Knowledge Builders

what are the 7 p and 4c in marketing

by Dr. Kamren Kassulke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The 4Ps are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. On the other hand, 7Ps are 3 additional Ps processes, People and Physical evidence known as service marketing mix. Every marketing professional should understand the concept, if don’t, can miss the important ingredients that affect the marketing plan.

The 4Ps are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. On the other hand, 7Ps are 3 additional Ps processes, People and Physical evidence known as service marketing mix. Every marketing professional should understand the concept, if don't, can miss the important ingredients that affect the marketing plan.

Full Answer

What are the 4P and 7p of marketing?

This concept is also called 4Ps and 7Ps of marketing. The 4Ps are Product, Price, Place and Promotion. On the other hand, 7Ps are 3 additional Ps processes, People and Physical evidence known as service marketing mix.

What are the 7 Ps of marketing?

It’s called the seven Ps of marketing and includes product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence. Here’s how the 7 Ps of marketing can be applied to everything in your marketing mix: 1. Product It goes without saying that the service or product you’re selling should be at the centre of every element of the marketing mix.

What is the 4th p in the marketing mix?

The fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually sold. Develop the habit of reviewing and reflecting upon the exact location where the customer meets the salesperson. Sometimes a change in place can lead to a rapid increase in sales. You can sell your product in many different places.

What is the difference between 4C and 4p marketing mix?

Difference between 4C and 4P Marketing Mix. As you can see, the traditional 4P Marketing Mix uses the Business perspective, while the 4Cs are more focused on the Customer Experience. The Needs, Perceptions and Customer Satisfaction.


What are the 7 P's and 7 C's in marketing?

7 P's and 7 C's » Product = Customer. » Price = Cost. » Place = Convenience. » Promotion = Communication.

What is 4P and 4C in marketing?

The 4Ps of product, price, place, and promotion refer to the products your company is offering and how to get them into the hands of the consumer. The 4Cs refer to stakeholders, costs, communication, and distribution channels which are all different aspects of how your company functions.

What are 4 C's in marketing?

The 4Cs (Clarity, Credibility, Consistency, Competitiveness) is most often used in marketing communications and was created by David Jobber and John Fahy in their book 'Foundations of Marketing' (2009).

What are the 7 P's in marketing?

It's called the seven Ps of marketing and includes product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence.

What is the meaning of 4 P's?

product, price, place and promotionThe marketing mix, also known as the four P's of marketing, refers to the four key elements of a marketing strategy: product, price, place and promotion.

What are the 4 E's of marketing?

The “4Es” of Marketing are “Experience”, “Everyplace”, “Exchange” and “Evangelism”. Anyone familiar with Marketing theory will recognize that the 4Es draw their basic wisdom from the famous “4P” mnemonic in modern marketing theory.

What are the 4 C's of business?

The 4Cs are customer, cost, convenience and communication. By learning to use the 4Cs model, you'll have the chance to think about your product from a new perspective (the customer's) and that could be very good for business. Here's how to use the 4Cs to best position your product in a competitive market.

Who introduced 7 P's of marketing?

The 7Ps marketing model was originally devised by E. Jerome McCarthy and published in 1960 in his book Basic Marketing.

What are the 7 Ps of marketing?

It’s called the seven Ps of marketing and includes product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and physical evidence. Here’s how the 7 Ps of marketing can be applied to everything in your marketing mix: 1. Product. It goes without saying that the service or product you’re selling should be at the centre of every element of the marketing mix.

What is a deep understanding of buying patterns?

A deep understanding of their purchasing patterns – and targeting them at the right stage in their buying cycle – will make it clear where you should promote and sell your products and how that fits into your online and real-world marketing mix.

What is a successful marketing strategy?

Successful marketing strategies include all the promotional activities across the marketing mix, including advertising, direct marketing, and in-store promotional activities. The possibilities of digital promotion are limited only by your imagination and can include online events, chats, social media groups, and livestreams. 4. Place.

What is the process of delivering your product to the consumer?

The process of delivering your product to the consumer should be designed for maximum efficiency and reliability , but may also include features that are in line with your brand, such as being environmentally or sustainably focused.

