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should you let succulents flower

by Hadley Schaden Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

From a succulents' point of view, flowers serve one purpose- reproduction. Pollinated flowers will produce seed which will help the plants spread. But they also consume energy and attract pests. Thus, it may be better to cut them off if you're not propagating seeds.Jun 8, 2021

Should flowers be cut off succulents?

Succulents also require pruning to propagate more pups. Since most of these plants can seal off the trimmed points, it is always best to cut off the diseased, dead, or broken stems, flowers stalks, and leaves.

What does it mean if my succulent is flowering?

When you see a bloom stalk or flower developing on your plant, begin adding an hour more sun each day, if possible. Gradually add more until it is in full sun all day. If you grow your plants indoors, find the brightest, sunniest window and acclimate them there. Keep a check that leaves and pads don't burn.

Do succulents flower when stressed?

Keep in mind, however, succulents don't need heavy watering, even to bloom. You may be surprised by a flower on the stressed succulent if it is sited properly – sometimes it's all about location, location, location.

What do you do with succulent flower stalks?

Flower stalks can be propagated just like cuttings. Cut off close to where it's growing from, leave for a day so the wound dries, plant in succulent potting mix/seed raising mix and wait. It is best the cuttings are placed out of full sun, especially in summer, though, they should be left in a bright spot outdoors.

When should I cut my succulents?

Succulents generally do best if they are pruned at the beginning of their growing season, however, you can prune anytime. If you prune toward the end of the growing season you may not see new growth as quickly but it will happen slowly and pickup once they start actively growing again.

What do you do with baby succulents?

Once the offsets are half the size of the mother plant, you can cut them off using a pair of pruners. Wait for the cut to callous over. Place them on top of fresh soil, don't water, place them in a shady, but bright area, and neglect them. Soon enough, they'll root into the soil and voila!

Why is my succulent growing a long stem in the middle?

Succulents stretch out when they aren't getting enough sunlight. You'll first notice the succulent start to turn and bend toward the light source. Then as it continues to grow it will get taller with more space between the leaves. Most of the time the leaves will be smaller and lighter in color than normal.

How often are you supposed to water succulent?

They pull water out of the soil at a remarkable rate as they make new stems, leaves, roots and blooms. You may water them three times a week, depending on conditions like light and temperature. In the winter, succulents go dormant. Growing stops, so you'll only need to water them once or twice for the entire season.

Do succulents like sunlight?

Succulents love light and need about six hours of sun per day, depending on the type of succulent. Newly planted succulents can scorch in direct sunlight, so you may need to gradually introduce them to full sun exposure or provide shade with a sheer curtain.

Should I cut off echeveria flowers?

For nurseries it's a trade-off: Although echeverias in bloom may sell better, it's better in the long run to remove the flowers. That keeps its growth and energy in the plant. Echeveria flower stalks stretch the plants toward maximum sun exposure.

What happens if you cut the top off a succulent?

Lastly, cutting off part of a succulent plant can lead to new growth in the future. Once you cut off the top of the plant, allow it to dry out for about a day. Then, it can be replanted into a potting mix made specifically for succulents or cacti, rather than a regular potting soil.

Why is my succulent growing another succulent?

They are clones, meaning that they are genetically identical to the mother plant.” Since they are clones of the parent, this is one of the easiest ways to grow more succulents. Tiny pups eventually grow from the healthy, properly positioned adult plant. Some types send out stems with pups growing on the ends.

What does it mean when a succulent opens up?

Succulents stretch out when they aren't getting enough sunlight. You'll first notice the succulent start to turn and bend toward the light source. Then as it continues to grow it will get taller with more space between the leaves. Most of the time the leaves will be smaller and lighter in color than normal.

Do succulents flower every year?

No. Not all succulent plants flower. Some may take years before they are ready to bloom and some may not flower at all. Some succulent species flower freely even when young whereas other species need a maturation period before they are ready to flower.

What type of succulent has flowers?

Echeveria (Echeveria sp.) One of the most popular types of flowering succulents, Echeveria is loved for its beautiful rosette growth pattern. This species of flowering succulents can bloom spectacularly.

Are there any flowering succulents?

Many succulents bloom annually, but there are also biennial bloomers that flower every other year and monocarpic succulents. Monocarpic plants, like Agave, Hens & Chicks (Sempervivum), and Air Plants (Tillandsia), will only flower once in their lifetime.

How much water do succulents need?

