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what are the different types of scarification

by Candelario Daugherty Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

There are different types of scarification, which include:

  • Ash rubbing
  • Branding
  • Cutting
  • Chemical scarification
  • Dremel scarification
  • Injection scarification
  • Tattoo gun scarification
  • Skin removal

Scarification methods such as heat, freeze-thaw, mechanical and acid scarification are useful tools to soften hard seeds, improve germination and enhance seedling establishment.

Full Answer

What are the different types of seed scarification?

Another type of scarification is chemical scarification, which involves the use of one or more chemicals to promote germination. It can involve imbibing or soaking seeds in precisely concentrated acidic or basic solutions for varying amounts of time. Chemicals such as sulfuric acid or even household chemicals can be used to affect this process.

What is chemical scarification?

Chemical scarification uses corrosive chemicals to remove skin and induce scarring. The effects of this method are typically similar to other, simpler forms of scarification; as a result there has been little research undertaken on this method.

What is the difference between stratification and scarification?

Stratification is slightly different from scarification in that the seed needs moisture and/or a change in temperature to let it know it’s time to sprout. Seeds that require stratification need a period where they’re exposed to cold, moist conditions. In the natural world, the period of cold is the winter.

What kind of plants need scarification?

Plants in the tomato family, like chayote, eggplant, and tomatillo. Basically, if a seed has a thick outer coating, it might be a good candidate for scarification. For instance, if you look at nasturtium seeds, it’s clear that they have a thick, wood-like shell. Some plants don’t require scarficiation, but they’ll germinate faster if you do.


What are the methods of seed scarification?

In chemical scarification, seeds are dipped into strong sulfuric acid, organic solvents such as acetone or alcohol, or even boiling water. In mechanical scarification, they may be shaken with some abrasive material such as sand or be scratched with a knife.

What is an example of scarification?

0:278:105 Ways to Scarify Seeds - Seed Scarification 101 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIn a nutshell. What scarification is is uh the process of getting through a hard outer shell so someMoreIn a nutshell. What scarification is is uh the process of getting through a hard outer shell so some seeds have a very hard outer shell that serves as a barrier for the seed.

What is the most common and quickest method of seed scarification?

mechanical scarificationThe most common type of scarification is mechanical scarification. In mechanical scarification, the testa is physically opened to allow moisture and air in. Seed coats may be filed with a metal file, rubbed with sandpaper, nicked with a knife, cracked gently with a hammer, or weakened or opened in any other way.

What is scarification treatment?

Scarification involves the use of an abrasive material or a tool that can break through the hard shell so the seed can absorb water after planting.

What is cold scarification?

Cold stratification is a method of pre-treating seeds to overcome winter dormancy more quickly and reliably than leaving them to their own devices. In essence, it's the process of simulating a cold, damp winter to spur the seeds into action on a timetable that better suits a gardener's plans.

What is the process of scarification?

Scarification is done either by cutting repeatedly with a scalpel, using a cauterizing tool, or by "strike branding," which is much like cattle branding. After cleaning the area and stenciling on the design, the artist begins cutting or burning the skin until reaching the right depth and width.

What is the difference between stratification and scarification?

Stratification is a general term that refers to a range of processes used to simulate natural conditions (typically temperature and moisture) that seeds require before germination can occur. Scarification refers to various techniques used to break physical dormancy (explained below).

What seeds should be scarified?

Nasturtium, Sweet Pea, Milkweed, Lupine, and Morning Glory seeds ready to be scarified and soaked. Although most wildflower seeds can simply be scattered on bare dirt, there are several varieties that will have a better germination (sprouting) rate with just a little extra work before planting.

What is mechanical scarification?

Mechanical scarification is the tilling or ripping of the soil across the slope using farm- ing or construction equipment.

Is scarification more painful than tattoo?

He says scarification often hurts less than a tattoo; in fact, all forms of scarification occur on the same level of the skin as tattoos: on the dermis, far above fatty tissues and muscle matter. The practice is illegal in some countries such as the United Kingdom and several U.S. states.

