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what are psychological influences

by Domenic Kris Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Psychological Influences Definition. Psychological influences are the factors that influence the mindset of a consumer. ...
  • Overview of Psychological Influences. Psychological influences are the factors that influence consumer’s decisions. ...
  • Motivation. ...
  • Learning and Acculturation. ...
  • Consumer’s Attitude and Beliefs. ...

Perception, motivation, beliefs and attitudes all determine the conscious and subconscious thought processes that a consumer undergoes before eventually making a purchase, whether it's an extensively researched decision or an impulse buy.Jun 3, 2021

Full Answer

What are the factors influencing personality?

Social Factors

  • Parents. Parents are the first persons who enter into interaction with the child. ...
  • Home environment. The kind of environment in a family that exists affects our personality a great deal. ...
  • Birth order. Adler was the first psychologist to assert that a child’s ordinal position among his siblings, i.e. ...
  • School. ...
  • Neighbourhood. ...
  • Social acceptance. ...

What are some examples of psychological factors?

What are the 5 psychological factors?

  • Some of the most significant psychological aspects are as follows: i. The source of motivation. ...
  • Ii. Perception.
  • III. Learning.
  • Iv. Attitudes and Beliefs.
  • I Family, II Reference Groups, III Roles and Status, and I Culture

What influences the attitudes of people?

Factors influencing attitude are beliefs, feelings, and action tendencies of an individual or group of individuals towards objects, ideas, and people. Quite often persons and objects or ideas become associated in the minds of individuals and as a result, attitudes become multidimensional and complex. Attitudes involve some knowledge of a situation.

What are the factors that influences social perception?

What are the factors that influences social perception . DA: 14 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 85. There are many other factors that can influence social perception, but physical appearance, stereotypes, and context are three of the most important factors; Further Reading


What are some psychological influences?

A few examples of psychological factors are the nature of significant childhood and adult relationships, the experience of ease or stress in social environments (e.g., school, work), and the experience of trauma.

What does psychological influence mean?

1. any change in an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors caused by other people, who may be actually present or whose presence is imagined, expected, or only implied.

What are physiological influences?

Physiological factors are things related to your physical body that affect your thinking. For example, when your body's chemistry is off due to unbalanced nutrition, dehydration, alcohol, etc., the neurotransmitters that control your thinking processes can be affected.

What are examples of physiological influences?

The physiological factors include how people feel, their physical health, and their levels of fatigue at the time of learning, the quality of the food and drink they have consumed, their age, etc.

What are the 5 psychological factors?

Some of the important psychological factors are:i. Motivation. When a person is motivated enough, it influences the buying behavior of the person. ... ii. Perception. ... iii. Learning. ... iv. Attitudes and Beliefs. ... i. Family. ... ii. Reference Groups. ... iii. Roles and status. ... i. Culture.More items...

What are the four psychological factors?

There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour: Motivation, perception, learning, and attitude or belief system. Motivation speaks to the internal needs of the consumer.

What are examples of physiological?

The definition of physiological is the normal functions of a living thing. An example of physiological is a person shedding skin. Relating to the action of a drug when given to a healthy person, as distinguished from its therapeutic action.

What are 3 physiological factors?

Physiological factorsGenetics or inheritance. Here we are talking about the characteristics that the person is born with. ... The brain and nervous system. ... Gender. ... Oral motor skills.

What are the physiological influences on perception?

Physiological Influences Health, exhaustion, and hunger also affect our perception and communication. Other physiological factors influence perceptions, including biological cycles like menstrual cycles, body temperature, alertness, stress tolerance, and even neurological factors such as ADHD and bipolar disorder.

What are the psychological factors of personality?

1) Extraversion.2) Agreeableness.3) Conscientiousness.4) Neuroticism.5) Openness.Factor affecting personality development.1) Individual factors affecting personality.A) Heredity.More items...•

What are the example of psychosocial?

Examples of psychosocial factors include social support, loneliness, marriage status, social disruption, bereavement, work environment, social status, and social integration.

What are the psychological factors that affect learning?

The most important psychological factors for students' academic performance is their self-efficacy, motivation, stress and test anxiety for the subject they study. Teachers should therefore choose meaningful and authentic tasks in which students will see utility for future profession.

What are psychological factors in mental health?

Psychological factors that may contribute to mental illness include: Severe psychological trauma suffered as a child, such as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. An important early loss, such as the loss of a parent. Neglect.

How does psychology influence consumer behavior?

The key psychological factors to understand when considering consumer behavior are motivation, perception, attitudes and beliefs, along with lifestyle. Understanding these factors will assist any marketer in understanding the behavior of their consumers in order to successfully appeal to them.

What are the 3 elements of social influence?

Three areas of social influence are conformity, compliance and obedience. Conformity is changing how you behave to be more like others. This plays to belonging and esteem needs as we seek the approval and friendship of others.

What are some examples of social influence?

Social influence encompasses such strategies as indebtedness or reciprocity, commitment, social proof, liking and attractiveness, authority, and scarcity.