When did marketing men smoke?

Back in the 1960s, when marketing men smoked at their desks, ladies tapped away in their typing pools, and sliced bread was the yardstick of whether a product was any good, a marketing notion was hatched that was so perfect, sixty years later it is still considered an integral part of any marketing strategy.

What is digital marketing mix?

The digital marketing mix is perfect for showcasing your products, through SEO, blogs or articles, paid advertising, influencer marketing, and viral video campaigns, for example.

What is the core marketing principle?

One of the core marketing principles is planning and how we use the marketing mix, in reality, to effectively achieve growth through marketing to our business. Every business should have an evolving marketing plan that recognizes its strengths and weaknesses to build their unique marketing strategies.

What is the third C?

The third C, convenience, is vital when deciding the place for your products. Again, choosing a distribution model in your marketing mix that satisfies your target audience the most is crucial.

Why We Even Need Marketing Principles?

Understanding the basics of anything before starting implementing cool and new strategies is essential because, without the basics, we tend to make mistakes we could’ve avoided initially.

What is marketing mix?

As a helpful tool, the marketing mix helps you evaluate whether a new and cool strategy will be worth it to your business. Always remember to include experimentation, analytics, and documentation when implementing marketing basics in the real world.

What is the process of marketing?

The marketing process or having a detailed process in a marketing strategy is crucial. The process is where every decision regarding marketing stems from and helps be more consistent in achieving our goals through marketing.

What is the first C?

The first C is the consumer that adds to the first P, which is the product. In a nutshell, the primary takeaway is that we want to build and sell products that the consumer truly wants.

What is the difference between Ps and Cs?

The best way to understand the difference between the Ps and Cs is that Cs builds on top of the Ps to create a marketing strategy fit for a modern business with a consumer-friendly approach. Therefore, it’s crucial to look at your marketing mix (and the strategy you’re building) through the lens of the Cs too.

The 4C Model

The 4Cs marketing model was developed by Robert F. Lauterborn in 1990. This relatively new approach to marketing shifts the focus from producer and product to the consumers and their needs. Instead of the focus on mass marketing of the traditional 4P marketing model, the 4C marketing model is aimed at niche marketing.

SIVA Model

SIVA is a formal approach to customer-focused marketing. It stands for Solution, Information, Value, and Access. This system is basically the four Ps renamed and reworded to provide a customer focus. The SIVA Model provides a demand and customer-centric alternative to the well-known four Ps supply-side model of marketing management.

Who published the 7Ps of marketing mix?

In 1981, the professors Bernard Booms and Mary Jo Bitner published Marketing strategies and organizational structures for service firms where they presented the 7Ps of marketing mix. This updated version added 3 dimensions to the original 4Ps: people, process and physical evidence.

What is product in marketing?

Product is what satisfies consumers’ needs and wants. It can be tangible (an actual product) or intangible (a service, ideas or experiences): what is being sold?

How many components does Keller and Kotler have?

Marketing and management of Kotler and Keller has identified five components that characterize a product.

What is marketing mix?

The marketing mix is the pillar of a marketing strategy and consists of a series of tools to guide a company through the ups and downs of its industry. It drives decision making during the whole process of bringing a product or service to the market. There are many models of marketing mix that have followed over time.

What is potential product?

The potential product is what the product can become in the future. It includes all the upgrades and modifications that a business can make to increase its life; The augmented product represents all the additional services and goods like installation, complementary products, after-sales or customer service, warranty, shipping, credits…;

Why is price important in marketing?

Price is critical for a marketing mix, because it is the only element that generates profit. All the other marketing mix dimensions produce costs.

What is expected product?

The expected product represents the benefits and features the consumer expects . It changes according to each individual’s perception;

Why do we use the 5 P in marketing?

This p pays tribute to the people behind all the action, specifically those who are working hard to offer products and services to their consumers. These people play an integral role in shaping user experience and help make your marketing campaign. The second aspect of this component is your customers. Without them, there would virtually be no point of a marketing campaign which is why each campaign is tailored around, well – people.

What is a product?