Do they numb you for scarification?

Since scarification is practiced by scarification artists rather than medical personnel, only a topical anesthetic can be used to dull the pain of the scarification process.

Who performs scarification?

Contemporary Scarification. In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Western microcultures, such as the modern primitives and punks, as well as fraternities and sororities, practice scarification.

What cultures use scarification?

Scarification has been traditionally practiced by darker skinned cultures, possibly because it is usually more visible on darker skinned people than tattoos. It was common in indigenous cultures of Africa (especially in the west), Melanesia, and Australia.

What tool is used for scarification?

Cutting: A scarification artist will use a sharp tool, such as a scalpel, to cut a design into the skin. They may apply tattoo ink to the wounds to darken the marks or apply liquid skin adhesive to keep the wound open and increase the scarring.

What is the purpose of scarification?

The main point of African scarification is to beautify, although scars of a certain type, size and position on the body often indicate group identity or stages in a person's life. Among the Dinka of Sudan facial scarification, usually around the temple area, is used for clan identification.

What is scarification in Africa?

In Africa, scarification has served as an important element of the culture of different groups. Scarification involves placing superficial incisions on the skin using stones, glass, knives, or other tools to create meaningful pictures, words, or designs.

What is chemical scarification?

Chemical scarification uses corrosive chemicals to remove skin and induce scarring. The effects of this method are typically similar to other, simpler forms of scarification; as a result there has been little research undertaken on this method.

What is scarification in tribes?

Therefore, scarification can transform partial tribe members into normal states entirely accepted by the group. Scarification is a form of language not readily expressed except through extensive and intricate greetings, and gives the ability to communicate fully which is a key element for being considered as a normal member of the group.

Why do people have scars on their temples?

For the Nuba tribe of Sudan, scars can serve a medicinal purpose; scars above the eyes are believed to improve eyesight, and scars on the temples help to relieve headaches. Some groups in Northern Ghana like the Dagomba use scarification to treat certain ailments such as convulsions, measles, pneumonia, stomach pains, and so on. It is believed that these sicknesses originate in the blood, so the skin is cut by a traditional healer and powder or potion is then applied to the wound so that it may travel directly to the bloodstream.

How long does scarification take?

The body modification can take roughly 6–12 months to heal.

How to scarify skin?

Similar in appearance to flesh removal this method of scarification relies on using a sterile surgical scalpel to cut into the skin. Where a larger area is required to be scarred, the cut is made with a hatching technique similar to the sketching technique. This method is easier to perform than flesh removal and can be done with one hand which could be beneficial in some situations. While this technique can take longer for larger pieces it is useful for smaller, more detailed designs and enables shading to be used.

Why do people scarify?

Endorphins can be released in the scarification process that can induce a euphoric state. A main feature and reason for scarification is the endurance of pain.

Why do electric sparks jump from the hand-held pen of the device to the skin, vaporizing it?

This is a more precise form of scarification, because it is possible to greatly regulate the depth and nature of the damage being done to the skin.

How many types of scarification are there?

There are three main types of scarification. Let’s go over them:

How is stratification different from scarification?

Stratification is slightly different from scarification in that the seed needs moisture and/or a change in temperature to let it know it’s time to sprout. Seeds that require stratification need a period where they’re exposed to cold, moist conditions. In the natural world, the period of cold is the winter.

How to scarify seeds?

There are a few easy ways to scarify seeds: Soak seeds in water for at most 24 hours. Use a sharp implement to pierce the seed’s hard outer coating. Lightly apply pressure to seeds to break or nick the outer coating.

Why do seeds need scarification?

First things first, why do seeds need scarification? The reason some seeds have a hard coating is to prevent them from germinating in poor weather conditions. In some climates and situations, early sprouting can be disastrous for a tiny, vulnerable sprout.

What is scarification of seeds?

Seed scarification involves weakening the coating of a seed to encourage sprouting. This can be done in a number of ways, but most common is mechanically breaking a seed’s shell.

What is manual scarification?

