Knowledge Builders

what are the five stages of adoption

by Dwight O'Reilly Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The Five Stages of the Adoption Process in Marketing

  • Interest. After your potential customer catches wind of your product or service, they’ll most likely want to learn more about it.
  • Evaluation. The third stage is evaluation. ...
  • Trial. The fourth stage in the adoption process is the trial stage. ...
  • Adoption. As you may have guessed, the last stage is adoption. ...

Philip Kotler considers five steps in consumer adoption process, such as awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.
Consumer Adoption Process (5 Stages)
  • Awareness Stage: ...
  • Interest and Information Stage: ...
  • Evaluation Stage: ...
  • Trial Stage: ...
  • Adoption Stage: ...
  • Post Adoption Behaviour Stage:

Full Answer

What are the 5 stages of the new product adoption process?

Consumers go through 5 stages in the process of adopting a new product. Product Awareness. Product Interest. Product Evaluation. Product Trial. Product Adoption. These stages imply that the new-product marketer should consider how to help consumers move through these stages.

What is the first stage of the adoption process?

At this stage, the potential adopters examine, test, or try the innovative product to determine its usefulness. In this stage, they use or experience the product for the first time, possibly by purchasing a small quantity, taking advantage of a free sample or demonstration, or borrowing the product from someone.

How are people adopters classified?

People can be classified into 5 adopter categories. The adoption process for a new product is the mental process through which an individual passes from first learning about an innovation to final adoption. The five stages of the consumer adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.

What are the three important factors affecting the adoption process?

The three important factors affecting the adoption process are people’s readiness to try new products, personal influence, and innovation characteristics. We shall now take up a brief discussion on how they influence the product adoption process: People differ in their readiness to accept new products, services, opinions, and ideas.


What are the stages of adopting?

The three adoption stagesStage 1: Learning about you (two months) First, you'll sign a document agreeing to be assessed for adoption. ... Stage 2: Your assessment (four months) This stage is about working together on a report about you as an adopter. ... Stage 3: Approval, matching and placement.

How many stages of adoption stages are there?

From start to finish, the product adoption process goes through six stages: awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, activation, and finally adoption.

What are the 5 stages of diffusion?

Awareness, persuasion, decision, implementation, and continuation. These are the five stages of adoption according to diffusion of innovation theory.

What are the five categories of adopters?

The 5 adopter categories, in order of their speed of uptake, are:Innovators.Early Adopters.Early Majority.Late Majority.Laggards.

How long does Stage 2 of the adoption process take?

Stage 2: Getting to know you more You will also be invited to attend more detailed training to prepare you for adoption. This stage takes 4 months. Once the assessment is completed, your social worker will present a report that will lay out your strengths as an adopter to the Independent Adoption Panel.

What is the correct order of the five stages in the buyer decision process?

This is the process by which consumers evaluate making a purchasing decision. The 5 steps are problem recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation.

What are the 5 product features that affect adoption of an innovative products explain with examples?

5 Product Characteristics that influence the Adoption RateRelative Advantage. The relative advantage refers to the degree to which an innovation appears superior to existing products. ... Compatibility. ... Complexity. ... Divisibility. ... Communicability.

What is the the adoption process in the adoption theory?

Summary. Adoption-diffusion theories refer to the process involving the spread of a new idea over time. The adoption process refers to the individual's decision whether to integrate an innovation into his or her life; diffusion describes a collective adoption process over time.

What is adoption and diffusion process?

Adoption is the decision-making process to make full use of an innovation as the best course of action available. Diffusion: It is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels overtime among the members of a social system.

What is the first stage in the new product adoption process?

the awareness stageThe first stage of product adoption is called the awareness stage. Here, a prospect comes across your product to know more about it since he/she doesn't have sufficient knowledge about it yet. It's your job to educate customers about the problem your product or service solves and create brand awareness for your brand.

What is the first stage in the consumer adoption process?

The five stages of the consumer adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.

Which of the five classes of consumers are considered to be skeptics?

Late Majority Late majority are skeptical. They adopt an innovation only after a majority of people have tried it. This group comprises another 34% of the total market.

What is the most likely path for adoption?

If you are interested in infant adoption, the most likely path is domestic adoption. In domestic adoption, a birth mother will match with you and then you will decide if the match is acceptable.

What is the toughest part of the adoption process?

For most prospective adoptive parents the toughest part of the process is the waiting game. Where earlier steps of the adoption process may have proven to be a flurry of activity, from accepting a referral to the placement of the child can take a long time. If you are adopting domestically, the timeline will be clearer.

How to adopt internationally?

To adopt internationally, you must use a Hague accredited adoption agency. In addition to the above questions, be sure to ask how long the agency has worked within your country of interest and what their connection is like “on the ground.” Agencies with strong representation in-country can lead to a better adoption experience in that the in-country reps can provide more timely updates of the child with whom you match and they can prove invaluable when the time comes to travel.

How many visits are required for adoption?

For families adopting domestically or from foster care, post-placement reports must be completed before the adoption may be finalized in court. Typically, three visits are required over the course of six months.

What information is included in an international adoption?

Included in the child’s referral will be photos, medical information, development information, and as much family history as there is available.

How old are children in foster care?

The average age of a waiting child in foster care is 8-10 years old, sibling groups and teens are also quite common. With international adoption, the children available are between the ages of 12 months to 14 years, depending on what country you choose.

What is the most important thing about adoption?

The most important thing to realize about adoption is that it is a process. It can be easy to think once you return home and settle into a groove that you are “finished” with adoption. But adoption is a lifelong journey. Navigating relationships with birth families, questions of identity, finding racial mirrors, navigating adoption in the classroom and within your larger extended family and community, the list goes on and on. Remember to stay open, listen, support, and remind your children that they are not alone.