Succulents need very little water. Watering them too often, more than once per two weeks in the summer or once per month in the winter, could kill...

How do you grow succulents from cuttings?

Most succulents are very easy to propagate. So when you have a succulent cutting, there are only 3 things you have to do: 1. wait until your succul...

How much sunlight do succulents need?

Most succulents, like cacti, grow in warm regions in the blazing sun. There are a few succulents that require less sunlight, but most of the succul...

Can you grow succulents outside?

It depends. If you live in a warm climate with a lot of sunlight and no frost in the winter, you can most likely grow succulents outside. If you li...

How do you water succulents without any drainage?

It's recommended to have drainage holes in pots that you use for succulents. However, if you don't have one of those pots, you'll need to make sure...

How long can succulents go without water?

Succulents store a lot of moisture in their stems and leaves, so they can easily last weeks without water. In the summer it will need water more of...

How often should you fertilize a succulent?

You could fertilize a succulent once per month, but this is not needed. You can fertilize it once per year, at the beginning of the growing season...

Can you propagate a succulent in water?

Yes, just like propagating a succulent plant in soil, you can also choose to do this in water. The process is very similar to propagating a succule...

How do you care for a succulent in the winter?

Caring for a succulent in the winter is similar to caring for it in the summer. The only difference is that you'll need to hold off on the number o...

What is the best soil for a succulent?

The best soil for a succulent is soil that drains water quickly. You could get a succulent or cactus soil mix at a plant shop or make it yourself....

When Do Succulents Bloom?

Bloom time varies in succulent plants. Most echeverias bloom in late spring to early summer but are known to blossom in fall as well. Aloe vera typically blooms in summer, but can certainly blossom at other times of the year – several blossom in autumn and winter. Jade, kalanchoe, rhipsalis, and some hoya also bloom in autumn and winter.

How to keep aphids away from succulents?

When your bloom stalk or flower begins to develop, keep an eye out for aphids buzzing around it. They are particularly attracted to this type of new growth. Spray them with a 50% to 70% alcohol product or a horticulture soap. Some succulent growers remove the stalk at this time for this reason.

How to make a flower bloom last longer?

Use a high phosphorus fertilizer, the middle number on the three-digit fertilizer ratio. Also, increase the feeding up to half-strength instead of one-quarter . Continue feeding until the blossom begins dying off. All these are potential care tips that can make your flower bloom earlier and last longer.

Do succulents bloom at certain points?

All succulent plants and cacti have the capability to bloom at some point, but location and conditions have to be just right . If a bloom stalk or bud appears, you’ll likely exclaim “My succulent is flowering!”. Proceed in the right way to get the most beautiful, long-lasting bloom.

Do succulents have babies?

Sadly, some succulents are monocarpic and exist only to flower one time. Cold-hardy sempervivum and the beautiful aeonium, for instance, die after producing their first bloom. Before flowering, though, they’ll produce babies that continue their line.

Do succulents bloom in the summer?

Succulent and cacti flowers love sunlight, so the more you can gradually provide will make the flower bloom more quickly. Be cautious when temperatures are in the high 80’s and 90’s, though, as some succulent plants can’t take extremely high heat. As always, it is best to know your succulent plant and research details about its bloom and how much heat it likes. Since most plants in this category bloom in late spring to early summer, high heat is not always an issue. Blooms tend to last longer in dry climates.

An argument for keeping succulent flowers

The aeonium flowers above are beautiful on their own. Their bright yellow color is a welcome site in winter. Succulent flowers come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, but most are not nearly as showy as these– and I hate to ruin the ending, but I still cut these off!

An argument for removing succulent flowers

At first I thought that my aeonium was stretching for more light, but when the other stems remained nice and compact it was clear that this succulent was getting ready to flower.

How to remove succulent flowers

The before and after photo below shows just how much tidier this plant became once I remove the large aeonium flower spike. You can simply snap it off by hand near the base or use a pair of snips to cut it down. The flower spike itself is quite top heavy and the brittle nature of these succulents made this very easy to do.

How to make succulents grow?

Cacti and other succulent species rely on a cold stimulus to create their buds. While this process takes place naturally on hardy succulents, you can help a little with your indoor plants with the following strategy: 1 Relocate succulent houseplants from heated rooms from November to February 2 Place in a bright to sunny location with temperatures of 12 to 15 degrees Celsius 3 Alternatively, lower the nighttime temperatures by around 5 degrees in living rooms in winter 4 Water only enough so that the root ball does not dry out 5 Do not fertilize from October / November to February / March

Why do succulents need substrate?