Manual scarification recreates these conditions and preps the seed for germination, especially in seed types that are tough to grow, such as asparagus. There’s evidence that with stratification seed germination rates increase significantly. Annual plants are less likely to require scarification compared to perennial plants.

Can you scarify lupines?

Scarification is a Handy Skill to Know . If you love nasturtium or lupines and you want to start them from seed in your garden, then you’re going to want to learn how to scarify seeds. The process isn’t difficult, but it pays off big with faster and better seed germination.

What is the most common type of scarification?

The most common type of scarification is mechanical scarification. In mechanical scarification, the testa is physically opened to allow moisture and air in. Seed coats may be filed with a metal file, rubbed with sandpaper, nicked with a knife, cracked gently with a hammer, or weakened or opened in any other way.

What is the process of scarification?

Scarification in botany involves weakening, opening, or otherwise altering the coat of a seed to encourage germination. Scarification is often done mechanically, thermally, and chemically. The seeds of many plant species are often impervious to water and gases, thus preventing or delaying germination. Any process designed to make the testa (seed coat) more permeable to water and gases (and thus more likely to germinate) is known as scarification.

Why do we use scarified seeds?

Common uses. Because scarified seeds tend to germinate more often and in less time than unaltered seeds, scarification finds use not just in industry but on the small scale. In home gardens, for example, the seeds of plants which are otherwise difficult to grow from seed may be made viable through scarification.

How does scarification work?

Scarification, regardless of type, works by speeding up the natural processes which normally make seed coats permeable to water and air.

Do chaparral plants need fire scarification?

An exception to that phenomenon is Western poison oak, whose thick seed coatings provide a time delayed effect for germination, but do not require fire scarification.

What is the meaning of scarification?

Scarification, or scarifying, are words used to describe the acts or art forms of those of us that intentionally inflict wounds of different sorts to create scars on their bodies.

How to make scar tissue?

Abrasion can be used to create scar tissue by means of friction. Tools such as sandpaper, metal files, inkless tattoo needles, and wire brushes can be used to remove the layers of skin to create a decent scar.

What is skin cutting?

Often confused for acts of self-harm or mutilation, skin cutting is a cosmetic way of using a razor or scalpel to cut through the layers of skin to create a pattern or design with intentions of scaring the body.

How to remove skin from a design?

Skin removal or peeling is a more extreme variation of skin cutting. When performing skin removal, the artist will typically outline all of the design first with a series of incisions. Once the outline is complete, the artist proceeds to remove the desired skin from the outline by peeling it back with the tip of the razor or scalpel until the skin is removed completely. Some designs can take up to hundreds of little pieces of skin to be removed to reach the desired outcome, however, in my personal experiences, the skin was lifted and removed successfully in one piece.

Why do tribal people scare their bodies?

Throughout the past, tribal cultures and warriors have scared their bodies to signify the coming of age, puberty, sacrifice, social or military status, marriage, and spiritual or religious confirmations. Contemporary scarification practices can be for very similar reasons as those of the past, or for very different reasons altogether.

Is scarification soothing?

Everyone is different, their reasoning for modifying their body should be looked upon with respect and an open mind. Through my own personal experiences with scarification, I've come to discover that the physical pain itself is quite soothing when you can bring yourself to overcome it.

Is scarification painful?

Through my own personal experiences with scarification, I've come to discover that the physical pain itself is quite soothing when you can bring yourself to overcome it. This is something that I believe many adrenalin junkies and spiritual mystics may be able to relate to. I've also come to adore the imperfectly beautiful designs that resided as the outcome of such pain stricken artistic processes. For some, I believe the scar can be very much like a trophy or medal to be worn with pride for the amount of pain that they had to overcome to receive it.

What is scarification in lawns?

Lawn scarification is the process of using tools or machines to mechanically remove and control the build-up of organic material in our lawns. This organic matter is called lawn thatch. It’s is made up of predominantly dead grass roots, shoots and runners. It resides in amongst the grass plants, just above the soil.

What does scarifying mean in lawn care?

