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what are the benefits of coconut oil supplements

by Damian Bogisich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that prevent aging and damage to our skin and hair. Supplementing our skin with coconut oil keeps it healthy and helps fight skin allergies and yeast infections that may be responsible for rashes, dermatitis and thinning hair (4).

10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
  • May encourage fat burning. ...
  • May work as a quick source of energy. ...
  • May have antimicrobial effects. ...
  • May help reduce hunger. ...
  • May help reduce seizures. ...
  • May boost skin health. ...
  • May protect your hair. ...
  • May improve oral health.

Full Answer

What are some of the health benefits of coconut oil?

Here are just a few of the other health claims we’ve seen made about coconut oil:

  • It improves digestion.
  • It helps control diabetes.
  • It stops coughing.
  • It turbocharges the immune system.
  • It promotes healthy thyroid function.
  • It increases energy.
  • It reduces chronic inflammation.

What are the benefits of taking coconut oil capsules?

What Are the Benefits of Coconut Oil Capsules?

  • Coconut Oil for Cardiovascular Health. Harvard T.H. ...
  • American Heart Association Position. In a June 2017 news release, the American Heart Association issued an advisory detailing their position on fat in the diet.
  • Coconut Oil and Weight Loss. One purported benefit of coconut oil is weight loss. ...
  • Other Possible Benefits. ...
  • Shopping and Use Recommendations. ...

Is coconut oil really a superfood?

Nevertheless, shortly after the studies came out, coconut oil got its reputation as a superfood. Only eating foods that are considered “super” isn’t necessarily the healthiest diet plan.

What are some good uses for coconut oil?

At Dinner

  • Use coconut oil to sauté the onions and garlic for any recipe. ...
  • Add a spoonful of coconut oil to the water while cooking rice. Finish off with another spoonful before serving.
  • Roast vegetables or new potatoes in coconut oil.
  • Use a little coconut oil to sauté fish, shrimp or chicken breasts, or in your stir-fry.


Is taking coconut oil capsules good for you?

Coconut oil consists almost entirely of saturated fats, but it contains a type called medium-chain triglycerides that do not raise your cholesterol like other saturated fats do. This oil may, in fact, promote cardiovascular health, provide antioxidant benefits and help you lose weight.

What are the side effects of coconut oil capsules?

Side effects can include diarrhea, cramps, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Coconut oil may also increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which can be dangerous for people with high cholesterol.

Is it safe to take coconut oil pills everyday?

But coconut oil contains a type of fat (saturated fat) that can increase cholesterol levels. Like all saturated fats, it should be consumed in moderation. Coconut oil is possibly safe when used as a medicine short-term. Taking coconut oil in doses of 10 mL two or three times daily for up to 12 weeks seems to be safe.

How much coconut oil supplement should I take daily?

Since one tablespoon (14 grams) of coconut oil equals around 117 calories, it's best to limit yourself to around two tablespoons (28 grams) a day. Keep in mind that this leaves little room for other saturated fat sources, such as butter or shortening ( 5 ).

What is negative about coconut oil?

Increased Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke As stated earlier, coconut oil contains more than that (14 grams) in one serving, meaning it's easy to overdo saturated fat in your diet when you consume coconut oil. Too much saturated fat can lead to high cholesterol, increasing risks of heart disease and stroke.

Are coconut oil capsules good for weight loss?

Although eating coconut oil in moderation isn't going to result in great harm to your health, it's not likely to help you lose weight either. If you enjoy the flavor of coconut oil, use it sparingly as part of an overall healthy dietary pattern.

What are the pros and cons of coconut oil?

The proponents of coconut oil claim that coconut oil contains MCT-saturated fat which helps to boost good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, it makes coconut oil less bad for overall heart health. However, critics are quick to point out that it also raises the bad cholesterol (LDL).

Is 1000 mg of coconut oil too much?

Even if you only consume 1 tablespoon, that is about 15 grams. Now if you take this oil's capsules, which generally contain about 500-1000 mg coconut oil, you will have to consume at least 15 capsules per day to equate to one 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. That's far too many.

Does coconut oil burn belly fat?

Coconut oil has an array of health benefits apart from being beneficial for weight loss. It increases the feelings of fullness and improves appetite regulation. It boosts metabolism and gives a natural energy boost. It controls blood sugar levels, it burns belly fat.