So the right substrate is essential for succulents because it forms the basis for their growth.

How long does it take for a monocarpic succulent to bloom?

We can also find monocarpic succulent species in Aeonium, Kalanchoe, Crassula and Echeveria. Monocarpic succulents can take years before flowering, however, when it does bloom, it is the energy and resources expended from the plant to produce fruit and seeds that causes death and not the flower itself.

What kind of succulents have red flowers?

When talking about flowering succulents, don’t forget the Flaming Katy ( Kalanchoe blossfeldiana ). Especially the bright red flowers of the succulent transform the houseplant into a real eye-catcher. If you prefer something more subtle, you will find other Kalanchoe species such as the Madagascar bell ( Kalanchoe miniata) or the Mother of Millions ( Kalanchoe tubiflora) also succulents with pink, white or yellow flowers.

What is the name of the plant that blooms in a desert?

The desert rose ( Adenium obesum) is still one of the real gem when it comes to flowering succulents. Especially its caudex, which can often take on bizarre shapes, makes the plant an eye-catcher. The succulent plant only reaches its full beauty when it blooms – the strikingly beautiful pink flowers of the succulent plant are actually reminiscent of wild roses. In addition to the common simple pink flowers, the desert rose also shines in pure white, intense red or dark purple.

What kind of plant has pink flowers?

If you prefer something more subtle, you will find other Kalanchoe species such as the Madagascar bell ( Kalanchoe miniata) or the Mother of Millions ( Kalanchoe tubiflora) also succulents with pink, white or yellow flowers. The Flaming Katy is a red flowering succulent plant [Photo credit: DigitalMammoth]

Why do succulents give me headaches?

The floral connoisseurs cause headaches when they rigorously keep the longed-for blooms under lock and key. You can find out here how to get succulents to flower.

How to grow succulents in a house?

One way to do this is to make sure your succulent doesn't get watered very often. In fact, it thrives when you don't water it for weeks at a time.

What happens if you don't give your succulents enough sunlight?

So most succulents love sunlight, but what happens if we don't give the succulent the sunlight exposure it wants? Your succulent will start to get taller and grow to one side. This behavior seems strange, because most succulents are quite flat and white plants. It's growing taller and lean toward one side because it's looking for the sunlight it wants. When you see your succulent grow taller like this, it's time to move it to a lighter spot. After you've moved it a to a lighter spot, you should notice that your succulent isn't growing any taller any more. However, it's also not shrinking any more. Once your succulent has become leggy and stretched out, it won't return to it's original size. So what can you do? One of the things you can do is propagate your succulent. We'll get into this further down in the guide. For now it's important to know that you're not doing anything wrong when your succulent doesn't return to it's old size, this is just what succulents do.

Why do succulents need to be moved in winter?

The lack of sunlight in the winter could mean that you have to move your succulents to a windowsill in order for them to still get enough sunlight. If your succulents are already in a windowsill, you don't have to move them, as they already get the maximum amount of light possible for that time of year.

How long does it take for a succulent to grow?

After two days , you can plant the top of the succulent and the leaves in soil and water your plants. After a few weeks, your cuttings and leaves should grow their own roots and after even more time, small succulents will start to grow from your cuttings. This does take a while, as succulents are slow-growing plants.

How to keep succulents dry?

One way to achieve this dry environment is watering your succulent very little, but a more effective way is to use a well-draining soil mix. The ideal soil for you succulent drains water quickly, so your succulent isn't sitting in water for too long. The best pre-packaged soil mix is a succulent or cactus soil mix.

Why is my succulent growing taller?

It's growing taller and lean toward one side because it's looking for the sunlight it wants . When you see your succulent grow taller like this, it's time to move it to a lighter spot. After you've moved it a to a lighter spot, you should notice that your succulent isn't growing any taller any more.

How to propagate a succulent?

Example: when you have a succulent cutting, there are only 3 things you have to do: Wait until your succulent has grown a Callus on the section that was cut away from the parent plant. Plant your succulent in the soil. Water your succulent.

How to tell if a succulent needs more light?

Sometimes before a succulent leans or gets tall, the leaves will curl backward. While a tightly curled up succulent is getting plenty of (or too much) sun, one that is flattening out or has it's leaves spreading out is not getting enough. This is one of the earliest signs you'll see that your succulent needs more light.