What are the factors that influence psychology?

To help Reena plan her study, let's take a look at some of the influencing factors in psychological research, including social, cultural, economic, and ethical factors .

How does psychology influence research?

Psychological research involves using the scientific method to investigate the human experience. There are many things that can influence psychological research. Social and cultural influences include biases of the researcher, which should be reduced through critical thinking and blind procedures; and biases of the study, which could include culturally biased tasks or questions and using subjects that do not represent the population. In addition, economic factors can influence psychological research, especially as they can limit what is practical for a researcher to do. Finally, ethical concerns involve making sure that the risks to participants are reduced and getting informed consent from all the subjects of the study.

What are the two major biases that can come about from social and cultural factors?

Two major biases that can come about from social and cultural factors are biases of the researcher and biases of the research design. Biases of the researcher can influence the way that a researcher plans and implements the study. For example, if Reena comes from a society where it is widely believed that women are smarter than men, ...

Why are social and cultural factors important in research?

Because they are part of how the researcher sees the world, and how the subjects in the study react to things, social and cultural factors inevitably play a role in how research is done. Often, this isn't a bad thing, but sometimes it can lead to biases. Two major biases that can come about from social and cultural factors are biases ...

How can economic factors influence psychological research?

In addition, economic factors can influence psychological research, especially as they can limit what is practical for a researcher to do. Finally, ethical concerns involve making sure that the risks to participants are reduced and getting informed consent from all the subjects of the study.

What is the scientific study of human thoughts, actions, and feelings?

Psychology is the scientific study of human thoughts, actions, and feelings. That means that practically anything relating to the human experience is part of psychology , and can be studied through psychological research, which involves designing studies that use the scientific method to investigate an aspect of psychology .

Who is Natalie from Psychology?

Natalie is a teacher and holds an MA in English Education and is in progress on her PhD in psychology. Psychological research gives us insight into how humans think, feel, and behave. But there are many different factors that can influence the way psychological research is done. In this lesson, we'll look at some of the social, cultural, economic, ...

How does attentional bias work?

Attentional bias: In the decision making process, attentional bias comes into effect when the lead unconsciously attends to certain stimuli while ignoring other stimuli. We tend to focus on stimuli that’s familiar, so you can use this bias to an advantage by presenting stimuli about your brand while the lead is in the decision making process by using blog subscription emails, retargeting ads and social media.

What is the Halo effect?

Halo effect: This bias is also known as the “what is beautiful is good” principle. It is the habitual tendency to rate a person or thing positively based on one desirable characteristic. As research shows, people who are thought to be attractive will also be rated positively for other factors such as intelligence or friendliness. Although this effect has been most used by marketers who gain endorsements from likable people like celebrities, it may also be beneficial in relation to website design and the user experience. For example, if your website’s design is thought to be “beautiful”, the lead will find the overall product to be good.

How to build a successful campaign?

As a marketer, you likely know that one of the first steps to building successful campaigns is to build buyer personas. As you think back onto the core psychological influences on a lead’s decision making process, this is even more important. You should clearly understand all of the psychological influences that your buyer experiences so that you can tailor campaigns to this. Get started in thinking about these now by sharing some of the influences you’ve seen with your company’s leads in the comments!

What is functional fixedness? What are some examples?

A basic example of this is that we may only see that a pencil’s use is simply to write. However, it may also be used to throw your hair up into a messy bun if you think past its intended use. For marketers, you’ll need to keep in mind that throughout the lead’s decision making process, you’ll likely need to educate on how to solve problems in new ways, especially if your product or service goes against what the lead has always known, to get past functional fixedness.

Why do we have cognitive bias?

A bias occurs because our brain takes a short-cut through our memory without any conscious awareness.

Why is environment important for marketing?

From the user experience that your website provides to the stage you set with content, each aspect is a cue in the lead’s environment that can either aid in helping the lead decide to go with your company or prohibit that.

What is the process of learning?

Learning, which can be defined as the process of acquiring new information, and memory, which is where we store this information, are both key in a lead’s decision making process. In reference to the inbound methodology, you know that a lead typically goes through stages of identifying the problem, evaluating and comparing solutions, and, finally, deciding on the most valid solution. This entire process involves learning which means that you need to facilitate this process by serving up content that aligns to each stage.

What should a marketer try to understand?

Thus, the marketer should try to understand the attitudes and beliefs of individuals and design the marketing campaigns to retain the consumers. Learning: The individual’s learning depends on the skills, knowledge and intention.

What is selective attention?

In selective attention, the marketer tries to gain the attention of the customer towards his offerings. Different people have different perceptions about the same product depending on their individual beliefs and attitudes which give rise to selective distortion.

What is cognitive learning?

While in the cognitive learning the individual applies all his knowledge, skill, attitudes, values and beliefs to find the solution of a problem and derive satisfaction out of it. Attitudes and Beliefs: The individuals have certain beliefs and attitudes towards products on which their purchase decisions rests.

How does conditional learning differ from cognitive learning?