Can coconut oil pills cause weight gain?

The study also found that consuming coconut oil did not affect the body weight or body mass index (BMI) of participants. People in the study consumed 50 grams of coconut oil per day, which far exceeds the recommended daily amount of fat.

Is coconut oil anti inflammatory?

Not only was coconut oil found to have an anti-inflammatory effect, but it relieved pain as well ( 12 ). What's more, coconut oil may ease inflammation by improving antioxidant status. Antioxidants work by stabilizing free radicals in the body, neutralizing the reactive atoms that can contribute to inflammation ( 13 ).

Does coconut oil interact with medications?

Coconut oil may cause low blood pressure, and Ulbricht urged caution for people taking it as a supplement alongside drugs, herbs or other supplements that lower blood pressure. Coconut oil may also interact with cholesterol-lowering agents, she said.

What are the pros and cons of coconut oil?

The proponents of coconut oil claim that coconut oil contains MCT-saturated fat which helps to boost good cholesterol (HDL). Therefore, it makes coconut oil less bad for overall heart health. However, critics are quick to point out that it also raises the bad cholesterol (LDL).

Why are coconut oil pills so popular?

Many consumers are interested in coconut oil pills because of their purported health benefits. While some claims appear to be backed by limited and preliminary research, most doctors believe more studies are needed before conclusions are drawn.

How long does coconut oil last?

H. Chan School suggests storing coconut oil either in the refrigerator or in a cool dark place to prolong shelf life. Virgin coconut oil lasts two to three years if stored away from a heat source.

How much saturated fat is in coconut oil?

This proportion of a 2,000-calorie diet would be 13 grams. To illustrate what this amount looks like in the diet, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil has 12 grams of saturated fat.

Is coconut oil antifungal?

In a March 2016 study featured in Scientifica, researchers compared the antifungal effects of coconut oil to those of the antifungal medication ketoconazole. While the investigation used test tubes of Candida albicans colonies, the research merits notice because of the promising results. The antifungal activity of the coconut oil proved roughly comparable to that of the medication.

Is coconut oil a good antioxidant?

An August 2009 study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition compared the antioxidant capacity of virgin coconut oil with that of refined, bleached and deodorized coconut oil. The virgin oil, produced by a chilling method, had a greater phenolic content and a stronger antioxidant capacity.

Can you substitute coconut oil for shortening?

When substituting the oil for shortening or butter, use 25 percent less than the quantity listed in the recipe. To include coconut oil in the diet, use a tablespoon to saute vegetables or add a tablespoon to sauces. Remember to keep your daily intake within the recommended saturated fat intake. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans advises consuming ...

Is coconut oil good for you?

Evidence of other possible health benefits of coconut oil capsules is very minimal. Nonetheless, findings from some investigations suggest the oil might offer wellness advantages.

Why do we need coconut oil?

Slows Down Aging – This is perhaps one of the most encouraging reasons to start using more coconut oil. It’s a healthy fat filled with antioxidants, and it helps your cardiovascular system. An improved cardiovascular system coupled with better-looking skin is a sure way to turn back the clock, or at least slow it down so you get more good years. Looking younger is great, but it should also help you feel younger as well.

How to relax with coconut oil?

Relieves Stress – Want to chill out with an all-natural product? This is one way to get into a relaxed state. If you’re getting a massage try using coconut oil as the massage lotion. Using it around the head and neck is very soothing, and even the smell can help you relax. Taking it internally can also have a similar effect, so it simply makes sense to have this be on your daily list of foods to take in.

How to get coconut oil out of clothes?

You should try to keep coconut oil away from clothing items because it can stain them, and the stains are not the easiest ones to remove. Baking soda is the recommended way to try and treat coconut oil stains, and you want to get to them as early as possible.

Is coconut oil good for cooking?

If you currently don’t use much coconut oil in your cooking, here are a list of benefits that will likely make you want to start. All oils are not created equally, and many of them are not beneficial to the body. But others like olive oil have been shown to add extra health benefits. Coconut oil is the same way. It contains plenty of benefits and can be used both topically and in cooking.

Does coconut oil affect waistline?