The term ‘scarifying ‘ means different things to different people and what their lawn care calendar looks like. For example, some lawn owners scarify, or de-thatch and some rake and the two are often confused as the same thing.

How often should I scarify my lawn?

Ideally, you’d also scarify every year or two in the autumn. This will improve the health and look of your lawn significantly. If you have small lawns you can do it manually.

Why is it important to scarify your lawn?

Having some thatch (a quarter of an inch) in your lawn is a good thing. It protects the crowns of the grass plants from damage and disease. It also acts as a barrier that prevents the soil from losing moisture through evaporation. In the same way as applying mulch to your flower beds.

Why cut into the thatch layer?

At the same time, cutting into the thatch layer to remove the top layer and discouraging the growth of weed grasses like Poa Annua.

Can you scarify and rake a lawn?

In fact, there’s a difference between scarifying and raking, but you can use both procedures in the battle against lawn thatch.

Does thatch accumulate in soil?

However, over time, thatch can accumulate to the point where it prohibits air, water and nutrients from being able to penetrate the soil.

What is the difference between scarification and tattoos?

2. Scarification. Scarification is a body modification that is slowly gaining more popularity , but it is not nearly as popular as tattoos. More adults accept tattoos than they do scarification; many adults assume that those who purposely cut or burn themselves for a scar have some mental instability.

What is scarification in tribal culture?

Scarification, like tattooing and piercing, is another tribal body modification that was used as a rite of passage to marking an important point in a person's life, such as a hunt, marriage, or just coming of age. pinterest-pin-it. Skin Removal by Cali.

What are the two types of body modification?

Tattoos and piercings are two common types of body modification, but they're not the only varieties.

What are some modifications that are not common in today's society?

You won't see modifications such as neck stretching or foot binding on the list, although they are two primitive types of modifications, because they are not as common in today's society. Tattoos and Piercings. Scarification. Implants. Tongue Splitting.

How many types of implants are there?

The type of implant determines the procedure and extent of the body modification. There are typically five different implants, some of which are not exactly legal everywhere.


Reasons of Scarification

  • Anthropologists have debated long and hard about what constitutes a boundary. Introducing rites of passage into his description of tattooing, scarification, and painting in 1909, Van Gennep described these transformations as rituals of passage. Levi-Strauss described the body in 1963 …
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What to Know Before Getting Scarified

  • Every scar changes over time, irrespective of the technique. In time, your scars will fade and your skin tone will become closer to your natural one. In contrast to a tattoo, healed scars will always have different appearances, some will be flat and some will be raised. The scars you get from body modifications should heal consistently if you follow four basic principles, says Blair McLea…
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Finding A Scarification Artist

  • Before getting scarified, it is important to carefully research scarification artists to find one who is experienced and has a good reputation. It may be necessary to travel a distance to visit a reputable scarification artist since this form of body modification isn’t as widespread as tattoos or piercings, but it’s well worth the effort if you can find one. Consider checking out local tattoos an…
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Amplifying Scarification Designs

  • To obtain a scarification design that is as pronounced as possible, you and your artist can employ a variety of techniques. Scarification methods play a role in the outcome of scarification, so you should talk to your artist before s/he starts working on your scarification piece. Generally, cautery branding, electrosurgical branding, and cutting are the most effective methods of branding. Be s…
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Warnings and Potential Complications

  • The scarification process can only be dulled by topical anesthetics since only scarification artists practice scarification instead of medical personnel. When it comes to body modification, scarification may not be the best option for people with low pain thresholds. For those with low pain thresholds, applying a topical anesthetic like Dr. Numb or Derma Numb 20-30 minutes befo…
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Scarification Aftercare

  • The second principle is that tattoo aftercare should be almost the opposite of the usual tattoo procedure. The main reason for scarification might be to keep the scar away from possible irritation. However, this may actually lead to the scar being disturbed. It is important for people who don’t want their scars to heal flat that they irritate the wound to ensure that the scar will be r…
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Problems During The Scarification Healing Process