While in the cognitive learning the individual applies all his knowledge, skill, attitudes, values and beliefs to find the solution of a problem and derive satisfaction out of it.

What are the factors that influence consumer behavior?

Psychological Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior. Definition: The Psychological Factors are the factors that talk about the psychology of an individual that drive his actions to seek satisfaction. Some of the important Psychological Factors are: Motivation: The level of motivation influences the buying behavior of the consumers.

What is the level of motivation?

Motivation: The level of motivation influences the buying behavior of the consumers. It is very well explained by Maslow through his need hierarchy theory comprising of basic needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Usually, the basic needs and the security needs are more pressing needs than ...

What is the process through which the individual selects, organizes, and interprets the information to draw a meaningful?

Perception: The consumer perception towards a particular product and the brand also influences his buying decision. The perception is the process through which the individual selects, organize and interpret the information to draw a meaningful conclusion.

How do attitudes affect consumer decision making?

Therefore, marketing professionals must understand how attitudes and beliefs can affect consumer decision-making processes. In some cases, marketing campaigns may need to be geared toward positively changing consumer attitudes or beliefs. Comparatively, in other cases where consumer attitudes and beliefs present a significant roadblock to brand profitability, a brand may consider pivoting their strategy and instead change a product to coincide with consumer attitudes. Because attitudes and beliefs can be challenging to shift, the latter strategy is most often employed by brands that experience such discrepancies.

How does socialization affect consumer behavior?

Socialization influences consumer behavior because it establishes and normalizes a certain type of engagement. Marketing professionals can design their campaigns and materials with the purpose of socializing consumers to make certain decisions, such purchasing decisions. Even further, though, marketing campaigns can be directly aligned ...

Why are psychological factors important to consider when creating marketing campaigns?

Consumers' psychological factors like their emotions, desires, and motivations are important to consider when creating marketing campaigns because such factors drive consumer behavior. This means that psychological factors may cause consumers to make or forgo purchases, connect with your brand or choose competitor products over your company's. For example, consider a situation where a consumer is motivated to engage sustainably with the environment due to their socialization as a member of a community affected by climate change. In such an instance, the consumer may only choose to buy your brand's products if they are marketed as eco-friendly and environmentally beneficial.

What is the psychological factor that leads two consumers with identical needs to purchase different products to meet those needs?

Perception is the psychological factor that leads two consumers with identical needs to purchase different products to meet those needs. While this means that marketing campaigns may not be fully equipped to navigate the highly diverse factor of consumer perception, it can be helpful to understand the three processes which lead to differences in perception :

What is motivation in marketing?

Motivation, or an individual's innate drive to take the initiative to satisfy a particular need, is an important psychological factor to consider in marketing toward your consumers. Different consumers have varying levels of motivation geared toward satisfying a wide scope of needs.

What is socialization in psychology?

Socialization, or the process by which individuals develop knowledge and beliefs, is a psychological factor that combines learning and social engagement. Individuals are often socialized to learn specific normalized behaviors that may be modified throughout their lifetime. In most cases, individuals learn these behaviors directly from socialization agents, or other people who consciously or unconsciously teach the learner about behavioral patterns and cognitive reasoning processes. Individuals interact with a variety of socialization agents throughout their lives, including friends, parents, siblings, teachers, politicians, celebrities and others. In some cases, organizations and sources of information can serve as socialization agents, too.

What is reinforcement in marketing?

Reinforcement is a psychological factor that is a subset of learning— it is the process of an individual having their learning validated or confirmed through rewards or punishments . Reinforcement can be highly relevant to the field of marketing, as consumers often return to brands loyally when the information they learned about products is positively reinforced through their experiences with such products. Conversely, if a consumer learns information about a product that is negatively reinforced through their experiences, they may never return to a brand again.

Personal Influences

Individuals vary in backgrounds, personality, temperament and perceptions, so the predominant factors in one person’s consumer behavior may be less important to someone else. Generally, the most important personal factors marketers and businesses consider are:

Social Influences

Human beings are one of the most social of all species. What individuals do and buy is largely shaped by social influences, including:

Cultural Influences

Like social influences, cultural factors exert considerable influence on individuals, starting as early as childhood. Most people would be very different consumers had they come from another culture.

Psychological Influences

Perception, motivation, beliefs and attitudes all determine the conscious and subconscious thought processes that a consumer undergoes before eventually making a purchase, whether it’s an extensively researched decision or an impulse buy.


1.Learn About Psychological Influences |


30 hours ago Psychological Influences on Behavior. Psychological factors include motivation, perception, learning, and attitude (beliefs). Psychological influences on behavior play a large role in a …

2.Psychological Research: Influencing Factors & Examples


25 hours ago Psychological influences are the factors that influence consumer’s decisions. The key psychological influences are motivation, lifestyle, belief, and point of view of the consumer. …

3.Psychosocial Influences on Health | Musculoskeletal Key


9 hours ago Psychological research gives us insight into how humans think, feel, and behave. But there are many different factors that can influence the way psychological research is done. In this …

4.The Core Psychological Influences on a Lead’s Decision …


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