It just so happens that this is the area that is targeted by coconut oil. The waistline of those that took coconut oil instead of other oils decreased in a comparison test, with all else kept the same. If this is one of the areas you most want to treat you owe it to yourself to start taking in more coconut oil.

Does coconut oil reduce waist circumference?

Decreases Belly Fat -According to one study, obese subjects who took coconut oil significantly reduced their waist circumference by 2.86 cm or 0.97% from initial measurement. Belly fat is often the biggest offender when it comes to dieting. Most dieters say that they would want this problem area to go away.

Does coconut oil help with yeast infections?

Fights Off Candida Yeast Infections – Research shows that coconut oil can be used to fight off candida yeast infections due to its antimicrobial properties. This is one very helpful attribute of coconut oil, and it’s been proven time and time again to work well as an antifungal.

Why is coconut oil good for you?

8. Improves Energy and Endurance. Coconut oil is easy to digest and also produces a longer sustained energy and increases your metabolism. When taking a quality unrefined coconut oil, you can get the most coconut oil benefits as its MCFAs are sent directly to the liver to be converted into energy.

Why do we need coconut oil?

Many diseases today are caused by the overgrowth of bad bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites in the body. You can replace grains and sugar in your diet with coconut oil as your natural fuel source when you’re sick. Sugar feeds the growth of bad bacteria.

How many calories are in a tablespoon of coconut oil?

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains about 120 calories, 14 grams of fat, no fiber, no cholesterol and only trace amounts of vitamins and minerals. All things considered, it’s the MCFAs present in coconut copra that makes it a true superfood, and it’s why coconut oil health benefits are so plentiful and amazing.

Why does coconut oil have a firm texture?

Coconut oil has a firm texture at cool or room temperatures because the fats in the oil, which are mostly saturated fats, are made up of smaller molecules. At temperatures about 78 degrees, coconut oil liquifies.

What is virgin coconut oil?

Virgin coconut oil typically has a great nutty and sweet flavor . Within the virgin coconut oil category, you’ll see oil that’s been produced using a “wet-milling” method, which means that it’s extracted from fresh coconut meat, and oil that’s been produced with a dry method, as dried copra is used instead.

How often should I use coconut oil to heal gums?

If you want to heal your gums and repair your teeth, I recommend coconut oil pulling three times a week for 20 minutes a day. 13.

What temperature does coconut oil liquify?

At temperatures about 78 degrees, coconut oil liquifies. It has a smoke point of about 350 degrees, making it a great oil option for sautéed dishes, sauces and baked goods. It is also easily absorbed into the skin because of its smaller fat molecules, making it an excellent skin and scalp moisturizer.

What are the benefits of coconut oil?

When it comes to benefits of coconut oil, this seems little-known. It contains fatty acids which help in burning off excess weight. On the other hands, it is also easy to digest and helpful in boosting functioning of the endocrine system and thyroid. Moreover, when using coconut oil, you can increase the body’s metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas. Those people who lives in tropical coastal areas and often use coconut oil daily are normally not obese or overweight.

How to use coconut oil for burns?

To use coconut oil as a burn treatment, you apply it to burn site instantly and continue applying until your burn healed. This will alleviate the chances of permanent scarring as well as enhances healing process naturally.

What is the best oil for a bruise?

Coconut oil can be used to heal cuts and scrapes. It forms a thin layer which protects your wound from outside dust, virus, and bacteria. It also boosts the healing process of the bruises by fixing damaged tissues. Besides, it may smell better than other products from the pharmacy.

How to use coconut oil as makeup remover?

To use coconut oil as a makeup remover, you swipe on it with a moist cotton ball. Then wipe off with another clean cotton ball or wet cloth.

Is coconut oil good for hair?

The next one in the list of benefits of coconut oil supplements on hair, skin and health in this list is skin care effect. Coconut oil is so excellent in conditioning the skin. This is amazing massage oil that acts as an effective moisturizer on all kinds of skin, containing dry skin. The benefit of coconut oil on your skin can be comparable to that of mineral oil. However, with coconut oil, there is no side effect on the skin as mineral oil does. Therefore, coconut oil is all-safe solution of preventing flaking and dryness of skin. It also postpones the appearance of sagging and wrinkles of your skin which often associated with aging. Coconut oil is also useful in treating a variety of skin problems, containing dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, or other skin infections. In fact, coconut oil is an indispensible ingredient of many body care products such as lotions, soaps, creams. Believe or not, coconut oil can be useful in preventing premature aging and degenerative disease because of its famous antioxidant properties.