How many stages are there in the adoption process?

Consumers go through 5 stages in the process of adopting a new product.

What are the stages of consumer adoption?

The five stages of the consumer adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. But for products and categories that already exist in the market, the 5 stages of the buyer decision process are different. Not all consumers buy a new product at the same time.

How to understand consumer adoption?

To understand the consumer adoption process, you should understand, in the beginning, two other concepts – innovation and innovation diffusion process. If you have clear ideas on these two, you will identify early adopters by utilizing your knowledge.

How many categories of adopters are there?

People can be classified into 5 adopter categories. The adoption process for a new product is the mental process through which an individual passes from first learning about an innovation to final adoption. The five stages of the consumer adoption process are awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption.

What is the adoption process of a new product?

The adoption process for a new product is the mental process through which an individual passes from first learning about an innovation to final adoption” and adoption as the decision by an individual to become a regular user of the product. A new product is a good, service, or idea perceived by some potential customers as new.

What are the factors that affect the adoption process?

The three important factors affecting the adoption process are people’s readiness to try new products, personal influence, and innovation characteristics. We shall now take up a brief discussion on how they influence the product adoption process:

What is the third stage of adopting a new product?

In the third stage, the consumer evaluates whether trying the new product is worthwhile.


I was a happy child in pretty unusual circumstances. Adopted into a Caucasian family from Korea, we moved to Gaborone, Botswana when I was four, where I had a golden childhood. The only other eastern Asians I can recall were the family who ran the Chinese restaurant. Occasionally, my race became the subject of gaping wonder by the locals.


Adolescence is a time of great physical and mental turmoil, but as an adoptee, that typical teen alienation extended even into the home and family, where no one looked as I did or seemed to understand what I was feeling.


Emerging into young adulthood, I struggled to find my place in the world. Since everyone else seemed to see me as Asian, I decided to find my identity there. My senior year, I dropped Spanish for Mandarin. I gave up trying to make my eyes look bigger with eyeliner and instead emphasized their slant.


Exhausted by my frenetic search for myself, I decided to end my perseveration about my adoption issues and just live life. It wasn’t depression per se, but more of a numbing of that part of me that quested to know who I was. Instead, I gave myself up to everyday life, taking those first baby-steps into adulthood.


And yet, I couldn’t put off the reckoning forever. If I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a writer, I would first have to make peace with myself. I would have to confront that niggling feeling of unease, the dull throb of anger, the low self-esteem, and resolve my identity issues.

How many stages are there in the adoption process?

The adoption process has a few variations, but we will be discussing the generally accepted five stages. So without further ado, let’s get right to it.

What is the adoption process?

The adoption process refers to the mental process consumers go through when buying into a new product. We’ve all been there; we learn about a new product, become interested, try it out, then fall in love with it. Now that I’ve put it like that, I’m sure everyone can relate to this.

What is the third stage of consumer research?

The third stage is evaluation. At this stage, potential consumers use their gathered information to come to a conclusion about whether or not to purchase.

What is the last stage of a product?

When customers are satisfied with the trial stage, they’ll get right to integrating your product into their daily lives. Instead of buying in small quantities, they’ll buy your product in bulk, as they believe they’ll be using it for the foreseeable future.

What is product adoption?

Product adoption refers to how customers embrace and use a product. It is the way in which customers discover a new product, understand its purpose and value, and then continue to use it as intended.

The five stages of product adoption

Obviously, customers are not going to adopt your product if they do not know about it in the first place. Digital and mobile marketing can help direct potential new customers to your product whether that lives in the app stores or elsewhere.

How to measure product adoption

Some of the KPIs product managers should measure when onboarding new customers or launching a new product include:

Strategies to increase product adoption

There are five key strategies to increasing product adoption. We dive into each one more deeply in this article if you want to learn more.

What are the characteristics of an early adopter?

While early adopters also tend to be comfortable taking risks, they want to form a solid opinion of technology before they vocally support it.#N#Early Adopter Traits: Persuasive, willing to work through early bugs and setbacks, concerned about their reputation#N#Early adopters love being the first to know about new technology. These people are quick to sign up for new social media sites or experiment with a new project management tool just for fun. What separates early adopters from innovators is early adopters’ concerns about their reputation.#N#While innovators are comfortable failing publicly, early adopters like to gather information and personal experience with technology before they recommend it to others. When asked about new tech, early adopters want to appear knowledgable and trendy, which is why they need to test a tool out before they’ll throw their support behind it.

What percentage of early adopters are trendsetters?

Early Adopters (13.5%) While early adopters are trendsetters and tend to be comfortable taking risks, they want to form a solid opinion of technology before they vocally support it. Early adopters love being the first to know about new technology.

Why are early adopters important?

Because early adopters accept small setbacks and issues, they are ideal beta testers. And once they feel comfortable with a new tool, they’re quick to spread the word to others. Help early adopters master new technology by providing training in a variety of formats, such as walk-throughs, written guides, and videos.

What is the adoption curve?

The technology adoption curve is a bell curve model that describes how different people react to, adopt, and accept new innovative products and technologies. While there are many adaptions of the original model, Everett Rogers’s diffusion of innovations dives into the characteristics of each of the five adopter categories within the technology adoption life cycle: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards.

What is Whatfix adoption platform?

Discover how Whatfix’s Digital Adoption Platform can help your organization create training and onboarding programs, personalized to all five categories of technology adopters including in-app guidance, personalized workflows, and self-help knowledge bases.


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