Product. The product refers to a tangible item or service that you’re trying to sell. In order for it to have any value at all, it must fulfill some kind of need for the consumer. The product must offer excellent performance or else even the best marketing strategy won’t be able to save it from plummet.

What is a Marketing Mix?

A marketing mix comprises of a bunch of tools, tactics or actions that a company might use to introduce and promote its product or brand. The 4 Ps of marketing is made up of:

How to make sure you do not overprice or underprice a product?

Once you have examined the value of similar products in the market, use your marketing research to develop an appropriate pricing strategy. This will help make sure you do not overprice or underprice the product.

How does Coca Cola advertise?

It advertises its products using numerous communication channels including social media, direct mail, the World Wide Web along with traditional means of advertising such as billboards and TV commercials. Due to increased competition, Coca-Cola reportedly spent about $3.96. Billion on advertising last year.

Why is it important to have a marketing mix?

The mix will play a crucial role in identifying the best marketing strategy for your business. It’s also a primary step to creating your marketing or business plan. This is why a lot of effort, research, and planning goes into formulating a marketing mix.

What do people not realize about marketing?

What people don’t realize is that there’s a significant amount of research and planning involved in executing every marketing campaign. This is probably why experts can’t help but pay attention to every tiny little detail in this strenuous process. How here’s where a marketing mix comes into the equation.

How many variables are there in marketing?

In this article, we’ll be going over each of these 7 variables to explain how exactly they relate to marketing a product or service, and how you can leverage them to your benefit.

What is the first of the four original Ps?

The product is the first of the four original Ps. This should be a good or service — tangible or not — which possesses some value to the customer. It should, of course, be targeted at the right markets, as well. At the end of the day, it is the product which decides whether or not the client will pay, so make sure that yours is ‘up-to-scratch!’

What is marketing mix?

Previously, we discussed the concept of the ‘marketing mix’ — a business tool used to evaluate the appeal of an offer, whether it be a product or service. This technique revolves around analyzing a few (originally 4, but now 7) important factors.

What is promotion in marketing?

The promotion of products and services is a characteristic element of marketing . After all, if nobody knows your product exists, you can’t sell it! This variable includes everything from your advertising approach to your public relations.

Does promotion overlap with the final factor of the original 4 PS?

To some extent, promotion also overlaps with the final factor of the original 4 Ps, place.

What are the 7 P's of marketing?

These seven are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people.

What is the fifth element in marketing?

Develop the habit of standing back and looking at every visual element in the packaging of your product or service through the eyes of a critical prospect. Remember, people form their first impression about you within the first 30 seconds of seeing you or some element of your company. Small improvements in the packaging or external appearance of your product or service can often lead to completely different reactions from your customers.

What is the third habit in marketing?

The third habit in marketing and sales is to think in terms of promotion all the time. Promotion includes all the ways you tell your customers about your products or services and how you then market and sell to them. Small changes in the way you promote and sell your products can lead to dramatic changes in your results.

What is the second P in the formula?

The second P in the formula is price. Develop the habit of continually examining and reexamining the prices of the products and services you sell to make sure they’re still appropriate to the realities of the current market. Sometimes you need to lower your prices. At other times, it may be appropriate to raise your prices. Many companies have found that the profitability of certain products or services doesn’t justify the amount of effort and resources that go into producing them. By raising their prices, they may lose a percentage of their customers, but the remaining percentage generates a profit on every sale. Could this be appropriate for you?

What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix was originally defined as the “4 Ps” – Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. For service businesses, a fifth “P” – People was more recently added.

How long does it take for a customer to make a good impression on you?

Remember, people form their first impression about you within the first 30 seconds of seeing you or some element of your company. Small improvements in the packaging or external appearance of your product or service can often lead to completely different reactions from your customers.

Can you include free items in your marketing?

Sometimes you can include free additional items that cost you very little to produce but make your prices appear far more attractive to your customers. In business, as in nature, whenever you experience resistance or frustration in any part of your sales or marketing activities, be open to revisiting that area.

What are the 7 P's of marketing?