  • There is always the risk of an infection developing in a scarification piece because it is a wound. When you’re at the highest risk for getting an infection during the early days of the scarification healing process, you may want to ask your physician to prescribe an antibiotic as prophylactic treatment. Keep an eye out for signs of infection if you do not take an antibiotic prophylactically …
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Scarification involves scratching, etching, burning / branding, or superficially cutting designs, pictures, or words into the skin as a permanent body modification or body art. The body modification can take roughly 6–12 months to heal. In the process of body scarification, scars are purposely formed by cutting or branding the skin by various methods (sometimes using further seq…


Within anthropology, the study of the body as a boundary has been long debated. In 1909, Van Gennep described bodily transformations, including tattooing, scarification, and painting, as rites of passage. In 1963, Levi-Strauss described the body as a surface waiting for the imprintation of culture. Turner (1980) first used the term "social skin" in his detailed discussion of how Kayapo culture …

Traditional practitioners

Scarification has been traditionally practiced by darker skinned cultures, possibly because it is usually more visible on darker skinned people than tattoos. It was common in indigenous cultures of Africa (especially in the west), Melanesia, and Australia.
Among the ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa that traditionally practice scarification are the Gonja, Dagomba, Frafra, Mamprusi, Nanumba, Bali, Tɔfin, Bobo, Montol, Kofyar, Yoruba, and Tiv peo…


Scarification is not a precise practice; variables, such as skin type, cut depth, and how the wound is treated while healing, make the outcome unpredictable. A method that works on one person may not work on another. The scars tend to spread as they heal, so outcome design is usually simple, the details being lost during healing.

Scarification is not a precise practice; variables, such as skin type, cut depth, and how the wound is treated while healing, make the outcome unpredictable. A method that works on one person may not work on another. The scars tend to spread as they heal, so outcome design is usually simple, the details being lost during healing.


Scarification produces harm and trauma to the skin. Infection is common when tools are not sterilised properly. Scarification has been linked to the spread of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C when tools are shared between people. In the West, body modification artists may have less experience with scarification due to lower demand, meaning they have less knowledge on how to perform it safely.

See also

• Body modification
• Dueling scars
• Tattoo

External links

• Pictures of scarification in Africa – Features by Jean-Michel Clajot, Belgian photographer and Saï Sotima Tchantipo Doctor Anthropology
• Extensive Scarification Article – Features different scarification techniques and advice
• BME Website – Chronicles the current and historical body modifications world internationally

1.Scarification: All That You Need To Know - Body Art Guru


26 hours ago  · Scarification is the cutting, burning, or branding of the skin to create scars in a set pattern or design. Some indigenous cultures have used scarification for centuries as a …

2.Scarification: History, Process, Aftercare, and More


19 hours ago What are the two types of scarification? Types of Scarification Mechanical involves physically opening the seed coating to allow air and water to enter. Chemical involves the use of …

3.Scarification - Wikipedia


20 hours ago There are three main types of scarification. Let’s go over them: Mechanical involves physically opening the seed coating to allow air and water to enter. Chemical involves the use of …

4.Seed Scarification: How, When and Why to Scarify Seeds


30 hours ago The most common type of scarification is mechanical scarification. In mechanical scarification, the testa is physically opened to allow moisture and air in. [1] Seed coats may be filed with a …

5.Scarification (botany) - Wikipedia


8 hours ago Now that I've shared some insight on what scarification is and some of the reasons for its practice, we're going to take a look at some of the methods used to create these amazing and …

6.Body Mods: Scarification - TatRing


30 hours ago  · Types of Scarification Scarifying or De-Thatching. De-thatching is the harshest form of scarification and is used to remove built-up thatch... Raking. Raking uses spring tines …

7.What is Scarifying and Why is it Important?


14 hours ago There are three different types of scarifying blades- fixed, loose, and double-cut and each looks a little different. Let’s take a closer look at each one… Fixed Blades. Fixed blades are some of the …

8.Types of Body Modification - TatRing


32 hours ago  · There are different types of scarification, which include: Ash rubbing Branding Cutting Chemical scarification Dremel scarification Injection scarification Tattoo gun …

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