Is coconut oil a superfood?

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that could be classified as a “super food”. The benefits of coconut oil contain hair care, stress relief, skin care, cholesterol level maintenance, weight loss, proper digestion, and regulated metabolism. Here are top benefits of coconut oil that are confirmed in human studies.

Does coconut oil increase LDL?

In reality, saturated fats found in coconut oil are also found in vegetables oils. Moreover, this kind of oil does not result in increased LDL levels. It can decrease the incidence of damage and injury to arteries and thus assist in preventing atherosclerosis. 5. Aid In Weight Loss.

Why do people use coconut oil?

Despite coconut oil's high calorie and saturated fat content, some people use it by mouth to lose weight and lower cholesterol. Coconut oil is sometimes applied to the skin as a moisturizer, for neonatal health, and to treat eczema and a skin condition called psoriasis.

What is virgin coconut oil?

The oil of the nut is used to make medicine. Some coconut oil products are referred to as "virgin" coconut oil. Unlike olive oil, there is no industry standard for the meaning of "virgin" coconut oil. The term has come to mean that the oil is generally unprocessed. For example, virgin coconut oil usually has not been bleached, deodorized, ...

How long does it take for coconut oil to reduce waist size?

Obesity. Some developing research shows that taking coconut oil three times daily might reduce waist size after 1-6 weeks of use. But this only occurred in men and did not affect weight or body mass index ( BMI ).

How long after chemo can you take coconut oil?

Breast cancer. Early research suggests that taking virgin coconut oil by mouth daily starting one week after chemotherapy from the 3rd to the 6th cycle improves quality of life in some but not all measurements in women with advanced breast cancer.

How long does coconut oil help with eczema?

Eczema. Research suggests that applying virgin coconut oil to the skin twice daily for 8 weeks improves symptoms about 30% more than mineral oil in children with eczema.

Does coconut oil cause heart problems?

Clogged arteries. Early research suggests that taking coconut or coconut oil does not seem to increase or decrease the risk of heart attack or chest pain.

Is coconut oil a saturated fat?

Coconut oil is high in a saturated fat called medium chain triglycerides. These fats work differently than other types of saturated fat in the body. However, research on the effects of these types of fats in the body is very preliminary. When applied to the skin, coconut oil has a moisturizing effect.

What is the coconut tree?

The coconut tree called the tree of life. It is dubbed as such for reasons known to most of us. This tree gives endless products derived from its various parts. From leaves to roots, almost all parts of the coconut tree can be used — food, shelter, fuel, decors, building a house and even medicine.

Does coconut oil help with cavities?

Many enthusiasts claim that the practice provides many benefits to oral health and others claim that the oil helps remove plaque and reduces the chances of developing cavities , according to a review in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine.

Does coconut oil contain triglycerides?

Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are digested to ketones in the liver. Ketones are normally produced in the body during the conversion of fat to energy, which is needed to prevent neuron degeneration ( 17 ). When the neurons in the brain can no longer metabolize glucose because of insulin resistance, it loses its function and eventually dies, and so the availability of ketones provides an alternative energy source for the brain to function effectively.

Does coconut oil lower cholesterol?

In one study in 40 women, coconut oil reduced total and LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL compared to soybean oil while another study in 116 patients showed that a dietary program that included coconut oil raised levels of the good HDL cholesterol ( 16 ). The coconut oil’s mechanisms, hence, can be linked to improved metabolic health and a lower risk of heart disease.

Is coconut oil bad for you?

Coconut oil is about 90% saturated fat making it unhealthy because it raises ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol levels and increases the risk of heart disease. However, it is interesting to know that coconut oil gives ‘good’ HDL cholesterol a boost. It tends to give the HDL a nudge to level up ( 15 ). By increasing HDL, coconut oil could be good for heart health compared to many other fats, according to many experts.

Does coconut oil increase ketones?