The 7Ps of Marketing is the Price, Place, Promotion, Product, People, Process and finally, Physical Evidence. It originally started as 4 Ps, but as the world, and the complexities of marketing grew; 3 more were added to formulate an effective marketing strategy. The ‘P’s stand for each of the pillars of a marketing strategy, ...

What is the 8th P of marketing mix?

We’ll keep this one short given you’ve gotten the gist. The 8th P is Packaging. Why? Given how connected the packaging has become to a customers journey, we cannot really let this one go, can we? Take the example of Paper Boat, the reason it connects so well is because of the simple packaging.

What is the first color of the marketing mix rainbow?

One very important aspect of any product/success being a success in the market is the price at which it is marketed. The first colour of the marketing mix rainbow is one of the determining factors of what the people will see. Marketers tread very carefully while setting a price that is a win-win situation for both the company as well as ...

What is Starbucks' approach to marketing?

Starbucks’ approach to marketing is very focused on its product and the quality of the product provided to its customers.

What is promotion in marketing?

The essence of promotion lies in the activities that a marketer does in order to showcase the product in the market in the right sense. Promotional activities involve multi-channel, multi-level marketing communications in the technical sense. In a more simplistic sense, these activities are the communications that the companies indulge in like advertising, direct calling, using social media channels, as well as print media. There are many instances of how promotional activities have set a product apart from its competitors in the industry. One such is the launch of Sony Xperia Z3 Dual in 2014 as an underwater pop-up store.

What is the most famous pricing strategy?

There are several pricing models. One of the most famous ones is Competitive Pricing Strategy as is used by Coca-Cola.

Is there a 10th P in marketing?

No, this isn’t the 10th P of marketing. However, we believe, given the world has evolved today, there must exist a new P, a new dimension of Marketing. Something around Data Analytics, maybe, Programming? eh?

What is the difference between 4C and 4P?

As you can see, the traditional 4P Marketing Mix uses the Business perspective, while the 4Cs are more focused on the Customer Experience.

What is the 4C model?

What is the 4C Marketing model? The 4C of Marketing is a Tool that highlights 4 important Factors to focus on, when designing, developing or analyzing a Marketing Strategy. These 4 Factors are based on the Customer’s perspective. This method can be used together with other Marketing Tools (in fact, it is highly recommended).

What is the 4Cs method?

The 4Cs method is a Customer-oriented Marketing Tool that highlights 4 important Factors to focus on, when designing, developing or analyzing a Marketing Strategy.

Why are 4Cs important?

This is why 4Cs are so important. Because, while other Marketing tools focus on the Market, the Competitors, the Company…. The simple but effective 4Cs remind you what you should never forget about: your Customers. We know…. There are dozens of Marketing Tools and they all seem to be important.

How often should you use 4C?

As we often say, you should use the 4C as often as you can.

Is price common to everyone?

Price is common to everybody but the Cost to the Client depends on each Client.

Do humans have more feedback than they can process?

They have more “feedback” than they can process.


1.Marketing Mix 4Ps, 7Ps and 4Cs


33 hours ago The MARKETING MIX (New Models: 7P, 4C, SIVA) While the marketing mix was predominately associated with the traditional 4P’s of marketing, new models such as the 7Ps model, the 4Cs theory, as well as the SIVA model try to build upon the …

2.The Marketing Principles: The Ps and Cs Of Marketing


6 hours ago 7 Ps of Marketing. In 1981, the original model was further extended to add three more elements, resulting in the 7 p’s of marketing. The revised Booms & Bitner model was designed to highlight the importance of services in addition to tangible, physical elements. The additional three elements included people, processes, and physical evidence.

3.The MARKETING MIX (New Models: 7P, 4C, SIVA)


20 hours ago These seven are: product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and people. As products, markets, customers and needs change rapidly, you must continually revisit these seven Ps to make sure you're on track and achieving the maximum results …

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25 hours ago  · July 19, 2020 Sage Marketing concepts. Learn everything about the 7Ps of Marketing mix, Understand why this concept is still relevant today and will be relevant for the foreseeable future. The 7Ps of Marketing is the Price, Place, Promotion, Product, People, Process and finally, Physical Evidence. It originally started as 4 Ps, but as the world, and the …

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