cases. So now on to the good stuff. Click on image to view larger.

Why are crape myrtles so popular?

Also making crape myrtle a popular landscape choice is the fact that the plant is as tough as it is beautiful. Their peeling bark, fall color, and the grace of their natural form are other prized characteristics.

What is a crape myrtle?

Crape myrtle is a typically low-maintenance plant. Choosing the cultivar best suited for the landscape situation prior to planting is the best way to ensure it doesn’t become a maintenance nightmare. Crape myrtles are available in dwarf & semi-dwarf shrub sizes, as well as small, medium, and large tree selections. The large variety of colors and sizes provides many options available to select the right size plant for a certain space. For a listing of crape myrtle cultivars, including their size and color, see HGIC 1023 Crape Myrtle Varieties.

Why is it called "topping" on myrtles?

Excessive Pruning. The practice of chopping off the tops of crape myrtles, known as ‘topping’ is, unfortunately, very commonplace. Topping has been aptly named ‘Crape Murder’ by gardeners due to the murderous affect to the plants appearance resulting from the severe nature of the pruning.

How to develop a tree shape?

To develop a tree shape, remove all but three to five of the strongest trunks at ground level. As these trunks mature, remove lower, lateral branches (aka ‘limbing-up’) to one-third or halfway up the height of the plant.

Do crape myrtles grow in South Carolina?

Crape myrtle prefers hot, sunny climates and in South Carolina may grow to tree-size proportions. It is important tree types are sited where they have a large area to spread. When given an ideal location, these tree types should be allowed to develop their natural style without whacking off their tops.

Where to cut branches when thinning?

When thinning out branches, make the cut outside the branch collar, which is a swollen area where the branch joins the trunk.

Is a crape myrtle tree in need of pruning?

This Crape myrtle is in need of pruning. There are too many trunks, and the canopy needs to be thinned. The same tree after pruning. The canopy has been opened up to allow in more sunlight, and the lower limbs and suckers have been removed to develop the trunk structure.

How to make a single stem crape myrtle?

With proper pruning, any of our beautiful sizes and varieties can become a single stem plant. Simply remove any extra stems protruding from the ground. This includes any suckers. Also, trim any new growth that appears on the stem that may turn into a branch. You want all of your branching to occur on the top quarter of the tree.

What is a suckers myrtle?

"Suckers" refers to the new growth that comes from the base of the trunk. Most people prune these off. However, if you want your Crape Myrtle to have a more "natural" look or would like it to have multiple trunks, leave some of the suckers to grow. Blooms will appear on new growth suckers.

What is a crape murder?

"Crape Murder" is a term used to describe the aggressive pruning of Crape Myrtles. It can literally appear that half, or more, of the plant has been removed. This technique is used by landscapers and home owners because it's quick, fairly easy, the plant almost always recovers and ensures maximum new growth.#N#This technique is NOT recommended as it may damage you plant.

Can you prune a crape myrtle?

Allowing your Crape Myrtle to grow into it's natural shape has been the trend in recent years. This approach requires little to no pruning. Just allow your plant to branch and spread naturally. Your Crape Myrtle will still bloom and be beautiful if watered often and properly Fertilized.

When should I prune crepe myrtles?

Crepe myrtles lose their leaves in winter, so any necessary pruning should be done during late winter or very early spring. Note that I said necessary pruning, not butchering.

How big does a Natchez Crepe Myrtle get?

It grows to over 30 feet in height with a top spread of about 15-20 feet in diameter.

When Can I Prune or Remove Dead Wood From My Tree?

Pruning of living material should be done in late winter or early to mid-spring after the danger of freezing temperatures has passed . Pruning of live material encourages new growth, so pruning prior to any chance of freezing temperatures should be avoided because:

What Is Crepe Murder?

"Crepe Murder" is the name serious gardeners gave to the act of cutting crepe myrtle trees back to only a few tall stumps. After being cut back so severely, the new growth becomes tightly arranged and, over time, will produce knotty bumps. If cut back in this manner year after year, the tree will appear terribly deformed (as shown below).

Can crepe myrtles be planted under a plant?