What is the course on succulents?

The Successfully Growing Succulents course brings the entire puzzle together and puts everything in order so you build the perfect system and schedule for your plants in your climate, giving you the confidence and skill you need to keep your succulents alive and thriving for years to come.

Why are my succulents turning green?

Most of the time the leaves will be smaller and lighter in color than normal. Generally, lack of sunlight will also cause the succulent to turn green or lose the intensity of it's original color.

Why are my succulents curling backwards?

Drooping or flattened out leaves. Sometimes before a succulent leans or gets tall, the leaves will curl backward. While a tightly curled up succulent is getting plenty of (or too much) sun, one that is flattening out or has it's leaves spreading out is not getting enough.

How long does it take for a plant to put off new offshoots?

The base, or original plant, will start to put off new offshoots within a few weeks. You can continue to care for this plant the same as you were before making the cut.

Do succulents grow taller?

Most of the time, their succulents have become much taller and spread out. This is quite a common occurrence, especially when you're growing succulents indoors. While succulents are fairly slow growing, its amazing how quickly they seem to stretch when they aren't getting the light they need.

Can succulents be stretched out?

Once a succulent is stretched out, it won't rever t back to it's original compact height and shape. Don't worry though!

How to keep succulents from overflooding?

Simply use a watering can with little water dispensing to not overflood the succulent leaves. Make sure the soil around your plant is completely soaked and well-draining and giving the excess water the opportunity to flow away.

Why are my succulents not sensitive to water?

Because of wind that drys out the water outdoor succulents are not that sensitive when it comes to water on their leaves.

How long does it take for succulents to rot?

Succulent roots can start rotting after sitting in waterlogged soil for three days or more so make sure to only water them once the soil dried out.

Why do succulents need to be misted?

They do not need misting as often as other types of plants because they store moisture in their leaves and stems. Misting mature plants too often can cause root rot and other issues related to excessive moisture.

When watering succulents, do you have to memorize different watering rules than caring for developing plants?

When watering your succulents you have to memorize different watering rules than caring for developing plants.

What happens to succulents during dry periods?

During the dry phases, succulent plants start growing new roots, that search for water. By that, they develop a much larger and healthier root system which enables them to withstand long dry periods.

What is the best way to kill plants?

There are many things that can kill plants instantly, but what exactly is the best way to go about it? Vinegar, salt, and boiling water are the quickest ways to kill your plants. Also watering too...

What is the most important thing to plant succulents in?

If you’re going to plant your succulents in a pot the most important thing is that it has drainage holes.

Why do you replant succulents?

1.) You bought succulents and need to transplant them into the ground or into a pot. 2.) You propagated succulents and want to plant them. 3.)

What happens when you take a succulent out of the pot?

You’ll often buy a succulent and then when you take it out of the pot all the soil is stuck to its roots like in the picture below.

What is the pest that eats succulents?

A common succulent pest is a mealybug and if you come across them it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible!

Why don't you plant plants in clay soil?

You don’t want to plant straight into the ground if you have clay soil because that holds onto too much water.

Do succulents need to be watered?

Get On a Watering Schedule. For the most part, succulents are drought tolerant and they store water in their leaves which means they don’t need to be watered often. An underwatered succulent can almost always recover, but an overwatered succulent will turn to mush.

Do you have to remove dirt from succulents when transplanting?

Whether you are transplanting the succulent from another pot or digging it up from in the ground, it’s important to remove the dirt.

How to make a plant grow roots?

Save some stripped-off leaves. They're rarin' to go. Tuck a few plump ones back in the pot under the parent plant, and they'll form roots and new little leaves from their stem ends. Voila: Tiny new plants with no trouble at all.

Do succulents hold moisture?

You may not think of succul ents as a source of cut flowers for floral arrangements, but succulent flowers are actually better than thin-petalled lovelies like roses. Because they're succulent, they hold moisture, and they last a LONG time---sometimes weeks, depending on the variety.

Can you combine succulents with other plants?

Hi Tess, yes, you can combine them with other flowers. The succulents will far outlast regular flowers, unless maybe alstroemeria.

Can flower stalks grow on a plant?

Hi Mike — The flower stalks won’t grow (although occasionally they form platelets, which can be removed and planted). But the leaves along the stem are supposedly eager to root. Set them under the mother plant, on top of the soil, and some may grow tiny leaves and roots from the stem end.


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