The importance of coconut oil is that MCTs act to increase ketone levels in the body even without much dietary alteration ( 18 ). In addition, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a naturally occurring source of dietary fats that our bodies rapidly convert into ketones, which can be used as an energy source by the brain ( 19 ).

Does coconut oil help with thinning hair?

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that prevent aging and damage to our skin and hair. Supplementing our skin with coconut oil keeps it healthy and helps fight skin allergies and yeast infections that may be responsible for rashes, dermatitis and thinning hair ( 4 ). In addition, coconut oil also stimulates the production of collagen, and its vitamin E content protects the skin from sun damage ( 5 ). Because of its moisturizing effect, dry and combination skin types would benefit from it because its hydrating moisture directly treats dry skin and indirectly suppresses overactive oil-producing glands ( 6 ).

Effects on Heart Health

For decades, coconut oil was demonized for its high saturated fat content. However, there is no concrete link between the consumption of saturated fat and heart disease [ 36, 37 ].

Animal and Cellular Research (Lacking Evidence)

The following health effects have been observed in animal and cell-based studied only; they should not be interpreted as supportive of actual health benefits in humans until more research is done.

How long does coconut oil help you lose weight?

Obesity. Some research shows that taking coconut oil by mouth for 8 weeks along with diet and exercise leads to notable weight loss in more obese women compared to taking soybean oil or chia oil. Other early research shows that taking coconut oil for one week can reduce waist size compared to soybean oil in women with excessive fat around the stomach and abdomen. But other evidence shows that taking coconut oil for 4 weeks reduces waist size compared to baseline in only obese men but not women.

What is virgin coconut oil?

The oil of the nut is used to make medicine. Some coconut oil products are referred to as "virgin" coconut oil. Unlike olive oil, there is no industry standard for the meaning of "virgin" coconut oil. The term has come to mean that the oil is generally unprocessed. For example, virgin coconut oil usually has not been bleached, deodorized, ...

Does coconut oil reduce plasminogen activator antigen?

Muller H, Lindman AS, Blomfeldt A, et al. A diet rich in coconut oil reduces diurnal postprandial variations in circulating tissue plasminogen activator antigen and fasting lipoprotein (a) compared with a diet rich in unsaturated fat in women. J Nutr 2003;133:3422-7. View abstract.

Does coconut oil raise cholesterol?

High cholesterol: Coconut oil contains a type of fat that can increase cholesterol levels . Regularly eating meals containing coconut oil can increase levels of "bad" low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This might be a problem for people who already have high cholesterol.

Can coconut oil be used for breast cancer?

Breast cancer. Early research shows that taking virgin coconut oil by mouth during chemotherapy might improve quality of life in some women with advanced breast cancer.

Is coconut oil bleached?

For example, virgin coconut oil usually has not been bleached, deodorized, or refined. Some coconut oil products claim to be "cold pressed" coconut oil. This generally means that a mechanical method of pressing out the oil is used, but without the use of any outside heat source.

Is coconut oil safe to use on the skin?

When applied to the skin: Coconut oil is LIKELY SAFE when applied to the skin . Special Precautions and Warnings. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if coconut oil is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


1.Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil


8 hours ago  · Coconut oil is sometimes applied to the skin as a moisturizer, for neonatal health, and to treat eczema and a skin condition called psoriasis. Coconut oil is also used in hair …

2.23 Benefits of Coconut Oil & Why It's So Darn Good for You


6 hours ago Coconut oil supplements help improve skin, hair, heart, brain and promotes weight loss. Learn about the proper dosage of coconut oil to enjoy its health benefits.

3.Coconut Oil Benefits, Nutrition and Popular Uses - Dr. Axe


25 hours ago  · Coconut oil improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, B, D, E, K) beta-carotene, CoQ10, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and amino acids . Coconut oil is …

4.31 Benefits Of Coconut Oil Supplements On Hair, Skin …


25 hours ago Eczema (atopic dermatitis). Applying coconut oil to the skincan reduce eczema symptoms in children more than applying mineral oil. Growth and development in premature infants. …

5.Coconut Oil Supplement: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects


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6.Coconut Oil Supplements: Health Benefits and Proper …


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7.8 Coconut Oil Health Benefits - SelfDecode Supplements


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8.COCONUT OIL - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD


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