Crepe myrtle trees have beautiful spreading canopies, and provide shade for an underplanting of impatiens and other shade-loving bedding plants including perennials, foliage plants such as liriope, fern, and hosta, and a variety of ground covers. They also can be underplanted with sun-loving bulbs because the bulbs usually bloom prior to the trees getting their leaves. Be aware that crepe myrtles do not seem to like having shrubs planted underneath them. I suspect it's because of too much competition for water.

Is a crepe myrtle a dull pruner?

This is not a crepe myrtle, but it is an example of damage from dull pruners and incorrect pruning methods. The shrub belongs to my former neighbor, and the damage was done by a guy with a lawnmower in a pick-up truck calling himself a landscaper.

What causes new growth on old stumps?

New growth on old stumps from improper pruning.

When do crepe myrtles bloom?

Second, if you remove the seed pods early enough in the year -- say late July -- you'll probably get a second flush of blooms in September.

How big is a crepe myrtle?

It all depends on two things. (1) How big is your crepe myrtle? (2) How bored are you? Obviously, if your crepe myrtle is 30 feet tall, the chances of you renting a helicopter to safely lower you down to the top of the tree to prune are quite small.

Will crepe myrtle flowers bloom next year?

Some people think that if they leave on the seed pods, the crepe myrtle will not bloom next year. FALSE. It will bloom just fine.

Why cut off the top of a crape myrtle?

There are two main reasons people might aggressively control the height of a crape myrtle by cutting off the top (this is called "topping"): if they purchased or inherited plants with natural heights that don’t match their desired aesthetic or if they wish to maximize blooms every time by cutting the tops over and over.

Why is my crape myrtle growing?

Overzealous pruning or carelessly trimming it down to a desired height will result in the crape myrtle growing unsightly knobs and growth s, which can make it more susceptible to disease and infestation.

What zone do crape myrtles grow in?

Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia indica, USDA plant hardiness zones 6 to 9) are beautiful, blossoming and woody plants that are classified as trees, and they grow to varying heights. Pruning large crape myrtles may be necessary from time to time, but it must be done properly to avoid damage.

How big do crape myrtles get?

These can grow up to 20 to 30 feet tall and between 10 and 15 feet wide. Dwarf and semidwarf varieties will grow between 6 and 18 feet tall, while shrub varieties range from 2 to 5 feet tall. All of these plants will grow quickly – up to 3 feet per year.


1.Videos of Should Crepe Myrtles Be Pruned


11 hours ago  · When should crepe myrtles be pruned? The ideal time to prune crepe myrtle, as with many flowering trees and shrubs, such as if you're pruning buddleia, is late winter and early spring when the plant is dormant, just before it is about to burst back into life. The exact timing of this will depend on the zone and temperatures where you live.

2.Crepe Myrtle Pruning – Why, When, and How to do It


34 hours ago  · Crepe myrtles should be pruned very early in the spring. Pruning should be done while the crepe myrtle is still in winter dormancy before it starts putting out new growth. Pruning during dormancy helps prevent the spread of disease, fungi, …

3.Crape Myrtle Pruning | Home & Garden Information Center


21 hours ago  · The objective of pruning any plant usually involves improving the structure, changing the size of the plant, or removing dead branches. If a crape myrtle does need to be pruned for safety reasons for instance, this can be done at any time of year. Pruning for safety may include removing storm-damaged limbs or limbs that block visibility on a road or walkway. …

4.How to Properly Prune Your Crape Myrtle - The Crape …


4 hours ago  · Conditions for Pruning. Crepe myrtles lose their leaves in winter, so any necessary pruning should be done during late winter or very early spring. Note that I said necessary pruning, not butchering. There are five (and only five) good reasons to prune a crepe myrtle tree: to remove dead wood, more commonly called "deadwood;"

5.To prune or not to prune – that is the crape myrtle question


30 hours ago Or no. It all depends on two things. (1) How big is your crepe myrtle? (2) How bored are you? Obviously, if your crepe myrtle is 30 feet tall, the chances of you renting a helicopter to safely lower you down to the top of the tree to prune are quite small.

6.Proper Pruning of Crepe Myrtles - Dengarden


14 hours ago  · Removing seed pods from a crape myrtle between July and September will encourage additional blooms. Pruning as late as May or even later can be safe for your tree but will inherently delay the ...

7.Should Crepe Myrtle Seeds Be Removed? | Southern Living


3 hours ago

8.Controlling Crepe Myrtle Height by Pruning | Home …


14 hours ago

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